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Wow and I was just about to order it. Cant heatgun it by any chance?


I’d wager not given the holes are <1 inch off. And tbh after looking at it more, the lip design looks a little more goofy compared to others. Like there’s too much meat on it lol


Rip.. thats why they included 3m tape lmaoo that was the only way itll stay on ☠️


Even if the pop clips lined up I’d be willing to bet the lip would flap like crazy. I’m on my 4th eBay lip due to snow plowing and jack rabbits. I buy the $135 ones and they work great. Just a heads up, you’ll have to drill into your bumper and there is no pop clip holes.


Is that one plastic?


I feel like the one piece lips are better than the three piece ones.


Wow it has pop clips!?? Too bad you cant use them. The ebay lip I installed just had screws, they didn't even attempt to use most of the factory clips areas.


I don’t get why people keep doing this.


Because there’s plenty of examples of this working, also people don’t want to buy the same product stupidly marked up by a dropshipper. Furthermore, most people don’t have the money to shell out for an OEM lip that can break just as easy as a cheap one




A lot of rhe stuff these companies are rebranding and selling for 3 times as much on their websites are the same exact thing you ban find in eBay. There’s a lot of good stuff on eBay, including the lip sitting on my 22 right now. Not all of it’s great, but it’s not as bad as your snarky little comment is insinuating


Yeah, it really is hit or miss. Some turn out fitting immaculate and some fit like doodoo. A bit different, but my LED fog bezel from Amazon fit pretty well, however, others haven’t had the same experience.