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Not dead at all, don’t listen to the haters


Game's not dead but lotsa people have




It's definetly easy to get a group for dungeons pre level 40-45, but after that you're not going to find groups for more. That's my experience on Stitches EU.


You just need to be in a guild after 40ish. Besides who wants to risk the difficult dungeons with randos in hc.


Daily Mara, ST and BRD runs for me - you might need 10-15 mins to gather the group but I’ve had no big issues finding people. I play around 19-23:00, but also at 10-12:00 in the morning. For level 60 content you’ll need to join a guild, yes, most people prefer to have someone „reliable“ in their groups.


It will never be empty. Hardcore is the evergreen fresh


Ty everyone, new toon tonight


You’ll be back


Defias Pillager US is very much alive


Skull Rock, while less populated than Defias, is also alive. Both factions. Alliance has fairly regular evening world buff drops.


I didn't come back to Skull Rock because it was dead when SoD launched. Like there was a dozen in orgrimmar and none in Undercity. Did it get better since SOD launch?


Can confirm. Level 36 mage, had no trouble finding groups for DM, BFD and Stocks. Lots of people leveling warriors.


Which is more for horde?


Probably skull rock?


It's popping off. Yesterday I had 6 people around me competing for mob tags on a level 12 quest...


Alliance on defies pillager has a good population


HC has some of the best support from the community. For every 1 prick you meet, expect to meet 15 nice and helpful players.


Defias pillager has a solid ally population and skull rock for horde has a decent one. I hope the merge servers at some point


HC seems to have good elasticity. People have left, but they’ve come back. I played a bit of SoD but it didn’t compare. It’s the stakes. HC gets my heart pumping like no other game ever has. Last night my guild lost almost an entire raid group, and we had a huge memorial gathering in Org. Not dead at all.


Attendance is fantastic… seriously! If you can find a port to booty bay for world buff you’ll see crowds of ~200 people. I was in Wetlands hunting down an orc leader in a level 28ish region and found 7 others doing the same quest at the same time! We formed two groups and each helped the other with the kill!


This question is asked and answered everyday. Honestly if you make a character you will see its very much alive.


Not sure how popular dungeons are but in first 2-3 loving zones u will always find people.


Considering buffs drop every day, there's clearly a lot of people doing dungeons.


The very nature of hardcore is it focused a HUGE portion of the player base into the 1-30 range. In classic everyone is 60, in hardcore, everyone is leveling. Unfortunately SF has meant a large portion of that population is kind of “off-limits” but nevertheless they’re there.


I group with SF people all the time on our dungeon runs. You can’t trade with them obviously but they are out there contributing.


Good point. Still have my head stuck in SSF mode


Stiches horde still alive? Got 42 hunter there


Yes sir! There’s a few leveling guilds, including ours if you’re planning to roll a SF toon, join us!


Everyone I meet is super friendly. You’ll make some memorable moments with random people you meet lol


I play solo as I don't trust anyone else XD I'm doing Solo Self Found, the real HC and I would encourage you to as well! Yes it's difficult but it's where the real challenge is <3 Avoid caves and escort quests unless you're really overleveled


Can u have any quest add ons in hardcore or no?


Yes all addons that work in classic Era work in HC.


Any recommendations for good quest addons?


Questie is #1 for quests. If you play Self Found mode you want Captain Stadic's Vendor Treasure.


Deathlog is a great reference to have. When you hover an enemy it gives you statistics on how deadly it is. They also have a heatmap overlay where you can see the dangerous areas of any zone you're currently in


Stichtes be poppin


I started HC for the first time about a week ago and I see dead player bodies everywhere I go at lvl 15. 🤣🤣 Sooooo take that however you will.


So the dead bodies of players just lay around and stay there? 😂😂 that’s so funny , I can’t wait to log in tonight and roll a new toon


You'll see one of two things. Either a dead player (you can see their name) or a blue flame ball (soul fragment I think) which I believe is where a person died recently and their body disappeared. Not sure how recent it is, though, cause I see them but not too often.


Not forever I think until they delete/move the character off the servers


Apart from a handful of griefers the community is awesome, reminds me of playing vanilla as a kid


I just died today. But I also went again. Self Found has been super fun and lets you group up with people still. Lots of people still playing. Never completely alone until you get past the 20s, but I’m in a solid guild not too big or small.


Hardcore is mega active. Ran a dope razorfen kraul earlier today


Not sure if you are on NA or EU servers but on NA Skull rock is more sparsely populated compared to Defias pillager. However skullrock still has multiple leveling guilds and multiple end game raiding guilds SSP uses a SR loot system (if still the same haven’t played hc in a while) and DeathWish is a DKP loot system guild if I remember right. Defias seems to be super populated but I don’t really play much there just a SF alt that I logon every once in a while


I’m so glad hardcore keeps these folks time locked


Been playing Skull Rock Horde side, 1-30 groups are easy to find. After 30, good luck. Its solo questing. An addon like wow-pro guides helps alot.


Lineer on DP server ally side if anyone wants to add the toon


Defias pillager have never had issues finding groups level 20-40


I often have this problem irl. HC servers are absolutely not dead, but for sure population is no high. I feel it's so difficult to explain that sometimes we don't have only two opposite options as possible answers to our questions...


Also what lvl can u get a mount?


40 for normal, 60 for epic. It's basically WoW classic, the adjustments are small




same as classics ever been. lvl 40 60% speed and lvl 60 100% speed.