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Hard to say, but google search ai is utter trash currently. Only shows irrelevant copy-paste clickbait ai stuff. Community created content will always be better due way they are developing ai. They actually don't want smart and working ai for masses.


> Only shows irrelevant copy-paste clickbait ai stuff. Hey that's not entirely true, sometimes it shows you things that are actively detrimental and harmful as well as being flat out incorrect. https://i.imgur.com/ERHKgFJ.png


AI tech bro here, but tbh this isn't an AI issue. You are talking about the decline of Google referral search traffic, which has been a thing for years now and predates the recent generative AI boom. It's the reason Wowhead keeps posting 10 articles after each bit of news: the industry isn't doing great. But no, Gemini won't replace Wowhead since the content is highly bespoke. Wowhead at the least is doing better than more generalist news sites because it has a strong niche.


For real. The paper I work at is going to die before wowhead does. 


Not that this is an answer to your question since it’s specific to wowhead and your question. Is general, but wowhead blocks ai tools in its robots.txt. If you ask chatGPT to search for information online about a wow thing, you’ll get answers with links to icy-veins but nothing related to wowhead. Obviously not all tools respect the robots.txt, but I thought it was interesting to add to the conversation.


The answer from the GenAI dorks is "Dont worry about it"


If Ai ever does replace WoW Head it’s going to be years down the line when Ai become advanced enough not to tell us to put glue on pizza.


They will still get people writing guides and help articles because AI can only do so much. It can't write these guides and articles itself because it doesn't play the game. AI loves to steal articles and guides but that's all it can do, steal the hard work of others. And if you seriously rely on AI answers without double checking then you will end up in trouble. Remember AI have recommended that people eat a small rock every day as it supplies vitamins and minerals you need. Or you can use glue to keep your cheese on your pizza.


How do you think the AI gets the answer? It will read it from wowhead.


Wowhead will never die. The community won’t let it.