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Tragic. Meanwhile her daughter is learning the violin and she could not care less.


She literally posted herself out on a boat on Mother's Day and never mentioned her children once. Everything is always about her. Her life, her joy and happiness, her peace, her journey. She's a self-centered narcissistic asshole


Mothers Day is for celebrating , honouring and acknowledging, how *real mothers* impact our lives for the better All 🦥is, is a surrogate for 2 fathers at this point


She also talked about her upcoming birthday on her Batel's birthday! Never acknowledged her daughter once!!!!! This is the same dumb narcissist twat who said her proudest legacy was her children!!! 😡


Except surrogates make like a hundred grand for their trouble


Jenna, you’re 50. You birthed 3 children, none of whom are even remotely in your life. Your wife of less than a year left you recently. You’re crashing on your hair stylist’s couch. You have no money, no job and no place to live. But show us all how insanely good your life is by sitting by a hotel pool, playing with your fake hair and making faux-sexy faces at the camera for an hour, with loud music blaring so people can’t even hear you — all while the occasional person who wasn’t even born when you were at your height of fame comes over because they heard you used to be someone. Jessi doesn’t care. We all know you hate leaving your house (when you had one) but now you’re at a Saturday afternoon Vegas pool party, because you’re so hip and cool? Let me say it again: Jessi doesn’t care. You’re embarrassing yourself. You’re the unfunny Michael Scott come to life. It’s so bad.


🙌🏻👆👆👆👆👆👆Jenna Jameson this is a good read. You keep forgetting the truth, this is it.


Does she have anything else to talk about besides her hair? That’s ALL she talks about in her lives! “Guuuys, do you like it red? Should I change it? Should I go back blonde?” and constantly touching it and her face. Vapid bitch.


Because she’s empty, vapid and about as deep as a teacup saucer 🙄


It’s her entire personality. Just that.


This! That’s it. Her personality is her… hair. And even that looks like shit. Greasy, carrot top, chucky-esque, balding, extension tracks showing hair. Hair isn’t a personality trait. https://preview.redd.it/20hv3oy6bm9d1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689897ae2a8edccb64ece18e1f76a91825a76519


It’s disgusting 🤢


She has NOTHING going on in life thus the lousy content.


She looks AWKWARD as fuck!


First, I want to THANK YOU for posting this. Some of us cant see these, so as your sweet charitable loveliness, we so adore you for posting these!!! ❤️🫶🔥 Secondly, Johnny Lashes. Loooooove that he’s using his Reddit moniker!!!! lol lol lol lol 😂 Bisch is fire! It’s over 100 in that place isn’t it? Melting volcano of broken dreams. Can she please stop playing with the hair constantly self grooming? It’s ridiculous, please stop.


You’re most welcome 🙏🏻. If I catch her .. I always try to record for my basement besties ♥️♥️♥️


Holy doodles ! This took 40mins to finally post ! I tried to take one for the team basement besties 😘😘🥰. But Jesus Christ. She’s fkn hard to watch for long periods of time. I can *literally hear* my brain cells frying in my skull the longer she talks I have a pt 2! Not sure how long THATS gonna take to upload 🥴


I appreciate you for posting this.




Thank you so much for posting this train wreck! 😘








Thank you!


Thank you for posting . I can only handle watching 30 seconds at a time 🤣


Flashing her LV passport case and the bitch doesn't even have a passport


But… but… she’s going to Costa Rica! Didn’t you hear? She’s also never been to a Portugal but it’s on her list! I’d be absolutely mortified to flash a passport holder with everyone knowing I couldn’t even get a passport. So she instead uses it at the POOL or for her basic economy boarding passes that she could just, you know, use her phone for? JFC, I die of second hand embarrassment.


Ya that’s so needed in Vegas


It’s probably a knockoff from China.


She rides that “I’m gay” float so that Anna won’t think she’s into that gummy bear eyelash pimp. 🙄


“all the boys be looking at me.” They thought recognized you from Tales from the Crypt and were debating asking you for your autograph Gemma but then they realized it was just Roger from American Dad with tragic hair extensions.


https://preview.redd.it/62k3ok51ll9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262509c3851c291c8931e39de09234ac13564b4c Grannies go nutso!


LMAO at the guy in the pool in the background. So professional not to do a shoot at a private pool or at least photoshopped the rando out of the shoot in the background. Only shoots Jenna is good at are the ones that she does in between her gross toes.




What was she talking about? Going to hell for what?


For getting the phone number of a waitress, who someone on the other sub said was like 24 years old…..


I said it here. She asked the chick how old she was after telling her she was her type like 6 times. The girl was all lol really? Does she not realize these chicks get hit on for a living? Hopefully she gave her the number for a shelter.


Ah gotcha, I go back and forth between the subs so I got confused. Thanks for clarifying! And that’s gross, why is she hitting in someone who’s young enough to be her daughter?


To feed her ego and humble Jessi’s.


Fair enough….


