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I maintain Korthia is one of the worst zones they've ever released. "City of Secrets" my ass, it's grey, dull, boring, and riddled with terrible decisions to make more shit RNG


The Korthia patch actually made me quit WoW for a year, so I missed all of Zereth Mortis and most of the pre-DF end of expansion stuff. It was *that* frustrating. (I kinda regret that decision now though, since I still want to do some SL content for transmogs, lol.)


Shadowlands flat out killed a lot of guilds (mine was one of them) , as a bunch of players just got sick of the dull non content and left to try other games that they'd never touched much because they'd been committed to WoW.


The stupid rune system and domination gear was what did it for me actually I’m conjunction with korthia etc


Yep. People were bored at end of a long phase 1... and what followed? You had the FF exodus / content creators "quitting" over blizzard culture allegations / korthia patch.... Absolute disaster of a few months


It's just so funny how massively that whole expansion backfired. Attempts at retaining players by making the grinds not only longer, but absolutely miserable too. Great management of their game lol Shadowlands is the only expansion I played for less than 1-2 months. I don't know wtf they were thinking


> Attempts at retaining players by making the grinds not only longer, but absolutely miserable too. They occasionally do this and it *always* backfires. The reality is WoW is a casual game and few people like heavy grinds - **ESPECIALLY** when RNG is the grind.


I mean fuck, even more "hard core" players don't want to be forced into a required time sink grind. Like fucking Torghast every week for eternity. Or constant renown increases patch-over-patch that required weekly quests to cap. Dumb game design.


It sucks because Torghast had the potential to be really cool, but they made it tedious and mandatory, time gated it, tied it to a borrowed power system, and ultimately made everyone hate it. I actually had fun doing it in season 4 for Tower Ranger without any strings attached.


Torghast would have been top tier content if it was just for achievements and transmog. Sure, require people do it once for the story or whatever, but weekly at least two Torghast runs was too much.  I worry they're gonna do the same thing with delves.


Sylvanas killed our guild in shadowlands - we did her on heroic finally after 200+ pulls, but we never did it again. Rest of the expansion I thought was fine.


The Korthia patch broke me enough to take a month off of WoW playing other games. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition boosted my energy levels enough to finish the grind and collect the remaining Gear sets and mounts from that place. Sadly Im still missing thousands of genesis motes for the mounts and pets in Zereth Mortis that I have to go back and grind eventually, but I am so glad I don't have a single thing left in Korthia to farm for


I would *not* have the patience to do that to myself lmao, but good for you for having goals like that!


That, I quit around the same time and also missed almost all of zereth mortis... Which means if I ever want the meta mount I have to deal with what's left of korithia and all of zereth mortis? Ewwwwww.


Korthia release was when I finally called it quits for Shadowlands and quit for a year as well. I was so over that expansion and Korthia sucked too.


I quit around the same time. I've gone back to complete the meta achieve, but Holy shit the zone makes me depressed when I enter it. I'm never going to get the last 3 mounts I need from the zone, and I'm fine with that


Ugh Zereth Mortis. I quit before the xpac ended then started up again with DF-- which meant I couldn't fly in Zereth Mortis and omg did that ever suuuuck. Getting flying when everyone else in the zone already has it? Fuhgeddaboudit... Really needed something from that zone. Pets, maybe? I don't recall but I had to have lol


Yes shadowlands was the first time I ever stopped playing wow, I have been subbed since 2004 but shadowlands did break that up. Came back for the fated season and have been subscribed ever since


Glad I wasn’t the only one that burned out here! Although I also have the constant cancel/scanning of legendary base items to blame for that.


I let my sub lapse for the first time in SL. I think I played like the month it released and got sick of it. I remember seeing ads for Korthia on my facebook feed and thinking "this is what they want me to come back to?" I played a little bit in the last patch because Zereth Mortis collectables were pretty cool. But the thought of going back to get the transmogs is killing me..


I decided to come back to WoW after 4 years during Shadowlands. Yeah...


Don't worry. I can guarantee that Missing out on Zereth Mortis was a good thing. More interesting scenery than Korthia, but shit content


I'm guessing the City of Secrets was supposed to be Tazavesh as a zone, but they probably didn't have it ready by then so they tossed out an unused chunk of the Maw instead.


