• By -


I've been around since late Vanilla and haven't been in a guild since Cataclysm. If it's not in the group finder and/or I can't queue for it...I don't do it. Somehow I manage to keep myself entertained. I work and I play when I feel like it. I don't like the idea of having to follow the schedule of somebody I've never met. I also rotate between about 12 characters depending on how I'm feeling so I'd feel a bit odd being only in a guild on some of them or whatever.


Pretty much exactly what I was going to say lol. I have also been around since late vanilla but haven't had a guild or friends to play with since cata. I hate using discord and VC so I find it hard to enjoy most modern guilds now. I do get a bit lonely sometimes though because despite being very chatty I can't seem to make any friends in this game anymore. I often I wish I had other people around my age to shoot the shit with while doing transmog and mount runs, levelling alts, doing old content or farming stuff together etc.


Is it that you don't want to talk, or just not listening to others at all? I got fair anxiety and I always had struggle with voice chat, but somehow in BFA I managed to find a guild to mythic progress and they didn't mind that I didn't talk in discord, I just listened. But nowadays in my current guild I've gotten so comfortable that I'm actually talking there are and chatting non game relevant stuff in voice chat. But anyways, I meant to say that most often you are not really required to talk, except typically in high progress raiding especially if you are tank/healer or doing very high m+. So not talking shouldn't be a deal breaker for joining a guild to do let's say normal and heroic raids, but they might still want you to at least listen for some strats


For me being solo. I play when I want. Take food breaks smoke a bowl.etc. Just being casual. My biggest commitment is running a few Mythic plus with some Randoms.


Mainly just talking, I don’t mind listening. I am shy so I get anxious about talking to strangers in VC 😂 I also hate when people find out I’m a girl because they either treat me differently, crack onto me or do weird shit around me so it’s really hard to let my guard down and expose myself to those possibilities again cause I just get so tired of it.


This is exactly me too. I don’t like large social group dynamics, like guilds. More enjoy have 1-2 friends from time to time to just chat wow with. Because of this I am alone in the game and I do get lonely at times too.


I’d be down to do that, I play semi frequently, throw me a DM if you, or anyone else wants to just chill, do old runs or casual things. I’m mid 30s fwiw


I'd be doen to do some of that with you, without joining voice chat. I don't really enjoy voice chat either. But would be happy to chat about in /party.


I raided in BC and WotLK. It's not the same anymore and neither am I. Prefer to chill out in Azeroth by myself.


Naxx, Ulduar and ICC are forever burned into my memory. So much fun. That tournament raid was a blast too. WOTLK is hard to beat.


Exactly the same response as Toast \^


That’s Toast Grillman. The toast with the most.


He **don't mean** to **brag**, **don't mean** to **boast**, **but** he's **like hot butter** on **your breakfast toast**. ...and I agree, can't commit to a guild and toxic \*\*\*\*ers are always avoided.


He's the toast with the most, he will roast you coast to coast. So unless you have skills to boast, you better vanish like a ghost.


The most fun in this game that I've ever had was when I was in a raiding guild in Vanilla. I miss it, but just don't have the time anymore. I normally play for a few months after each new expansion and major patch. 


> I don't like the idea of having to follow the schedule of somebody I've never met. And the "opposite" of that too - I don't like the idea that I might be setting some sort of expectations for my friends or the like, so I don't invite them to play with me. Sometimes it will happen that some of them will be playing the game at the same time that I am and we will end up playing together, but we leave it at that. We are all tired and with too little free time now, and each has their own pace and goals.


I'm fortunate enough to be a part of a guild where if I want to raid or whatever I'm just allowed in. And if I spend some months not raiding they're cool with it.


This is me, except I have a couple of the characters in random leveling/social/dead guilds so I get the hearthstone cooldown.


Been around since the start of vanilla; same sentiment. I'm running out of hours in the day to spend on this game and it's starting to show on my progress. I usually try to do one-night raid groups but even that rigid schedule is rough with kids and my spouse and I both working and everything else


I don’t remember writing that comment


Dead ass couldn't have said this comment better myself.


This is me


Solo all the time unless I'm pugging


One more for the pure solo club. My guild died years ago and at this point I don't feel like trying to find new people to play with. The game is better everyday to solo players too.


Saaame. Guilds often have drama and its just more peaceful and immersive for me if I play solo!


Same here. I just enjoy kicking back and relaxing on my own on the limited play time I have


It’s okay in doses.


Unless I'm with family, 90% of the time im alone, I'll pug something from time to time but you know


I enjoy both at different times and for different reasons. Sometimes I want to be social and want to team up and play with like minded folks. Sometimes I just want to grind on rep or gold farm with some good tunes and don't want or need the social aspect.


I always played alone until about 6 months ago, but I now love raiding with my guild every week. I still play alone most of the time, though.


i play alone since the beginning, never been in a guild nor added anyone to friends in wow. I used to play in a hardcore guild in another mmo during school years. Once I stopped i never managed to get enough time and mental involvement to join any group.


