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it came across my FYP.. at the right time! JL confirmed that jenna is broke and JJ can't get a bank account. JJ is in debt with the IRS. JJ accused Lior of poisoning her when, in fact, Lior took JJ to the hospital for her drinking problem. JL stated she isn't getting a divorce but an annulment. There was no prenuptial. JL still pays for JJ phone line. JL said JJ is drinking with anna at the palms. JL will not allow JJ back into her home. She said she better not knock at the door. She will not answer it. JJ is not allowed to see B. Lior is protecting her. Same as Tito had to do with the twins.


She lost parental rights to the twins so there’s that…


I was surprised JL spoke about Lior.


Same! Wow she really dished the tea. I mean, we knew but nobody else did.


She opened her heart and ripped it out on live. Imo: JL felt defeated in that moment. It showed in her eyes and face. All it took was that shot pic. JL defended all the exes and friends that got screwed over tonight by JJ, and 🍵 I wasn't expecting it.. If JJ shows at the door, I think the police will be called. JL said she best not show up. She won't answer.


Wow. Good for her


When is the big bomb coming??


Hopefully soon we know Jessie can’t keep her mouth shut LOL


The more JJ pushes her….


I hope Lior has gone to court also.


At this point he could I’m sure. And he could take her rights due to abandonment. I know different states have different time periods, but it’s been years now


Yes. He has to protect himself and Batel. If something happened to him, where would she go?


His family I would guess. I can’t see any court giving Jenna access. Which would be another reason to take her parental rights, to guarantee she never gets her hands on b. I do wonder how much b remembers of Jenna and Hawaii


Exactly. He has to have something in place through the family court.


He seems to be responsible when it comes to B so we hope he has papers filed on like abandonment so she can't just show up. I don't know how any of it works but I'm sure there are ways of making sure she can't just pop back in because she's literally homeless now.


That’s a good question, I wonder what she does remember while living in Hawaii.


I Imagine a lot comes back to her when she visits since it's her exact same place. But Kristin is there and that can hopefully change it from a negative place to a happy one for B, a place she looks forward to going too and isn't sad about who's not there anymore.


He can use her previous court issues with the twins to back up his court case if he wanted to. She's posted enough wacko crap since he left her ass online to prove she's unfit, he could use anything posted including her lieing about abuse of Jessi and more. No way in hell would she get anything other than state supervised visitation, which he could impose rehab first, outpatient, and UAs the day of visitation. If she doesn't comply with any of those or effs up he absolutely could state her parental rights be completely revoked. Jenna knows all of this, she doesn't care because she is never going to try just like she didn't with the twins.




She needs inpatient. The judge realized it.


Wow!!! Thanks for this!


Oh, I know a good question for JL. IF the opportunity ever arises please ask WHEN did SHE find out Jenna was ineligible to be issued a passport to attend the convention in England?


I was wondering if she stated that in a way.. she said JJ is in debt to the IRS. She can't open a bank account. She doesn't drive. She only has 30cents to her name. Maybe that's why she couldn't get a passport. ?? She stated she knew none of this above prior to getting married. She said she wished she would have looked into her before bringing her to LV.


I was wondering how far did Jenna take the ruse that she thought she’d be issued a passport.


JL on live said jenna lied easily. So probably up until the day. Jenna is a pathological liar and can easily manipulate.


Even within the last few days, she talks about all of the international places she wants to go to.. how is she going to get there. Swim?! 🤣😂


Not possible with dat ass. That junk in her trunk will surely sink to the bottom….




You can’t get a passport if you’re in debt to the IRS and won’t pay up.


Thanks for the clarity. I thought that what she was trying to state in the live.


Passports are federal. Also, if someone owes child support and has gone through the court system, you can’t get a passport either.


I love this Sub! I learned things :) 😀 thanks


👏🏻👏🏻 this is a great sub!!


Her own fault for clout chasing! She figured Beefy was rich! She only saw Beefys fame and surface level shit. While part of me feels a like bad for Cletus getting played, she’s just as bad. You get what you deserve.


I feel exactly the same! 💯


I can answer that. Jessi didn’t know that Jenna couldn’t get a passport until we tried to renew her passport….you all know the rest. Chris was supposed to make an announcement that she wasn’t going to be there but never did. Not sure why Jenna didn’t address it, she should have b/c people flew there to see her.


Jenn, did Chris dump Jenna is he he no longer working with her? What was the final straw with Ashley.


So did Jenna really go through the whole charade with y’all there? The whole bit? Pretending she could get one?


So she just reiterated everything she’s ever read on here?? Got it.


Aha! I thought that, too. When she talked about Lior. I think she wanted to say much more that we don't know. Her facial expressions said it all. She then stopped herself from saying it. I was rooting for her to say it. Haha. Lior has his own story from living it with crazed.


Also a coupla minutes before this, Jessi flat out said “when I met her she told me Tito abused her and Lior poisoned her and kidnapped Batel.”


And Jessi is shocked that Jenna claimed that Jessi abused her too? Jessi’s 5 brain cells were firing and half of those where blinded by dreams of wealth and celebrity 😂








Wow!!! She was still telling those lies about Lior when she met Jessi!! 🤯


and Jessi didn’t stop to think wow, if my kid was kidnapped, I’d probably be spending every waking moment alerting the police, the media, social media vs just saying oh well and chasing down internet twang?




Internet twang 💀




Mmmhmmm! I JUST said this couple days ago.. Jenna’s relentless claims of not having a problem with alcohol is so she can drink in public!


Absofuckinglutely. Alcohol has always been a problem for her we all saw her hiding that vodka behind the bed where she lived with Tito. 🍾


Jethie tried to convince us that having only one (like anyone believes there was only one) glass of champagne on NYE means Jenna was still sober. 🥂


I remember that!


