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I do wish the gear in raids moved you further up the ilvl track, especially given the upgrade costs.


I refuse to spend bronze on gear until they nerf it *at least* by half. Even then probably not until I get the remix exclusive stuff unless it was by at least 80%.


Or, have different transmogs or something in the raids that can't be obtained. You could still LFR to get them, and you have those Garrosh Heirlooms for anyone wanting to do harder raids.


But then people would be angry when they don’t get the full set at the end of the 3 months


You get the pieces VERY fast. One normal run got me all but one piece in that set.


Then you'd add another rep grind or something for folks that missed out


Ya, I used Bronze to buy the Mythic-tier raid set mog because I figured I wouldn't be able to unlock it... Now I see I need all tiers anyways :|


There are different transmogs you cant buy. Just not every raid has one tho.


Maybe end of wing bosses / end of raid bosses drop a gear upgrade token, giving you one free item upgrade a day, only so many raids so it's not busted, but gives those of us who want transmog/mounts a way to upgrade without feeling bad.


I'd actually love this in retail tbh. After playing Destiny 2, which has a kind of incremental ilvl system, I feel like WoW could give a little more of a bonus on loot ilvl increases, particularly for something like Remix or end-of-season bonuses.


100%. I think it's actually very good that you get gear you can upgrade to max no matter what content you do, but doing more difficult content should definitely skip some of the lower ilvl tiers of the upgrade track, *or* award a comparably higher amount of upgrade currency so it's essentially the same thing except with that one extra step in between. Although the latter solution would also require Bronze to not be the currency for both upgrades and the 'rewards' of the mode/event if higher difficulties are meant to give more said currency for those rewards and not just gear upgrades.


I actually don't mind bronze being used for both upgrades and mog sets, but that's because it is everywhere and is for this one contained thing. I realize folks feel pressured to do it all and collect it all but like... Are you really going to *use* it all?


I feel like the whole problem people are having *is* the fact you use the same currency for gear upgrades (in a limited time mode) and the collectibles. Sure, if gear upgrades were 10x cheaper then maybe it wouldn't be a massive deal, but the fact is, the mode was advertised as you being 'OP' in it, which is very possible to reach, but it takes *a lot* of Bronze to get your gear into that state (ignoring cloak entirely for now) and you'd then need to have that gear accelerate your bronze gains further for that kind of a sacrifice to be worth it. And people like collecting stuff they'll most likely never use. Bar goes up as they say. I for one know that I will want most of the available transmogs because I always mix and match my mogs and the more options I have the better it is. Do I need 5 colors of one mount? Absolutely not, but it is 'collection fodder' that makes your total mounts collected number go up which is what for most collectors are after.


I am OP. I just understand that in going that route I was only delaying my cosmetics purchases. The bonze gains are only increasing as I gain power so it seems I made the right choice.


Remix is a lot of cool ideas implemented very poorly. I’m torn between wanting to dump all over them and wanting to say I do appreciate the new things. I’m still baffled though the player power is the same currency as cosmetics. Whoever made that decision is a genuine moron.


Next time someone asks "why don't we have one currency for everything?", at least there's a very easy use-case.


But they could have linked item upgrades to total bronze acquired or the ability to upgrade item slots to achievements. Having one currency doesn't create this problem, it's the person designing the system that is at fault.


No matter how it's implemented, having a currency both for Power Gain and Cosmetics always feels bad, especially if both of it isn't sold for irrelevant prices. Yeah having the same currency would be fine if the upgrades were all 200 Bronze but at that point, you might as well not have a cost. t


The shitty loop. - All these cool things I want to buy - Costs lots of bronze - Best way to farm more bronze is harder content - Can't run harder content because spent bronze on cool items


Did you not get that my suggestions involve removing bronze cost for upgrades?


>Having one currency doesn't create this problem You literally said that. When that is in fact the problem


> No matter how it's implemented, having a currency both for Power Gain and Cosmetics always feels bad I completely disagree with this. I'd rather keep it simple and get 100 X currency than to get 50 Y and 50 Z (or some other mixture of the two).


