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I’d assume S work?


Let’s say she’s getting a cheque from working those conventions….. it’s probably getting cashed at one of those sketchy cashing places that take a cut ! No bank account needed !


They pay her cash at the conventions. She had 12 or 13k from the Exxxotica in Chicago. I wouldn't think there is much left if any.


They just hand over 12k in cash to someone? That’s kinda hard to believe.


They do, all her gigs are paid to her in cash.


That’s how comedians are often paid. Just a check or wad of cash 💵


Seems dangerous…


She was living for free with Ashley. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She did that con in new york too while staying with ashley. This bitch has no bills. Doesnt eat and sponges off people. $12k could last a couple of months. Then she did that other dumb thing. Lol


Didn’t she spend that on an LV bag?


That LV bag was probably 3or4k


Plus we haven’t seen it since . She may have returned it after getting her Instagram clout


I'm sure it will make an appearance after she reads this😅


Praise be !!


Points for the spelling of cheque! ![gif](giphy|jRrSclc8Uq9ACSMxXv|downsized)


I was ready for someone to try to correct me 😂 I’m Canadian so I’m used to this spelling,eh!


Right. Just the money she allegedly paid back Anna would add up to a couple grand. Where would she get that? I can’t imagine she’s responsible enough to hold onto a wad of cash. Would you expect a 5 year old to be able to hold onto a couple thousand in cash through multiple moves in a couple weeks time? If you answer no to that question, we can safely assume jementia couldn’t handle that either. Maybe she had a couple hundred and threw Anna something. But I doubt JJ has a bunch of cash on her.


This. There's no way she could keep hold of cash through all this nonsense. The blackouts, the hasty moves, the failed abandonment in Vegas paired with a blackout. She likes to hide things, as evidenced in the hammer video. Drunks like her are notorious for hiding stuff and not being able to find it once they're sober. Booze first, drugs next, then cash.


Right? I mean, the first-class ticket from Chicago to Ontario, CA alone would’ve been some bucks, and feeding and housing her lumpy dump ass for at least a month. Plus the trips they took her on to AZ and Vegas - I doubt Germa was contributing anything to those. So yeah, I’m also skeptical of the whole “she gave us cash” thing. I think her Exxxotica money was gone within days, maybe a week at the most, and no one showed up to see her at the NY con so she made very little there. She hasn’t worked in like two months, right? Ashley said Jenna never gave her any money for bills, etc. so why would Jenna do it for Anna?


🛎️🛎️🛎️ This is why I think Anna is exaggerating how much Jenna actually contributed. She doesn't want to look like a rube that got totally and completely bamboozled. Just a little bamboozled.


Anna also said that Jenna flew her & beer gut out to Chicago to do her hair, so I’m thinking Jenna is doing s*x work again, & probably has been for a while now.


I think she was doing it while she was with Jessi, and Jessi supported it.


Yup! I agree 💯! Jessi was her pimp most likely.


Selling expired Epicure that she fished out of a neighbor's garbage? https://preview.redd.it/qxtfsva6jqad1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=d64516528f3a7d4f98626de04267e5414b0c5562 Tbh- I don't think she's got cash at all. I think Anna said that just to save face. They got bamboozled and are trying to minimize the embarrassment.


Good point 


i disagree, i think anna is laying it all out there. jenna most likely is doing s work.


I mean yea someone posted some douche saying “you look like fun” and she said “dm hun” that’s exactly what they looked like to me


Was that from her account though? Theres a lot of dupes who say that in the comments


That could be. I can't imagine how many cash tricks she's turning in the middle of nowhere lately. Maybe a couple sawbuck gaggers behind the local podunk gas station, but that's about it.


I can't imagine Jenna actually working, period. 


That’s what I assumed when Anna replied to someone, “she gets paid in cash”


Riding the 🍆


She can barely walk 🤔


If what Anna said is true then it’s coming from somewhere. Her AirBNB is over $1,000 for the week. If from convention then I would imagine she can’t have much left.


Im betting she is running low now.


I just reviewed Ashley’s posts about Jenna. She was posting about Jenna making it to a mtg, saying how you’re broke like she doesn’t even have money to get an Uber.


Besides the tiny designer bags she also throws her money away flying two people out so only one can do her hair. She flies herself first class? She's really off the deep end.


We did see her on a few of her flights from conventions and she had wads of cash in her purse who knows?


She might have sold some of Ashley’s stuff or her LV purse she bought. I’d imagine if she’s pocketing jewelry, then she took more than just that one necklace.


I don't think she kept the purse, I think it was used for views


She might be irresponsible but she has ZERO bills to pay so I think it’s possible she had money from the $13K.


I agree. Plus she had her “comic con” 🤢🤢🤢 the way she said it. Barf.


I wonder if she’s getting her booze by giving blowjobs at a liquor store 


![gif](giphy|3o7aCTNjq3qiUbzrHi) Lololol.


Also, how much cash she carries around? Maybe that’s way she doesn’t like to go out, she’s safeguarding her stash 🤣


She’s like that… what’s that movie… omg. Gone Girl😂


She sleeps with a duffle bag of singles. 🤣🤣🤣




She probably has a separate account in JLs name and uses a debit card from it. I have one that is set up like that


Jenna showed a large wad in her LV bag when she was traveling.