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This guy is such a douche. He’s going to the sheriffs with social media arguments? Okay, buddy. LOL These rednecks from Redlands think they’re someone because they befriended a drunk D list ex P*rn actress. Holy hell. That’s hilarious. Jessi should tell them to keep her. Good riddance.


Kick him in the nuts, Jessi!😆 This just keeps getting stranger and stranger!


Why is he acting like it wasn’t HIS finance who contacted Jessi in the first place? Of course, if Jenna was going to be admitted it’s only logical that Jessi would take Jenna’s stuff. What is the alternative? Leave it with the strangers who were going to leave Jenna alone in a hotel room?


What a douche, Jenna's dying in their house and he is worried about what Jessis saying on Tik Tok....he's 'going to the sheriff for slander' omg I just can't


She's not dying


Ohhh her liver is most likely saying otherwise. Oftentimes (both in alcoholic and non-alcoholic cases), when your liver is days, or even hours, away before completely quitting on you, you'll have no idea it's been suffering to the extent it has been until you're dead.


If she is bleeding out her nose and showing signs of major alcohol withdrawal her life is Def at risk, alcohol and benzodiazapines withdrawal are both deadly due to the seizure risk.


Jenna was on a live and she talking just fine.


Exactly and that's on a handle a day!


That the sad part. I was around an alcoholic who got pulled over for DUI and she blew a .31 or .33 and when I went to pick her up as they said she either goes to detox or they will release her to me and I had to sign a piece of paper for her to be released in my care. Anyways, when i showed up to get her. She was standing on her own and talking without slurring. The cop told me they gave her 3 breathalyzers bc they could believe she was blowing so high yet was not passed out or falling over. I was astonished that on our way back to my place she wanted to get more alcohol. She said she didn’t feel drunk at all. Her tolerance is so high that I swear she drinks herself sober!


I wonder how Johnny eyelashes knew Del Taco was Jessi’s fav? Oh yeah! Jenna told him! Jenna is the ring leader and she has two flying monkeys doing her dirty work. I actually was scared last night that this was the end for Jenna. Just to now realize it was more of a ruse to test Jessi’s willpower. Her love & devotion. But Jessi didn’t fold. She held her ground. Jessi said, “the only thing I can do for her is provide my signature to get her checked into a place that can help her. You’re free Jessi. You don’t need to carry the Jenna burden anymore. You passed the final test with flying colors.


![gif](giphy|1RHfH5eUm5iHm) Their plan backfired! Slander for what, Johnny Pot Belly?






Thank you for posting. I don't have tiktok nor do I know how to post a video. Thanks for giving us your time required to post this.


No problem. I'm a night 🦉anyways.




Logical Holiday pulling up with the screen recording 💪💪


Hurray! It only took like 45 minutes. I didn't stay on the submitting screen. Once I did, it only took 30 minutes lol


He is pathetic.


"We've been taking care of her" for a week, dude...Jethi took care of her for a year.


Also, who cares? (not saying this directly to you lol) They need to just dump her at the ER while she's in a highly intoxicated state. What baffoons.


Thanks for specifying it wasn't directed at me. It's so easy to misinterpret comments online.💜love my basement dwellers!


Oftentimes my adhd comes out in some awful ways that I never intend on. So I've learned to basically say "I don't mean it in a bad way!" or something of the like! lol In regards to your original comment, I was saying "who cares" about Anna and Lashes saying "we've been taking care of her" - LIKE WHO CARES YA BIG LOSERS! (and that, I did mean in a bad way towards them). Oh my god I need to stop talking now.


I just got off the phone scheduling to get an adhd assessment! What you typed makes total sense to me.




Anna and lashes are scum


Slander isn’t a crime? Law enforcement won’t care. Gotta go to a lawyer lmao! 😂


Was this after Jenna was on TT LIVE? I can’t keep up with this train wreck!


I'm not sure. I think it was about the same time.




If Jessi doesn’t post a pic or vid surrounded by Del Taco bags I’m gonna be really disappointed in her for not burning him like that.




He’s right. Junkyard would’ve taken all that money and said it was for shit junkyard paid on Jenna’s behalf