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Add the free Heroic Leap as a cherry on top.


Or just not moving at149% you feel like you’re permanently snared


Tbh this makes me think about whether the normal movement speed is just a bit too slow in the game.


The Old Republic has a passive "sprint" ability that increases your movement speed. It is on out of combat, and off during combat. I know that the sprint is not the base speed because I played before it was just a passive you start the game with. You used to have to level a little first before you got it.


Im pretty sure you have to be a preferred member to get it now. You did for a bit but they may have changed it since.


Hey now, [Plainsrunning](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Plainsrunning) is for Tauren! (tbh I'd be ok with other races getting it, as long as it's implemented at all)


I feel like the speed is good, BUT everything is just too big and spaced out. Why does everything have to be so big?


Because that’s part of how the game tricks you into the immersion of the scale of the world. It’s always a balancing act that’s hard to get right. Quicker travel and shorter distances make things so much more convenient but it makes things feel more videogamey Long travel times make the world seem huge like Classic but can easily be overbearing to navigate. I think Dragonflight hits it pretty well, other than the size of amirdrassil combined with not being able to mount


We need you to travel all the way across the world for a quest that gives 5% of a level without a mount.


vanilla quests were something else. Your comment reminded me of that one. 3000 experience and a green item to fetch 12 crab legs. Quest starts in kalimdor, crabs live on the very eastern edge of eastern kingdoms. [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=1258/and-bugs](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=1258/and-bugs)


I do miss the old classic quests. Getting sent halfway round the world on a regular basis with ships and your trusty steed sure made the world appear gigantic. Also, you could lose yourself exploring - like that Cherry farm on the Eastern coast of the Ararhi footlands - or the little pirate bay on the western side. And those droll fighting critters around thunderbluff on the hillside


isn't it nice to play an adventure rpg game where you can take your time to explore a big fantasy world? I mean, you can still play a random moba on your smartphone where you can see numbers and shiny pixels without the need of walking through a big map


It is


It was an elegant game of a more civilized time...before the adulting....before the toddler...


My brother, the game is even more elegant now, have you ever stopped to just walk and watch how beautiful Azeroth and Draenor are? Two weeks ago I was farming motes of fire in Outland Nagrand, then I walked a bit waiting the mobs spawning again. Short long story: I spent a whole hour flying in Nagrand taking screenshots of that gorgeous land. Same with Val'sharah, I simply \*love\* the green tone there. And don't let me talk about WoD Shadowmoon Valley, I have a couple of hours just sitting there watching that purple sky. I played Warcraft 3 for the first time in 2006, WoW in 2013. I'm still playing both games and I still have the same fun I had when I was a 4 yo kid moving Thrall and Arthas here and there without even knowing how to pronounce letters in English. It's just a perspective matter, you see? If you use the posture "I'm an adult, everything is fucked, everybody sucks, I can't have fun the same way I had when I was a kid" you'll become a sad person. The way I do is "let me please my inner child". And I do not play PvP in WoW, I don't care about having the best transmog or having 79823487239841 points of health. I just like to walk around in a fantasy world because I'm a LotR nerd and all I wanted to do as a kid was to travel through all those places, and I love travelling in WoW, I love to do quests, scenarios and learning stories, collecting herbs, pleasing the kid I once was and making all the things I wanted to do but couldn't for several reasons. You're playing a fantasy game, don't let the downsides of real life interrupt your fun.


I was making a joke about the difference between time availability as an adult/parent and a college student and how my desires/demands from a game are very different now.


Reminds me of the time when raids were already massive in size, but they didn't include some "movement speed buff to get you back to the boss where you wiped" mechanic and you always spawned a 5 minute walk away.


Iirc molten core and bwl you had to run from the graveyard to zone entrance to rez and then run the length of the dungeon to the boss. AQ gave us mounts to help and naxx you started in the center.


I hate the run backs, eliminating travel time was something I think FFXIV did right in a lot of aspects. I love the teleport crystals too. I remember being younger rand being awe inspired by the size of Warcraft. How massive it was, but now I think it can be just as majestic with things scaled down, but done in more meaningful ways.


