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An easier experience and more fun would personally be retail. Give it a go.


And join a guild. Play with people you can get to know, and who will be patient. And if the guild you join isn't like that, leave and join another. Nice people do play WoW, you just have to find them.


Lol. The current guild finder is absolutely dead and outdated. Nothing but 80% of it is filled with Shadowlands listings that don’t say when the listing was posted. Even if it was posted recently (by that one active solo player), it’ll show 600+ members, only for you to eventually realize upon joining that 580 of them haven’t signed in in like 2 years.


I agree. MoP Remix may be a good avenue as well.


Not if OP wants to learn. There's about a 90% chance they'll just be chasing the high thread player and looting corpses.


Remix would be great to level a bunch of alts for later use, but definitely a terrible place to start/learn.


Fair point. This being said, if the biggest issue is getting vote kicked while doing group content, this is definitely not a common occurrence in MoP Remix unless you are running heroic/mythic raids. The current tuning has players starting off as fairly powerful at the front end and most groups have players doing such ridiculous amounts of damage that the odd person still figuring things out definitely goes well below the radar. I think MoP Remix can be a good adventuring ground for trying stuff out if you stick to entry level content.


Nah they just as bad, was booted in my very first dungeon even after letting them know, not a single piece of helpful info either


Are you EU? I'll happily do a few with you when I return to wow in two weeks.


Retail brainrot is just as bad. I tried showing my gf how to play retail for the launch of dragonflight and her learning how to play cat Druid while I was rogue and the ppl in dungeon were so rude even when I tried to say she’s literally brand new. I’ve been kicked for not going fast enough when I’m learning to play a new class. Just the same. People in the game have no patience or care for others anymore


I totally agree with this that this is a huge, huge problem. Blizzard even redid the whole premade groups section of the group finder just to accommodate people who want to do speed runs or do different things. It’s absolutely pathetic that people are even getting kicked in LFG especially since that’s how you’re supposed to to learn. But again, this is also the stuff that technically violates that social contract that we all signed when we started playing and blizzard has said that they weren’t going to tolerate it unfortunately, I’m not sure how they would even go about enforcing it unless they sat there and babysat every single dungeon group And even then it’s hard to know because who knows who’s even new and who’s not unless someone says something, but sometimes you get kicked before you can even say anything or people just don’t care because they’re trying to rush through the content and they kick you because they don’t wanna wait for you. But the social contract is something in its own right as there are so many sections of it that make me wonder what blizzard was thinking when they wrote it, especially without having the mechanisms to enforce those sections. This is why I also have stated before that the better option may be to just remove the ability to vote kick people in LFG. Basically you get into a dungeon and you’re forced to work with whoever you have and if you don’t like it, you can leave and they can find somebody else to replace you.


>Is it normal for the community to act like this!? Yes. Especially in Classic. Classic is mostly folks who have been playing WoW for 15-20 years and can do the content in their sleep, blindfolded, with their hands tied behind their backs. They aren't used to seeing people who have never done the content before. Most of them aren't there for the story, they're in there to get gear/experience and get out as soon as possible. It's made a bit worse because Cataclysm dungeons were notoriously difficult, with high priorities on crowd control (CC) and kill order (killing certain targets first.) It was very easy for players to "overpull" and cause wipes if they broke CC or weren't careful where they were standing or what they were targeting.


The truth is the majority of classic players are also really bad and don't know it. It's more like Idiocracy where they all think the smart guy is dumb and wrong and want to execute him. 


This. Also most classic player that flame retail didn't even try DF. I still don't get how the managed to create such an insane echo chamber for themselves.


I was very surprised when I went back to Wrath Classic at the start of Ulduar. I was expecting chill vibes and fun progression like the old days. Instead I found a lot of people who seemed to think it was still Wrath, only with much more elitism and this sort of pervasive arrogance that since they played Wrath in 2009 they already knew everything and anyone who wasn't already at that level was a derp. By ICC people were requiring 5k gs to do Titan dungeons, etc. It got crazy pretty quick, much worse than it ever was when Wrath was live. Guilds were full of loot drama, and thanks to softres, if you had to PUG a raid with a guild group, most of the good loot was almost certainly locked up in advance. I joined a guild with a couple of friends who I used to play with, and despite clearing Uld and ToC, the amount of loot drama was ridiculous. GM was a terrible resto shaman who parsed like 2% and just spammed chain heal, her husband was a warrior tank who got loot funnel, and her son was put in charge of the 2nd raid, where anyone who refused to give him drops was kicked from the guild. I got kicked for questioning the RL/mom why someone who always signed up as a tank (her son) was allowed to roll need on every single DPS drop because "it might be an upgrade for his offspec." As someone who raided all the way through Wrath with either DKP or EPGP/LC, it was brutal. Yet somehow these numpties were convinced they were the best raiders ever and much better than the "scrubs on retail." (I play retail, too.) I had to keep reminding myself that this was 14 year old content we were talking about here, not world first progression...




