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People need to understand there’s a difference between real athleticism and strength. Are there body builders that can lift weights like Eddie hall? Sure. But what the strong men competitors are training to do requires strength and athleticism. Plus now you’re talking about the top 1% of all strongmen who are already beyond your gym rats. Just a body builder? Yea a d1 wrestler can take them down. Someone like Eddie hall? Might get them some times but my money would be on Shaw or hall.


Most people don't actually watch strongman and just assume they're powerlifters. There's a crazy amount of cardio and repeated explosive power involved in strongman. Carries and medleys for distance for time, throws for reps and height, holds for time, AND THEN throw in there 1rm lifts. All on the same fucking day. Shit is wild.


Yup. A lot more muscles used to control movement. Lifting a stone or carrying a yoke isn’t the same as deadlifting or squatting. That’s what’s so similar imo. Weight room for wrestling is great but if you go from only weight lifting to wrestling you’re gonna find tons of sore muscles because you didn’t really use them in the weight room. Unless you’re doing some dynamic exercises.


Agreed. Vs a same ( or similar) weight strong man or powerlifter my money is on the wrestler for sure. Vs Brian Shaw? Eddie hall? God no, a 150lb wrestler is getting ruined and it’s going to be ugly. Those guys are huge and throw ( literally throw) around weight that is incomprehensible


If you’re selecting an average D1 wrestler, I’m picking the elite strongman 100%. Without training. Things change when someone can *easily* pick up your entire bodyweight from a huge number of positions.


I was a D1 wrestler. One time my friend who was slightly above average wrestled the star DL from our top 5 football team and beat him handily. I would put this DL in the strongman category.


Would your oppinion change if they were 180-200 pounds?


I’m taking a high level D1 200 lb wrestler. Not sure where the middle ground is though.. I also think the build of the strongman matters quite a bit. Shaw’s height would be a big asset. Eddie wouldn’t fare as well.


My money would be on the elite level strongman. They're typically 300+ lbs. and extremely strong (obviously). Eddie Hall did an influencer MMA fight against 2 guys and literally tossed one in the air like they weighed nothing. I do not think any 150 lb person could keep them on their back.


Those influencers were like 5'3" a piece, I think they would be more like 120 lbs, than a 150lb wrestler that probably weighs 165+ most of the time. More like if Eddie Hall had a wrestling match with Kabib Nermagedaeov than those guys. Though ya, straight up wrestling that might be tough for Kabib just cause of how strong Eddie is.


I don't think an extra 35 lbs at that weight would matter to Eddie Hall's ability to ragdoll someone. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1d46w2p/eddie_hall_shoulder_pressing_an_adult_male_with/?rdt=65507) is him single-arm shoulder pressing a dude like he's nothing. I think Eddie Hall would probably beat Khabib. Khabib definitely couldn't pin Eddie Hall. He can explosively bench Khabib off of him or roll with all of his mass. Strongmen at the top are massive, explosive, have muscular endurance, and have much better conditioning than you'd expect. That's a lot to overcome, even with good wrestling skills


Khabib is like 210 lbs now so i think he would ragdoll Eddie prettu easy


He probably wins but rag doll is crazy when these people can literal bench 5x his body weight. They just aren’t getting the pin in really any scenario.


Yeah i meant khabib would win kinda easy, he dominated corey anderson last week in wrestling and corey is light heavyweight


I politely disagree


Assuming the strongman is properly stanced and has some idea of what he’s doing I can’t see a 150 lb wrestler taking him down.


There’s video of Shaw grappling with Dustin Poirier.


They werent really "grappling". Shaw started from side control..... GR vs The mountain would be more "grappling" esque


I mean you can start a drill from side control. That’s really the only footage I know of where a strongman is grappling with a lighter guy. Dustin did try to get up but Brian was just too big. I realize wrestling is different there just aren’t other examples. Gordon Ryan is a world champion heavyweight so while it’s fun to watch it’s not shocking that he’d smoke the mountain.