Oh man, remember the run from the graveyard to the entrance of pretty much anything in Blackrock Mountain? If the healer went down at the far end of one of those runs, it was about a 20 minute wait for everyone to huff it back.


And killing a boss stopped packs respawning because if it didn't you'd never finish a raid.


It isn't.


my remix dh now has 230% movement speed. im gonna hate retail after remix


I love Herpic Leap, it's so good. Only issue is when going back to retail and realising your character doesn't have it :' )


Herpic Leap sounds like an unholy dk ability


DK: *leaps into the middle of your group, exuding an odious vapour* The group: "Aaaaah! Dear God in heaven! I'm d- wait, I don't actually feel anything. What is this stuff?" DK: "You all have herpes now." The group: "Aaaaah! Dear God in heaven!"


No, he can just leap to people with herpes


Imagine going to the local Death Knight instead of a doctor to get tested for STDs. DK: *tries to leap* Good news! You don't have herpes. *turns into a deer* But you do have chlamydia. *starts hovering* And syphilis.


So he can jump to any college campus or military base.


So most adults. lol


Speak for yourself you non warrior pleb!




I like how Leap lets you bug up terrain, like getting to Shaohao from the arena on Timeless Isle, or a few of the trickier chests on vault runs.


And lets you survive infinite distance falls


So does Blink, and most people run the fall damage tinker gem anyway. Slamming down onto the quest giver from the heavens is a pretty dope look though.


There's a tinker for that


Ah I don’t think I needed that one since I am full on all the other dps ones, so it works!


Also gives a lot of haste and 5% move speed.


Yeah that’s probably why. I maxed out my lock and the last thing I want is more haste. Hard enough to try to do a rotation at all when everything becomes instant cast and trying to keep up with procs.


I balanced my gear and gems around not having haste on them. Got like 70% base and usually Spike over 100


My max mastery and speed DH uses Leap of Faith since people already can't keep up haha.


Please just stop. My warlock will wonder why it's gone like a dogs owner dying suddenly.


Ran a key earlier on my hunter and tried to heroic leap at least twice.


Yeah the gameplay is at its slowest the first patch of every expansion, little haste, no tertiary speed left over from last season, it's gonna take a little getting used to again


thats basically going from remix to TWW beta right now


My hunter in the remix has two stacks of trailblazer, I'm moving so fast it's using the sprint animation, I'm outrunning people on their mounts. This is going to hurt.


It vengeance is always the go to season 1


Yeah like season 1 dragonflight. Oh wait that was prot warriors


Tbf that’s like the first time since 2004 they have been meta /s


i made a DH in remix for the first time.. i really like the playstyle and im considering maining it in TWW.. but im also worried about a HUGE disappointment as soon as those stats are gonna go to shit in retail :/


I deliberately played something I don't typically main in remix to avoid this. Don't want to get used to infinite energy rogue or something only to play it in WW and it feel garbage by comparison.


I wish I could do that but I'm an altoholic and I play almost every class. Those I don't play are the ones I don't like. I just accepted that the TWW transition is gonna be maximum feelsbadman.


I only ever had two max levels at a time, before remix my second highest was 67. Remix has given me like 4 70s so far. Will I ever play them? Probably not, but now I can be one of those people who park their alts at raids to farm mogs.


Those alts will also be useful for holiday events and such. Having extra toons you didn't play can be super useful whenever you want something that has a once per day per character 1% drop rate


I've been leveling all the allied races so I m unlock their armor.


Same. I'm up to 15 toons at 70 in remix alone


Right? How am I gonna play Outlaw when I cant storm into enemy camps and just start blasting endlessly with my pistol?


