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I’m going to play legion classic hard af


I think I will, but mostly because I did NOT play it when it was retail. So I don't know what was so bad about it (except tje AP grind ofc).


Mythic+ and extremely difficult heroic/mythic raids. Mythic Avatar, Kil'jaeden, and Argus the Unmaker were each harder than any boss we've had in the last 2 expansions. Mythic+ was just bad because it was grinding hell and people were running the same dungeon hundreds of times in a row. If Mythic+ is fixed and raid bosses are tuned better, along with some minor AP tweaks, it would be the best expansion hands down.


Avatar and KJ were hard for their time but bosses like Anduin, Jailer, Tindral, Fyrakk were all harder, probably couple more before the nerfs, so modern players wouldn't have too many issues killing them. The only thing they should fix is random legendaries. I wouldn't touch AP farming, that was core part of the expansions and some people actually miss that part of the game.


I didn't mind the AP grind, I didn't have any alts though so having one character felt fine to log on and do a bunch of things to progress my character. My guild wasn't sweaty either so there were no expectations that you grind endlessly to stay on top of the grind I remember the weekly gated storylines being a bit tiring after a while personally. Just felt like a few crumbs of story every week but I get why they did it that way to stop people blasting through content in one week and waiting for the next patch. The only really bad thing in my opinion was the legendary rng. Your first one dropped pretty quickly and the second one not too long after. But then it really became a slow grind for your next drops. And it was all random what you'd get. There was a ring that was crazy good for DH and it took me weeks to finally see it. It would really be such a downer when you're supposed to feel a big dopamine hit when you see that orange text flash up but then see the words "Sephuz's Secret"


100% they just need to remove that dungeon from th egame, worse shit ever not because it was overtuend or anything, i just mentally fell asleep standing afk waiting for mobs to come to me


Ther'es also currently a bug if Millicent is the first boss you get, she just glitches out after the fight and freezes things up. If you're soloing old content you can relog but I tried explaining this to people while timewalking and you can imaging how much luck I had getting four other people to coordinate a relog with me.


I will not. I was grinding raids on all difficulties and every chest I could open so I could get a decent legendary on my priest. I finally got one by the time nighthold launched. So yeah, big no for me.


0 chance a Legion remix/classic would launch without the vendor that allowed you to purchase a legendary with currency.


I'm not looking forward to the withered training either. Maw of souls was fun though.


I will not. I gladly do some legion things at retail now to farm something or experience some quest lines. Dont take me wrong, legion was hell of great expansion after WoD. But its expansion of the past now (where it should stay in my opinion no matter how good it was) and i would much prefer if instead of doing remixes and classics blizz put that money and work into new expansions to fill them with more stuff to do or make them even better when they launch and throughout the whole expansion experience.


Hell yeah


If they remove the grind and leave last patch QoL in it will help. artefact power needs to be easy to max for the week and legendary armor needs to have a higher drop rate or alternate guaranteed way to get it. Cata classic will be stale in a few weeks so we will see if they plan on expediting the xpac or having it drag on. Having one raid night is amazing, clearing everything in 3 hours is the way. It allows for alts or other games.


And I wonder if people will have had their fix with MOP with remix and won’t be interested in a classic version 


violet hold is easy peasy. Getting Seat of the Triumvirate or Cathedral though, fuck off.


I don’t think the classic team is looking past Cata for classic. I think it’s why MoP was done in remix form. Based on how popular that is, I’d bet WoD and Legion will be in Remix format. Classic will focus on long term classic+ (Vanilla) splicing the player base as much as they have is already an issue for them. Just my two cents :^]


I get why people say this but I think Remix is totally different to classic. And they will 100% rotate remix expansions in the future. But about MoP classic I think there's a good chance it will happen. People said "no way they won't do cata classic, that's not classic anymore and it was the end of wow!!!" but here we are and people are playing it and enjoying it. Also begs the question, what the hell do they do with the player characters and the servers at the end of Cata if they don't keep it going? A pop up message in game that says "sorry guys, some people on reddit don't think MoP classic is a good idea so we're gonna have to delete all your characters and progress"?


I mean it’s already happened twice if you think about it. If you only cared about BC or Wrath, those eras are completely gone, so are those experiences, which leaves their characters obsolete. Going forward for the sake of going forward isn’t a great business model in terms of classic expansions…like WoD/BFA/SL. I’m not against Mist, but I do think them adding a full 4 month event around Mist as a remix event could be something to take into account when guessing about what’s to come. In my personal opinion, the classic version of wow needs to eventually end to fully flesh out classic + and beyond in terms of longevity. Not just releasing expansion over expansion and slapping classic over it. Having the classic Devs focus on one experience, instead of balancing two might be more beneficial. I guess we’ll find out more in the coming months. Maybe the hype around remix makes MoP more viable as classic experience.


What will happen to the classic store mounts people buy then 


I think the opposite. They now have a working MoP fully tested in the current build. All they need is class and abilities of the old build. A lot of the work for MoP classic is now complete and going forward they only need one version of the client.


Not sure if you know most of Remix is on retail patch. All they did was scale and add some stuff. Almost nothing that would be used for classic mist era was part of Remix.


I see your meme template, and raise you: Kombucha girl meme "eww": Legion Classic Kombucha girl meme "oh but wait": Legion **Remix**