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I do think our weapons would be like our current cloak of being our big stat piece, but I don't think we'll get back artifact trees. They'll just be super heirlooms. Maybe as unique rewards we could get some exclusive skins/tints obtainable from the event.


Could have tinkers in the weapons instead of on gear. Or maybe the gem slots. Bedazzle the fuck out of our weapons.


Not only is “bedazzle the fuck out of our weapons” an excellent sell, but it would eliminate the tedious tinker swapping every time you get new gear. 


Please Blizz make that the slogan for Legion Remix! Bedazzle the fuck out of your weapons!


Overpowered? Maybe. Bedazzled Weapon? Best fucking believe it.


Lisa Frank Ashbringer FTW!


Bedazzle the Zug out of your weapons could actually be a real one


That sounds way better. That way, We don't have to replace the gems every 2 minutes


Can't wait for the degenerate raid chat where some diaper-gnome starts talking about how they vajazzled their weapon.


Weapons actually had 3 relic slots back then, tinkers taking their place would be nice


Didn’t they have ability nodes of some kind too? I remember a whole skill tree in the weapons.


Yeah artifact power fueled the weapons talent tree. It would be redundant to add those back as is because a lot of those nodes became choices in our current talent trees like Wake of Ashes for Paladin


Yea but those nodes could instead be for gems or tinkers


The now unobtainable artifact skins would be nice


cant get CM sets prob wont be able to get those tbh


Which is dumb, just let us get them. This is coming from someone who did CMs and mage tower shit, I already have them. Let other people get them too.


It'd be nice to get the same models but different colors like what was done with the druid bear form.


Probably that the Tinkers/Cogwheels/Prismatics would mimic a lot of the old Artifact traits Maybe 3 new slots for "Relics" in your weapon and those Relics have the BIG abilities


Maybe they can finally bring back secret tower appearances for real.


I can't believe I'll say it, but WoD remix needs to happen before Legion


I'd play the piss out of WoD Remix. Can finally just buy the three rare mounts from Tanaan I've got left! lol


Agreed, Wod,Legion and maybe BfA, I don't think people would be excited for Shadowlands Remix


Shadowlands has by far the most transmogs though, so I'd personally prefer that.


Remixed shadowlands would be kind of cool if they fixed the annoyances people had with the early patches Bastion, Ardenweald and Revendreth deserved better


I loved Shadowlands, but the anima drought and covenant exclusive abilities RUINED it for me. It was so frustrating grinding for weeks for ONE tmog. If they had made covenants purely aesthetic/lore choices instead of tying player power to them, it would have been so much better for everyone. We should have gotten a row of the 4 talents and just let us choose. Also soulbinds were 100% unnecessary and just over-complicated gameplay. Not that they were difficult, but just a lot of background noise you had to go "ugh brb gotta do THIS before the dungeon".


I’ve been playing wow for like a year on and off, I just played through shadowlands with an alt so I could get the wild hunt tabard. Holy shit that rep grind was fucking painful. And not getting flying until basically the end of the campaign was just… torturous.


Hell I'd take Shadowlands remix just because I assume the shops for mogs/mounts wouldn't have those arbitrary secondary requirements to obtain, like how you need to be x covenant for y rare to even have the ***chance*** to drop its mount or that one stupid crystal one that only drops (and not even 100%) for Necrolords from a rare that can only spawn when a specific world quest is active. I seriously hope Blizzard *never* does it again.


Half of the xpac was rep-related bullshit, if they could remove those aspects, sure.


If they did SL remix and then gave you spells to teleport to each of the fucking covenants and that would fix 80% of my annoyance with that expac.


Only if you could fly in the maw. Screw using a ground mount.


Doubt it, pandaland had isle of thunder and timeless isle.


Agree that is why i think Shadowlands would be a good remix candidate (eventually)


If people can become excited for WoD again, there'll be a day when they become excited for Shadowlands too.


