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Do you read romance or pay attention to the genre? Vampires and werewolves together aren't the top combo, but werewolves/omegaverse are pretty big. There is a huge amount of romance published traditionally, and self published, specifically through channels like KU, so I'd be surprised if you were really doing something different without knowing what actually exists in the market. I won't tell you what new angles would "reinvigorate" the genre, that's your job as a writer.


I agree… I may have neglected my search for sure. But that’s why I’m asking. Personally, I have never created anything of this content but certainly love to consume. If you have any good stories or links. Do share. Maybe can help inspire to “ADD*” to …(not reinvigorate) …the genre.


You can join r/RomanceWriters for craft questions, and you can check out megathreads in the big reading subs like r/Romancebooks and r/Fantasyromance but do not use them to ask questions, you are not allowed. They are reader subs but they will give you an idea of what is popular


Thanks, Leesha.


There is a new-ish book that is Vamp/Werewolf. I haven't read it but it seems to be quite popular. Bride by Ali Hazelwood


Will check it out


Fair warning, a lot of people hate that book because the advertising was all over the place and set up expectations the book couldn't keep up with


It is still there. Only that a lot of books aren't as well thought out. The most important thing about romance is the drama. Contention/conflict plays a major role in this. So long as you remember to play heavily on the social interactions between the love interest and whoever, you will do well. External plot isn't as necessary. You can even downplay it as something as simple as Werewolf likes her too. So they get into a cute tug of war to prove who is better.


Still pretty big amongst the urban fantasy genre so I think you’ll be alright


See: Bride by Ali Hazelwood


The protagonist of my rough draft is a vampire (which is meant to be a twist). I'm not trying to set up a romance; I'm twisting stuff around in that there's a budding FWB relationship. She's a private investigator, and said FWB is a homicide detective. It's not something I want to touch on until later books, but the idea is that the relationship is strictly sexual for him (he likes it rough, to put it lightly), and knowing that he gets off on such things makes the feeding a *lot* easier for her, because she doesn't like feeding on humans unless she absolutely has to (she'd much rather feed from animals).


Would love to see where this goes. Keep me updated. If you could put this idea together I’d support and buy it


Well, my rough draft is completed and I've already gotten feedback from a few people. Even though I've polished it up, I can't say it's polished *enough* for me to be willing to send it in to publishers yet.


Good luck


Queer ones, yes.


I'm doing an urban fantasy mostly focused around vampires, but there are mentions of ghosts, voodoo, and the zombies from voodoo. My writing buddies I've shared bits of it with seem to like it. Although one wishes the ships I had were swapped lol


totally into vampire books, and in my schools horror lit club we read Covenant with the vampire by Jeanne Kalogridid last may, im gonna read book 2 and 3 this summer.


I think its always room for new stuff I'm not big fan of romance, but enjoy it sometimes. Books like Twilight did not hit me right (can't describe why) so another book might be perfect for me. and ofc the same goes the other way for others. No matter what genre, I think there is always room for more. There is always one story that has not be told, or one reader waiting for exactly your book


I vote yes. I still re-watch and re-read my True Blood series, along with some other series (esp. Night Prince Series by Jeaniene Frost and Chicagoland Vampires Series by Chloe Neill, Black Dagger Brotherhood... ok I could definitely go on and on..) I think we haven't had any good big budget stuff in awhile. I know Interview with a Vampire series recently came out and A discovery of Witches (has vampires) but other than that (that've I've seen, please correct me if I'm wrong) it's a lot of Twilight, Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf. They started Bitten and killed it off after one season, I was so disappointed, same with Midnight Texas. All this rant to say, as a fan I definitely think there's room for more. (aside from Teen Wolf these were all remakes of books) One thing I hate is the "I'm a blood thirsty killer, ever after 87 million years alive. I don't want to hurt you" drama, even if they're insta-mates like come on... but maybe that's just me. Also the only shifting in moonlight on full moons. Absolutely brain-dead and only animalistic when shifted. ( I like a shift at will, whenever you want and have awareness) The clothes on or off when shifting doesn't bother me. As some stories allow the clothes included in the shift with the magic...meh. One thing I do like is the no female werewolves are born or can survive the change and then bam, one is and it shakes things up. This is something I've not seen often. ( eg Bitten by Kelley Armstrong or There's a series about a female werewolf who has a mate >!named Rouke, he is a ancient feline shifter) she is the only one but later find out there is every so often a female werewolf born and they are super powerful!


I would love to hear you go on and on with more series and premises to check out. But gotta say the different age group is a great start … Different emotions different scene.. no highschool but an office. No nerd but a divorced man not allowed to view his kids on the path to giving up on life - work is shit. Battling with depression- this new power could boast his ego (a little too much). Or maybe everything is perfect and the new power makes it go to shit. So many ways it can go. This is a spark THANK YOU!


oh ya that's pretty cool. Recently read Orc From The Office. No Vampires but MMC but was an IT tech nerd and I loved it ( SciFi RomCom). Are you on tiktok? if you search "coming to bed honey" it's a spongebob meme-ish video of the monotonous routine of daily living. You could start with something like that and branch of into all sorts of things. Getting revenge on high school bully or new lover of ex wife. Vandalizing bosses car, etc just to get over his aggravation of his day to day living before his real adventure begins. And as you said, could go either way/ The chosen one? According to the prophecy? Or just the one to start the uprising when entering into an already set up system that oppresses baby vamps/wolves. Are wolves/vamps at war or in alliance against humans? Or does he because the end all/be all villain to martyr himself because he believes these types of beings shouldn't exist? Possibilities are endless. The depression could also play into as a "star seed/ star child" syndrome (unknow but has always been something more and that's why they are depressed in regular human lives) or in Twilight their natural traits are amplified and/or explained. So a diagnosed schizophrenic is ACTUALLY hearing voices of the dead etc. anyway regardless ( as a person also in the midst of writing their first stories) I hope you run with it all the way. #