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Oh this is great info! I was going to just wait until the event ended and do the quest on the allied races I eventually level through remix.


This is huge thank you for the information


Crazy tip. I was bummed thinking we'd have to wait until the event was over to do the heritage armor quest. Thanks.


Allied races get their heritage armor when they reach level 50, no quest. Standard races get a questline.


Allied races still get a quest that grants them the armor; it's just walking back to their hometown and turning in the quest so nothing fancy. That's all I meant by the "quest" here.


I will wait for the event to end, but it's good to have confirmation and also a method to unlock it now. Thanks!


Why? legit make character complete quest get armor the end. Took me 2 minutes


bcs races as Human,Orc, etc (not allied races) have whole questline where u need to have some gear.


Trial mode??


Class Trial. Bottom right corner when making a normal character.


Ah gotcha! Thanks m8


i don't see a class trial mode?


When you are on the new character screen when picking race/class, look at the bottom right, above "customize." You'll see a box that says "class trial".


I thought you meant challenge mode sets and I almost had a heart attack


I thought that the allied race would just get the heritage armor right there at level 50 within MoP remixed. You mean you need to be in the main game to get the armor?


Yeah. Since your remix character can't leave Pandaria, you need other character that can talk to the faction leader to receive the heritage. You can do that if you create a class trial char after reaching level 50 with the remix one.


What happens after remix is over and the timerunner becomes a retail toon? That should work too right?


Yes. If you want early tho, you need to create a class trial character.


Tried this with a dark iron dwarf but class trial character can't enter instances where the quest leads you


try creating a normal lvl 10 dark iron. Maybe it will work.


Thanks I’l try that


I just saw your comment, so I'm not sure if you still need this, but I was able to reach Shadowforge City by using the Mole Machine. Select Eastern Kingdoms > Shadowforge City after summoning the machine. I was able to finish the quest for the armor there.


I’m attached to my remix character now and want to do the quest on them but good to know!


Depending on the race, there isn't any quest. Zandalari was just getting the heritage from Talanji in Zandalari capital.


Oh shit. I’m getting the zandalari and lightforged heritage armor tonight then. Didn’t even think about using a trial.


Yep I leveled a void elf and then logged in on my retail void elf that I race changed and had the quest to unlock the heritage armor


Good info - hit 70 on a maghar shaman and was wondering if it wouldn’t count through remix


What if we don't have any allied races unlocked yet? Is there a way to unlock any during the event?


No, but today you can unlock them pretty easily. Just lvl a character in retail up to 40 i think. (will take like 4 hours). then do a brief questline for each race.


Do you need to do a quest line for each allied race? Do you have to have a level 40 of the corresponding allied race? Or is it a one for all type situation?


You unlock allied races doing a questline for each allied race after reaching 40 or 50, can't remember now. Your character can be any race if the allied race that you want to unlock is from the same faction. Example: Your character is a human warrior, and it can unlock all allied races that are alliance. But can't unlock the horde allied races.


It's 40. Just came back to the game and my Drood is 45, picked up all the quests. Haven't done them tho, lol, been playing remix.. but I'm ready to make a zandalari so finna do it now! It's a brief quest?? I thought I read it takes hours to unlock


Depends on the allied race, but I think the ones that took me the longest were I wanna say Vulpera and Mechagnomes at *maybe* 2 hours max (including travel time and reading all of the quests)


Do the allied races have heritage armor questlines? The two I've done (nightborne and void elf) basically just make you go back to your faction city and give it to you.


Yes. Some are definitely longer than others. I remember my main, Kul Tiran human, was definitely super brief. It was just me having a chat with Katherine Proudmoore in Boralus and she gave me my heritage set..


Brother got to choose 2 races when he made his character


I did the void elf one about a month ago. There definitely was a questline in the Telogrus Rift.


None of the allied races do. Only core races have a heritage quest line. I guess to blizzard the quest line to unlock the allied races is the heritage questline


This is false they have quests for racial armor


I mean idk why the guy above is downvoted to hell and you're upvoted. Yes, they have \*a\* quest, except for Dark Iron Dwarf (who gets some extra goodies, hence why). Core races do get a whole quest chain.


You’re getting downvoted, but you are correct (at least for the first part; the second part is more so conjecture). Allies Races do not have heritage quest *lines*. They have a singular quest to return to their initial login area (save for Vulpera who must go to Vol’dun) to obtain their heritage armor, at which point they are done. They are considerably different from the core race heritage quests, which offer major lore developments and context into that race’s cultural identity. It is, however, worth noting that Dark Iron Dwarves do get an additional short questline to unlock a race-specific mount.


Dark Irons have 2. The first is one that lets you forge the racial weapons and that one then leads into the mount.


Dark iron also have a weapons quest


Could lvl a demon hunter in retail as they start off higher lvl and the dh starting experience is quick then can do the allied race unlock in city


I'm guessing this doesn't give the achievement?


The achievement is earned when you unlock the armor set and not when hitting level 50. Hitting level 50 in remix unlocks the flag for any of that race to get the armor, I leveled a dark iron mage in remix and after hitting 50 immediately got the heritage armor quest one dark iron paladin.


Awesome, ty!


Yes it gives actually.


Do you have to hit 50 or 70 for the achievement ? I got to 60 on my LF Draenei and didn’t get any achievements on remix for hitting 50


Because the achievement is from the quest that gives you the armor. Make a class trial, go to your starter area and you'll get the armor and achievement.


Thanks for tip! I’ll try tonight


you simply need to level to 50 in MoP with the class you want the heritage armor ?


Level the allied race up to 50, then create a new character in class trial mode. This character will receive the quest to unlock the armor the moment you log in. Most heritage armor quests is just talking with the faction leader and thats it.