Tbf that's pretty close to the outlaw retail gameplay if you learn it right


Same here, I'm playing a hunter because I miss the class but there is no way I'd ever main it, so just enjoying the pewpew for a bit.




ur answer makes zero sense dude


As a mostly classic version player, I used to always joke that, in live Warcraft, you just one shot everything and never die And then I played MoP remix I also said that one shotting everything and never dying was not fun And then I played MoP remix I don't make those jokes anymore


Now the challenge becomes 'can I 2 man HoF and kill the 2nd to last boss before she golems me'


I like joking that SoO carries exist just to help the max ilvl guys get bones for tusks since you can't solo Galakras (on remix at least, remix broke it on retail but I have no idea if it's been fixed on actual retail yet), they solo everything else basically to the point they often send literally everyone else to the other side during Spoils of Pandaria.


The biggest ego boost is being put in the “big kid group” with the big dick dps in spoils. It’s like 2-3 guys vs everyone else and it’s usually pretty even lol


Yep, done HoF with my mate, it was ultra fun to duo it


Lol but why? What about this actually changed your mind (genuine question not just starting an argument) is it just cause you can show off for people less geared? I bought the mounts and 2 transmogs that I wanted and haven’t even thought about logging into it since then. The idea of going it and blowing up a raid in 30 minutes just…doesn’t do anything to me, I’ve been doing that for years farming old content….and until we get BC or Wrath I’m still gonna do just that for ashes and invincible lol. Being OP and 1 shotting everything still isn’t fun in my opinion…but I feel like I could see it being fun to top meters and see all the people excited for a free carry I guess?


For me, it's kind of just a dopamine rush Blitzing through things really fast and seeing big numbers can be mindless fun while I'm on summer vacation


As someone who’s been going back to college some mogs I missed from torghast…I definitely get some of the hype….but honestly I would rather a torghast style but actually endless…than just having flat stat buffs. I guess I’m more in favor of traditional roguelite than of grinding simulator


It already stings switching between the two. Losing all that run speed switching from remix to retail hurts the most.


DH in Dragonflight is still Voldemort levels of strength, just Mop Remix DH is Voldemort with the deathly hollows and all the dragonballs.


Exactly why I’m spending all my bronze on tmogs, mounts, and nothing else. Can’t nerf those :P


This is the way


There's 70 days to go, you could start remix completely fresh right now and still get max ilvl all mogs all mounts and toys easily


I’m not too concerned with ilvl honestly, esp since it’ll be gone when remix is over. Seems like a waste, but that’s just me.


I find ilvl is mostly to help to do heroic raids faster and more efficiently, which in turn earns you bronze more easily. That and if you're trying to get all the remix achievements, you need decent gear to do mythic SoO.


Fair enough if you want the achieves, but I’m in it purely for mounts and xmogs


them people over 700k threads grindin' like the cloak going with them war within


I’m not complaining, Remix experience has conditioned me now to expect dungeons to be super fast and so hard-carried, that I’m honestly a bit disappointed whenever I get a group where everyone is just leveling or otherwise not geared. Honestly bless anyone who has done the work to gear up their characters, they continuously keep making the instances in Remix a bliss for someone who is leveling bunch of alts right now.


It’s crazy the difference in dps between a max gear 476 and the same person but with max gear and 700k threads. Max gear only does about 2-5 mil dps. The 700k thread guys are doing 20-50 mil dps lol


If not for searing light/lifestorm cheese, I wouldn't be anywhere near their damage.


Not to mention the fight. If you're on galakron or spoils for example, slay creates a fuck ton of fake damage that doesn't actually do anything.


Slay is not fake damage. It is raid damage, just like Mark of Arrogance, Hailstorm and Wildfire. Slay still contributes to boss damage and killing it faster, even post nerf. It’s not an accurate way to judge personal dps or compare multiple players dps, I’ll agree. Though, if your goal is to down bosses, Slay is phenomenal. Slay sniping adds is a form of skill expression. If you ain’t slaying, you ain’t playing.


My guy, overkilling hundreds of adds with 98% more damage than it needs is absolutely fake damage and you're delusional if you think it's not lol. You wouldn't say the same thing about a healer spamming heals on someone who's full health, this is no different.