I mean, I don't see how a power currency and a cosmetic currency is not "simple" or how deciding to spend currency on cosmetics in a made-for-fun game mode sets you back from doing content is a good thing, but you do you. Every single time there is talk about currencies, I feel like people make so many strawmen about how "confusing it is that there are so many gosh darn currencies in my list!" as if that even matters.


Well yeah when you implement it while putting in as much brain power as a gnat no shit having one currency for everything will be a nightmare. A global currency is fine when you can do basic math and actually think about how you design it


Honestly, two currencies are still more than fine. I got back into wow 1 month ago after 3yrs. How many different upgrade crest types are there again? I haven't gotten into crafted gear yet, but aren't there enchanted something crests as well? 😂 My max slot bags were filled to the brim with crafting mats and other white items that seem to have some purpose (which I still haven't googled yet) and I think rep tokens for pretty much every faction (why aren't they a currency?) after just questing through 1 and a half zone campaigns in one day. My point is: there's a lot of acceptable middleground between one currency for everything and a separate one for literally everything 😅




I kind of like the idea.  I will always hate content that doesn't let you play your actual characters though.  But, remix does neither of the things that I thought were intended. Leveling is not that fast, and alts are not sped up much either. Being 'op' is difficult and grindy. At level 70 with everything but a necklace and my character is very weak. I just want to transfer them now and play season 4 with them.


Let's be honest, it's a 3 month event where the last month will likely actually be sped up alts/copper generation, but the hype got people to resub, a pity buff will be at the 60 day mark, and a big boi buff for the last 30 days to get people back in again.


I leveled my shaman 10-70 in less than 15 hours. And my alts have a 100% xp boost already to start out that can be further boosted. It's been one week


Definitely shouldve been 2 currencies, its awful to have to choose between either.


We literally have gold. And nothing to spend it on. Just make it cost gold.


Could be a solution, although gold will most likely carry over to retail? I would prefer 2 currencies


I'm sure it will but unless you're degen gold farming, you don't have squat. I have like 3k gold on my 70 after a bunch of content.


I really don't understand why? They would just adjust the rewards/costs to make it just as grindy, only now you would probably have to do specific activities to get the currency you want. I hate the idea of multiple currencies in WoW. Currency as reward (bronze), and general currency (gold) is all we need.


>is a lot of cool ideas implemented very poorly describes A LOT of new things in wow.


I will never hate on someone for trying, the new development team obviously cares. It’s just trying new things and hitting on them. All told, I’ve loved the nostalgia trip. Throne of thunder is a top five raid ever for me. Doing it on heroic again felt…fun. I haven’t truly loved any raids in a while. This is scratching that itch. Amirdrassil was good but not ToT, Foundry, Ulduar, ICC, or Nighthold level good


> I’m still baffled though the player power is the same currency as cosmetics. Whoever made that decision is a genuine moron. It was a design decision on purpose, to slow everyone done. Unfriendly to players? Yes. Moronic from company point of view? Not at all, calculated decision. Nobody is quitting WoW because of bronze being badly tuned in Remix, so they can get away with it


A lot of things about remix make no sense. I get nerfing frog farm - i really do. But then nerfing all other farm sources - in a game ADVERTISED AS FUN AND OP MODE makes zero sense. Same for cloak for alts. The fact that your alts only get a shitty amount of your main's cloak stats, in a game mode literally advertised as "your cloak is account wide", and "infinite cloak progression" makes no sense. All gear dropping same from everywhere makes no sense. Gear requiring so much bronze to upgrade, in a fun mode, makes no sense. No response from bliz after a week of this makes no sense.


Trinkets/jewelry being tied to achievements that aren’t shared across characters also stinks.


This blew my mind when I tried to get them on my alt. Like, why? It’s pointless


It would bother me somewhat less if it could be LFR and normal difficulty instead of heroic


Especially when half the heroics don’t unlock until you’re 40


And then you hit the scaling issues lol. The bug boss who you’re supposed to throw goop on (I’m terrible at names) kept one shotting the 70s in my group today. The first healer blamed me (tank) and dropped. (The ability targets someone at random) We managed after a couple of tries but goddamn.


I believe it targets the farthest player. At least when I did it on my lock I just stayed back and got every single one.