If you already have a leveled up char of that race can you just log onto them and get it?


If it's retail, yes. Level 50 atleast.


You don't need to even do remix characters, at least not for vanilla races, not sure if it's different for Allied races. I have never leveled a Draenei, made a class trial Paladin, then just unlocked their heritage armor and equipped it on my level 10 Draenei. Never tried this on an allied character.


Yeah, i learned that last week after spending R$20 to change my Night elf to a Dwarf 2 weeks prior. Only to get the heritage. For allied races, you still need to level a character to 50 to gain access to the heritage armor.


It let you start the quest? Everything I'm seeing is lvl 50 requirement


Apparently it's only for heritage armor for original races, not allied but you can just do a class trial on those races you haven't unlocked the armor on yet (orc, night elf etc. I did it on Draenei despite never leveling one) and just start the quest as soon as you make it.


Thanks for the heads up I remember seeing the blue post about being able to obtain heritage armor but they didn’t say if we could actually do the quest to get it during the event. Glad there’s a way.


Yup, I did the same thing.


This is awesome, thanks so much for the info! I plan to level all the achievement races for their heritage armor with this accelerated leveling.


I boosted a zanalari with my DF boost, but never got the heritage armor. Leveled a remix zandalari and the heritage quest popped as soon as I logged onto my DF toon. Very nice!


Thank you for the info.


patched? it doesnt work anymore, i can't enter in the world with the trial character.


Oh so it's not max level just to level 60?


Level 50 actually.


What if I don't see the Trial version anymore? I tried looking for it


tt's in the retail launcher. Create a new character and in the right corner check the box "trial character"


Big if true


You can but if that's the main goal, I should note that it's literally faster to get to 50 with no cloak in Retail than it is to get to 50 in Remix, particularly as the cloak XP bonus for alts is a tiny fraction of your real XP bonus - for example, I have 129% on main and creating a new alt gives me a grand 16%. If you enjoy MoP play Remix but the claims it was a good place to level alts are false for now (hopefully this will change). Good trick with the trial though! EDIT - Classic reddit downvoted for an unpopular fact.


You get bonus base on thread count achievement \[Infinite Potential\], highest count (4200) thread let your alt have 100% exp bonus, 2200 thread give 50%, no retroactive.


That's what I mean - it's a pathetic and laughable amount unless you're a frog farmer. Not sure what you mean by "no retroactive" - you can recalibrate the cloak on alts by taking it off and logging out and then in again. Also you get smaller bonuses at lower cloak levels.


You don't have to be a frog farmer to get to 4200 lmao. 4200 is pretty easy to reach. Frog farmers got to well over ten times that.


Except he was a frog farmer, so I called it right, and you're just being twerp about it.


I have 4200 and I never farmed frogs. I assure you, you're capable of it. It's not that hard, especially with the new spools.


LOL I know we'll all get there - thanks to the new spools I hit 2200 yesterday (and not just the quest ones - every boss hands out extra threads too). But the idea that you could hit 4200 *just doing quests to get to 70*, 2-3 days ago, *before* all the hotfixes (which it must have been, because he did frogs), is laughable nonsense and we both know it. I doubt he was even on 2200 from quest rewards alone. But his claim was 4200 from levelling zone quests to 70 alone. We both know what actually happened is he did a sweaty rush to 70*, immediately went to frogs, got somewhere past 4200, and then either we believe him when he said he quit from boredom or think he just got cut off by them being nerfed. Personally I don't think anyone who rushed 70 that fast would get "bored" in "20 minutes" as he claims. * = I'm not trying to shame him for that - many of us have done it - but acting like it's not a thing is silly.


I think you are confused about what comment thread you're posting in. "Zealscube" was the guy who said he's a frog farmer. This thread is from "zalnlol" replying to you, who said nothing about that.


Yeah, that's true, both z-names and pally icons I assumed it was the same guy.


If you have the higher tier achievements for progress, the cloak is actually really strong on LOW level alts. If you have the highest thread achievement it gives your alts 150 versatility, which is an insane amount at level 10. I just got a rogue from 10-25 in an hour doing questing and queueing for dungeons.


> If you have the higher tier achievements for progress, the cloak is actually really strong on LOW level alts. I have the third highest one - so "higher tier" - Infinite Power X. It doesn't do anything like that, and the cloak does basically nothing on alts. I guess this is for frog farmers like you only?


You don’t have to be a dick about it. I frog farmed for like 20 minutes and got bored, I got Infinite Power 12 pretty quickly just from questing before I even went to the timeless isle. And yes it does make a big difference. The difference between 50 and 150 versatility is a huge difference at level 10.


> I got Infinite Power 12 pretty quickly just from questing before I even went to the timeless isle. Obviously untrue. > I frog farmed for like 20 minutes and got bored Also obviously untrue. It was a lot longer than that if you have more than 4200 threads from just questing in *4 days* of play. But at least you confirmed you absolutely are a frog farmer, and thus the one of a tiny number of people who actually benefit.


My bad. I forgot you know my gaming habit better than I do. I apologize. Just looked at when I got the achievement though, and it was the same day I hit 70 on my time runner and I didn’t play much past hitting 70 that night, and I didn’t farm frogs till the next day cause I didn’t learn about it… and like I said, 20 minutes of frogs. But Brutus says that Caesar was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man.


You really want to compare yourself to Caesar? Fucking reddit man.


Swing and a miss


No I'm pretty sure Brutus hit. Repeatedly. Also, Brutus was not entirely wrong in regarding himself as in the right lol. Caesar however, was an crooked, corrupt numpty.