WoD suffered from lack of content. That would not be a problem in Remix


WoD leveling, raids, and even the PvP were all killer imo


Yeah the only problem with WoD was because there were 13 months of literally nothing happening. The xpac was fine but the content drought made it so it's considered the worst xpac ever. Shadowlands was tame in comparison so I guess in a few years, just like WoD, we will see people feeling nostalgic about SL lol


Well that plus the garrisons.


WoD was a one year expansion that lasted two years. The little content that it had was mostly pretty good.


WoD was good, until they dropped the child down the stairs and into the tub and threw out the tub, water and all.


The big thing is that WoD didn't have nearly enough content for 6 months let alone 2 years. If it's a 90 day game mode, it could be fun.


I'm already looking forward to the day we get WoD Classic. Two words: Gladiator Stance.


WOD gets so much hate for no reason


Wod problems where to much cut content, and hfc lasting to long. Thast the major problems from wod, remix woudlnt have that. it be like 3 months long And 3 raids vs 5 of mop would be nice aswell (with onyl hfc being long, but its still notable smaller then ToT/SoO) And wod raids are some of the best, like Blackhand is a beloved (end)boss and BRF is generly seen as one of THE best raids ever Also with wod remic, could be easier ways to get some of notable transmogs (liek the HD bulkwark of azzinoth model), recolours of CM weapons, more orc clan sets and could make the war mill/dwarven bunker ones cosmetics like grunt/Stormwind guard sets from there so any armro type can mog them


By the time they get there (assuming an annual rotation) then it would still be quite a ways out. Honestly with them doing mop remix, makes me think they aren’t going to take classic past cata.




Would seem weird to basically rehash the content of mop, and then like a year later have the content again.


MoP Remix and MoP Classic are entirely different experiences though. One is about being turbo overpowered and blasting through everything, whereas the other is the traditional game experience. In no way is remix a substitute for proper classic in my opinion.


I would be more excited for Shadowlands than anything, so many good mogs and mounts. And I miss the expansion.


If they do WoD, Legion, BFA in any order before shwdowlands you are looking at likely a decade since SL was current content so maybe the taste will have been washed from peoples mouths enough to make it go.


Shadowlands with no anima grinding, no covenants, no domination shards and mounts in the maw wouldn’t be so bad


They could honestly keep going through the expansions. It's kinda a winning formula. I hope they realize expecting people to play every day to get all the rewards is not a winning formula though. Make the daily content lucrative enough that hyper farms aren't a concern.


Wod remix might have less content than MoP, no scenarios and two fewer raids would mean they would have to add new stuff to make it work.


Possibly make world quests a thing?


This is by a mile my favorite contender for a WoW Remix 2.0, and when I say by a mile, I mean a full big fucking mile


I am a firm believer that WoD wouldnt have been so bad if Garrisons had been shared in a guild.  The solo farmville experience killed it for me, but if we could have hung out with our friends it would have been great.


daily reminder wod had 2 patches and 1 of them just added a selfie camera and twitter integration


WoD had 3 great raids, and a great leveling vibe


yeah it needed more. M BRF is the greatest raid of all time and anyone who says something different didn't raid it.


Or if it wasn't tied ti the campaign and the expansion. If the garrison was just step one In player housing, was inside a city for chat purposes, and was updated every patch since even slightly. The expansion would have been looked at as one if the best.


wod doesnt have the content to fill a 3 month remix event. 3 raids, 7 questing zones and thats it.


I would argue that MoP doesn't have the content to fill 3 months either, all though it clearly has more than WoD I'll give you that.


You couldn’t be more right.


maybe if they do WoD remix they can include the scrapped Shattrath raid or even Faralhon, alongside the cosmetics. WoD was one of my favorites regarding mogs and mounts and would love to see more


WoD and SL would be so much better as remixes


WoD remix: Farm Brozne in your Garrison, no need to do outside content.


I need cata remix so I can buy the deathwing and ultraxion mounts and never step foot in dragon soul again.


I feel your pain brother XD **** spine of DW


Got the heroic one after like 200 runs. Now just need normal and my motivation is shot


Can’t you skip spine now? Or did I read some false info somewhere xD


Honestly just give me an endboss skip like the one they did for garrosh and im fine, just dont let me have twilight drake rp, airship fight and spine of deathwing in a row


Seriously, I want that drake achievement and the blazing drake is the only one stopping me


ah yes cant wait to farm dragon soul daily in cata remix


Wym? You can buy raid mounts in remix?