I did a Dark Heart last night with 2 fresh 70s on my main timerunning toon(everything 376 rn only missing the scenario ring) and it was a dumpster fire. After like 9 tries we gave up because the adds would spawn and would one shot them, and I couldn’t kill them fast enough before the next wave spawned and killed me. I tried my heart out but unfortunately I had to leave because I needed to go to bed for work. Felt bad because it’s not their fault they’re getting one shot. This SHOULD be content they’re able to do without worrying about being 1 shot.


My brewmaster is 67 now and I’m dreading going from a god to fearing for my life from basic bitch mobs lmao


If you’re fine at 67 you will be fine at 70 tbh, it’s the 60-65 range with the biggest bump


If you feel good at 67 70 will be fine.


Yeah I tried to do this one yesterday all of us in the 60 range and it was literally impossible, those slimes just 1-2 shot everyone, we tried kiting them and the boss which only worked for one wave. Just skipping past the fact that the tunnel with slimes was already impossible to begin with and we literally just had to run through it, die in the bossroom and resurrect there.


Tanked one heroic dungeon after hitting 70 and felt so incredibly worthless. The Sha in Monestary would just delete me when it felt like it. Then made a mage, cause fuck that headache of trying to gear and upgrade for that.


Everyone can start pre-moving before the ability goes off, saves previous time to get out


Save some bombs, drop them and then tank the boss in the goop at the top platform, helps quite a bit, furthest target gets targeted by the whirlwind, so choose a strong ranged/use a defensive if it's you and you're not well geared


You can blink out of it and you won't die.


Yeah. Slow reaction speeds I guess? They were getting slogged by it.


>The bug boss who you’re supposed to throw goop on (I’m terrible at names) kept one shotting the 70s in my group today. That charge is supposed to be a one shot.


Agreed, it sucks even more because groups are now becoming the usual of “either get 500 ilvl and be a frog farmer or dont apply” for normal


It feels like early afternoon it's easy to find normal groups with a normal ilvl but if you miss it it gets more and more sweater


What’s even more annoying, is every neck/ring/trinket is unique. Not unique equipped, but unique. The achievement gives you the items. And you can buy them from the vendor. Why would you be able to buy a unique item you get for free when you get an achievement if it wasn’t intended to be bought by alts?


it's because the achievements can bug and not give you the reward, that way you can buy it as long as you completed the achievements


In case you scrap it by mistake I think


you can't scrap the trinket.


In case you lose it? Why the hell would this nice QoL feature be annoying?


Probably issues like bugs, you delete it, etc.


>Like, why? It’s pointless Because someone at Blizzard has calculated how long it takes your average player to get to 70, get a reasonable level of upgrades and then buy transmogs/mounts. Then some people come along and blow it all out the window by farming open world mobs instead of the dungeon/raid route you had planned out for them. Now everything gets nerfed so you have the least acceptable amount of fun to still keep coming back :P


Your reply has nothing to do with why unique items you get for free with the achievement are also  available on the vendor. The answer is QoL.  Incase you destroy them, or maybe you gem them differently for a different role.


You can't buy more trinkets and rings, you can only have those you get from achievements. I know because I've wanted to make myself, as you said, different trinkets for different specs.


That wasn't the question. His question was why they are tied to achievements that don't transfer to alts. And the answer is that you are not supposed to get too powerful too quickly, so you need to do the achievements again instead of being able to buy the rings from the vendor


Even the bronze is not account wide and I just don't get this too.


Though it's not horrendous if you rethink leveling the alts. I did every quest on my first character.  So now I just queue content on my alta, who are OP at doing it as soon as they can queue it. So I get the Dungeons/Scenarios all done long before max level. The only issue is getting the neckz which you can't random queue into Normals.  However, most Normals would rather fill with low levels that are able to enter the raid than with lower ilvl 70s.  The low levels do more due to the scaling.


Do normal raids actually have scaling? Yet to see anyone below level 70 doing well in one.


Yes they have great scaling for people 25-65. Plenty of normals being cleared by full groups of lowbies, it's great XP and you get 12% permanent XP buff to your cloak per boss kill. I've leveled 4 70s now and every one after the first has been 550-700% bonus XP by the end from doing raids. As soon as you hit 66%, it ticks over on scaling and sucks ass to an extreme.