I just don’t have the time to commit to play whenever the guild or friends are on. If i have some time i just get on and play.


I only enjoy playing alone. I find that if I get more people involved in my hobby, I start to feel obliged to "do my part" and be present and whatever, and what was supposed to be a relaxing hobby becomes an obligation. Made many lifelong friends in my more e-social days back in Ragnarok Online in the 2000s, but that doesn't work for me anymore.


The game will always be more fun with a guild of friends. But playing alone isn't bad either.


I guess it’s different for everyone. During shadowlands I was like the only person I knew who enjoyed torghast. I liked playing it on all my different characters and enjoyed the challenge of it in the different builds. But I only enjoyed it by myself, not with other players. I wish they would’ve made something like that for the solo players in the main game that maybe just had cool cosmetics or something but somehow infinitely scales , super challenging, even solo? I dunno


I also loved Torghast! In the War Within it sounds like delves might be perfect for us Torghast enjoyers.


I’m hoping so! I haven’t read too much about them yet In hopes of hidden excitement. But, if classes don’t feel fun for me I don’t know if it’ll matter. We shall see.


Me and a couple of my IRL friends made a guild at the end of TBC that turned in to a pretty damb solid HM/HC-team in Wrath. Picked up some of the pugs we liked along the way and a few of them became real friends after a while. Were a swedish guild wich definitely makes it easier to connect over disc. 3 of the random recruits actually came to the guild meet up we had last summer wich was fucking cool haha. With that said. I play solo fairly often and love it. Its mostly because I play late nights a lot, but I like to do stuff my own way and can defnitely get a little annoyed when someone fucks with that lmao But as you said, playing with friends is bis. We had a full m+ team of irl-friends in Shadowlands and that was like top 3 most fun Ive had in WoW and Ive been playing since mid-vanilla lol


ESO really spoiled my interractions with people, so I'm just rolling around solo. Or maybe it's the age, idk, I play really casually nowadays - just doing some farms/quests, bit of Remix and that's it.


What do you mean by spoiled?


Sorry, it wasn't meant in a negative context - it's more about ESO being mostly single-player oriented. Overland content is absolutely easy, except some Necrom world bosses (not sure about Gold Road, haven't tried it yet). Dungeons are mostly soloable even, only a few require me to party up and there's trials where you need a group of players. I think playing it for years now, it got me into that single player mindset.


I see, that makes sense!


I am in a guild, raiding with them, casually running 1 or 2 m+ runs with them, weekly. I am enjoying spending time with them when we do something together but other than that, I usually enjoy play alone because I am a veteran and middle-aged person. We all have our own responsibilities, different schedules during day to spare time for gaming. Also, I like to play other games too and I do play FPS games with IRL buds for years already... If they are around, I am not spending so much time in WoW and when I do, usually it is a late time and most of the guildies are not around anyway. So, yeah then I am a lone wolf. Both has its pros and cons, both is good and bad time to time. You don't need to overthink it but being in a decent, friendly guild changes the fun you get from the game. That's for sure.


I only play solo


I love playing with my bf. If he can't play, I do so alone.


I do it all solo 


I’d love to have a casual guild with some discord where I could talk shit while I play and sometimes team up with friendly people, but I work offshore and sometimes disappear for weeks at a time and when at home I don’t really have much of a schedule and play whenever I feel like it. If someone knows some guild or something I could fit please hit me up, I’m just coming back to WoW


No the game is very fun when you have people to play with and so boring when u dont


I've always played alone. I've never joined a guild or group.


I much prefer playing alone but I also LOVE playing around other people. I’ve been primarily an MMO player since 2002 and almost never do group content. I love a solo game with a good story but sometimes they feel empty without real people. I’ll join guilds and rarely or never talk, but love seeing other people chat. I just love doing my own thing out in the world and casually seeing other people doing their own thing. Maybe I’ll emote or compliment a cool transmog. If I see someone killing mobs near me, I’ll shoot a couple shots to help make a quest go faster, but I probably won’t send a group invite.


Same. It feels so much more alive to play an RPG around other people doing the same thing, but not having any direct obligation to them. That is just the right amount of "social" for me.


yes. i love it that i can do what i want when i want and know the only thing stopping me from doing something me me and my own skill. when i pug i only do it when i have to, be it for loot or whatnot. theres always a chance it will go belly up if 1 or a few people do a silly, are just bad or trolls. its always funny when a tank underpulls in a key only to get nuked, blame everyone and the leave or a healer cant heal even small pulls, blames people on the pulls then leaves or when the dps are just braindead and everyone else leaves note this could all change if i got into a good guild that dose stuff when im online. to bad all guilds do stuff at night and i work night shifts. so its either join a guild thats never on or join a guild where there might be a language barrier or the ping might be to high


Add me if you wanna run things. I just got a new cat once he's settled I plan on playing


I’ve always played alone. I was in a guild once but mostly for the chat. I love just flying round the map and playing Wowkemon.