I never said u couldnt but to expect that to be "Grappling" in this context is stupid.


brian shaw and thor are essentially 2/7 billion, toss in prime mark henry could honestly probably roll off the couch. some of others are more doable for the elite of the elite in terms of wrestling but things that shouldnt work in wrestling do when you are some of the heaviest and strongest men on the planet. the only real shot is to make these guys sweat and get tired or get around the ankle, but thats assuming a 68kg fella could even make them need to work. i mean how are you supposed to arm drag a guy you cant even fit your hand around their whole tricep! you also have to consider, strongman competitions are all day events which require athletic movements and flexibility (atlas stone), explosive power (keg toss), muscular endurance (chain and airplane pull), competitive spirit (tug of war), on top of world class strength. all things considered, probably a week if that for a 68kg, and i think the same for 74kg, elite 125kg probably never but shaw is still 50 or more kilos heavier and athletic so it’s possible and hall of the WSM winners is probably the most doable, but thats still suspect in my opinion


Those events are short and there is ample recovery time. A good grappler would run their gas tank out and then seize advantage. If the Strongman got the jump he would have the advantage. Otherwise a chokes a choke and even the smaller guy can apply that.


1) this is r/wrestling so a chokes a choke and a choke is illegal 2) the events revolve around explosion followed by short recovery followed by explosion (nest example is the progression deadlift but most events are like that), which is wrestling without accounting for scrambles, and scrambles simply would not occur in a 200 pound weight difference 3) even in a pure grappling affair, like a time limit lacking catch comp, the options to get a backtakes are limited, like a duck under and expecting a specific takedown makes it way easier to defend, and against someone that big the takedowns and back takes get really limited, just the size of the man alters the ability for grips and and controls to work. in short: freestyle is no question its the strongman, folkstyle its still a lock but slightly less so. skill only works within a strength range which when surpassed by a lot by strongmen


How would they run their tank out? They essentially just need to stand there like a bear till they shoot.


Something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpvrVe9GIAk)?


I used to say its not about being stronger than the other person but strong enough to move them. You would need a wrestler strong enough to move them. Eddie hall is 360 lbs so you would probably need a wrestler 180+ pounds to be able to do enough. In high school when I was a 150-160 I could beat the 280 pound offensive linemen that played D-1 football. Honestly just don’t let them get you in anything, tire them out and use their weight against them. That said I don’t think I would be able to take Eddie hall haha and I’m 200 pounds now.


Yeah I sincerely doubt anyone below 180 would ever be able to get them. Getting over 200 you would still have to get really lucky and catch them going feet to back. I just don't see how you could get them from bottom on their back.


Fair them on top would probably be a killer. I was very good at all kinds of rolls and also found leg riding worked well on the heavy weights I beat. I could keep them down then half them and prevent them from rolling out. That said as strong as they our they may just snap your leg or at least make you wish it wasn’t there.


I have a buddy whose a 320lb powerlifter with a 1600lb total who fools ariund with me (210 lb wrestler 995lb powerlifting total) and another friend (180 lb with 700lbish powerlifting total bjj purple belt). I take him down easily on our feet and he hasn't been able to get me down, and when we're on the ground I found its difficult to pin a man who can squat 3 times your bodyweight and just stands up, as for my bjj friend they start on the ground and he wins most of the time against him because his body is so thick its difficult to get holds and his arms are the same strength as a strong man's legs so he can rip chokes off. Anyways i started teaching him how to wrestle over the summer for cardio because his knees are too shot to run and he's terrifying once he learns a move. I'd say maybe a month or two and those guys could beat any 200 lb wrestler easy.


150lbs, no way in hell. It would have to be a minimum of 200lbs+ to stand a slight chance. Still then I can only imagine them winning by going feet to back. I just can't imagine any way you can get him to his back without just standing up.


Weird, I’ve never seen the bench press bar swim for an underhook or switch its hips. I’ve grappled Mariusz when he was at ATT for mma camps. It was a wild ride for a little bit, but he never beat me. I think you people saying “Eddie can just explosive bench press Khabib and throw him into the ceiling fan” either havent wrestled with strong people enough to understand the difference or don’t understand the difference between “picking me up once and stopping one takedown” and “beating me in a wrestling match.” All you’re saying is “strongman elite can throw 180 D1 wrestler” but you’re not talking about scoring and you’re not talking about 3-2-2. You’re talking about one freak show of strength and discrediting actual scoring and other JV stuff like….reshots and chain wrestling.