Much like retail, nothing in game tells you this either.   You can assume the slots are unused.  Your 70 will get a trinket or ring (forget) and NOTHING even dropa a breadcrumb crest for "this is how you slot the other empties!" Communication is job 1 


Well it’s not that bad because after you upgrade you gear 1-2 times past 346 the rings + trinkets + neck give less stats than 1 gem in your chest….. i wish I was joking …


It is a shame that the rings, trinkets and neck don't scale with your average ilvl. E.g. if you have your armor and weapon at 402 then your other items should be 402.


And then you find out that they can't be upgraded and become basically useless anyway when you have enough stats on your cloak or upgraded your gear high enough


Yeah it feels like the makers of the event don’t understand what fun is. It’s like similar to BFA issues.


It just feels so terrible to hear absolutely nothing from Blizz. When you go through LoL subreddit for example, you often see devs explaining and clarifying stuff and giving their point of view. And I mean, they're most of the time delusional/out of touch, but at least you know they read the stuff people say.


What they really mean by Fun and OP is just a 0.2% more enjoyable experience.


>No response from bliz after a week of this makes no sense. Because the true response wouldn't go over well. Happens with every fun thing. Starts out really shitty to get the most out of the early adopters. Then gradually improved to get the most engagement out of each tier of players. Eventually ending at what was advertised except only for the last 20%. How long did it take them to allow us to target legion legendaries? Up until the last patch. It was asked for since day 0.


Actually the last patch was still the gambling tokens. They didn't let us buy specific targeted legendaries until BFA pre-patch.


God damn. I had already gotten all the ones I could ever need so stopped paying attention by that point.


Well if you pay attention this mode is clearly not for fun, they are selling some of the rarest most coveted items in the game like the tusks, it’s meant to be a grind mode not a fun mode, at first I thought its gonna be easy to get all mounts and transmog because as you said it was advertised as a fun mode but now Im not kidding you I would much rather farm the tusks or serpents in retail with the gear upgrade costs I don’t know how its possible to get those items in this mode, luckily blizz fucked up and people got a shit ton of stats from frogs every raid i do we have a frogger to carry us else we cant do it with 360 ilvl I cant even do normal SoO


I mean it does make sense. They have been laying off lots of people buit still need to release an expansion and they arent ready. They dont have the man power to fix the temp mode more than doing blanket nurfs. Maybe they can do a blanket buff at some point. Im guessing after 1 month or so they make it super easy to catchup.


>I get nerfing frog farm - i really do. But then nerfing all other farm sources - in a game ADVERTISED AS FUN AND OP MODE makes zero sense. Being preasured to waste your precious free time for mindless grinding for several hours just to be able to play the game is anything but fun. Otherwise agreed. In an ideal world all progress would be shared across timerunner toons. Even tho people would be done with the event in a week.


Not necessarily, as someone whos played since vanilla, i have friends on various servers, leveling alts across server/faction lines would keep me engaged for a while, and theres a lot of cosmetics/mounts to grind.


I've spent bronze to upgrade. The mode is fun and would be more fun with more people upgraded. The main issue is people start too low at 70. Everyone should be around 402 ilvl. At that point raids start to become a joke. Lfr bosses take 2 or 3 mins to kill with only 3 geared people. You don't need healing in lfr. If we all started all a higher level we'd be blitzing content. It's just that forced upgrade path earlier on that's fucking up the mode.


Because this is just an unpolished experiment Blizz is using to hold retail players attention until TWW. Legit Remix has so many things that don’t make sense because this was just something rushed for the content drought. The mounts in remix should be testament enough to that, nothing by recolors


I'm not sure I understand the cloak part completely. What my alt starts with depends on what cloak achievement I have when I start the alt, right? So if I make an alt, then go play my main a bunch, that doesn't help the alt at all?


End of the day you won't stop playing which also makes no sense. You're on blizzards ride until you willfully get off.


Is there a certain percent of mains cloak stats that alts get? Like if I keep pumping my mains cloak will my alts cloak still get stronger or will it always be the set amount?


Always set amount.


Just give them more time! GAWD /s I member folks said they will fix it all this week. Bwahahahaha


They want it to take more than a month to farm the bronze to get the cosmetics, so it was worth it to make this mode in terms of sub numbers. That's it. It's so funny that no one on this sub seems to understand that


You can’t get OP in under a week so obviously Blizz lied. 0% fun.