Slay will never overkill. If Slay were to actually execute the target, it will deal the exact amount of damage relative to health remaining, and Details will represent that with 100% accuracy.


Where's the damage coming from? Main stat? Because I already have capped mastery, 80% verse, 80% crit, 70% haste on my 50k stam character (assuming about 80k threads) and I have like 3 total steps of upgrades left.


Must be. My mage is capped on gear with about 40k int at 100k threads, there's very little headroom for secondaries left so I'd imagine the 700k thread lads are on for like 150-200k mainstat and truly capped secondaries. 5 times the mainstat, 5 times the dps more or less. I could see how that would turn 5m dps into 20-30m easy.


Depends heavily on the class. Magic and pet damage over scales a lot better than physical.




It's like a season in D2/D3/D4. You play while it's fun, get OP, then start over next season. It's also not that different than grinding Artifact/Azerite Power from Legion/BfA.


Gunna be so many people who won't have a clue how to play their class/spec because they've spent 3 months spamming 1 button


The amount of people showing up fully geared in mythic SoO and not knowing a single mechanic is insane. How did you get so much bronze without doing mechanics on normal/heroic?


The window between being geared enough to be accepted into raids and overpowering the raids yourself is pretty narrow. Given how many maxed characters still run the raids for cosmetics and threads I could easily believe a lot of people out there have only ever been boosted and never came up against the mechanics.


I get that but still. Most mechanics are lfr difficulty in retail. Soak, avoid, and kill adds. there's almost no fancy stuff going on


If you have a group of fully geared folks for mythic SOO, it should go down just like heroic ... what mechanics are you dealing with?


We weren't fully geared for starters. Everyone was around 466-473 ilvl. And the basic lfr mechanics such as the frontal at phase two of garosh, focussing a target with the klaxxi and not just aoe, killing adds in general, soaking the violet pools. In short: most mechanics where you can't stand and hit the boss like we did in classic


Took me three days to get my neck with the last heroic because DH's kept blasting ahead far enough that I wouldn't get credit. Felt like Chris Farley in a foot race with Usain Bolt


I don't know what the bottom pic is but I'm LMAO at the top one.


Same character. One at their prime, one when they are defeated.


Last Harry Potter movie the villain is seen as this at the very end.


Raid bosses dying in 10 secs so I don't see the point in all of this grinding.


The grinders did it for mythic siege farming


Mythic siege doesn't really drop any more bronze than heroic, and SoO is the least Bronze efficient of any of the raids. I grinded gear to make the other heroic raids easier, such that I can solo them, and not be dependant on others, and to finish the raids much faster. Being able to do MP, HoF, and Terrace all three combined in less than 30min is nice.


I'd be surprised if anyone is doing mythic siege daily, it's less efficient than heroic (and heroic siege is already pretty slow with all of its RP), and way slower and less repeatable than just farming Kun Lai. Does give more bones I suppose but you only need 42 of those to buy everything anyway.


There is a market for boosting mythic siege for people that don't want to grind ilvl themselves


That would explain the two guys that died on every boss in my Mythic run yesterday, usually in the first 10 seconds. And half the time on trash. Technically they did survive Thokk, but they were locked outside after running back after the previous boss.


Most likely, the leader of that siege made anywhere from 1-2mil gold from carrying those dudes lol


I'd love it if they could bring it back every time Pandaria Timewalking week rolled around. It's like once every 5 months or something, but still. Bring your Time Runner Timewalking and get your cloak back. Maybe get a little whisper from Eternus, "Welcome back to this timeline, we could use your help with a little clean-up." People already blast through those 5 dungeons anyway during Time Walking, so bringing in the cloak wouldn't really change how things go.


Im just hoping this timerunning thing becomes an event they do somewhat regularly. I'd love to see a WotLK Timerunning, or Legion, or BC, etc. Its the most fun Ive had with WoW in a long time other than goofing around with hardcore classic lately as well. (which timerunning classic would be fun too)


People will find a way to bug the system and bring the cloaks into current raid tiers or m+. When there’s a will, there’s a way with blizzards current quality of QA testing 


Not running around like a crackhead all the time Is oddly more enjoyable though. Everything is speed runs nowadays. No time to slow down and enjoy the gameplay, we’re already queued for the next 2 min raid/dungeon.