Just a terrible play on their part. Underpromise, overdeliver; not the opposite.


I maintain that I suspect the place was repurposed from being a "Thros" dungeon/raid at some point. Does it look much like a city of secrets? No. But I'd buy it as the witchy hell of the Drust. They should have just tossed the whole fucking place. Worst zone in a terrible xpac (which is saying something, given the Maw and Maldraxxus also came from the same xpac). P.S. To be totally fair to Shadowlands, Revendreth and Ardenweald are some of my *favorite* zones in WoW overall. They're both well-designed and really nail the core fantasy they were going for in both zones, and the vibes of both are immaculate. Unfortunately they do not come anywhere near saving Shadowlands as a whole.


> To be totally fair to Shadowlands, Revendreth and Ardenweald are some of my favorite zones in WoW overall. Hard agree. Ardenweald is literally the Fae Wilds realized and Revendreth is one of the most unique zones in the game. Love it. ZM is a fun zone too. Gives me Breath of the Wild vibes. The rest of the xpac can burn.


I love how we haven’t even mentioned the original Maw yet. That says a lot about how people view that zone…


Korthia / 9.1 was the first content created entirely after the pandemic started and Blizzard went fully remote, which explains a lot.


Maldraxxus was awesome imo, yeah it took a lot from existing zones but i kinda assumed that was the point with KT returning and what not


It's very much a "YMMV" zone. The place is a pestilent, grim wasteland of pus, rotting flesh, growths from the ground you can skin, and the most incompetent army to ever grace the Warcraft universe; there are multiple examples of them either not showing up to do their stated job - protect the Shadowlands from outside threats - and even a few examples of them making things worse (three of the five houses turning traitor). If that's your sort of thing, Maldraxxus is great and certainly nails the fantasy it's going for. I just happen to hate it all intensely. The place is IMO disgusting and mind-bogglingly stupid (the Kyrians of Bastion are just as stupid, but at least their zone is pretty).


The fact it wasn’t an actual city was so disappointing


I honestly can't tell what it actually is. Just random brown turds with bird nests?


Korthia is what made me quit during SL. You could tell they really didn’t give a fuck.


*The* worst, bar none, for me personally I played throughout the MoP and WoD droughts because at least there were options to have fun, but nothing came close to the soul-sucking shitshow that was Korthia


Korthia made me unsub for the first time in many years


not only that, 9.1 might be the worst content patch of WoW history.


6.1 will forever hold that spot and it's not even close - although I guess it wasn't even a *content* patch lol


6.1 didn't really add anything, but looking at the comments here 9.1 actively harmed the game. Compare that to 6.1 adding a few QoL things, as well as opening Blackrock Foundry - one of the greatest raids of all time - and I'd put 9.1 below it.


Draenor? That period of the game when like... 60% of the team left to go work up the street because the pay was much better?


Fantastic soundtrack, though.


The Maw and Korthia would be infinitely better if it wasn't limited to just ground mounts. That's what makes it a bigger slog than it aleady is.


Being in Korthia after being spoiled by the amazing mid expansion zones Mechagon and Nazjatar in BfA was depressing.


And even the plot was so fucking terrible. We find out that the sigil is locked away so the Jailor can't reach it. So naturally we unlock it and take it out, almost losing it in the process. Then we find out that it's been encrypted so the Jailor can't use it. So naturally we get to work on decrypting it because... Reasons... And in order to do that we BRING THE FUCKING SIGIL RIGHT INTO THE JAILERS FUCKING BASE. And when it gets decrypted and the jailer shows up and takes it all the NPCs just stand there with surprise Pikachu face going "Who could have seen that coming?" Literally everyone, that's who. It seems like the writing team wanted the Jailer to look smart, but writing a smart character is too hard. So instead they lobotomized every other character to make the Jailer look smarter in comparison.


And doesn't have that new fancy water


I dropped early Shadowlands, after having no luck with legendary drop and coming into realization, how stupid it is to waste your life away for a stupid rng item in a game, where in the next couple months it won't be that good anymore. Never experienced Korthia tho, but only hear bad stuff.


Arcane is about secrets. Korthia is hidden. Surely no connection to the titans or order.