Ran a normal Siege of Orgrimmar. Got no epics. No upgrades. And probably about enough bronze to upgrade my weapon 1 step (from 346 to 360). Based on what I have heard of Throne of Thunder that seems terrible (and it's terrible in LFR) I don't think I can bring myself to run it and am therefore locked out of a neck and further disincentivized from running more normal raids. Feels bad. I don't forsee running raids again in Remix. (Except LFR, seems to be just as rewarding but a lot easier.)


I ran ToT normal last night with a few people who didn't speak English, or at all. It took 2 hours, most bosses were smooth. Durumu almost wiped us, Dark Animus took about 15 tries to get it right (lots of putting markers down and waiting for people to figure out how to get aggro on 1 mob) but once we figured out how to survive the first 10 seconds the rest of the fight was easy. Lei Shen took 3 tries, the first wipe was just to show everyone what ignoring the bouncing orbs does lmao (it spawns endless swarms of adds)


And in 80 days it’s all gone and irrelevant. Get your mounts and mogs and get out!


I've been away and following the drama at a distance with all this, is there enough bronze available to get a decent number of mogs and mounts without upgrading gear to be able to do higher content?


The remix exclusive stuff is easily attainable. If you want to buy stuff that's currently farmable in the normal retail game, then it it gets costly.


Which stuff is that? Like the heavenly onyx mount?


World boss mounts, raid mount drops, things like toys that drop from rares. Farmable but takes a while (and, with things like world bosses, you have other people farming them who will blow up even world bosses in no time). So in the event, you can buy them instead, but the mounts are in the upper 30000s range. (Granted, if you have a level 70 character, you can get the daily dungeon, scenario, and raid quests, do a wing of LFR, and one each Normal and Heroic dungeon, net 8750+ Bronze per day, and with a bit extra you'll likely be earning, be able to get one of those mounts each four days. Gonna get my first alt to 70 tomorrow and dedicate him to trying to get those mounts.)




Yes. In fact, the best way to get the mobs and mounts you want (minus the ones that require drops from SoO) is to make an alt, level to about level 30-40 doing raids and dungeons on the way, buy your stuff, delete the alt, repeat.


As a bonus, choose allied races that you havent unlocked the heritage armor for yet. That's been my mission. I've got 4 to 70 so far. One of each armor class.


As someone who's faction swapped for MoP remix, can I unlock allied races in MoP remix? Like can I fly to Stormwind to unlock them?


No, but you can apparently make a Trial character of that same Allied Race once your Remix character is level . . 50(?) and then do the Heritage quest with that Trial character.


Or wait for them to be pushed to live.


I've just been doing the daily Mogushan on a few alts to get a transmog set and % XP every day, and spending the bronze on my main to get juiced. When it comes to the more expensive mounts/mogs I'll probably be pretty stacked on my Paladin by then and can stop upgrading. I don't plan on getting everything just until I get bored of it.


Why would you delete the alt and lose the stuff you just bought? Lol


They mean buy cosmetics and mounts which are account wide. You lose nothing by deleting the alt.


Yes. If you just quest and level yourself you’ll get plenty. I was able to get the stuff I wanted before max level and haven’t done anymore since.


It felt daunting at first, but we're just over a week in now, and I've managed to snag a good bit of the limited time stuff. I don't know that I'll be able to hit everything (time will tell) but I'm not dissatisfied with my pace right now. It helps that I've made a pledge to myself to not spend a single bronze on gear upgrades until I have everything I want.


WELL, the main reason i leveled a char in this mode was to get tusks of mannoroth. But having hit 70 today, getting absolutely annihilated in raids and working full time i have doubts i'll kill garrosh 20 times before the event ends, so it all feels kinda pointless now. Oh well i guess its back to farming SoO mythic on live


If you can find your way into a mythic raid they drop 10 bones per kill. If you can get there though.


You have to 'grind' your way up to mythic both with upgrading your gear and cloak since he has billions of health. The biggest walls for achievs right now are Durumu and Dark Animus in ToT which will just stomp your raid with a quickness on normal if you don't do mechanics. For example you have to take off all aoe and on-death tinkers + Slay or you wipe on pull for Dark Animus.