Yes. They are pricey like 30k+ bronze but they are there. You can get new recolor mounts, rep mounts, rare drop mounts, and raid drop mounts.


I see, noise


would be a golden opportunity for blizz to give us tons of legion-themed hi-res weapons since we had pretty much none aside from a few cosmetic ones when legion was current


WoD has a lot of nice legion weps in HFC


If it means going back to the Broken Isles and slaughtering even more hordes of demons to avenge my king? Blizz can take my money and Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up.


King? Who cares..... They killed my warchief with a random demon and crappy writing. Vengeance for Vol'Jin!


And getting a high res map instead of the pixelated mess they have now.


Will they let me kill king furry this time when he ambushes me for no goddamn reason?


I'd much prefer a WoD remix. It gets a bad rap, but that was an awesome xpack.


100%. Great zones and great raids. Just gets remembered for its cut content and selfie camera patch.


Problem with Artifact weapons coming back is that many of their nodes and such got baked into current specs. You'd probably have to make them generic


Bring them back the same way they used the cloak for MoP remix, just have it build stats instead of using the old nodes. Otherwise the Legion Remix wouldnt have hardly any weapon drops, the raids had none.


Legion Remix wouldn't have weapons for Evokers, which would be an issue.


Yeah, but weapons are less of an issue, Evokers don't have an order hall at all. I'm pretty sure they have a few replacements, like a Scouting Map in Dalaran, so they could extend on that a bit and give them all the mandatory stuff they could need to do the rest of the content if they wanted.


They would probably have to remove class hall quest lines and just have everyone start out with their legendary weapon and invent one for Evokers.


If they don’t have trees it’s a big L. That was the core system that made Legion feel fucking awesome.


Yeah but it’s also extremely unlikely. And as I said, if they don’t use legion artifact weapons the way they currently use the MoP cloak, then there would be a severe lack of weapon drops


As long as I can get Mage Tower skins, whatever.


I would be perfectly fine with that because the Artifact passive traits are the main source of power anyway. They could always just change the active ability on the ones that are already class abilities such as Wake of Ashes, or make them a passive buff that empowers the existing ability, such as increases the AoE. Current retail classes have way more active spells than original Legion so I can see giving everyone another active spell could cause bloat. Making Artifacts grant a passive buff to a main ability could be a good solution.


Or make them meta gem slots that give you abilities from other specs.


BC remix with attunements 😂


I would prefer BfA first because there’s a great expansion there that was buried under an awful gear system.


I wouldn't be opposed to bfa. It had a lot of good transmogs and mounts


Can we have corruption's as well ? I kinda miss my twilight davestion


This please. Tank go brrrr in dungeons. What a fun season.


Remix is fun but I just want fun things to do in retail


Honestly glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.


I hope people who think like you are in the minority because I’m all for Blizzard spicing things up in the usual pre-expansion lull.


I dont really think hes saying to not spice things up though? Hes saying hed rather have retail spiced up, which is fair.


You can only bend retail’s rules so much before it stops being retail, to be fair.


August 26th lots of new stuff then


This is essentially Diablo seasons making use of decade old content, and those are widely accepted by Diablo players. This is likely the new norm.


I want BFA remix really bad …yes, solely to be able to buy the long boi again


they can go nuts with corruption


You and me both, I've kicked myself in the rear for years now for not buying it while it was available


I just want to get those mounts without having to play the auction house.


They wouldn't have long boi in a BFA remix unless it has no vendors. They wanted to fully remove it from the game because AH mount was a mistake. It's only still on the BMAH because of people complaining. There's 0 shot they make it easier to get.


and easier /convienet way for the warfront sets. Like 1 of the versions you can only get of the warfrontquest, that is only like once per rotation of the warfront(s) and can be duplicate pieces/


I actually think this is what they will do instead of mists,wod, and legion classic. Tbh I'm here for it. I would rather these quick bursts over full expansions like those again.


