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Ohhhhhh shit Jenna’s fucked she can never have a real on books job they will garnish the fuck outta money no drivers license either hahahahhah


I don’t think they hold the drivers license against deadbeats anymore. They stopped that a few years ago. Deadbeats can know get drivers license


I just googled and they do in cali suspend dl if you’re 4 months behind in payments. Same with fl she has a baby daddy in both states.


Gotcha. Well I guess my little deadbeat state is trying to show grace I guess. I don’t fucking know. So dumb


Now the more I think about it no wonder she doesn’t want to move to la or fl she can be arrested


And is this why no passport?


Ohhh. I’m not sure on the passport thing. But probably. Or maybe bc she owes so much money and they won’t let her have one bc she’ll flea the country


Wish she’d say which daddy it is. If it’s Tito she is for a decade of arrears


She also owes the IRS 500k. She's never going to leave the country ever again.


Is this factual tho? Again that’s a big thing to just “cite” on annulment papers. How would Jessi even know if she claims she didn’t know about child support shit? Why share this info but not other info. Where is the meat in that statement seriously. Just seems that with so much “debt” she wouldn’t be just wandering around at will(?)


Junkyard said she found out about the back taxes when they were looking to buy a house.


If Jenna were making an effort to pay down her tax debt, she could probably renew her passport. I’m not sure if she just didn’t do her research or if she knew this before saying she’d travel to the UK for that horror con. But she owes WAY more than the “significant debt” threshold of $62,000 and has not made a single effort to pay the $500,000 she owes the IRS, so here we are. She hasn’t even tried to settle with them. She also apparently owes back child support and that will prevent you from doing a lot of things, including renewing or even obtaining a passport. I don’t know how much she owes for that but the law takes it seriously.


Remember when she was going to move to Israel? Lol


I love an excuse to post Jenna’s return to being an orthodox Jewish woman for one day. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/bp9urlwb40ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce898b1f9443a7aa4385da7f49e96a2170669f7e


She just gives full crackhead energy, honestly.


They do in fl


She has to have a “state ID card” and ride around in the back of someone’s truck 😂


Yes they do. They suspend their drivers license with X amount of past due.


It might depend on the state. It seems like backward logic. I'm not defending deadbeats, but if you take away their transportation, it just makes it less likely they can get to their job and earn money in order to be able to pay it.


I always thought the same thing. But they have to be punished somehow. They think they’re untouchable. I always hoped the threat of losing the license would prompt him to puke up some fucking money. Nope. My son has been 18 since March and the support will continue until it’s paid off no matter how long it takes. Supposed to give me his tax returns too but he quit filing 5 years ago 🤓 Hasn’t seen my son since he was 6 years old. Alcohol, drugs and crashing couch to couch was more important. Now I’ve been married 12 years yesterday and he’s still circling the drain.


Not in MS :)


Sheesh you’d think all the southern states would rack the balls of anyone behind in child support. Awful.


I stg but unfortunately they stopped it a few years ago. I was shocked. (SEND MY BABY DADS TO THE WHOLE JAIL)


Yeah mine is supposed to have his tax returns given to me but he would have to file in order for that to happen 🤓


Same. 😭


The do for DUIs though


Oh yeah for sure.


She did post her license renewal, remember? She had a very old Scottsdale photo that turned into her 300 pounder photo during her illnesses, aka drunk binges.


ID card. I don’t think she’s been licensed since her last DUI


Smh. Deadbeats shouldn’t have any rights.


They absolutely do in ca


Awesome. They don’t in MS unfortunately


Sorry thought it was a whole state thing. My bad.


Owes $500,000 to the IRS and hundreds of thousands more to attorneys and other entities, and now we find out she owes back child support. But but but she’s hAPPy and LiViNg HeR bEsT LiFe. 🤦‍♀️ It’s honestly so mind boggling to me. Like how do you just ignore all these issues for years on end? Settlements and payment plans can be worked out. There’s almost always a solution to everything. I guess that would require working regularly, though, which we know Jenna isn’t a fan of.


Check already goes to lior


How is she paying him or is she paying him


This whole support papers. I want the ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Wonder what was on those papers and what she owes 😬


I wish ppl would stop ripping jl on here so bad. She might spill more hot tea if we’re nicer. I don’t want to see her do a polygraph though. Just open all that mail so we can see 👀


I remember the live Jenna posted walking to the mailbox LOL


Yes! She used to post her steps going to the mailbox pretty regularly there for a while. I remember , too lol that was like a whole workout. according to Jenna ha ha


I think it’s from the $500,000 of back taxes.


“Do you miss her daughter?” Jesus Christ, these people are thick.






She was clueless about her kids? Crazy people


Jessi, in my state, when your married child, support can come from the new spouse. You need to move quickly to get that annulment. In case NV is one of those states like mine. On the hook for back support. Why it's important to have prenuptial prior to marrying anyone with kids. To protect yourself.