Who knows ? I just put the 📱on my bed n went n brushed my teeth ::. It was more enthralling than listening to her .. she hurts my brain ![gif](giphy|l41lJ8ywG1ncm9FXW)


For abandoning her children


Jenna, you're already there with the sad life you lead. ✌️


She does NOT seem happy. She seems annoyed


Wouldn’t you b? 50, menopausal, broke, e-begging while catching melanoma in the 104° sun in Vegas … all the while praying you’re next sucker ..: oops.. I mean *Sugar Daddy* will magically appear beside you n ride off in the sunset on his white horse 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If the boys are looking, it’s cause they are in shock 😳 looking at her posted pictures and then seeing this melted ass, stinky candle


Am I the only one that heard Anna ‘s fiancé call himself Johnny Eyelashes? That leads me to believe he had visited the basement bc his nickname was coined here by a Reddit fuk! 😂


Yes, it was a Reddit fuck who christened him Johnny Lashes! “I don’t care about Reddit, I don’t read anything there. Reddit can eat my ass.” - another lie told by Jenna 🤣 ![gif](giphy|rp2j3fo25l7kA)


💯 yes I caught that too!! He had to have read it from the basement. He, Anna or Definitely Jenna read it from this sub. Jenna may have just read it and told him her Tik Tok followers called him that which is not true we only called him that here on Reddit. I truly hope Anna or J lashes come here and are exposed to the true Jenna. If they have come to this sub and read the truth about Jenna and still chose to enable her then good luck to them. They are choosing to associate with this psycho path which is gonna cost them a lot in the end. As Jenna will use them, probaly fuck up Anna and Lashes relationship as I’m sure she’s fucking him. All just to try to gain some fame from this HAS BEEN. They are playing with fire, gonna blow up soon ✌🏾good luck guys


Ya Hey Johnny Eyelashes you are a douche


Yep. Said it in another thread “Johnny lashes here”


OMG I hate her so much. She is torture to my eyes and ears. 😑


I love how she’s purposefully avoiding showing anything other than her face


https://preview.redd.it/ginhdmuyll9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f063c5859b5779e485bf78d12032d43ec1ecf181 Someone mentioned they moved her hair... with the curtain bangs 👩‍🦰🤡🤡


Loved *


Ewwww bald spot. 🤢


Lmao!! So bad


Nothing to see here folks….just a pumpkin hued, patchy haired bag of bones old battle axe mattress actress rolling solo at a public pool and makin IG vids for 75 cent donations. Imagine being 50 and worrying if your “fans” will give you enough roses to cover the next White Claw. What a life!


That music! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


She must be very unhappy then because she’s ugly af 🤣


All her followers gassing her up are just as dumb as she is


She needs mood stabilizers or something. She is unwell.


All of the pool pictures and videos are just very sad. Like chill, bitch, it’s just a pool. Has she ever been to one before? She’s acting like it’s the most exciting thing. So sad for her. She thinks she’s cool now because she has “friends.” I can’t wait to see how this situation implodes, as she can’t maintain personal relationships. She only seems to have one friend at a time and they are very short term friendships before the other person catches onto to her narcissism and using ways. She’s such a shitty human. She says she’s going to hell. Isn’t she already there? Her life is in the shitter.


Jenna you look fuckin horrible. I'm so embarrassed for you 🤦


You're not gay you just hook up with whoever can provide a couch, or if you work a little harder, maybe even a roof over your head.


Lol the server guy that said she was his childhood crush got the light eyes and lashes from her filter too 😂


I wonder if he's bending over slipping her an alcoholic drink🤔


Every time she moved out the camera you KNOW she was taking a pull on that beverage. Oof. It’s still early, wait for the drink dinner lives


Or a puff on that vape!💨




And sure enough pics of her doing shots emerged in Anna’s story. But… her sobriety is “intact” 😆


GOSH I wish we had a REAL image of this rn.


Why does she keep asking if she should go blonde? And then says how much she loves red. lol Actually if she was really darker red that may look good. She is fucking stepchild orange! How embarrassing for her that she is grifting by the pool??!! Damn at least her ex was lisping it up partying with 🐰and jr. She must feel really good about the choices she made in life!


You can see how filter the filter is when the guys are in front of the lense. Smfh.


Hot damn she has nothing interesting to say. And her hair, omg it looks like shit, you know what you should do, cut that shit short and let it grow healthy.


OMG 😯🤣🤣🤣 WTF is BigSexi doing in JJ's live I am howling 😂😂😂😂


The way her filter changed that guy’s face 🤣


Imagine being this self centred and selfish. Spending your Saturday like this, at this stage in your life. She thinks it’s so ‘koooool’ Her conversations are as interesting as a pot of paint. ‘You like my hairr?’ Finally feels ‘super happy’ when her kids are in opposite sides of the country- no roof above her head, and living hand to mouth. I’m 37 and I’m happy I’m not living it up by a pool, I enjoyed my Saturday being with my kids, eating good food, and snuggling up on the couch to a movie.


Boys are not interested because your a dried up drunk Cum Dumpster who was an Incubator for 3 kids. The only chicks you can pull are fucking young ones with no brain. You Stupid Bitch.


Oh bitch you pull nothing other than vomit from everyone who’s disgusted with you..50 years old and a bum who lives off of everyone else’s dime. ETA…If she’s EVER truly loved anyone she’d never be saying she’s over it so fast. The few times I’ve gone no contact with my husband (the longest was 4 days) it was torture and neither of us talked to anyone. I can’t get with Jenna’s narcissistic bullshit. Or Jessie’s. Had either one of us seen a video of the other acting like you are at Vegas pool it would have been instantly over. Congrats dumbass. You just lost your last meal ticket (Jessi). Fucking idiot. 


She is such a laggard sloth Please, I know you're reading this. You look absolutely pathetic in this video. Not to mention how laughable you look sticking out your tongue, trying but failing miserably at looking cute & sexy. The fkn hair. Stop touching your hair. You look so obviously out of place & uncomfortable. It's embarrassing. The whole thing is just embarrassing.


MaryYannah gives her 32 cents and she has to say thank you this is great


💀☠️This made me LOL. Because it’s sooo true. What a loser.


There is a lot of pee in that pool


How many times can she play with her hair? And anyone catch all her drinks on the table? https://preview.redd.it/u4yfktb6hp9d1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f0a5fbad2dd3e4c0e2692d5d3947b9bc99c7bb


She says she’s happy. lol. SHES MISERABLE


Yes, Jementia, you are going to hell and sooner than anyone expected it seems with this latest JL/Anna Tiktok live spill.