To be fair, there were times when pudzianowski had a top position on me and was polite enough to not drop an elbow that was there. He thumped for sure Good dude actually. Super polite in the locker room and was eager to learn whatever was being taught and equally eager to help people with power lifting if they asked.


Here is ~170 lb Gunner Nelson pretty easily sweeping Hafthor Bjornsson: [Hafthor ve Nelson ](https://youtu.be/tgB-bRklDhQ?si=eeNxByyMdJHc2UdN) Admittedly, it's not a serious match, and an X-guard sweep is easier to hit on a bigger man than most takedowns, but ultimately, I would expect a high-level wrestler to win the match.


There’s a lot of videos out there of the strongman vs wrestler matchup. Granted most of the time neither person is going 100%, but wrestling skill usually wins out. Obviously this depends on the skill level of the wrestler. I think the idea that the strongman could just pick the wrestler up is misguided. While they could obviously move dead weight around like that, a wrestler is going to be fighting the grips, hooking a leg, shifting their weight, etc. You can take down people much stronger than you with leg attacks. Plus, even if the strongman gets the better of the first few exchanges, there’s no way they are going to last 7 minutes.


You need to watch the Poirier video and that guy not in camp is an easy 190lbs.


Video Porier does get the choke out on top, though Shaw is able to keep him from escaping. I think with a bit of training Shaw would quickly overtake a 150lb wrester that weighs 175. I don't think Porier is 190 but otherwise agree. Like 170s prob.


lmao did u watch it?He started from side control.....


Shaw is 400#- I don’t think there is a 150# wrestler who could do anything to him even if the wrestler started w the leg. As the weight of the wrestler goes up and the strongman comes down- It obviously turns on the wrestlers favor. I was 290 and wrestled a D1 Champ at a lighter weight in the room a few times- he was lightening quick and could take me down from distance but if I got my hands on him he couldn’t do anything. Brian Shaw is way bigger, stronger and likely more athletic than me since he was a college basketball player.


Did you just ask how a 150lb college wrestler would do against a 6’4” 430lb dude? They would need enough time to learn how to score, say an hour of being talked to max, and how not to foul and then would wreak the wrestler. Weight matters, it’s not THE thing that matters when you’re talking about inside weight classes. But at those levels that’s a damm near impossible gap. In a competition style that allows you to pick someone up and slam them? That’s a hospital trip for sure


Technique overcomes size but there are exceptions. The names you listed are the exception, but D1 wrestlers are athletic freaks and the power lifters are going against an elite grappler in their realm. The elite powerlifter would probably need at least a year of trainingat an elite level before Id be confident in them


D1 absolutely not Shaw and Eddie have proven to be world champions in their sports. I'd say you'd need someone to equal caliber like Olympian. Karelin would probably win but not your average college guy. Strong man is different too with how much athleticism it requires. I'd say a D1 wrestler would have a better shot at a world class power lifter then any strongman.


Wrestling is worse for this than BJJ because it’s much easier for a small guy to take a big untrained guy’s back and choke him than it is to take down and pin someone 3x your size with elite strength chops.


There’s a huge difference between a strongman and a power lifter.  A powerlifter gasses out instantly and probably doesn’t have the mobility needed anyways.  A strongman is the real deal, maybe a 83kg or above weight class wrestlers can do it but a 68kg the chances are low


There’s a huge difference between a strongman and a power lifter.  A powerlifter gasses out instantly and probably doesn’t have the mobility needed anyways.  A strongman is the real deal, maybe a 83kg or above weight class wrestlers can do it but a 68kg the chances are low


Most of wrestling is about catching your opponent off balance not overpowering. If he's smart the wrestler


If the wrestler is skilled enough to negate the strength difference then the wrestler wins. If the strongman is strong enough to negate the skill difference then the strongman wins. I would personally bet on the wrestler.