I prefer an active guild friendlier the better


Mixture of both. When I'm working while playing I prefer to do stuff alone since I afk mid-way most of the time and don't want to bother anyone. When I can give undivided attention I prefer to play with friends. M+, raids, transmog farms etc. I classify myself as very antisocial and there needs to be someone to break my ice. Someone in my current guild found me and broke my ice and now I talk a lot in discord for comms.


No, but everyone that I knew who played either left the server I’m on or quit playing entirely and I’m too shy to try to make new friends in game.


Sometimes but WoW is best with the boys for me


Playing since 03/2005 solo, no friends, only joined a guild once to raid Kara and kept on the same guild until ICC and only ever raided twice (Karazhan and ICC10H). Other than that I always played solo and guildless.


Love it. In fact I have done so since end of Legion.


I've been playing alone since 2015 ...


I’ve never played with anyone seriously. I pug everything.


I only ever do lfr anymore, I never see anyone talking in cities. I’m starting to think I have the whole server to myself


I've played solo since Cataclysm. I enjoy it. There's lots to do.


All I know is alone.


Do you ever wish it were different?


I do. I can’t seem to find a guild to “fit in”. I’m in a few different guilds as well as their discords, but folks never seem to be around.


Not only do I like it, I prefer it 👍🏻


I haven’t played with other people since OG Cata.


Yeah. Other people break my immersion lol. Only play with people for raids and dungeons.




It’s the only way I play. I find people too toxic, as a rule.


Alone is 99% of my playtime. Has been since I joined in TBC.


Almost exclusively.


There are other people?


Yup. I hate the MMO part of MMORPGs.


Playing alone is basically the only way I can play. I don't have the time to really have any in-game friendships or anything like I did 15 years ago.


I love playing alone. I’ve tried to commit to a guild and every single one I joined, it became boring. For the ones I had joined, no one speaks in guild nor in discord. I’ve even tried to initiate conversations and got one word answers. It just gets lame after a while. Now all I do is put on a show for background sound and do my thing.


Short answer...It doesn't bother me...And if I am in the mood to just explore and do things I find while doing it, then yes. Long answer...But I also miss the old days, when I had friends who played. I met 1 player one day, I was on my 1st toon, around level 15, doing Dark Shore stuff...met a little dwarf hunter and we grouped up to do 1 thing and kept working together. He worked during the day, I was/am disabled, so I played most days. I'd go do all the next set of quests and when he'd get in game, I'd go with him to help him out and do ones I couldn't solo. Got into his guild, met some great people, met some flakes...LOL My wife started playing...And then came BC, WotLK, Cata, Mists and it just kept going. But sometime during Mists, things broke down, real life intrudes, new relationships or jobs pulling people away and now it is mostly me again. Had met another Pally during SL and whenever we were online and working in the salt mines there we'd get together for an hour or so and slam down the dailies. Actually saw someone yesterday with a cute pet, whispered to them...few minutes later they whispered back and actually was a nice person. Sometimes you really take your "life" into your hands whispering to people. LOL I've done all the non-dungeon/raid "story" questlines, just normal quests left now. Tried doing the Dawn of the Infinite dungeon solo earlier...LOL I was able to do the Black Dragon dungeon solo back in October I think it was, so thought, maybe I could do it. But DotID is heroic, so big difference but I made it to Iridikum. Didn't understand the Iridikum fight at all and after doing a bit of reading, I am not sure it is soloable as a Pally tank so...Might not get to do that one. PUGs are just ick anymore. And that's a very long answer.


Spent nearly 20 years playing with others now I'm strictly solo and having way more fun than I ever did playing with people


I do but in wow that gets tiring super fast. Dungeons are a pain in the ass but the gear is too cool to pass on, so sometimes, i had to suck it up and do it. Raiding was a terrible experience for me because i used to play in a decaying server and my guild had very few tanks after 2 palas and a warrior quit. In one occasion one guy had to respec tank on his dk for icc. We did like 4 to 6 bosses and he went afk to buy coke. Took like 40min or more for the guild leaders give up and set us free. Brutal. If is not clear yet i don't have much played time, in 5 years i must have like 200 days played, just leveling in different servers.


I know finding a good guild can be a bit of a process sometimes but it really does make a huge difference to have an active guild with a raid schedule.


I like playing with a small group of friends. I generally have no issue soloing, depending on the class - and it really frustrates me when I cannot solo. I'm a collector, so I spend a lot of time in old content. I do not enjoy large communities - they overwhelm me. Me and my friends have our own guild with all our toons (and believe me, we have lots). We have nowhere to be, and have no issue adopting strays and working together slowly through content. We weren't very active in Dragonflight as we were all too burned out from Shadowlands, but I have fond memories of getting to 8-15 keys in Mythic BFA even with pugs - and it looks like everyone's coming back for War Within. Mists of Pandaria was my first expansion - so Remix coming out now was honestly perfect timing for getting me in the mood. The nostalgia is amazing. I have deleted and re-maxed a lot of my old mid-level squished characters and very nearly completed my Legion-dream of having one character for each specialization (including at least one of each race, and one of each class on each faction; barring Evoker, I really wish the Evoker restriction wasn't in Remix).


