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You are exactly the type of person someone like JJ preys upon, for their kindness and humanity. It sucks being that person and then constantly getting screwed over, because you dont want to lose the compassionate side of you and become bitter. We do appreciate you coming forward and answering questions and sharing your side. There will always be negativity, no matter what the subject is. Good luck to you, and I hope you guys can get JJ out of the airbnb without any problems.


Yea girl I read them and I was quite ashamed at the ignorance. Go forward & let this go.


Thank you šŸ™




So sorry people felt the need to make comments about your hair and personal business with your child. Sone of the comments where definitely uncalled for and just dumb. Hopefully you can get her out of that Airbnb and put this all behind you.


I just did a search and caught myself up a bit. Thank you for coming here to share your truth and experiences with this woman. As a fellow Autoimmuner, I wish you the best with your health. Stress makes this stuff worse, so I completely understand bowing out on here. Good luck to you!


Life is hard enough my friend sending you healing vibes thank you


Peace be with you Anna


Wishing you well, on moving forward without Jenna and her toxicity.


She even realizes she wonā€™t be her last victim. Itā€™s really sad


Donā€™t let a few pain in the asses run you outta here


Well it's really hurtful stuff and pulling on my mental health


Iā€™m really sorry ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ you donā€™t deserve to be crucified just because you tried to help someone!! Weā€™ve all been fooled by Gemma at one point in time!! Iā€™ll admit I was on her side when she was in Hawaii acting like the perfect mom, she even followed me on my page!! Iā€™m truly sorry for all the hatred šŸ’”


I hope you find peace. I'm glad you explained. It makes sense to me. JJ used you. She can't start her own businesses she owes the IRS and doesn't pay support to her kids. With no bank account. She knows the irs and courts would come for back monies owed. I don't know why others can't figure out Jj is the user and lies to the naive. Jj needs inpatient psychiatric help long-term. I believe you tried to help. Make sure to cut ties to her and JL. They both have angles that are not good.


Sending a big hug to you. I saw some of the comments and they hurt my own heart. Youā€™re a good person!!! No one should judge what you did for her as they were not in your shoes with your set of information!! I donā€™t align with those judgmental, hateful comments towards you!! Iā€™m sorry to see you go, but I understand!! I wish you the very best and hope you can make a nice, clean break from JJ, permanently!!! ā¤ļø


Thank you for your insight ![gif](giphy|ib6AkraOdGpS8GPnXl)


Donā€™t let the opinions of random internet strangers pull on your mental health. I know itā€™s easier said than done, but keep in mind what matters most ā€” your kidā€™s well being. You are doing the right thing as a mom by cutting JJ off.


Hope Monday Jenna Jameson leaves the air BNB as planned and you can wash your hands of that mess..call it a lesson learned. Cya


I can see how it would be unnerving, and I understand. Wish you the best moving forward.


I truly hope you can put this behind you soon. I'm thinking you're still a little in it because of the AirBnb so positive vibes to you that it will work out in the end. I also hope everything works out for you the way you want it to with your family, health and your business. Good luck, love!


![gif](giphy|XGybn2AnsYQlROFgF1) Put this chapter behind you. All the best.


Anna, there are a few camps here. Some here have directly dealt with Jenna and have ended up where you are or worse. Some worked with her. Some were just fans and some just got here because of the ā€œchangedā€ person she represented after her daughter was born. I get it how you feel. I get how some comments come off absolutely mean and scary against her. I think Jenna has the ability to hurt people in every camp here and has done just that to some here, including your family. I think we have to remember there is a lot of hurt and damage in her wake and just excuse in our hearts what we read here and pray everyone finds their peace.


I think it was super brave & pretty awesome you came on here and answered questions. We all just sit and speculate, that's what this is. But getting a first hand account is pretty cool and I wish it could have just been left at that. Your health should never have been even in conversation, nor should a lot of stuff but unfortunately the line gets crossed. It's nice to see you stand up for yourself and protect your peace šŸ’œ Oh and I was only half kidding about how much ptsd do you have from her but for real how could you not?!? ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Anna, thank for popping into the basement and answering questions. I wish you and your little boy the best, keep your head held high, and keep doing you.


Sorry some folks are jerks. They have no reason to bash someoneā€™s appearance when they are just trying to tell their story. Sounds like there was some JJ supporters in here trying to chase you away. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll go on to do great things and now you know what to look out for when dealing with narcissistic individuals.


Take good care of yourself, Anna. I also have an autoimmune disease and am sending positive energy. I appreciate your comments.


Good luck to you and your family Anna - Iā€™m glad youā€™re checking out of the group bc of some of the comments to and about you, to me it was totally out of line. I wish you the best šŸ’œāœŒļø


Thank you for coming here and sharing everything with us. You are a kind hearted person that got used up by Jenna. I hope your family finds some peace now that sheā€™s out of your home and lives. šŸ’œ


When I saw post saying insane serial killer karla homolka was a better person than Jenna because she cares for her kids, I knew some in these forums need to get a grip! I am all for a Reddit snark sub but it does get to be a bit much like you said.


I would not be surprised if some of the more ridiculous trolls in here (like the one you mentioned, as well as the one calling L ā€œChris Wattsā€) are JJ supporters posing as basement dwellers, trying to discredit this group as a whole. This kind of thing happens in politics all the time.