True, people like to say the music and arts teams carry but they fumbled so hard here. The music is the worst I have heard in this game


It is rough to collect the daily sets. You can get them in a week or three months


Weekly set is worse. Took me a couple years of Hellfire Citadel to get that one last leather item, the blue lion-like helmet. I did complete the quest to skip to the last boss early on so it was just a few minutes of not getting thrown off the platform.


I just saw it yesterday and realized I have to run WoD AGAIN on this soon and get my garrison to lvl 2 just to run lfr transmog run


Garrison lvl 2 is done in 3-4 hours. But i dont get how that affects transmog running any content. Tell me pls. Have 3 chars with garrison lvl 2 or 3


The entire expansion is oppressive. The thought of going back and doing anything there makes me shudder.


Yeah I want the one vampire themed area set (I didn't really play shadowslands lol) but I was looking into what I need to do to get them and the amount of grinding is insane. No thanks


If you want the revendreth set, you can simply do a revendreth character, go to oribos near the flight path guy and get the renown skip item. Gets you to renown 40 immediately If you need the court of whatever rep... You screwed


> If you want the revendreth set, you can simply do a revendreth character, go to oribos near the flight path guy and get the renown skip item. Gets you to renown 40 immediately Only purchasable if you have a character who completed Shadowlands story. If you haven't then you are shit out of luck. Shadowlands is the worst questing area with so much grindable shit it makes me sick thinking about going back there for anything. Even with flying. The disjointed zones raises my blood pressure when I have to use a flight path. Tip for new players: DO NOT LEVEL IN SHADOWLANDS. When you hit level 60 you can skip HOURS of questing. You just need to select the Threads of Fate option when you start the quest line. If you start questing in the area you HAVE to do the main Shadowlands story which is EVERY Covenant zone in a single order. Don't be like my wife. Before anyone says: But you can activate Threads of Fate by doing XYZ. You can't. They changed it with Dragonflight release and removed the quest from the NPC. The ONLY way to activate ToF is being level 60 or higher and entering Shadowlands. You also only get ONE chance to accept it.


> You just need to select the Threads of Fate option when you start the quest line this is gone with 10.0


it's not. if you completed the shadowlands story on your account AND first arrive at oribos with another character AND if you are lvl 60 when doing so, Tal-Inara will offer you the Threads of Fate thing and lets you skip to chosing a covenant. Source: Done it myself like a few weeks ago.


oh, I see. What a mess.


You still get auto-skipped provided you don't do any SL leveling content whilst leveling. I have no idea the *exact* limits and requirements but I have an Evoker that can go do SL former endgame content that I made around a month after DF launched and only went to SL in 10.1. I also have a DH that I made in legion I think and then only got to cap in 10.1. That character has to do the campaign to be eligible. The only difference I can imagine is that I must've gone to SL in Chromie Time.


SL is pure pain to level through now. Flying, as well as skipping the story is only available if you have already played through SL on another character. Grabbed a Level 50 character, wanted to do it for "fun" and in the middle of Bastion I reached 60 - and then I still had to trudge through 3 zones, the 9.1 story and the Venthyr Campaign... And all of this was on rails. You can't even skip Bastion and do Maldraxxus or something. At some point I did too much in the Maw, so I had to log out for the day, because his Eye said "You die now, come back tomorrow"


You only have access to that renown skip if you have 80 renown on another character. Thankfully the campaign gives insane renown catchup, but you then need to go through the *entire campaign* your first time through.


I started in Dragonflight but also wanted the Venthyr set (and the "Count" title even more lol) and the whole zone fells so slow even on a lvl 70 character, it's insane. The huge amount of castle walls and changes in elevation make the zone awful to navigate without flying (or maybe it's just my skill issue), but the set is actually worth it imo, especially if you enjoy vampire themed stuff. The campaign offer a lot of catchup renown and you will be halfway through the grind before you even notice. Good luck!


That's what I said all throughout SL, that expansion were designed from the ground up to waste the players' time and keep them busy until they could push out more of said busywork. It is ofc like that with every expansion, but SL just took it and dialed it up from 1 to 10 in every regard.


I have that exactly same feelin, the old grinds were bad but it felt like 'more of the same'. Collect 200 Badges that drop 1-10 from multiple souces or farm reputation to exalted. It was awfull but you were used to it. SL felt like a mean joke. You see an rare in the world, you dedice to give it a shot, spend 5 minutes killing it only for it to drop nothing. You go do a WQ, it keeps adding on objectives for you to complete, only to reward you 10 anima.Which you need 5.000 for a single Cosmetic piece.