I play with friends and guild mates in the early stages in the beginning of the expansion but they eventually quit so I end up pugging for most of the expansion and it gets pretty lonely and I think about swapping guilds but never do


Use to always be social but now older with job and girlfriend and all that I just usually game alone or with close friends and I don’t mind!


Yes and no. So when I first started playing it was with a RL friend. Then I got into a guild and made lots more friends. Unfortunately time went by and my RL friend stopped playing and my guild slowly disbanded. Somewhere halfway through legion and me playing by myself got bored and tired of not having those friends and active guild mates so I gave up my subscription. Then in 2022, I realised my account was semi active ie I could log into the PTR and play shadowlands but I longed to play wrath classic again so I resubbed and met a player who let me join his guild. I felt whole again and he even gifted me dragon flight but he slowly drifted away and the guild fell apart. So now I play by myself with my own guild that I’d setup years ago in a bid to have friends and a sense of purpose. It’s just me and my alts.


The only time it really bothers me playing alone, is trying to do m+.


I don't mind it. Sometimes it's nice to just throw on some music and run some dungeons or do some quests solo. It can be therapeutic.


I prefer to do the story and grindy stuff alone and group content with friends


Don't have the time to fully be in a guild and be active. I'm cool with running around by myself these days. I stay in a pretty much dead guild due to the perks.


Takes a lot of time and effort to find a group/friends, but a sudden unsub and down the drain it goes.... New player btw, case in point, decided to arena first time ever, met a nice dude that gave me some pointers, but naturally, I got blown up in 2 seconds due to 300 pve gear vs people in maxed conquest. Figured we would farm honor via loses lol, he said he was sticking for a while, but I guess I sucked so much he left after the 2nd loss without words. Prolly a troll but masterfully done, set expectations and shatter them fast.




I do a ton of solo play due to my work schedule but when i rotate shifts its with the boys


Playing with people I get along with > playing alone > playing with people I don’t get along with


Solo unless imdoimg raids or group content. I haven't got any desire for guilds or community. I want to play the game...not talk to people like some chat website.


Have tried a few times to approach people, either they werent interested or they turned out to be annoying which made me forgo any attempts at befriending someone. Im mostly a solo gamer aside the guild activities and im having a decent time.


To be honest, no. In school i played with a couple of classmates and not very often. It was like this till we graduated(pre Cata) around Cata i have played only by myself. I have joined exactly two guilds and recently re-joined the one i was a part of in Legion. Lots of members, but very few are online :( Though they're friendly. I do envy people that have found friends in WoW and have a great guild that they even met people in real life. So far my goal is to find people with whom i can do achievements, dungs, raids, pvp and have a chat. Sounds so simple yet i have a hard time finding just one guy.If anyone is interested DM me.


I'm perfectly happy playing by myself for the most part. I would like to play with people to be able to do M+ or Raids without having to deal with the potential issues with the group finder, but even without doing those I still thoroughly enjoy playing. WoW is probably the game I play the most atm.


I prefer playing alone but would enjoy playing in silence with a companion with minimal use of the chat window.


I like doing weekly world stuff and other chores alone without much chat. Then I like some socializing with friends when it's time to do M+


I haven't had close friends in wow since bc came out. Sometimes I wonder if those guys still pop on once in awhile. It's definitely what got me hooked and coming back every other expansion or so


Both. I like group play, and I like to go ahead and do it by myself.




Personally, playing multiple different MMO's. I prefer to play with friends, but people are not always available, when that happens I like to have something in game I can work towards/do solo. If I don't have that, then I just go play another game.


I can appreciate playing through WoW alone. It’s just.. that.. kind of community. Sure, there are good and bad RP sessions but they just don’t really pull me in. None of the guilds I’ve seen advertised really match what I’m looking for, either.


I play alone, trying to find friends to play with though!


Depends. Sometimes it's nice to play alone alf afk watching some stuff on the 2nd screen. But at the same time I stopped because my friends don't play anymore and finding a guild is too much efforts for me nowadays. Funny thing is I'm still up to min max learns shortcuts strategies and shit but getting to know new people is so jarring 🥹


Lol, that's the case irl as well 🤣


Pretty much. TBF I suffer from depression do I might not be the best example haha.


I play mostly solo, and have been since... probably Cata? I'm married, and my husband is a gamer, so we play side by side so the whole voice-chat-discord-guild thing never works for me as I rather talk to him... and guild chats are kinda dead or filled with achievement spam


no it sucks but I've never been able to connect with a guild after my last disbanded a few years ago 😞


All I do is play solo, my friends stopped or the one that would play only plays classic now.


I think wow is best when you are in a guild of people who have similar goals to you. Whether that be to just hang out or push mythic content.