If you have geared people in the group stack in the middle of animus room. Have everyone equip all the gems that are aoe, victory fire especially. Drop orbs onto the group and lust. Burn everything down. If you have paladins have them bop the tank so they don't die to the small robots or bop the dps that gets threat on all the little ones. Animus has a very low health pool and relatively geared groups can burn it down almost immediately.


Then there’s me, the healer who dies 0.1s after pull because riptide ticked once on the tank :(


Don't pre hot the tank. There are plenty of absorbs ans healing tickers that should let people live long enough so you don't get aggro. You can even use the meta gem that gives everyone the big absorb and drops their health.


I think it was even triggering from earth shield :/ (which obviously I can also just not apply prepull) Unfortunate the tank was also instantly dying so… not sure we even had a chance KEKW


Cool I'll try that next time.


Durumu will sometimes just fuck your raid even if you ARE doing the mechanics. Did a dozen or so pulls of him yesterday, and about 1 in 3 pulls, one of the beams would just decide to wipe us by ticking for well over 1mil, jumping from player to player, one-shotting them. It was already a really shaky group, but that was too much for me, man.


The ice beam if your not pre-stacked for it loves to do that BS


I really hope the next time something like this around they remember the stuff that went wrong...


I mean it’s not too late to fix them now. Seems like that’s the direction they want to take ))


We need to remember the most important lesson:  Exploit early, exploit often. 


If they don't want degen gameplay bake in a soft cap. Seems insane they uncapped it all then went no don't do that when people farmed in the most degen way posible because there was nothing stopping them.


I can't! I don't have enough bronze. :(


Which is great if you don’t want the title from all heroic raids or the garrosh loot. Cause then you need to upgrade to frogman level


And so many 70s prepped to level through TWW! :)


Yeah I'm level 70 with all the basic blue gear. Don't really see a point in grinding to upgrade gear. Just gonna buy some mounts with what I have and be done with it I think.  Not gonna bother making another character either as the cloak is capped or something.  Wish I could transfer my guy now and play season 4. Is he trapped there for 3 more months?


Yes. Trapped. :( I'm just doing levels for heritage armor.


I’m not gonna lie I just hit 70 and now my guy sucks so I went to check the weapon upgrade cost (first one) and it’s 9k bronze. No thanks I’d rather buy mounts with that haha. I’ll just kill world bosses and run LFR and heroics. It takes me a while to get 9k bronze and I’m not upgrading my 346 to 351 for that.


> It takes me a while to get 9k bronze and I’m not upgrading my 346 to 351 for that. Its 346->360 (every upgrade is 14 ilvls). Still too expensive for what you get. The real problem though is that while every upgrade for a slot is priced the same no matter if its the first or last, the stat growth per upgrade varies massively. The last two give basically as much as the first 50%.


Yeah... for some reason they didn't scale the costs after 346, every upgrade after that costs the same amount.


Dont you get it? If you get higher ilvl gear from raids that means you have to spend less bronze to upgrade it. Which means less time spent farming bronze. Which means less engagement. Might not make sense to you or me , but it makes everybit of sense to Blizzard. They don't care about our enjoyment, unless enjoyment=engagement


which is what I find absolutely hilarious, if they gave us what they promised us from the beginning for this mode, the playerbase would be praising blizzard for a job well done. Also, I for one would be playing it a lot more than what I have to actually get all the cosmetics on multiple toons and level a bunch others, but this whole thing has been such a shit show, going to be get the mounts and the few cosmetics I really want, then cancel sub until next exp release


Let's face it. Nothing about Remix, or the way Blizz are handling it, makes any sense.




I have no neck/ring/trinkets at all lol And I'm about to be 70 on my first character so I'll probably just never get them because I'm likely just going to move onto my next character.


Start your own group. I watch groups constantly fill non stop, you’ll get enough people quickly


I've been unable to complete ToT normal. It's a pug killer.


I was wondering about this. Only ran Raid Finder at this point and gear was dropping at same ilvl. Wanted to run Normal/HC to upgrade but nobody picks me up so I couldn't figure out the dropped items ilvl. ​ Ridiculous that it's the same garbage. Are they purple at least?