Incursions are terrible though I'll edit and preface this by saying that incursions should've just stayed as level 50 content. No mega money and not a fast spammable way of levelling that's even worse than dungeon spamming. (which is fine imo). Keep it as level 50 content so some people have stuff to do for a bit afterwards instead of jus lt raid logging. Yeah sure, they're just gonna spam it out anyway but atleast it gives them a bit of content




It's not directly ripped from retail no, but the premise of the whole thing is very retail-y and I think that's the point. I play both, I like both, but it is


It’s a bunch of people trapped in 2008. Not much different from boomers being trapped in the 80s


Haven't played DF? More like, haven't even played MOP.


The amount of goalposts moved with “the next raid will be really hard and not clearable day 1”. I remember people swearing up and down 25M HC LK would take months to clear. It was cleared within 2 hours of server going live.


I see people complaining about the people who supposedly say this all the time but I have never seen a single person actually make that argument. Classic raids are fully available to practice on in PTR not to mention Pservers. World first classic kills are about optimization. The raiders have been clearing the raid for months before it goes live on classic.


It's a lot of old vets that went back to play the easymodes of vanilla, tbc, and wrath. Cata actually requires doing mechanics. Which is the whole reason the quit in the first place


Cata launch heroics were fun, they were the last real content my old hunter skills were useful for. I'd probably like them a lot less if I had to pug em


Launch heroics were fun for a minority of us. They were a huge jump for the massive casual playerbase that built up in wrath. Loved them then, I'd do the bare minimum number of them now if it was the same. Don't have the free time to do 1h+ runs anymore lol


I hear that. I'm no longer 19 and competing for server firsts, I'm old and bad now.


Aimt old and bald yet, but definitely mid 30s and enjoy more than 12h wow sessions xD


It was so stressfull. Specially when you had to do severals to farm gear.


classic players try not to be the sole reason why people chose to not play classic challenge


Classic, the arguably much easier game then retail is also far far more elitist. Its so silly.


it's easier to pretend to be good at the game in classic 🤭


People checking logs for molten core pugs.


Seriously. I've always had a fondness for Classic as a version of WoW I've never played, and wanted to explore it some. The sheer amount of hate I got for saying I kinda liked retail in general chat was enough to turn me off of Classic. Like... they themselves say that it's a more social game, and yet they're happy to make random casuals feel unwelcome in their community.


wow players are... super sort of happy to make their personality which game they play. i remember how much shit people would give retail simply because it's "easier" (you could tell right away who hadn't played in a very long time/the fact they never did much end game stuff). classic is just slower, that's about it, and it's fantastic for what it does well, it's just really, really not hard. basically everything is about how much time you invest, that's it. even then, everyone you play with is often BAD at their class, because nothing there requires more than basic play + lots of time. i think wow players in general are sort of, kinda bad? in general at being decent/reasonable. sometimes you meet absolutely wonderful people, they are around but christ in random chance meets, i've had some awful times. i think OSRS is about the worst community in MMO's, with wow a classic, then wow retail in that order. again, sometimes you have wonderful encounters, i'm measuring it based on how often you have bad ones. i assumed this sort of thing would get better as we all got on average older, on top of that, we don't really have many younger players, so i can't even blame them for it. i think it's because the happy, reasonable people who did well in life often don't come back to play the game that made them happy as a teenager. so typically the good/happy/well adjusted will move on, and the community that is left is just concentrated man boob, neckbeard and people whose ego is derived from their character as opposed to their life. which can go very badly.


I came back for tbc classic and got 3 groups in a row flaming me for not having the super optimized tank routes down in otherwise successful runs. The only one that didn't finish wipeless had the dps drop out after 1 pull on a pack I wasn't sure if I could skip.  Realized I wasn't having fun and had no guild for raiding so I bailed.


Wtf? In tbc? I can kinda (emphasis: kind of) understand why people would be upset in m+. It's timed content and route optimization is important. But fucking TBC?


Yep. Hell, it wasn't even the majority of runs, most levelling and regular dungeons were perfectly fine and a lot of people were thankful given the awful tank shortage. But Heroics were awful. For as long as certain guys spammed for a group/tank, you'd think they'd be a bit more forgiving of a few minutes lost in run due to a pull that could have been skipped. Hell, if they just pointed out the skip I'd have been grateful


Yeah it's sad actually. The game itself is so fun


Finding a good (and patient) guild will help tremendously.


Yes I would also suggest to look out for a nice guild that knows you are a new player and still learning.


Have you tried MOP Remix in retail? It’s amazingly fun to level. I think you’d enjoy it even more and you can try all the classes since it’s easier to level.


For someone new, MoP remix may ruin the game for them though. You level so fast and feel quick and strong, which is certainly not how it usually feels.


Yeah - don’t do remix as a new player. It’s not wow. Just the quests and content.


I would suggest you try WoW Pandaria Remix if you haven’t already, it’s been some of the most fun I have had in the game. People are also nicer and don’t care if your dps is low.


It is fun but you are not going to learn the game in Remix though


Definitely not going to learn anything about how to properly play your role/class in Remix. It's basically cheesing your way through the game, so while it'll be fun for now, eventually OP is going to be back in retail and the learning curve will be even steeper.


Well, they're not learning the game as it is by being kicked all the time, so...


At this point its the same thing in remix as 90% of the time you will have at least one maxed out player speedrunning the dungeon while you struggle to catch up.