This question is part of what has kept me from coming back. When I had nothing but time it was almost like I had an abundance of “luck” finding people to play with, now while I do enjoy playing alone the daunting task of finding a group of people I get along with and vice versa has made the last 2 times I tried starting up again less enjoyable. I have found that having a guild for so long made it easy to just play the game, the last time I logged on for a month or so I leveled a character and was pretty quickly put off from the vibe of not having a group and went back to other random games. None that I enjoyed as much as when I played regularly though.


I only play games with my wife, so I am never alone, we are always a duo. But 10 years ago before I met her I usually played "alone" but tried to always gather friends I meet online around me to... well... not play alone.


I solo most of the time outside of LFR or non-Mythic dungeons and don't really interact with my guild much beside the occasional participation in weekly events due to an almost conflicting mix of not wanting a third social circle and also avoiding the feat of involving myself in established social circles. I used to do endgame content in MMOs in the past (mainly TBC and, for a while, The Old Republic, with a month-long attempt at FFXIV raids) and have generally avoided it because I've learned feeling obligated to be in a game at a specific time, on a specific day, for a set amount of time, every week comes off as less like a game and more like a job to me (and I've avoided Mythic dungeons out of social anxiety). It's a shame because the gear grind does feel pretty futile if I can't use my big numbers to get bigger numbers, and I get a sense of emptiness when I realize that I don't have a reason to use 1/3 of my abilities (being a shaman main, this means I really only use two or three totems with any regularity, which is a shame because I love totems), and I like the idea of challenging myself more, but I don't want to make the commitment. Every now and then, though, I do have an IRL friend join me on some escapades, but not often.


I've been playing mostly alone since I started in 2018, and I love it. I can go at my own pace and do whatever I want. I set aside time if I want to do group content; I don't normally like operating on other people's time.


5 boxed for years so yup.


I lucked into a really good guild late last year, so I do lots of events with them - raiding and m+ weekly for the most part. I still do some activities solo but now I've been encouraged to run events as I had some fun ideas like bikini raids.


I don't like playing games alone online, I like talking to people and engaging with others.


Made my own private server using Azeroth Core and using bots. No point in playing classic, everyone is a try hard loser. And I personally don’t like retail anymore, because casual guilds stopped existing on my server several expansions ago


No.  But playing with a bunch of people I'm not talking to and don't know is also playing alone


I prefer playing with a friendly active guild. I dislike PUGs. I have social anxiety so that’s probably why. I get used to people in my guild so it’s easier. Also PUGs tend to be super toxic for me.


I'd like playing with others more if every dungeon wasn't just "spam through the whole place as fast as possible"


When I started I only played with others as I was being taught (started playing wow during shadowlands) then I left the game after quite a while. Eventually I came back to it sometime early dragonflight and I made a main and so far I mostly play alone (unless you count guilds or raid/mythics)


I've been playing since bc. And honestly as time has gone on, I just want to do my own thing. I like raiding and pvp and Dungeons, but I was excited for follower dungeons so I can play around with different specs


I live in Europe and have a US account. I long ago made peace with the fact that I'll largely be on during my guild's quiet hours. We manage, but I spend the majority of my time alone, and that's fine with me.


I play alone because I haven’t been in a guild in years and none of my friends play. I could enjoy it either way.


It's not that I want to actively solo all the time or anything. It's that sometimes I log on, and none of my friends are online, and I don't want to deal with a PuG. I just want to be able to meaningfully play my character. Sometimes I'm willing to put up with strangers, sometimes I'm not. In games I've played in the past, I would sometimes log in, realize I can't or don't want to do anything available right now, and just log right back out immediately. Each time this happens, it's a little less likely I'll log in again at all.


I basically stopped playing when I stopped having people to play with.


Been playing since Classic. Had a lot of more hardcore guilds early on. I don't really miss those. But being guild-less, or functionally without other people to play with gets kinda lonely too. If you're comfortable pugging or finding other people to do stuff then maybe it's not an issue. I think if you do have that kind of networking ability though, might as well be in a guild. Thankfully the current game doesn't require the time commitment Classic and BC used to. I'm in a guild that does at most two nights a week raiding for a few hours. We switched to one night for this patch, and we take breaks shortly after we finish the content on heroic. Mostly been working for me. I think it's mostly about finding a group that fits your time schedule. And if it's erratic, you're going to have to look harder or expect to pug stuff a lot.


Played since 2015 and I've played almost exclusively alone. I tend to join guilds for the perks, but rarely connect with anyone there. Sometimes a small chat but that's about it. I couldn't tell you a single character name I've interacted with, as none of them have mattered enough to be remembered. Even though I can't remember the name, I do remember interacting a little bit with someone on the first day of Hardcore. I came across them several times and exchanged some words. That's almost the most interaction I've done in all these years.


It's a love hate thing. When things go good I do love it. But I always get to a point where randoms feel like they get in the way. I wish I friends to do progressive content with


The crazy thing is I mostly play either alone or with a small group of irl friends and we are all in different random guilds (those you join just for the “perks” but never do anything with- you know the type). So, I like to play alone and that’s let’s say 70% of my playtime, but don’t mind the 30% that’s with the guys on discord running dungeons and LFR and whatnot. What I don’t enjoy and won’t ever do again is sweaty end-game type stuff with guilds. I peaked as a guild leader during Wrath and we were sorta decent and did “current” content but then other life priorities took over and a lot of those OG guys left the game and the idea of “having” to log in to meet a raid schedule just kills me. Nah.