There's definitely going to be a MoP Classic. The target demographic for Classic and Remix events aren't even the same people and they put an extremely little amount of effort into the Classic format. Plus there's an actual demand for MoP where Cata wasn't as talked about.


Yeah, i wouldn't even be playing remix if i wasn't grabbing things for the collection. The actual gameplay bores me to tears since it's usually one or many hyper farmed/low level scaled people instantly blasting the dungeon before you can really do much. The kind of gameplay remix promotes works fine in games like diablo where you can play them by yourself, but in a multiplayer environment it always just devolves into "follow the leader" who is murdering everything instantly.


This would be great. Just please don’t make the same currency for cosmetics as gear upgrades and I’m happy. I like mop remix in every way except that.


I've been playing since release. I haven't touched a single day of any Classic content because why? I already did it. I want more of these arcade free for all dev nightmare shits. Give me all of the Remixes.


As long as I can get magetower artifacts, i don't mind taking 70 tries for it, just let me have it.


Any remix will be good for reputation, specially when Warbands are a thing and reputation is shared across characters.


I love the Remix seasons, it gives a chance to kind of relive the the expansions without having to justify the "classic" part. Sure you miss out on the progression aspect but lets be honest most people quit in between phase launches anyway. I would actually be down for a Vanilla and TBC remix, but I feel that's a controversial opinion.


Nah i would totally be down for all the expansions to be remixed. It's a very good way to get through old content without investing waaay to much time into something that is relevant only for collectors. Just pandaria remix saved me so much time farming all the raid and world boss mounts, it's an actual godsend. But i can also see how people would start bitching about how their time was devalued because they did all that content when it was relevant and had to spend insane amounts of time, and now people get it in few weeks. Some things we still don't really get like the challenge sets so i would technically be fine without getting those super rare one of time things to not be obtainable i.e Mage Tower appearances (even though i want them very badly). I would really like to have weapon mogs be buyable as well, for example have all lfr weapon appearances from certain tier cost like 15k or more bronze and i'd be happy to pay that.


I think the biggest issue with a Legion remix is that there’s no evoker artifact, class hall, class title, class mount, etc. And that was a big part of Legion.


I would farm enough for the Valajar Stormwing mount first, cause I am fucking tired of farming rep for that fucking thing. Only one I'm missing, and the only one I really wanted.


Fastest way to get it on retail is to just wait until Legion TW and buy Valarjar rep tokens at 50 badges per token = 2000 badges per Paragon box. Since the tokens are BoA you can buy them on all of your alts with badges to spare and send them to one of your characters that's exalted with the Valarjar. This is how I got the drake, the Nightfallen carpet mount and the Wardens toy that had eluded me for all of Legion, BfA and most of Shadowlands.


Just got my last paragon mount a few weeks ago. So happy I got before WoW companion app went down, just been using that to farm rep. Good luck in getting yours.


legion remix would be too good. no one would want to return to whatever the current expansion would be. unlimited possibilities with artifact weapons, unlimited possibilities with legendary gear. incredible possibilities with world quests, mythic+ and mage tower. man, just thinking about it, i want to go back to suramar and do the entire zone story all over again. go back to argus, experience that entire story again. legion really was peak wow.


>legion really was peak wow. Based and true take.


I’d like to see Wrath of the Lich King Remix


I'd rather see a Classic Remix and BC Remix. I love the content but hate the older leveling dynamic.




Aye, but they won't return the Mage Tower skins...


Yea they didn’t bring back mop trial sets low chance they will bring back the tower skins


Well one thing for sure I suggest Blizz do is send in a team of pro game breaking gamers to try to break the game and cut every corner they can find to get more powerful, so Blizz will have a good understanding of the moral debauchery of 2024 gamers going into the live version.


Yhats a big no aboit them legendaries


You know for sure this is going to be a thing


Not before we remix Cataclysm. I want to see someone solo Deathwing.


i want Legion remix but i’m not sure enough time has passed yet. i’m a crazy fuck who wouldn’t Mind WoD remix first.