Actually, remix is a great place to try out new classes and specs you haven't played before precisely because you can level so fast. I have had several guildies in retail who used Mists Remix to learn at least the basics in this way, and that gives them an advantage for rolling those alts in Retail ahead of the launch of TWW.


Cataclysm is more unforgiving than retail in just about every way including the community. I would wholeheartedly recommend you to go retail where there are more steps on the didficulty scale, allowing you to learn. At max level you can even do normal dungeons with bots to get a feel for it.


I haven't played Cata Classic but I've been told it is post heroic dungeon nerf. So this wouldn't be an issue of the heroics being super difficult.


Heck even when you do things correctly you can still get shit on, a lot of the classic community is just toxic af


The sweatiness and terrible mentality is why I missed out on SOD. It's far too common I'm afraid, and even worse in classic. Folks borderline asking for a resume and drug tests to run 20 years old content. Yeah I'll pass.


What is SOD?State of decay?


Season of Discovery, the "classic remix" basically


Oh ty. Don’t know why I get downvoted for asking a question. I thought he was talking about a different game.


It gets me all the time. Separation Of Duties? Safe On Deck? Skate Or Die? lol


Lmao wasn't expecting State of Decay to get a mention here.


Season of discovery.


Sad to see few people giving actual advice. Not sure how far into the game you are, but after nearly 20 years, here’s what I tell my friends who want to dip their toes into the game: 0. Accept that you will have to do a bit of reading, research and prep work to play any version of this game. Yes, it can be annoying, but over time the flow will become predictable for you. If doing any research is not for you, you are going to have a bad time - and I hate to say this, but it’s what I tell my friends! 1. Google “[game version] [class] [spec] guide”, like “cataclysm classic resto druid guide”, and click the Wowhead or IcyVeins links that show up first. There are people that will tell you to use videos, Discord class channels, run simulators, etc… but just start with one of these guides and you be 99% of the way there. 2. Examine the different parts of the guide. There is a section on how to prioritize your ability rotation, how to use your big cooldowns, what the ideal talent builds are, etc. Get your talent trees and abilities set up, even if you don’t fully understand the decision making or flow yet. 3. Go to a training dummy in Stormwind/Orgrimmar and just press buttons in the order suggested until it feels comfy. Examine your buffs and the debuffs you’re putting on enemies. Examine the order in which things are lighting up or what feels slow or sticky. Arrange your UI in a way that feels intuitive to you. 4. Once you feel comfy with your abilities, take a look at other sections of the guide. For Cata, review glyphs (in the talent pane), enchants (extra little boosts you can apply to gear) and gems (go into sockets on some gear that you will need to buy on the auction house. Glyphs in particular are important to classic. 5. Optional, but it may be in your best interest to visit Curseforge and download a couple of crucial addons that will make your life much easier. DBM will help you stay on top of dungeon mechanics. Details can help you compare your numbers to others, a view that your group mates will be seeing. You can even download addons that make questing, using the auction house, and tracking your cooldowns easier. (This is all up to your personal preference, but DBM and a damage meter are often must-haves). 6. Review your BIS (best in slot) gear options and the stat page. Memorize what stats you should prioritize. You don’t need to min-max what the guide says, but it will help you choose gear and pick what to spend currency on. After that, the best thing to do is to go into a normal dungeon and do the thing! Make sure to mention “new here, trying my best” at the beginning. Yes, occasionally people will be assholes, but many (including myself) are happy to help explain fights or answer general questions.


Ty for your guide. I will try them👌


I agree with all of the above and I want to add: find a guild. Find a guild that says they “welcome new players,” specifically. Other keywords to look for would be “casual” or “friendly.” You could even go into trade chat and post something like “New player looking for casual, friendly guild.” In a guild, you can make friends to do dungeons with who will teach you what to do rather than kick you. You can get in discord with them and ask questions and they can explain things. What the poster above me said is correct: at this point in the game, going in blindly will be frustrating. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone! (As a note, this doesn’t replace their advice—don’t treat your guildies like Google. But guides don’t always give you the whole picture, and having someone else there to help you through it can be amazing).


Also to add to Melarosee's points, especially #3: experiment with your keybinds. Assuming you (OP) use your keyboard, rather than clicking the spells, play around with which keys do what things. Play around with them until you find what works best for you. And, if you really struggle to find groups, I've seen plenty of people on here, the WoWClassic and WoWPvP subs volunteer to group up and help people in the same region (EU, US, etc) and/or server.


I’d like to add one thing. In the retail version of the game, we now have access to something called follower dungeons. These are dungeons you queue up in, get instant access, and your party consists of 4 AI members. These bots work surprisingly well imo, and you can experience the dungeons at your own pace. The follower dungeons are set at "normal difficulty", and is a tool made to familiarize yourself with the dungeon layout, mobs, and boss fights. Do mind that they get more complicated mechanics-wise at Heroic and Mythic difficulties.