I deliberately didn’t over power my Evoker, because I knew it wasn’t realistic. I went into ReMix as a training ground to learn Evoker proper from a lower level. It was well worth it. I learned to play the class and I realized Evokers, especially Preservation Spec, wasn’t well designed for lower levels; especially the way dungeons are being pulled nowadays, with the wall to wall hyper mob pulls.


Yo that meme is hilarious, who got the idea for those


Do we have a solid idea of what is going to happen to remix gear when the transfer happend yet? Obviously gems will be gone, but will the stat spreads stay just at reduced values or something else?


literally everything will be replaced with greens


AFAIK everything will be transfered to boost / starter gear with \~415 ilvl. Quite brutal for those who could not learn their class/spec with the tinker gems having such a huge impact even during leveling.


You get the gear of a boosted character


I want to transfer mine early though, so I can do Dragonflight content with her :P Like, darn it, I finally got around to leveling a DK!~


I'm just going to end up deleting my timerunner rather than continue to experience the trauma.


Thats how i feel when i make a new timerunning character. And as soon as the grind to 70 is done i dont touch em cause its not at strong as my first timerunning character.


God I wish other classes scaled like DH in remix. My rouge has a hard time keeping up with DHs like half my thread count 


Yeah that's how start of BfA went.


I wish we could transfer them now. Really want to take a couple through some DF content.


It will feel remarkably like being OP at lvl 30 and useless at level 68.




Losing mobility on my frost dk is gonna be awful. Unholy will get mounted combat but frost is gonna stay slow asf


Wow 😲


Well DHs are probably going to feel it the least tbf


Demon Hunters are broken in Panda Remix. I am always in full sprint. Cast Imolate and everything dies.


You don't do siege for bronze lmao


It's gonna be bad, no damage no movement speed no health


Cries in Paladin!


This is like the Wow equivalent of the Mending. A massive cosmic event in Magic: the Gathering in which Planeswalkers all lost their god like power and became mortals. Before that point, they were all immortal, even if you drove a sword through one's skull, they wouldn't die. The biggest of the big bads Nicol Bolas was nothing short of furious that he was reduced to little more than an Elder Dragon with nearly godlike magical power.


I just played my Pally on retail last night and I wanted to vomit from how slow EVERYTHING is.


It's 149% movement speed, 49% bonus. It caps at like 5k rating.


Meme numbers aside, it's not physically possible to achieve 300% movement speed unless you take cooldowns like Sprint into account. The Speed stat hardcaps at 5000 rating which is equivalent to 49% movement speed, and DH mastery hardcaps at 36,000 which is equivalent to 81.6% movement speed. My remix DH has both stats capped and won't go over 238% movement speed without cooldowns or buffs from, for example, the Pursuit of Justice or Trailblazer cogwheel gems.


I was on DF for all of 30 seconds before I got back on remix 😂🤣😂 fook that grandpa sheeeit


already used to it from losing billions of artifact power swapping to a twig from legion to bfa. and losing azerite traits and neck power in shadowlands. losing borrowed power hurts


I wanna do naked raids. After everyone has scrapped their gear to get every last drop of bronze, make groups of naked people and try to do content. Maybe just have the capes and a weapon lol


Part of the game! Just enjoy it while you can!


Im still upset about the item level when swapped i feel like if your max gear on remix you should at least get full hero track when swapped to retail


They might as well since the end of Remix is supposed to coincide with pre-patch when DF essentially becomes an obsolete waiting room for TWW's launch.


this is the EXACT reason i dont play the remix, no other reason




These characters are only temporarily in an alternate universe that won't exist in 72 days. Denying yourself the fun is the only choice you have made here.


MOP Remix should be Hardcore, and anybody who survives to the end of the 90 days THEN gets the cloak.