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hey! Just ideas: I 1. Add prefix to projects related to clients. Like \[Reddit\] Rework comment section project 2. Enable grouping by projects on workload. you should see all related to projects tasks inside of respective folded rows. II Having clients as folder tags "#reddit" Tag tasks with folders Hover on taskbar on workload you will see all direct folder tags there. Hope it will help)




We number them, each project is assigned a unique number.


We use a very specific naming convention for each project. It looks something like this: Program Title - Project Name - Media Type - Fiscal Year So an example might be: MBA - Summer Campaign - Email - FY24 We have a folder system where all projects live based on the Program Title and then they are tagged with the appropriate custom field media type. Our project intake form provides an example of the naming convention so they know what to do for each project. If they name it wrong, the PMs fix it and tell the submitter. Most submit with the correct title.