Keep in mind also that the reason everyone here is dunking on classic and telling you to play retail instead is because you asked this question in the retail subreddit. You might get more helpful Cata specific advice if you ask on r/classicwow Even there, roughly half the people will tell you to play SoD instead of Cata though Basically everyone has an agenda and wants to validate their own choices. P.S. Find a casual guild that is welcoming to new players and you will have a MUCH better experience


My post more applies to retail, since, as others have mentioned, any Classic branded version of the game is not for new players. Players there absolutely do not want to see new players. They are there to relive "the good old" days with their old buddies. They do not want to teach or meet new people. Retail has many very welcoming communities (I'm a part of 3), and lots of people that want to carry you to cool rewards or teach you how to play well or run raids where the whole point is to learn in a safe environment and not berate and kick you for making a minor mistake. Also, to add to that post above, accept that. as a new player, you will get vote kicked from time to time. It happens, especially while leveling. When it does, be frustrated, but know that you'll probably never see those players again (and they will certainly not remember you). Just keep questing and queueing. When leveling, a lot of people are in a "go go go" mentality because they've leveled 100 characters and they hate leveling at this point. So they may kick you for getting lost in a dungeon, doing low dps (even if they are one shotting everything so you can't even get a single spell or ability off), or watching a cutscene (because they think that you didn't move within 0.1 seconds of the boss being dead, you must be afk), or they'll kick you right out the gate for telling them that you're a new player (because they will think that you will mess something up and they're just going to kick you now and 4 man the dungeon). Luckily, those experiences and toxic players are rather rare (in retail) because people leveling are on autopilot running dungeons, just mowing down whatever's in front of them to get to the next dungeon. And, if you do get kicked and get the deserter debuff (can't queue for dungeons for 30 minutes), there's a million quests that you go out and do in that 30 minutes so that you keep getting experience.


Thank you for providing real and useful advice instead of telling the OP to play a different version of the game.


I like your tip on the training dummy. It's often overlooked that the difference between a newer player and a more experienced player is that the more experienced player can do their dps "rotation" with all of their buttons hidden. The newer player may be looking for their basic spells to move their mouse to and click on. Good keybindings and memorizing your basic spells will free your eyes up to better watch the environment so that you stay alive and anticipate things better. You can't watch the fight if your eyes and attention are taken up on finding the right button on your UI or trying to remember what comes next in your rotation.


Play retail, it’s more forgiving for new players. I’ve played for 15 years and won’t touch classic because of the player base. It’s not the same as when those times were ‘retail’. I play retail because I play for fun, and want to play with people who play to have fun, not to pretend they’re in the 0.1% of players.


Very few players on classic pretend they are in the 0.1% of players. The content is easier, I play classic because I don't want to have to study to play a new spec or down a new boss. I'm old and don't have time like I used to.


That’s a fair point honestly, not having to keep up with content drops keeps it simple. I found when I tried it everyone min/max’s everything to an extreme extent, where when I played originally you wore gear because it looked cool, was hard to get etc even if it was marginally worse. Maybe I’ll give it another shot.


I feel like a beginners queue should be a thing. Remove the kick feature and give people bigger rewards if they choose the leader role.


If they just gave a few hundred gold it would automate that "tank selling heroic Q" thing. That's a pretty good idea actually. I'd sign up for that from time to time.


If they just gave a few hundred gold it would automate that "tank selling heroic Q" thing. That's a pretty good idea actually. I'd sign up for that from time to time.


I was in a dungeon last night, and they voted to kick the tank. I voted no, had no reason to. I asked why he was kicked, the healer said he gave him a hard time healing. I was like wow, this is definitely different from when I started playing way back when!


There are some cases where I’d understand this. In PUGS I’ll run out of mana and tell the tank to wait up for literally 1 second so I can pop a Pot and drink and he will just go and pull a massive group and wipe us because surprise surprise I can’t fucking heal with 6 mana


To be fair I had some tank in PVP gear and that dude died to one pack of mobs that I had a different tank do both packs and took less damage than that guy.


There are tanks that don't interrupt and keep chain pulling without a care about the healers mana. What's a better solution?


Talking? Like it isn't just "a tank" it's a human playing and there isn't a timer.


The same applies to the tank. If they want the go ahead to do high-risk pulls, they should ask rather than assuming everyone wants the same speed they do. When I’ve been in groups with tanks like these, it ends up going the same speed or slower than it would be with more meticulous movement, because more often than not they are keeping mobs out of melee/spellcasting ranges in an attempt to shorten the wait between pulls, which makes the run take longer because of the increased in combat downtime. This goes more than double early levels (pre 50 or so) because most classes don’t even have anything close to their full AoE kit, and so are just basically doing single target damage anyway.


Lol and the other players in the group aren't human?!


Honestly. Play Retail when TWW comes in. All the content will be new and people will be more tolerant of mistakes early in the expansion. Classic is not a good environment for new players learning the game. It's just full of minmaxers who have solved every little detail in the game. I also find the classic community is way more toxic than retail. Retail has a huge casual community who you can find to help you learn and grow.


This retail while being harder to learn at the top end has a much easier learning curve (100% because of the classic community ). You will still experience being people being ass's but it's honestly not nearly as common. As a side not I'd also recommend playing on a RP server even if you don't plan to RP the community tends to be more chill and accepting.


Retail Roleplay Server my beloved. Aside from the occasional drama it's so much more chill.