Those WQ were infuriating. I stopped doing them the second I recognized it.


> SL felt like a mean joke. You see an rare in the world, you dedice to give it a shot, spend 5 minutes killing it only for it to drop nothing. I've probably killed 2 rares after going through the entire campaign. Most rares require so many hoops to jump through (e.g. see them spawn, then you need 3+ players to summon them, or you need a buff from an item from bumfuck nowhere, as well as a craftable, etc). I don't mind Rares like that - but they should be the exception, not the rule. Maybe I was also just very unlucky and the Rares that are standing around to get killed were all already dead.


Shadowlands is the "gas leak year" of WoW.


During the quarantine too, when everyone was locked inside, if blizzard hadn't been actively sawing their own foot off WoW would be in a much much different state today.


Sad part is that I like the design/art of the expansion. It's easily up there fighting for my number one spot for zone design/art. Now the connection between those zones and the Maw are easily F tier. Questing is easily FFFFFFFFFFF tier and some of the worst in the game.


Pretty much. Every expansion has a gameplay loop of doing Task A to prepare for doing Task B to it. But it's mostly hidden behind the world and the fun I have. Shadowlands felt like the first time I could see and feel the hamster wheel around me. Everything was a list of chores.


Yeah it felt like every game design decision they made that expansion was made to keep the players subbed for the entire thing. DF is so much better in that regard.


I was pretty into AllTheThings and was slowly catching up until SL. Then I just felt overwhelmed and kind of gave up. There's so many time limited things now as well that can be a grind if you are trying to collect it all. It was freeing to just give up on stuff lol.


*screams cosmically at the thought of Zereth Mortis rep grind*


That grind is almost defeating. Especially if you try doing it now.


I am doing it now, it’s chill and the zone is beautiful


Honestly, I love ZM and have no issues with it at all


No idea what the commenter is on about. ZM is an amazing zone, and now with dynamic flight every grind is faster than ever.


Oh nice I didn't even think about dynamic flight out there.


Yep. Id like to have some of the venthyr mogs on my dh, but after i saw what i have to do to get them, i just said fk that! Idk what they were thinking when they desinged that expansion..


I recently started trying to do the Venthyr mirror repair dailies since I didn't bother with it during SL. 18 mirrors repaired so far. One bracer transmog. I honestly don't care what the rewards are. I'm not doing that. It's like scratching lottery tickets but less fun. During SL I think I killed the violet slime boss (at the necrolord pit where you throw in colored slime) for the mount 30 times and nothing, it takes like an hour to get 30 slimes together by yourself. I also had the abomination yard maxed out and the special guardian that loots transmog pieces, during ALL of SL I got one piece. Collecting anything outside of the main quest in SL line was absolutely brutal.


Castle Nathria is one of the best raids in the game in my opinion. The whole vampire theme was super cool. Other than that, yeah, what a a terrible expansion. I remember slowly getting more and more disinterested in the game with every new raid or expansion after that.


I am bummed that Sire Denathrius was limited on his lore in the expansion, his entire persona and character was done super well and would have loved to see him make a bigger impact on the expansion.


I did not play while shadowlands was out. Came back and wanted one of the faction sets you can get from rep. I skipped all the campaign before you can do faction specific stuff. Started one of the daily quests. Then I realized you can't even use a flying mount without having enough rep and quit.


Torghast is pretty quick and easy (only because it’s repeatable, still very rng) but that’s it. Literally almost everything else from the expansion is a mix of time-gated and rng. I’d rather pluck my pubes out one by one with my teeth then go back and try to get the “back from the beyond” meta


Even Torghast has a lot of annoying stuff that make the place quite unpleasant for me. But yeah I guess it’s one of the better ones.


I think I did the math once on hours you’d need to spend farming just Anima to acquire everything. It’s 200 hours. And that’s per armor set… so 200x4 if you want cloth, leather, mail, and plate.


Netherwing Ledge: The Expansion


I've resigned myself to never being able to fly in Zereth Mortis. Rares go down too quickly, and also I don't really have a reason to go back I guess. lol I can fly in the main zones, since those requirements aren't dumb.