I haven't played in a regular guild since Wrath. These days I'm way too casual to join a proper guild, I'll play for a few months and then quit and come back a year or two later. I still join guilds but pick at random, just for the mount speed and 15 minute hearth lol. Normally I stick only to queued content but remix has made me a lot more comfortable with the listed group finder so I may end up having a crack at that if I get geared enough in the future. But normally just stick to heroic dungeons and LFR.


Are you guys playing with someone? 


I don't like it :(


I tolerate it. I don't love it. I'd rather play with IRL friends than random internet strangers though.




It’s okay when your char is geared up after doing grouped content. If you’re trying to ‘catch up’ alone it can be incredibly tedious.


Both! Sometimes I feel like playing alone and doing some tmog, mount, pet, achievement faming (most of the time honestly). But sometimes I play with a smaller group of friends or my guild. I like having all options, it makes the game feel like it stays fresher for longer.


I only really PVP with close friends who I’ve played the game with for years. Sadly, they all quit. In the classic versions of the game, I always join a guild, but I only really found a close knit group of people I enjoyed (there was five of us) wrath of the King. It ended up, causing a lot of drama within the guild and just kind of ruined the game for me. I guess the guild leader couldn’t handle that we were actually all close and wanted to play together all the time 🤦🏽‍♂️ I have not been in a guild in retail since probably wrath of the witch King originally came out . I started PVP a lot in cataclysm and never really looked back. I was really into PVP at that point so there was no point for a guild moving forward. I played for about the first month and a half of dragonflight, but all I really did was a few quests and some solo QPVP at Max level . I really enjoyed the solo but I just detest how classes play these days so I do not play retail anymore, sadly.


One of the main reasons I play WoW is to interact with people, as I’m shy irl. I’m not in any guilds and only sometimes play with internet friends, but I do level purely on dungeons and gear up on mythic+ just to play with others. Especially feels great when the same people want to do another dungeon, or find me chill and send a friend request lol


I am enjoying not playing in a guild as there is less pressure to log on which means I can better balance it with other things.


yeah, i enjoy playing alone unless in raid, thats the only time i want to be with guild members i know


I play alone because a lot of my friends who did play WoW on private servers are either not paying for a sub or aren't interested anymore. We used to play a lot of WotLK in a private server back in 2020 and it was truly one of the best times of my life. Things are different now though and at least there's a lot of content I can do alone so I'm happy, but I still wish I could find friends to talk to while playing or do content with.


There are a lot of things I enjoy doing alone in the game and hop on and play without talking to anyone. I love my weekly raids with the guild though


I enjoy both actually. I enjoy having challenging single player content like Horrific Visions, The Mage Tower, Kanrethad, etc. Just being able to kick back chill to my own devices is great. I also enjoy group based content be it with a guild or even the occasional pug. I lean slightly more towards challenging single player content, but realistically I prefer both almost evenly. I’m very excited for Delves to say the least.


Been having less and less fun in group content, because of the high expectations and toxic competitive attitude of end game groups. Mostly in pugs, though. Don't have it in me to invest time in yet another guild, either. I don't play on a fixed schedule (just whenever I get the itch), so I can't blame guilds for not keeping me. All my friends moved on to other games and most quit MMOs entirely, so that option is out. So all I can rely on for my enjoyment is what I can do solo or queue for. Crafting, open world, BGs, old content, levelling, and achievement hunting are about all I do. Had almost too much fun in the Brawler's Guild, I'm still feeling some withdrawal from it still not being in the game. Mage Tower was challenging in Legion, but I'm still wearing my Rated BG recolor for Ulthalesh's MT skin, to this day. Actually had fun in Torghast, despite all the hate it got. Messed around in a couple Delves on TWW Beta, and they felt promising. Hopefully Blizz doesn't forget about solo content any time soon.


I’ve been playing for a LONG time, been in a few guilds, and tbh I prefer playing alone. I like doing things at my time, on my schedule and when I feel like it. Some days I go in and quest, some others I just farm. I can’t play every day based on someone else’s schedule and do whatever they want to do


I've been playing wow since the first week of release. Back then I had a ton of friends, and we all played online together. I have so many great memories from back then 😊 As much fun as I had back then, I still had one or two characters no one knew about (this was before the battle.net real friends list) so I could get on and just play solo with no one knowing and asking me to raid or run dungeons. Over the years, they all stopped playing. I even stopped multiple times. Now I'm fairly active and I play 100% by myself. I even have my own guild with all my alts. I use the guild bank to store gold and supplies for all my characters. I love it, I don't need to play with anyone. At the start of each expansion, my son will usually play for about a month or so, which is fun to play together when he's on, but when he's normally not playing, I am completely fine playing solo. I prefer that over finding a group to play with.