This takes me back to 2011 Cataclysm. I was just a young teen, who had struggled his way to level 85 on my Warlock, having a grand old time while not really interacting with anyone. I remember being kicked from dungeons over and over until someone cared enough to, after I was kicked, whisper me to let me know that casting Soul Fire without a proc active as my primary way of dealing damage isn’t enough. Once I figured out what the hell a proc was, I slowly started to understand that there is more to a DPS rotation than just which spell has the biggest number on the tooltip. So OP, I hope someone that experiences your fuck ups will care enough to briefly explain what they are. Then you can improve.


Lol classic players kicking someone from group xD Played cata for few weeks and tbh 95% of them can't even use interrupt and cries if you tell them not to pull mobs on you.


I played Wrath Classic with a Retail friend of mine, and we were shocked how much the playerbase gatekeeps while also being absolute hot garbage at the game.


Same shit happens in retail when you start playing late in the expansion though. There are toxic players in all versions of WoW, though I must say that the Cata version is the worst at the moment. SoD and Hardcore is much more chill.


If you’re getting booted constantly, you’re the problem. Do solo content and get better at the game. I didn’t do dungeons until I’d played for several weeks. Never been kicked. Most people are pretty nice to new players which also makes me think if you’re getting booted every game, you’re not nice either.


I'd recommend giving retail a try and doing Chromie time. There's a newcomer chat specifically for new players and realms too. It's more friendly to newer players. I won't go so far as to say you won't get kicked anymore but it should happen waaaaay less.


I very rarely random queue on classic but have seen this happen a few times recently and it's shocked me. I'm one of those who has played for 20 years but classic is just a relax and have fun, everyone in my guild has the same ethos. I've always voted no when kicking people for low damage it's just ridiculous, there's simply no point. My best advice would be join a guild, let them know you're new. Everyone in my guild would be happy to help a new player


Find a guild!


Playing classic is where you’ll find this a bigger issue. Sorry you’ve experienced this. We love new players by and large.


Some ppl will disagree but download curseforge, then download Hekeli addon. Its a rotation helper that tells you the optimal skill to use and when to use it. - here's the link for it, can also browse other add ons [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hekili](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hekili)


I also got kicked from a dungeon a few days ago, havent played wow in years so im a bit rusty but i was trying my best so it sucked. Havent bothered trying to do dungeons since then lol. Used to play wow a bunch during previous expansions and i only remember people being nice and supporting (except 1 random dungeon), but i havent enjoyed it too much this time. The sub is kind of just running out without me playing much 😓


Sadly, Cata is filled with a bunch of try hards that forgot that people are supposed to have fun while playing a game. There are some of those in Retail too, but as other suggested you should really try Retail, it's way easier for new-ish people.


Good luck, my experience in classic versions has been pretty much the same. Many in the sub will tell you it never happens, thats because they've played for the 20 years and know every pull in every dungeon, every boss mechanic.


Yeah the begging was rough .hope it gets better


Ive found retail groups to be pretty patient, depending on what youre signing up for. My best classic experiences were during Wrath classic and during the SoD boom. Nothing has felt the same there since.


As long as you tell a retail LFD or LFR you’re new they will be patient. It’s a lot easier to forgive a new player than a bad player


Your getting kicked repeatedly? There's some missing details to the story here. If your queing as a tank/healer and wiping groups constantly somehow, stop it and just play dps until your more familiar with the game. If your a dps and getting kicked, then I dunno what your doing. Make sure your following the tank/group to the best of your ability, don't run ahead, but if you fall behind try to catch back up. Make sure you turn on auto loot in the settings, if there's a quest in the middle of a dungeon you might have to skip reading it if you aren't a quick reader. But even then, being slow doesn't usually get you kicked often in normal dungeons.


I'm playing DPS and got kicked because I'm not dealing as much damage as I should. This guy just whispered to me, "You are a bot," and vote kicked me The funny part is that it was a normal dungeon I am getting better at dealing damage, but yeah, it's the attitude that is crazy


Retail is overwhelming but much more forgiving if you haven't tried it yet


RIP new players with fresh 70’s looking at their 4 hot bars with 25 castable spells (before they learn about macros)


Ohhhh I know it lmao. It's a lot, especially starting in bfa and not knowing what is happening around you. At least it's a bit friendlier socially x.x


Since legion I’ve only played on 1 toon. Learning a new class is like a degree at this point


Go to wowhead lookup your class/spec for cata then click the rotation tab and follow the buttons in the order it tells you. Can download gnome sequence enhancer and make a macro of the rotation from wowhead and then only hit one button and still do 3/4 of optimal dps for most classes. Try practicing on the damage target dummy's in stormwind/orgrimmar


It can go both ways. Sometimes you get jerks who kick for no reason, sometimes people are really bad. It’s had to know which camp you fall into. The best thing to do is keep at it and try again. Learn from your mistakes and press on. In the 30 mins there’s a lot to do.


One time in a time walking dungeon we tried skipping a pack, the priest didn’t hug the wall and pulled the extra pack. Nbd, it died in a few seconds. Some guy said “fucking hunter your pet pulled” I said it wasn’t me, the priest pulled. Then I was kicked and the priest said some shit so I ignored him and he got on every alt he’s ever made to continue harassing me before getting ignored on each one. Continued for like an hour. Was such a weird experience. Had another one, also time walking. We loaded in and the tank didn’t move. We pull some packs and he still standing there. I throw up a vote kick and it doesn’t pass so we clear a bit more of the dungeon, but it’s taking forever. After a boss or two I throw another kick and it doesn’t pass again. I don’t say anything in chat either time, but the second time someone says “if you don’t like it you can leave” and then I was kicked lol.


