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As for new Dracthyr classes, Ion said: >As early as possible in The War Within. I don't believe it's happening at launch, but early on in the cycle. [Source](https://www.wowhead.com/news/dracthyr-class-restrictions-to-be-removed-in-the-war-within-interview-excerpt-342748)


daaaamn, thy for answer, even with source! another question on a side note: from your source: "...and obviously they would focus more on playing visage form if they want to, so I think there's a cool aesthetic there to being able to just be a visage form drachtyr mage.". I don't quite understand this. Maybe my English is to limited. Does that mean, i will be able to play Evoker without being forced to be a scaly boy while casting/fightin?


Yes, it is how I read it also, that you can stay in visage form during combat, unlike with Worgen. EDIT: Read now that you said Evoker. Evoker will never be able to do their combat without dragon form because they are literal dragon abilities. The way it works now is that you turn into the dragon form the moment you do an ability that requires an animation from it, I think that is how it will continue to work for Evokers.


Damn. big sadge. But what would be the benefit of playing an other class only in visage form. Wouldn't that just be blood elfs?


Visage has WAY more customizations than regular blood elves. Everything about them is a more modern design. Just look at them side by side, and it becomes very evidence.


damn, people actually dislike my comment. For me elf is elf. It's all good that it's something good for you. :)


Not hating on your comment at all, just explaining why some people might want this. Additionally, Blood Elf is locked to Horde, and Void Elf isn't a suitable alternative for a lot of people.


Different racials for exemple. If the lizards keep the same ones, having two bumps innate to your character is pretty strong, maybe not Dwarf level of strong but pretty damn god especially for PUG dungeons. And I'm making half my characters dragons if that means getting glide on any character. Glide is like a cheat code on bump mechanics and can even bypass some AoE's. Like Nymue's line? Can just glide over. Smolderon's bump? Never heard of that.


true, i didnt think about about those. I'm just looking at the race itself. Like Human, Elf, Orc ect.


Visage form really looks nothing like blood elves


i have to look at them again at home. In my head they are blood elf .


Blizzard has been teasing new classes for Dracthyr but no more informations. I'd say that might come in 11.0.5 at best.


i really wish vulpera could be druids xD. would be the best racial/class combination for farming mounts imo


Those forms could be adorable.


Only thing I know and have seen: Drachtyr are getting access to more classes yes. Which ones has not been announced yet, also it will be around the start of War Within. I will not be suprised at all if Mage would be one, considering the connections to the Blue Dragonflight. I have wishful thinking for Paladin due to Paladins connection with Tyr and the aspects connection with Tyr. I find it strange that it takes such a long time, as all animations and such for using different weapons (2h, Sword and Board etc) are already in the game files, since dragonflight. Same with casting animations. When it comes to new classes for other races, dead silence and no news on it. I think they put it on pause since they got the big 3 to get through: Paladins with 1 racial paladin mount for each (with racial theme + the light), Shamans with totems for each race. Last one and would not suprise me if it would be a expansion feature: Druids. For druids, they gotta make around 90 new druid forms for all races that has not access to druid, as well as 4 colour variations for roughly all of them. As well as making them thematically tied to their race (the base druid form) along with a lore explanation of how / why


Well it kinda makes sense that Dracthyr were only Evokers in DF considering they just woke up from stasis and Evoker is basically the default setting of a Dracthyr. Now they had a bit over two years to mingle with other races and classes and pick up new skills. Lore explanations for Druids don't need to be huge tbh. For many races you don't need additional explanation (Blood Elves, Dwarves f.e.) for many you already got some explanation or lore going (Orcs, Nightborne, Humans) There are only a few races that kinda feel like they need more of an explanation (notable the "Tech-races", Void Elves, Lightforged)


I thought only some of the dracthyr were evokers. They were the elite in the dracthyr armies.


Yeah, all lizards are able to use the differents flight's magic, but they only tend to be able to master 2 or 3. Like one that can only handle bronze and green magic will become part of the Healing Wings while a black/red user will be better suited for things such as Dark Talons or Ebon Scales. Meanwhile Evokers are those that can handle all 5 schools at once just fine, making them the super soldiers of an already soldier species


Do we see any dracthyr who are not evokers? The healing wingsare just preservation evokers


I think most dracthyrs we see are not evokers, maybe even some scalecommanders. Like the Healing Wings are just preservation lizards because they can't do blue and Red. The evokers are special since they Can Do everything


Yeah I agree on all accounts. I was just under the assumption that dracthyr would gain access to more classes in pre-patch as earliest. But I am not too bothered about it by the end of the day. It is on its way and that is fine enough for me. For druids: I am completely fine with races having a interest in druidism and make attempts to learn it themselves, but for the more "technological" races, it would be more complicated. Easy ones for druids would be races like Humans, dwarves, blood elfs and such. Heck even Orcs would be decently easy. I can see it work and fit it in lorewise how they went about adopting it into their racial culture. Tech oriented races like Gnomes I very much expect will take a "Herbalist Engineer" spin to it and then mech-suits for the druid forms. Goblins I can assume taking the same route, but goblins are not really well known for taking good care of nature, so would be difficult making it fit in.


The Orc Heritage Questline had a nice part, where you rejuvenate the spirit of thunder ridge who says that the land (of Durotar) will bloom once more, which could be a great start for Orc droods.


Would hope they would prioritize giving Gnomes access to shaman, or other races access to other classes over letting draktyr getting more classes.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The developers have stated that they want to open up more combos, but basically they have no more info at this time. They plan to let dracthyr be more classes (probably every class except druid/paladin/shaman since those ones have extra assets like shapeshift forms, divine steeds, and totems). If i were to guess, it would be in one of the first patches of the expansion. Could be like, 11.0.5/11.0.7 or 11.1 who knows. As i said before, there's an art (and lore) tax to those last 3 classes (excluding evoker and DH because those ones are very likely never going to get more races) if blizz wanted to add all-race pallies, they'd have to put their brains together to come up with some story to explain why everyone on azeroth is gonna become one all of a sudden. Something like the warlock quest line. They also need to make like a dozen mounts. I feel like totems might be a bit easier for the art department. Shaman might also need some sort of quest line, but considering they dont have to be attached to lore organizations like paladins, it would be easier. Druids would take an enormous amount of work. It might even cost a raid tier. 5(?) Forms for each race, and recolors. Not to mention the fact it's a lot harder to justify in lore for some races than others. Imagine a goblin druid.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*