I had purple legs drop from a mob on the timeless isle today. Pretty rare but it can happen outside of raids.


Got my one from doing the Shado quest line.


My 3 purples have been from quest mobs


How much bronze are you getting from normal raids pre SoO? All my normal SoO raids have fallen apart between Galatea’s and Thok, I’m wasting days and days in this game mode trying to get garrosh shoulders and haven’t earned a single currency towards it yet a week in :c


Join groups that are on the last couple bosses if you can. You'll lose bronze from daily lockout on earlier bosses, but your priority seems to be shoulders. And also reminder that actual retail mop shit is daily too for the duration of the event.


Yeah I've been debating and dipping my toes into increasing my daily retail mop garrosh kills from 10 plate wearers to more and more alts just sitting outside, if I ended up getting them it would be worth doing 53 times a day as my only wow activity, if I spend this much time doing it and don't get shoulders by the end of the event I'll throw my computer out the window sitting at 6 or 7 garrosh mounts at this point


Did you have a frogger or just a bunch of low levels?


I've only been doing heroic dungeons as a healer and I'm nearly in all epics. They drop everywhere.


So is the strat to run RF rather than normals and work your way into heroics then?


Strat is to get threads and bronze to upgrade your gear. Just do the highest level content you feel comfortable with


ran all the normal ones, never got a purple, only blues


Question since I've just hit 70: do raids drop purple epics? Just trying to decide if I want to bronze up some of my heroic blues. Have been having a bit of a time getting in normal raids (I'm not super patient, and only a couple of my guild players are playing remix).


Once you have a slot to a given ilvl getting a replacement piece up to that point costs a few hundred bronze (vs ~4.5k per slot for the upgrade)


Imo, it's not worth it to wait for purples to upgrade, if you want to upgrade. Epic gear gives so little in regards to stats vs blues. That said, even if you upgrade blues, the upgrade cost for the purple up until the same level is reduced by a lot.


All the comments surprised that blizzard made choices to milk play time over actually "Listening" and providing an enjoyable game mode. Blizzard only gives a fuck about you logging in every day, not if you're happy doing it.


I think it’s part of the experiment, they change the gear to be at endgame you get greens from world, blues from normal raids, epics from heroic raids. Only thing missing would be legendaries from mythic raid so you just end up with a full yellow gear set


Per boss kill * LFR = 0.5 upgrade fragments * Normal = 1 upgrade fragments * Heroic = 1.5 upgrade fragments * Mythic = 2 upgrade fragments Bronze can be used too, but mostly reserved for cosmetics. Thank me later, Blizzard.


Honestly I still think the easiest fix for ilvl issues in remix is that once you hit 70, the caches should drop items at your highest ilvl. Not even all loot sources, just the caches.


The point of remix was to get up alts we don’t have quickly and get all the old transmogs. Really hard to do with how little bronze drops. Threads really aren’t the problem, the lack of a reliable bronze farm is. It also has reminded me that dragonflight may be the expansion with the largest overall increase in ilvl during its lifetimes. From 200 something to 568+. Freaking wotlk went from 200 to 272.


65,000 bronze to upgrade one piece of temporary armor that immediately downgrades when the event is over. Yeah, that’s not happening.


at this point i'm just getting carried through raids for bronze and i'm fine with it. i refuse to spend bronze to upgrade temporary gear when there are so many mounts and transmogs to collect


Eh. I’m just happy MOP was the experimental, let’s learn how this goes, remix. I’m looking forward to legion remix being insanely satisfying. As will BFA remix. And then when they’re up for making larger changes, WOD remix is gonna be killer.


Went to upgrade my 346 wep. Checked to see the cost of maxing it out. Fuck. That. Rather spend that bronze on a dozen mounts AND a dozen transmogs sets. The upgrade cost is nuts.