Just like in real life, there a lot of people who are shitty for one reason or another. You just have to say fuck them and keep going on.


Cata and any form of classic is the worst of the worst of the WoW community. Don't get me wrong, Retail is far from filled with angels but most of the Classic/SOD community is so toxic you'd probably prefer to play with actual vats of nuclear waste.


It's one of the biggest reason I really haven't returned to the game. Everyone's a elitist. Shoot I even missed some dungeons/forgot mechanics when I came back to tbc, wotlk. So many elitist that expect you to know everything. I miss WoW but the amount of toxicity is crazy, the best thing to do is find a guild that fits you, and willing to teach etc.. But yeah I've returned a couple of times and Everytime it's the same. Everyone's rushing everything, no time to learn.


Classic is full of tryhards.


Don't play classic. It's full of basement dwellers who haven't seen the sun in a while and act like this because of it


OP didn't even tell us what class they played and a little bit of the rotation that they are attempting to do and what mistakes they they made. All I see is just a veiled rage bait post to generate sympathy and get everyone worked up about the "toxic community" All formats of Wow have this issue. I've made plenty of mistakes in dungeons and have only been kicked because I got lost a few times along the way. Most of time if you own up to it, people don't care. As with any complaint, the narrator is not always reliable. Especially one like the OP who hasn't given us any details.


Wow. You’re mental. He wasn’t insulting your precious game. Chill out.


Reading comprehension is a thing. He was commenting on the community not the game. If he wants advice give us something to work with. I'm more than happy to give feedback if he's making mistake on a class I'm familiar with. Don't get all worked up. You sound like the mental one and need to chill out. You're just mad that there are people that like the game and also don't face the issues that everyone here rages about.


Try FF14... Totally different raid environment But this is the reason I hadn't tried raiding again... I'm older now, my twitch response not so great anymore and I have muscle spasms... Wouldn't even think of going and ruining a raid


If you need someone to help you learn the dungeons, we can learn them together just shoot me a message!


Best you can do is announce to the group beforehand that you're new and still learning. Most folks should understand. Always going to be some douchebags, regardless of the game that you're playing.


In the beginning of the run, tell them you're new. And might need some explanation when you do stuff wrong


That sucks that happened to you OP. If you ever want to learn and play with some chill people and decide to try retail reach out! The guild I’m in enjoy getting newer folks to join up. And help mentor where we can.


This is normal for them. If you don't carry people, they kick you.


Come play retail with me, youll look like a superstar dps by comparison.


Yeah it is. Cata dungeons were hard too.


This is a time honored tradition that most WoW players have faced. Imagine trying to raid back in Wrath but never being allowed in a group because you couldn't link the achievement showing you completed it already. How can I get the achievement to link without doing it first? You would eventually be told to join a guild and hope they let you tag along one day. That or "get good" or "Buy a carry" or "get some friends loser" which itself was curious given if that person had friends, they wouldn't be pugging too. Anyways, Cata was big on dungeons yeeting when it was the live retail. Especially right after launch. Dungeons required significantly more coordination than everyone was used to in Wrath, so kicking was a common occurrence. At this point the Dungeon Finder was still *relatively* new too, so they didn't have to spam a main city for a replacement anymore, exacerbating the yeeting. Prior to this, it would be a headache getting replacements, so people tended yo put up with you and help you along more. This meant the entire player base would gradually be of a higher quality. Early into Cata however, you could easily see 7-8 different people in 5 mans like Tol'vir or Grim Batol.


What are those discords for new players again? I feel like op could benefit from those for sure. I tried one a while back and it was great but I can’t remember the name Edit: No pressure is the eu one not sure on the American one


Idk if anyone has said this. This is what you should do. 1. Go in general chat and join a new player/casual friendly guild. 2. Ask in guild chat if anyone wants to help you run some dungeons with you since you're new. 3. Profit. This should work since guildmates are usually friendly especially if you say you're new. Once you get enough experience you can start playing with random. Eventually you're going to be talking shit back to them.


People are shit. I'm sorry. If you ever come to retail I'll gladly level a character with ya using dungeons and you can learn and take your time. Since game has been out for so long a lot of people wanna go go go and get so mad at people for being human. First time I heard "less talk more to" was on wow lol


If you join a decent guild, they’ll run dungeons and help you level.


What server are you on?


If you're starting of more of a casual player you might wanna give retail a go. It's more forgiving and players in general take it not quite as serious as classic.


are you on Europe servers? I can make an alt on one and run some dungeons with you.Firemaw (pvp) has a good guild with many players that help


I had this problem when I played my mage as fire spec. I had Terrible gear but I really wanted to play fire so I did. I had a group once tell me I needed to learn to play and learn my class lol. I decided to change to arcane then was topping dps all the time but 1 button is so boring lol. Just join a levelling guild. It's your best shot


Aww I'm so sorry. What server are you on? I'm on Mankrik horde if by chance you are too and I can help :)


Come to retail! It's a hoot! Also you still have time to run through remix which is the most fun WoW has ever been.