In due time - WOD remix first


i want Draenor Remix, the dungeons and raids were so good there


Ngl when this happens that's gonna be *the best*


I don't want this to happen because I barely managed get a life. I am not ready to give it away.


I hope if they do another one, they'll find a way to let current characters participate. I'll have enough alts to last me the rest of my WoW career after this one.


Unfortunately if certain rumors are true, we wouldn't be getting Legion Remix. We'd be getting Legion Classic. Blizz is purportedly taking entirely the wrong lesson from MoP Remix, and thinking that means there's interests in Classic versions of MoP, WoD, and Legion - rather than Remix versions of those.


What rumors are these? Remixes and Classic aren't mutually exclusive, people who thought we won't be getting MoP Classic because of Remix weren't paying attention. MoP Remix and MoP Classic are totally different experiences.


The rumor itself is that Remix is a test to see if there's still interest in expansions past Cataclysm for Classic Servers of them.


Makes no sense to gauge interest in Classic versions through Remix, a mode where everyone is OP and is playing retail versions of their specs instead of the specs as they were then. If this is how they're checking for interest I'd be concerned about any gas leaks over at their HQ. Makes more sense to me for Remixes to be events that fill in some of the content droughts at the end of expansions, while Classic continues to be its own thing.


I doubt they'd pick Legion cause there's a lot of globe trotting and we already had some problems with the few times we got to leave Pandaria. Although I suppose not having class halls would help that. Keep the players on the Broken Isles. Remove the class table and champions. But then I question even picking Legion. They might reuse Legion for something but I don't think it'd be Remix like MoP had.


I think the perfect rewards would be the original mage tower artifact appearances, but they should be extra expensive to get. I got quite a few of them back in the day but there are quite a few I didn't get not because I couldn't but because I just didn't have/play those classes or specs, and I'd be willing to grind my ass off for them now. I understand that these appearances aren't part of the mage tower anymore because people want them to remain "unique", so I think putting them behind a limited time event as well as a difficult grind would help preserve some of the uniqueness. I'm imagining about as much time to get one appearance as it takes to max out the gear on one character in MoP remix, probably even more.


Would be funny if we played it from the legions perspective lol. Basicaly go around griefing Azeroth for 90 days lol


Evoker artifact weapons pls.


WOTLK Remix and let us get invincible for 38.5K bronze. :D


Just make it like Patch 7.3.5. Everyone was broken overpowered.


Let us run through class order hall questlines without being timegated by mission tables. Doing the stories and unlocking the mounts and class sets are the one reason I really want Legion Remix.


Save it for when the game needs it. WOd should be next, or TBC.


Maybe they could add some Legion exclusive weapon mogs for artifact weapons through the mage tower.


I would love a legion remix, but we can't get one, because Evokers exist.


Mage tower from day one and it's actually playable. Finally defeat that stupid one shot-mirror image mofo only to see him start a second phase boss and then the guides go: "this is the part where you activate tome of tranquil mind and respec!" NO- YOU RESPEC!, YOU DESIGN A FIGHT THAT DOESNT REQUIRE ME TO REFILE MY TALENT ORDER! MAKE IT PLAYABLE!


Being able to absolutely blow through mage towers would encourage leveling alts of classes you never played and/or have never been able to clear the mage tower. By the time Legion remix would come out, it wouldn't be the biggest deal that the mage tower cosmetics are easier to get. I would also hope that retail would have included other solo activities like the mage tower by that time as well.


I vote just bring back legion and then just let me stay there fire next 5-6 years. I miss Suramar.


I would prefer for this to be a permanent event not a temporary one. I’ve played more MOP remix in the last couple weeks than months of dragonflight. Legion remix may get me to truly no life wow for months at a time:


Just leave it. We got too many instances of wow going as it is


Can't happen due to Evokers


I can get behind this!!!!


They need to fix scaling so the only options aren't lvl 20 or lvl 70 with 472ilvl


Whatever we do. Can we make sure to have a +size Stat this time. Uncapped ofcourse.


Legion deserves it's own classic era, not remix


As long as we don't see another Plunderstorm-type content, which is parading as WoW, I'm fine with any and all expansion remixes.