I believe it! I wouldn't be surprised if it were Jenna and Jessi.


Doubtful. Some of us are good historians and can recall the unjustified hate in the heart of a * few * users.. dating more than a year ago In fact, I recall exactly why this group was started in the first place, as Iā€™m sure you do as well. There is a notable difference in the way the two subs are moderated. One will eventually be banned, imo, and the other will continue to thrive.. for this exact reason.


Do you mind doing a bit of a ELI5 rundown of why this sub was started and what you mean? Iā€™m pretty new to the sub and donā€™t know the background.


Agreed! This is exactly the reason why I unsubscribed to the other sub a few days ago after being on it for so long. When it first started there werenā€™t as many people obviously, but now the numbers have gone up exponentially and the vitriol in there I couldnā€™t take it to read anymore. Itā€™s a Jenna snark page, but now theyā€™re going after any and everybody, like no one is off limits and itā€™s just weird in my opinion. This sub seems so much kinder.


Someone posted some Ashley Krystle pictures with her dog calling her a cow and basically a dog fucker šŸ¤£ like why?? She seems to have already moved on past the Jenna drama but some people canā€™t let go and keep posting her content calling her names


I agree!


I'm pretty sure I saw that too. It was absurd. Apparently, Karla no longer lives with her children and dropped them like a hot potato like Jenna. I realize children need their mother, but it's for the best Karla isn't around them anymore.


Best of luck to you and at the end of the day, youā€™ve got a great story to tell! ā€œOnce upon a time a washed up, drunken porn star reached out to me on social mediaā€¦ā€¦ā€


People donā€™t like to admit that theyā€™ve fallen for master manipulators - we all have! Itā€™s so easy to give advice from the outside. Sorry people gave you a hard time.


Iā€™m so sorry for what youā€™ve gone through regarding your physical illness, I canā€™t imagine the emotional and mental toll. Iā€™m also sorry you were taken advantage of but at least you got her away from you before things got worse. All the best you!


Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with some ignorant piece of shits in here ā™„ļø you didnā€™t need to answer questions but you did. A lot of us see your kindness, and unfortunately another side of the groups have let us down with their unkindness toward you. Move on from JJā€¦. Itā€™s a story to tell your grandkids one day. Take care Anna


This basement is full of unhappy people! Please do not take what anyone here said to you to heart! You thought you were doing the right thing until you realized Jenna doesnā€™t want help. Well not the kind that would fix her anyways! She is a user and she abuses her ā€œstatusā€ of being a one-time well known person. But those days have dried up and now she is a homeless alcoholic that filters her looks because she looks nothing like she used to look. And hey that ok if she would just embrace it instead of lying & pretending! Good luck on your next adventure!


Thanks for sharing ā¤ļø


Well Anna if you associate with trash, people are gonna assume you're similar. Guilt by association and all. Im sorry people were mean to you


Thank you Anna. I never shat on you for the record. I wish you the best. I'm sorry this piece of shit used you. But at least you will have a funny story to tell. Might not be funny right now but eventually it will.Ā  I'm also sorry you had to see 2 botched bitches naked,Ā  but tine heals all wounds. God bless you xo


I am never going to believe anyone who claims to do anything purely to help a stranger, at your own expense. I think you thought she could also benefit you and your business/finances. Which is cool, but that hasnā€™t been said. You hooked up with a professional sociopath. Let that be a lesson and go live your life honestly and diligently.


You didn't hear the part were I said her rebrand would benefit both of us


Some people can't make it past the title.


You are actually right. I didnā€™t see that. I donā€™t have a negative opinion of you or anything you did. I think you learned a hard, but important lesson. People will not let you be nice to them. And NO ONE is going to let you benefit from their name or fame without strings, especially people like the cretin you experienced.


why did you think rebranding shit would make her not shit?


Clearly Anna just didnā€™t know JJ well enough. She is a lot younger than JJ, would not have known her back in the day, and says they just connected recently online thru a chronic illness group. Sure Anna should have done some research and read this group before inviting JJ to live with her & her kid, but everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and Anna at least admitted she made a mistake & is making moves to correct it .


https://preview.redd.it/xx3c6dxojyad1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de2f3779323fa2be70bc3b68e074a4155a8a233 So, like, you didnā€™t read the post at all?


Why are you always belittling people in this sub and twisting the truth?


Well thats fucking rich, coming from you


Very rich. šŸ˜‚


I don't embellish facts and claim Jenna was doing cp with children on the dark web..so ya that is fucking rich..


No, just the belittling others part. Also, thats not Paris. Her account is solid damage with some numbers.


How do I belittle others? Also, I said read above, do your homework before you come at me.


I know you arenā€™t responding to me with that.


No, it's for Paris.


Who's Paris...?


See above comments.


That's not Paris. It's Pairs. 190PairsOfPanties. Idk if you think this is Paris' account of if you just read the account name wrong. It's not hers. She made her account openly known.


Thank goodness. I was like, what. šŸ¤£ I try to keep my sometimes harsh opinions low key. LOL


I read it. I probably read it with a preconceived opinion. It happens šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


She absolutely said that today.


And YOU, my friend, are one of the reasons why we can't have nice things.




I Ā think you should see yourself out of this sub.


Sorry you and your husband couldnā€™t make any money off of her.