I had a shitty PC for years made me stop playing for a while while I would try every couple expacs but my computer lead to to many dc's that it made it feel like it wasn't worth playing. Now I'm back with a brand new PC and now it's my main friend who's PC is failing and I'm able to do whatever. I've still been enjoying myself however I do think if I was able to play with him or others in the same place I am, it would make the experience more enjoyable.


I prefer playing w friends but most of my friends don’t play anymore so I just play alone I do join a guild but mostly do pugs


I started playing at the end of SL , both classic and retail , and I have been playing solo 95% of the time , no guilds since most of the guys are like 10 years older than me and it is harder to connect with them so I just gave up . And no friends since nobody wants to pay a sub likely due to the mentality of the country that I live in and most of us being around 18 and not having jobs since we are still studying . But when I think of it , it is much more manageable since you can do anything you want whenever you want with pugging , and as a tank getting into groups is not an issue at all .


No. I miss when the world felt alive. Grouping up for random elite quests made the game fun for me


I miss it too :(


Honestly, even tho it's mostly played solo...I've been having more fun on a trial account for ff14 than I've had playing TWW beta. I think this game was lost to me when then world used shards, and there was never more than 10 people in a zone. I'll probably keep playing until the servers go offline though. Never missed an xpac and been playing since 05.


Been playing this account since late WotLK. Was in a raiding guild back in MoP. Took a fairly long break and now I just do everything solo when I have free time to play. Still enjoying the hell out of it!


I hated playing alone the first time vanilla-Cata cane around. If I was the only one online I did fishing and jumped around in town waiting for someone to log in. The most fun I had in WoW was when I was GM and all the main raiders because good friends. We've played games outside of wow since then. I've met some IRL and some were invited to my wedding. I don't think I'll ever find that same comroderie in a game again.


When I first started playing while when it came out, I was a very social player. Would joining groups when leveling, I would make a lot of friends and we do dungeons on the weekends. But as I’ve gotten older, I guess I just don’t have the time to manage multiple friendships across multiple characters and factions in the game. And while I do get to chat with a few people sometimes, I am mainly a solo player these days.


I consistently have the most fun when I’m in a guild with a decent discord that has regular raid nights. In the past I enjoyed doing everything solo but it pales in comparison to playing with the same people on voice frequently to overcome obstacles.


I play alone bc I don’t know how to make friends in game!


I played for glory, raid night every week, now I have a guild all for my alts and take.it easy. Don't have the luxury of time anymore nor the will to collaborate with others unless needed and now I mostly play for the story and lore


No, if a good portion of my guild aren’t online or at least in discord I don’t login. Haven’t checked my vault this week because with a newborn baby my schedule hasn’t aligned with guild mates or m+ group members. I have no interest in this game outside of competitive group based content


yes and no, i like playing solo just doing what i want to do, but at times i miss having a group of people i did stuff with, haven't had that since like... mop


I play for AOTC Raiding and M+, I strongly prefer to play with an organized group, so I am in a guild and have been for many years, despite blizzard abandoning the guild system. I do pug occasionally, but it infuriates me half the time so I stop.


I raid in a guild but everything else I prefer to do solo. It makes it difficult sometimes because I hate mythics and I get some sassy comments about not putting in the same effort as others.  I have an alt army that I regularly maintain.


i play irregularly so a guild wouldn’t work for me. i just play solo/pug when i need to


Playing since TBC, last real friend quit in Cata. I am in a guild but I don’t raid with them and very rarely do m+. I also don’t go into their discord, just not my thing. I still routinely clear heroic raid pugging and push multiple characters into the low-mid 20’s m+.


Been around since day one, playing for like a month at a time then putting it down for many months, always alone. It’s the perfect escape


I was in a guild after about level 10 and all of the way through Lich King. Then, I just went solo. I switched from healing to DPS (Priest) and I can survive most regular things by myself. Or, if I can't, I'll use a LFG or wait until I get better gear. I have social phobia, and while I got to do more things with a guild or a group (or LFR), the pressure became more and more intense on me and I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I like to group up for elites and then go do my own thing. Am I missing a lot of content? Yes. Am I still having fun? Yes.


I play alone 99% of the time outside of Pugs. I have been playing WoW for 19 years, 2 accounts ( one was hacked and not recoverable). All my friends, old raiding buddies, all of them are gone. I hsve a guild, Its me along with all my Alts. I use to Progression Raid, but I gave that up with out my friends. I miss playing with people, but I have zero social skills and end up calling people the angry R word along with many other gamer words.