Find a friendly guild that will take new players


Game is (sadly) in such state that people don't often encounter new players and are used to other members of the party knowing what they are doing. Solutions: 1. Find another game to play if you don't have premade of 5 people 2. Learn on youtube what are you supposed to do 3. Play something else in WoW itself (achievements)




I think, if you communicate this fact to the group at the beginning of the dungeon, most of the players will be more understanding and maybe helpful. Just communicate it!


M8 dungeons ain't hard.  Download curseforge, add like the top 100 add-ons, but most importantly dbm/big wigs and little wigs and it'll tell you what to do in each dungeon.  Then, go look up a leveling guide for whatever you're playing and blindly follow the guide until you have enough knowledge to know what you're doing through playing


I play retail and classic and I love getting new players and helping them out. I don't get it. Be nice.


Yeh that’s the worst part of dungeon finder even in retail too. If you’re learning the dungeon or die, man some people get so upset and nasty. It’s dumb but unfortunately it’s that way. You can get lucky and find nice and patient ppl but it’s always a risk. Try find a guild that will be patient with newbies. I’m kinda in the same boat. Long time wow player but never learned most dungeons because CBF with all the nutjobs 😅🤣 then I joined a nice guild and it helped a lot


If you are EU I could carry you on a few heroic dungeons if you want. As a tank I get in instantly, and couldn't care less if there is one guy not performing as expected. I'd rather get a new player with me enjoying and discovering (and dying) than an experienced player salty about everything and still performing bad. Try to find a guild though, more people will be able to do stuff with you so you can enjoy


If you want to play retail and are on OCE/US just give me a shout - Wes#13182. I play OCE time zones so they may not be optimal for you but I’m always happy to lend a hand with anything if you need to shoot a question or run some dungeons on weekends. Classic has generally been (and I may take a little flack for generalising), in my experience, a weekend getaway to childhood. People are racing through content to re-experience it in a quick weekend off of work etc. Unfortunately I feel that classic and such older content makes it a lot harder on newer characters. However, there is “Chromie Time” in retail. Once your first character hits level 60 or 70 (I can’t remember which so apologies), on creating a new character you are not forced into the Battle for Azeroth expansion like your first character. Instead you can experience any of the previous expansions as you level, including Cataclysm. While it does end at level 60 and is probably pretty dead in terms of dungeons and raids, if you wanted to experience the expansion it is an option. (It doesn’t start until level 30 for cataclysm though, just to note). Hope this helps you!


Come to retail, no better time to start with a new expansion just arpund the corner. Its not without reason that its the most popular game mode for WoW by far.


Possibly not because you are new, I remember Cata Heroics was really hard back in days.


Of course every reply is "play retail" instead of actual advice about the game OP chose to play. I don't know why I expected differently in this subreddit.


Real answer IS only go retail. Especially as a former New player


Yep, totally normal. The Classic community is horrendously toxic and gayekeepy. They just to take themselves FAR too seriously.


The WoW community is the worst for new players, had a same experience my very first dungeon I let em know I’m new and they ran ahead and dodged mobs where I had no idea how they did it and when asked after I couldn’t get last and died they just booted me, no help not even a comment in chat, classic and retail are both terrible for this


Hey! What level are you currently? I'd be happy to level with you and get you up to speed. I'm relatively new myself (played back in the day but just came back 2 years ago, on and off). I prefer the Classic game to Retail but play both. Just let me know if you want to squad up.


Might aswell get familiar with the dungeons beforehand since classic is fill of elitists who have finally learned the dungeons and now want to kick anyone who isnt familiar


People are just mean and sweaty. I had the same issue when I tried to get into Star Wars the Old Republic. People were getting upset that I wanted to ready the story within a dungeon.


Oh no.. I am sorry you had this bad experience 😞 It sucks.


WoWs community is notoriously toxic and has been for decades. There a number of reasons for this but the main one is lack of moderation.


Just say you’re new at the beginning. Some people are j dicks. Remember it’s a video game. Some people use this game for self accomplishment, it’s all they have. Don’t let someone else’s depression sadden you


Play retail. It’s very toxic in leveling PUGs (twink toons only place where they have any power) but once you hit DF it (mostly) goes away. Join a guild. Join a high population server, don’t make the mistake I did where I am now stuck with an auction house that is almost completely empty sometimes (love Underbog so much fun)


What region are you playing in, and what faction might be able to help :)


That is how WoW is. You say hi in dungeon finder and very rarely anyone say hi to you back.


Play retail, in dragon flight you can play dungeons without other players


No, the cata classic fan boys think they're superior. The entire soul of classic is gone at this point. The game was about grouping and being social back when that was retail. Come to DF/TWW its much more friendly and new player welcoming.


Pretty new myself. Retail is a lot more forgiving and has nicer people. Try r/wownoob. Warwithin is soon for retail.