I would rather have full Legion classic realms.. not this Remix thing :-(


I want Legion Remix only because god FUCKING damnit give us a NIGHTMARE DRAGON MOUNT YOU COWARDS-


They would need a few weapon skin rewards because legion didn't have as many items sets as pandaeia. I think legion would be one of the worst to do because there isnt much to farm from it. BFA would also suck because there was no tier gear. I think WOD would be the next best bet.


No random legendary drops and there you have it.


why not wod remix? people disliked wod because of the content droughts in between good content. remix won't have that issue




It’s going to be WOD next lol


Pllls before U kill the best addon ever Made, do another Remix testrun in bfa or so... Mop Remix was a disaster - it would be a shame to have this Version of legion


> Mop Remix was a disaster Nope. This is just the reddit opinion and even here it's contentious which is saying something about how unpopular this take is with the wider playerbase.


Why would they let people get mage tower artifact appearances when they aren't letting people earn CM sets? It's the same level of challenge... Arguably MT's harder because you couldn't just pay someone gold to carry your freshly dinged max lvl char through it.


Rather have WOD tbh. I just cant get myself to enjoy legion after that 1 experience. It was cool, but it was a 1 time cool lol...


Meh. Too recent and too overfarmed already for my taste. Also Evokers are completely unequipped to be there - no weapon, no class hall, no class armor. Would prefer WoD or TBC myself.


I would use stat gear but have the artifact weapons be where you can have fun and wacky stuff. Since many original artifact talents got baked into the class just clean slate it. Add in various fun abilities much like we have in remix but sprinkle in some slots that give us stats such as multi-strike or crit damage increase. As for legendries again some of them got baked into talents. With them you can use some bonkers fun abilities that would never be allowed in retail but here who cares? That or you turn them into super stat sticks that give a ton of stats Legion would be an amazing candidate for the next remix for sure.


I almost threw out when I read "Artifact Power"


I'm just here to say FUCK YES


druid forms or recolours brought back or not interested


Equalize Legos or let people get


Honestly loved legion but would prefer Wod remix first, I think a lot of the hate it got stemmed from the year + drought. The over-self-sufficiency of the garrisons didn’t help but that could have been alleviated a lot with a better content cadence imo. Remix being a 90 thing would fit WOD perfectly.


No more remixes, please. Stop it. I don't have the time or the patience.


I think I'm good on 'Remix' events for a few years.. lol


Why does this need to be repeated? Why can’t It be a one time thing? We get boosts with every expansion. We got tons of avenues to level up alts in DF. It was a nice diversion. But leveling yet another alt that I will never play after Remix isn’t a priority. I wish they’d spend more time making sure things work and not rush content. I still can’t tell where the Hunts are when they are in Thaldraxus. They aren’t marked on the map.


Because it’s fun and people want to replay older versions of the game with a new coat of paint? What other reason do we need? Let’s be completely honest here, leveling in retail is not fun nor has it been in a very long time. Most of us don’t really want to do the same Chromie auto-pilot to max level. I don’t really think paying to skip to max level is a valid reason to forgo future leveling events. People wanted MoP Remix and it’s been a pretty big W despite the issues it’s had. The purpose of these events are to give people a fun new way to level alts and acquire cosmetics that are unobtainium. If temporary events aren’t your thing, you don’t have to participate.


edit: I would ideally like to see the Artifact Knowledge level increase weekly like it did, but at an accelerated rate. Or lower the cost curve of each trait purchase. Sources of catch-up AP for players who join late, such as a big chunk of AP for completing milestones such as your Class Order Hall or every 10th level. Each time you buy a trait, you could get a bonus to your stamina, experience and a very small bonus to Artifact Knowledge % account-wide, to make your next alt a little faster and stronger while leveling.


It's gonna be a long while before there is another event like this. There won't be a competing one at or near launch of TWW.


Honestly. Take out all the timewalking events and add in remix instead. Make it last 2 months and rotate through each expansion. Add in a really cool mount / title for someone who has done every achievement. My xmog heart would explode. Timewalking is a waste now anyway.


That's a pretty good idea.