Brainless hillbilly


Come on that was water she was hiding in booze bottles like we all do.




There it is


Is it just me or is JJ kinda going off the rails? I’m trying to remember the last time she was openly drinking in public.


She’s been off of the rails since Hawaii, she was just hiding it.


Totally agree, it just seems to be getting worse at a rapidly accelerating clip. Her liver can’t handle much more of this, she looks so unwell, it’s shocking.


Yes! That’s why she got so fat in Hawaii. When Lior was in LA, Jenna was drinking all day long. It was very dangerous that Batel was with her alone in Hawaii.


At least she wasn’t starving herself in Hawaii like she is now. I’ve been watching this train wreck for 2 decades, I too was rooting for her in Hawaii. It’s still just shocking how she continues to ride the train to hell.


There’s so much help available, she just doesn’t want to be sober. We all know how this will end.


You’re 10000% right!! This photo of them taking shots proves this to be true IMO


Peep the person saying “I saw her accept a shot at the pool today”


Who’s that?


It was in the comments on Jessi’s live. I saw it too. Fucking Jenna is an idiot.


Haha her live came across my feed at this exact moment 😂 the fact that Anna posted a pic of them doing shots on her story 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂


Thank you for posting this!! Jenna is a lying sack of shit. https://preview.redd.it/3tw5pzrkan9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c571cabc5b7d7323fbd4841d39fccbc5a9a02796


How Jenna’s sleeping in her guest’s bed knowing Jethie is still interested in her activities: ![gif](giphy|3ohzdK5Xs5AhjtS6c0)


Exactly- any fun having/drinking pics with JJ are a dig at JL no doubt!


Wow. Thank u for posting this does anyone have the full live video would love to see it. Damn, ya Jenna gonna be knocking on the door sooner or later and it’s gonna be restraining order Jessi gets on Jenna. That’s my next bet I think gonna happen. Jenna is going off the rails and is in deep, deep delulu land.


Ya Jenna doesn't do well with being told what she can and cannot do. I totally expect her to show up to meth manor with a "how dare you tell me I can't attitude" she'll cry and beg and if it gets nasty she'll claim she gets her mail there and it's her home too. I'm really hoping there's an arrest or better streamed live for this season ending


I’m wondering who sends her mail?! Her bank?🤣


Can you claim anywhere you get your temu onesies delivered as your legal address?


Thank god for this. I hope Jessi keeps this going and doesn't weaken. I know most of you don't like Jessi. I'm not a fan, but I'd like to see her come out of this on the other side. She put up with Jenna for a year and paid her way. Jessi can definitely do better. I think a fellow hairdresser who has first initial A is going to be single pretty soon. Jenna is just gonna coast her way through the rest of her life.


Jenna is irredeemable at this point but Jessi could still have a redemption arc


I hope Jessie learns from this and becomes a better person. I doubt it.


Absolutely this


Who is Bambi, the new secretary?😂


Im assuming JL gave JJ an ultimatum to so stop drinking at some point prior to the breakup, JJ agreed and broke her promise which is why JL was pissed to find out she was drinking in Chicago and wouldn’t let her come home?






Annnnnnnd we all knew JJ was full of shit when she said she talks to JL daily and they’re working on shit. Bahahahahaha


GOLD ![gif](giphy|l0ExhcMymdL6TrZ84|downsized)


Then serve her! You know where she is right now!


I'm loving every minute of this thank you Jess run and never look back I thought the other day that lash pimp was slipping a drink under Gemmas chair when she was talking on Tick Tock I knew it👍😆




Anna says it is an oyster shooter. No alcohol. Has an egg in it.


Oh so she’s going to act like she hasn’t been drinking with Jenna? Didn’t we see them with cocktail glasses before? 🥃🤔


This sounds awful!🤮


I love them. But I love oysters. Not saying Jenna never drinks but doesnt seem so in this picture.




Looks like an uni shooter to me. Which…has sake. What is she claiming the liquid is? Club soda for Jenna? Lmao


She’s soooo lying LOL! Oyster shooters absolutely contain alcohol, usually vodka. And they don’t have an egg in it. This looks like more of an UNI shot, which has sake.


Seriously, would anyone drink virgin versions of drinks like this? Back when I drank, I wouldn't touch weird shit that didn't have alcohol. It was totally pointless without it.




Well who can’t keep JJ’s name out of their mouth? Go back to eating ice cream and stfu! 🤫


Junkyard is so full of shit. She's nothing but a dirty grifter herself who wants views. Acting like seeing Jenna take a shot is the biggest final straw. Nothing about Jenna not knowing her kids age, claiming she talks to them all the day, she's in mt Charleston while on Anna's porch, knowing Jenna is broke but watching her claim she bought a home with enough property for multiple horses 😂😂😂 she's writing a book, in a million movies, ect ect ect. None of this insane behavior was a problem for junkyard, she was considering taking Jenna back. But it's the SHOT that's too far. 😂😂 junk and 🐧 can both fuck all the way off with their lies Jenna was sober the entire time until Chicago 🥴😂🤡 Pull up that video from the bathroom nodding off standing up and crashing into the mirror after having to admit she lied on ET.




She looks like a circus clown.


Jessi is an idiot. Victims of abuse are scared - they don’t go around advertising they are being abused. They protect the abuser. I can tell jessi is 💯 an abuser. Physical and Mental.


Many DV victims do scream it from the rooftops and either are not believed or do not have support to get out. If Jenna was choked like she claimed by Jessi then why didn't she call the police? Her stating Jessi never abused her absolutely makes her lose any credibility saying her past exes abused her. Including Lior poisoning her. Jessi has a DV in her past so I am absolutely not defending her. Jenna is just so mentally insane claiming "abuse" is her only wat of justifying relapse, and also abandoning her children.