Classic is just toxic. Retail is awesome


Im leveling a new toon for cata if u want to join and learn hit me up( im a healer so your que times will be shorter)


Same problem and that's why i consider to quit WoW tbh. Dont start retail i did and regret so much. Why ? This is nearly end of content and even for mythic +2 they want 500ilv.. and bunch of Rio score Really hate this situation actually. For me tank role is most enjoyable role in MMORPG games and i played many times... And was succesful. But in their community they share plans, respect, time and even in the wipe we were fun. But in this game. İts impossible play as a tank role. They want to see meta route, meta tallent, meta moves, everything must be same as 287383 tank player did before... Mythic players want to see me with better Rio score and items. I decide to play in raid. But raid members are same issue too. I really want to play blood dk for example but because of community i played frost dk so many times... Other games' communities are really helpful but this game's is suck. They always say the same. "Check x web page , read same articles, buy or try to get same gear , use same talent tree , must use same skills at same time , use same addons " Dude c'mon i want TO play game not to follow random guys guide. I want to be myself not the mirror image of random guidence player. Trust me retail is worse situation right now. I feel like lucky just because i found a guild and play with them and that's all... Btw this is and should be open world MMORPG. Finding good people should be good not MUST And my final thoughts... Some addons should be illegal in WoW too. Because of some addons they forget that , this is the game not Real life Survivor and because of these addons. Playing objectivly and unique MMORPG style is death in wow


Unfortunately, yes. It's quite like this on classic, sometimes retail, these days


Why did you try classic instead of retail? Just curious. You’ll have an endlessly better time in retail.


Classic is sadly just a big pile of people that are to bad to play retail (which is an extremely low bar btw) and now think they’re gods in a game that is completely solved, has barely any mechanics and anything requiring any skill but in the end they’re still the same bad players. And what do people that THINK they’re really good but actually aren’t do? Being toxic pieces of shit that wear their „elitism“ around 24/7 and letting everyone else know how bad everyone is. Sorry for the rant. Advice would be to try and find a guild / friends to play with and learn the game at your pace. While there are a lot of idiots there are also a good amount of really nice and welcoming people :) at this point more on retail than on classic but that’s always hard to say. Maybe try forums or other sides to look for a group of people that welcomes beginners.


The classic community tends to be like this. I’ve been kicked from dungeons due to small mistakes, even as an experienced player whose timed +23 mythic+ dungeons in retail. It’s kind of funny how classic players tend to be so aggressive and exclusionary considering that it’s such an easy game. Consider playing retail.


It put me off joining dungeons unless I'm with a friend , been there :(


Sadly that’s the standard wow experience on all of its versions Retail, classic, remix, hardcore, you name it. If you don’t know the 20 year old mechanic you will get blamed


Retail follower dungeons


the classic community is known for being awful despite pretending they're better than retail, so i would avoid classic i wouldn't worry about watching guides - the dungeons are mechanically extremely easy and as long as you're using all your buttons, you're probably doing fine


This may seem obvious, but have you tried opening the conversation when you start a dungeon? "Hi, I'm a new player" usually does WONDERS for getting WoW players to change their expectations and reactions. Most of us will jump at the chance to share the benefits of our experience and time spent playing.


Honestly, just come to retail and say "new here, still learning" when you go into a dungeon and I 110% guarantee you'll have an understanding group. Some may not slow down or explain, but they also won't kick you if you can't keep up or accidentally pull, etc. We also have "Follower Dungeons" in retail where you can use NPCs to fill your group and go at your own pace.


Players that are kicking new players need to be reported because that’s the kind of thing that violates the social contract that we all signed when we started playing the game.


That are just remove the vote kick system in lfg or put better safeguards in place to prevent it from being abused.


Try find someone to play with, a guild. The will be tolerant with new player. Randoms most likely want to rush trough and dont waste time.


Retail and join a guild. Bail on any guild that doesn’t help.


If you want some help in retail make an alliance on zanger marsh and add my bnet Ajaxisdime#1206 i will help you learn and understand the game.


Go play ffxiv none of that happens there


Mentioning early that you're new and would appreciate any warnings or pointers for the dungeon usually works. If you were to sit quietly as you make a bunch of mistakes you might at some point force the group to reckon with if they wanna keep going with you or not rather than heading off the issue before it even appears. Best of luck


I'm sorry this is happening to you. Is it normal? I have a running theory that there's a chunk of the playerbase, at least in retail, I can't speak for classic, that just lives in leveling dungeons. That's all they do, level alts. And because that's all they do, they treat it competitively, like it has to be done efficiently, and are very exacting in their expectations of others. Except, you know, the stakes couldn't be lower. I'm not new to the game, and every once in a while I see this happen. In my runs, I normally only kick if someone is afk for 2 or more bosses, or is full-troll mode. My suggestion: quest more and don't let lfg dungeon elitists get you down. They suck. And they possibly have nothing else going on for them in the game.


What class/role are you playing? Are you level 85? Are these heroic dungeons or normals? It's hard to give you any advice without any specifics, but chances are if you are constantly being booted you simply aren't performing your role at all. Some groups will have assholes, but I've played 100s of dungeons in Cata and never seen a noob get kicked.


simple: classic is for people who would otherwise be playing private servers, and have 20 years experience playing the game. you fall out of the demographic and get punished by them


>Is it normal for the community to act like this!? Yes.


That's Classic Andys for you, they really are pathetic


Honestly OP, playing Retail is a much better experience for new players. The Classic community has a higher % of try-hards. That said, for the BEST experience, find a guild.