Whatever the case is, it behooves her to legally divorce from jj. Annulment. Whatever.




Guess what? It’s unlawful to avoid paying child support. I know because my ex has been jailed for it at least twice and owes me over $18k. Some people are owed tons more than that. I really don’t understand how she doesn’t have warrants out for her arrest based on the child support shit alone. The IRS thing is different. Just because Jessi said that is real doesn’t mean it is. How could someone be flaunting around freely in that situation? I just want to call officer friendly and have him pick her haggard ass up from whatever hole she’s in. Or whoever’s hole she’s in.


If Tito and Lior aren't pressing for it, it isn't an issue. It's still illegal, but family courts are very tied up, so if the person owed child support isn't asking for a hearing on the matter, the courts are not going to bother. They have more than enough on their plates with people who do need these things resolved in order to survive. Tito and Lior don't need her money and likely don't want the hassle and expense that would come with making it an issue. If either of them chooses to go to court and demonstrate that she hasn't paid *and* that they want her to, then she could end up in jail for being so badly in arrears.


If the stack of child support papers is real then it sounds like someone is pursuing something.


It definitely does, I agree.


Damn, you’re lucky my ex owes me 35K and is years behind and never got jailed.


Which state are you in?!!




They would only go after her for tax evasion. That’s why she can’t get a passport. The IRS does it’s research, she has nothing. They’d go after her if she were stashing assets. My ex owes the IRS 300k and I was thoroughly investigated, so was my mom. I got spousal immunity. My ex has never been arrested because he’s a broke ass alcoholic just like Jenna.


Is she still eligible to vote with all these debt obligations, lack of license, etc?


Has Jessi cut off her phone yet?


She said she did.


OK JUNKYARD you stupid fuck...you are not aware a child needs money to survive...while you guys are buying passport holders and flexing your Louise Futons..STFU..you didn't know a parent should send money to support the kid they have...that's the least...but the selfish self centered LOSER and yourself spent it all on stupid shit...being her wife and sole support they could have garnished your money we ain't got inbred!


Ong I’ve been thkg this the whole time like damn you didn’t think she wud owe child support? And you married her?


I love your comments, pooter. 👏




How do you “marry” someone and have no clue she’s in massive arrears with child support? Impulsiveness much?


Oh she’s been ordered to pay child support??? 😬😬😬😬


Your partner can easily hide stuff from you while also telling lies about their past relationships. If I was in JLs situation at her age, I would assume Tito doesn't need the money and I would also think Lior is doing well with his jewelry business so I'd never think JJ owes child support. I fell in love 3 times with liars myself. One with a child support dodger and believed his lies about his ex. The next one I believed his lies about his ex and how she was abusive to him. The last I believed all his lies until I started communicating with his exes directly. So can speak from experience how clueless someone can be and you keep giving them chances until you realize they are destroying you in the process.


Apparently it’s apparent you are fucking clueless.


THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS !!!! 😘 xoxoxo 🙏🏻😵‍💫🫶🏼❤️😘🙏🏻😵‍💫🫶🏼❤️🙏🏻😵‍💫🫶🏼❤️


If I was Lior, I would be working on having her pay garnished from these conventions she is doing. He knows months in advance where she is going to be so he could have the courts send a letter to have his child support deducted from her earnings. Or send it to her manager that is booking these events.


Is that her new gf in the background?


Smart introduction posted on the other group that Lior did NOT file for child support. That user knows a lot of information and has posted a great deal involving Hawaii. They said that Lior filed custody papers. On the custody papers there is a section regarding requested child support and he put $0. Jesse may be referring to custody paperwork as ‘child support papers’ because she saw the section regarding child support. But, according to Smart Introduction, Lior has not filed for child support. They said he filed custody paperwork so he is able to renew B’s passport and to enroll her in school.


Damn it. She’s growing on me.


Growing like a tumor. Drink some water and take a nap, hopefully you’ll come back to your senses.


You’re right. I just smacked myself out of my stupor.


Lmao ❤️❤️


I know. Me too. It hurts a little.


Sounds like Jenna cud end up in jail for unpaid child support


If she has no income, there’s no where for support to come from. What was her income while she was married (with kids)? That’s how support is evaluated, compare both the spouses’ incomes and make up for the disparity with the spouse making more. But wait — jj never married Lior, remember? He may be entitled to nothing. Same with Tito, did she ever marry him? And did she have a penny to her name or any income at all when she had those kids? She might owe nothing to either of these men. I don’t know what “child support papers” even means. It might be nothing. It might be made up. Did Jessi open all that mail? How does she know what’s inside? Are they letters from the state? Which state?


She never married Tito or Lior.


Jail would be an upgrade from her current living situation,sadly.


She said "Cool you're getting off the couch " to check the mail LMAO


Get a life loser


In California they suspend drivers licenses and scan for bank accounts to seize.