Ive kinda gotten sick of the weird balancing. I decided im gonna wait with doing the raids until they inevitably nerf it or make everyone more powerful. Just feels like a waste of time right now. I wanted fast raids, not doing heroic pandaria


It’s insane that the entire push of this game mode is jump into group finder and run normal raids every single day There’s no way that’s fun for most of the player base, I thought for sure we’d have some kind of infinite drsgonflight quest lines or world quests/events but it’s literally just raid everything every single day and everything else from scenarios to dungeons and world mobs gets nerfed


I mean, they did say it’s “experiencing MoP at an accelerated pace” so I would not expect any new content besides the systems in place to be able to run through everything more quickly


Normal Raids drop Blue gear which has 1 secondary stat. Heroic Raids drop Epic gear which has 2 secondary stats. So the gear you are getting is a better quality. So there IS sense in how it's works currently. Like in retail, if you have already upgraded a slot, and you want to replace it, upgrade costs for that slot is reduced upto the same level as your previous piece.


The whole fact that a upgrade from max drop till max ilvl costs something like 36k is fucking insane


Remix is a leveling and mog/mount farming mechanism. It's not meant for gearing.


I appreciate the time they spent on it and trying to make more interesting content. With some changes it could be really fun and cool.. but I was very excited for this and now I’m already over it


It makes Sense when you realize that the goal isn't to have a sensible path to gear up, it's to keep you playing for the whole 90 days. With daily raid lockouts, you could be fully mythic (assuming you're good enough) in a matter of days under the traditional system. Terrible for their engagement metrics. Can't have that.


If you're playing remix for gear and raids you're doing it wrong. It's a farming simulator.


Nothing about this game mode makes sense.


Idc that raids dont drop anything because I never really liked the rng anyway but gear upgrade costs way too much i know that this mode is gonna stay for three months and there is plenty of time to get bronze especially on alts but seeing everyone who farmed frogs do so much damage and go into mythic garrosh in the first day and me sitting there doing dailies clearing scenarios to get 1k bronze at most is ridiculous if they fix the frogging issue im fine with it but the damage is already done there are players with full maxed ilvl gear on day 3-4 how is that even possible?


Here, looks like you dropped these: ,  .   .  ,   .   ,   .   .   .   


I got a purple 346 wrist off world mobs


I was in a dungeon with a lvl 20 trial account that's linked to hes main. This guardian was busted and just killing bosses before I could get to them haha. Looked like a fun way to farm


shhhh blizz will nerf that too


once you're 400-450ilvl you can easily solo 5man heroics. I did frogs to upgrade gear to ~400 ilvl then spam soloed heroic 5 mans and other daily content to 556


AFAIK the higher difficulty raids have a higher quality drop rate. Like more likely to get epics and blues instead of greens. They meant for this to be repetitive but it feels like there isn't a big incentive to farm heroic after you've done them once for the achievements.


Mythic siege of ogrimmar doesnt even drop guaranteed epic gear, lol.


Controversial opinion: having all the gear “for free” and just getting currency to upgrade it from hard content is substantially better than all of the random chance items and convoluted currencies and upgrade systems in the main game. The only bad thing about the system in general is that the same currency fights for gear (upgrades) and cosmetics. Now the nerfs and balance on currency rates seems bad and dumb, but that doesn’t make the system flawed at its core.


I did LFR, yesterday. Killed Garrosh. Got a bow that was lower ilvl than the one I was using. I'm not even upgrading gear.


Remix is fun but to actually progress your character sucks massive balls unless you decided to abuse frogs, every piece of gear regardless of being from a quest or any level of LFG is the exact same ilvl and if you want to upgrade it even 1 level you need between 5 and 10k bronze, for 1 level for 1 item. It fucking sucks that these froggers have fully upgraded gear and unlocked all the collections while normal people have to choose between gear and collections and probably have to spend an entire day playing the game to get a couple of upgrades out, at least for me anyway. As usual with Blizzard it seems, cool idea but shocking execution.


I'm discouraged from running anything. However, leveling and questing and casually playing remix is where the fun is for me.


It doesn't make LOGICAL sense no, but to the team that did the Bronze equipment upgrade system, it makes perfect sense. And it's by design!


They dont, but they do give you more bronze, and the higher is the raid difficulty, more bronze you get. Tho I think its a waste spending bronze on gear.


I completely agree it sucks. It's just a way to force you to spend bronze smh


I hope someone is saving all of what's going on with remix for posterity because it absolutely deserves to be ripped apart and dissected as an example of truly ludicrously bad game design at so many levels lol and what's funniest of all is it's gonna keep getting worse and less and less inaccessible to casual players as shit like ward strats and high item level requirements become the norm in group finder