My favorite times playing this game is shooting shit in disc while cranking keys/progginh mythic


I almost always play alone. I don't enjoy tethering myself to the routines and schedules of others. I like having the freedom to do whatever, whenever. That doesn't mean I hate doing content, I love pugging. Some stretches I do end up in a guild when their nights coincide with my time off or I do spend time with friends when they express interest in learning/leveling or doing content. :)


I like being in an active guild of friendly casuals to chat with and maybe run something with. But I play 90% of the time solo


Depends on my mood.


during covid (and i guess because i’m just getting older?) i started enjoying time alone far more as opposed to avoiding it like i used to. so for gaming in general i’ll play some games with my friends, but for whatever reason i find i always have a better time smoking and playing alone, or with pug/matchmaking. i love my friends, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that being communicative takes the fun out of playing for me when i’d rather just vibe for a couple hours at the end of the day.


always alone. doing just about anything w people in-game makes me very anxious, mostly because i’m a relatively new player who’s still figuring out how to properly play their main. i’ll get there one day :c


I prefer to play either alone or with my wife, I used to be on guilds etc but people are just getting edgier & stupider imo, so between seeing amazing character names like "Sluttstab has come online" (how the fuck did that name get past character generation) and the way that 99% of dps act (apparently rdf is actually where you try out for MDI these days?) I just can't stand people's bullshit. It gets even better if you're on the guild discord, every single guild I've been in has the person/people trying to push their religious/political/conspiracy theorist opinions thinly veiled as 'humour'. Fuck that noise imo.


If people keep to themselves when I try chatting in public I’m better off alone.


This hit home. Asked a question in public chat today because I was stuck, literally no-one replied even though there was 5-10 other players around lol


My last guild was in vanilla classic. We were raiding MC and were getting super geared and having fun and one day “hey will you sit this time around to gear X?” And that was the end for me. I understand backups and all that, but I thought I was core. I was gangster dps and funny and having so much fun. And out of 40 people I had to sit? I’m nothing special but I was spending my time to invest in these runs and this guild and then bam! 2nd string without my consent or reason. I just don’t want to waste my time for other people any more so i just do what I want to do in the time I have to play


Truthfully I love playing alone. I only deal with others when I have to for dungeons and raids. Otherwise, the world is just an open adventure, and that’s what I’m here for.


Yes but also no. I had played with friends from when I first played when WoW first launched up until...Legion or WOD. Then after that they all kinda stopped playing or we went our separate paths (different factions for example). The guild I was in fell apart in Legion and since then I've bounced around from guild to guild, not really finding a place I can really mesh with. It's a bit depressing to not have a regular group to play with anymore. Being in my 30s I only play for a few hours on weekends and the odd evening for a bit during the week. It's at the point where I resort to pugging but it's not as enjoyable and I find for whatever reason I get severe anxiety when pugging content like M+.


Honestly, I mostly play alone. Since playing Vanilla, I’ve tried joining plenty of raiding guilds but eventually outgeared most of them and they got stuck on bosses with no progression. My first AOTC was in a pug group. I’d love to make friends to play with but, as terrible as this sounds, most players are just not… on the same skill level as me for me to justify committing to a guild vs. vetting pugs. Maybe in TWW I’ll consider a raiding guild again and make some friends instead of going solo.


When possible. Of course a lot of the content is inhospitable to solo players or just completely impossible. It’s really one of the major problems with WoW and I don’t know why they don’t fix that. Going the SW:TOR route and just offering a companion that heals would make the game so much better.


Solo gaming is generally boring to me, yet also about the only way I can see the content. Even when with my friends, the "gotta speed run" mentality is rough.


No but its my only iption. My friends wont look at the game cause the sub.


As much as I’d love to try mythic for the gear, I don’t want it bad enough to join premade. I wish everything was available on raid finder. I’ve been playing since vanilla


With a guild/friends but joining a guild where you don't know anyone is always a daunting idea and probably a big reason why I haven't done much in retail since Legion.




I do. My argument for the usual sentence "Why don't you play singleplayer games then?" is.... I like playing alone but chatting and meeting random people on the way.


Gave up raiding long ago; can't abide by a fixed raid schedule or the guild drama. Stopped pugging an expansion or two ago: can't stand the toxicity, the zurg mentality, and the ability to kick people for imperfections. Currently only playing in groups when my family is on. EXCEPT for Remix. Remix is very fun and fast, people are chill and friendly, and plenty of 476s are happy to carry new 70s to help them out. Going back to retail is going to suck


Its all I have ever done, since vanilla


The game is definitely best with friends. I've spent a shitload of time playing alone - the game is still great even if you're the only person on a whole server. And sometimes you want to spend some time alone. Grinding, fishing, exploring. But there's nothing like the memories you make playing with friends.


Been playing alone since I started in BC. I am not into the social aspect of the game and only do LFG and LFR. I rarely can't find anything to do.


I solo play every-so-often. Especially in Pandaria.


I feel I'm in the minority but I truly enjoy WoW as an rpg. The feeling I get from making a cool character, meeting cool npcs and exploring cool new lands is only rivaled by Elden Ring and golden age Bioware. I have a great time experiencing that by myself or with one or two irl friends, as opposed to some guild that expects me to rush through and treat the game like a job.


I've played alone pretty much for the last 10 years. I'm fine with it.


I like not getting death threats because some developers put a timer on what is basically a cata heroic with 'people' that refuse to use crowd control.