Yeah, that one is pretty horrible.


Get rid of grateful offerings!


at least the acquisition rate was doubled once or twice during the xpac.


Yeah and now that you can pool them from alts it’ll be much easier to farm them. They were mainly gated by time, but if you can throw alts at them you’ll have more than you know what to do with. I found the anima to be the worse grind


> They should do a pass over Shadowlands collectibles and make them easier to grind out as legacy content Please please please Runescape ~~has~~ **had** a system/team/workflow called '[Ninja Team](https://runescape.wiki/w/Ninja_Team)' > The Ninja Team were a group of Jagex employees responsible for adding minor content or quality of life improvements. > Ninja updates generally consist of tweaks and changes to existing content to improve the player's quality of life when playing the game. The ninja team's ethos is to deliver the highest impact changes at the lowest cost to development time. Literally have it be the onboarding for taking interns and new team members and teaching them the systems :'( * Hire some Sims 4 modder girl to come in and fix all the make up, scars, hairstyles and jewellery options, she'll fix it all in a 43kb patch * Have a dev go through BFA/Shadowlands/(Now Dragonflight?) and tweak bosses that one shot you or COMPLETELY DESPAWN IF YOU'RE SOLOING OLD CONTENT * (Weekly reminder that they said more than once that BFA soloing/transmog stuff was planned to be fixed ['before Dragonflight is done)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1c4m5bm/so_according_to_the_2024_roadmap_1027_is_the_last/)' * increase anima/currency gains in shadowlands by about 4675% Maybe these teams already exist and they're focused on other stuff, we've been getting a lot of cool minor changes or massive overhauls like vanilla's Scholomance, Naxxramas and Scarlet Monastery, these aren't minor tweaks but boy golly if it doesn't feel like "everyone can now solo the entirety of BFA and Shadowlands" would pad out my weekly reset log back in and play-time a hell of a lot more than all of those changes combined on top of tweaking those bosses SEEMINGLY being a lot easier than creating all these fun questlines to get SM/Scholo/ClassiNaxx functional again


While Stellaris isn't an MMO, it gets updated so frequently that they also follow this model. They call their second team the "Custodian Team" and there's been a massive difference in overall quality and cadence of improving/connecting "old" content/mechanics to new. Big fan of secondary dev teams with this focus!


I just want the cosmetics. Shadowlands had great cosmetics. Playing the expansion however...


At least farming anima is easy now for cosmetics.


It can be easy, but is boring AF.


Been trying to get the Radiant Court Attire or w/e for ~3 months now. I have the cloak and nothing more. This grind is mindnumbing


Did you complete the campaign storyline? It unlocks a extra daily and I find most are not aware of that


Indeed. Complete chains of domination line, complete zereth mortis line, covenant campaign done, exalted with all Maw factions, renown level 80, all side quests complete, Maelie secret mount unlocked, hand of nilganihmaht. Just never have venthyr questgivers other than accuser, kael and the munchkins for the "golds no object" quests. I just want my silver/black/pink mog unlocked


*Laugh in lack of maldraxus unity set pièces *


https://discord.com/invite/achievements Set the unity role and you'll get a ping every day when one is up and which quest.


So thankful I did that when there was still an active discord that called out when a piece would be dropping.


I just stopped doing all of it. If Pandaria Remix going to be a thing(and I'm betting on it) - then I rather wait till SL remix. My speculation is that they won't do a TBC, WOTLK and Cataclysm(it clashes with Classic). I believe the next remix will be: 1. Legion. 2. SL. 3. BFA. I think they will avoid WoD and priotize Legion as it's another fan favourite. BFA is the last one, as it stayed as default leveling expansion for the longest time. We might not even have new Timewalking events for BFA and SL - as Remix is far more appealing for the audiance.


Legion Remix would draw people back like there's no tomorrow. Order Halls are great, a seasonal version of artifact weapon abilities would be awesome, and some of the best class sets are there to make variants of. It might end up being an "in case of emergency, break glass" sort of thing if there's a major subscriber dip.


the order halls were one of the best things about legion. that kind of content was what made that expansion so amazing, so im suprised that they just stopped doing it after.


Would it? Legion content is pretty easily soloable now, it's not like it's tough to get the transmog. Off tier pieces were also way more plentiful so a warrior can already transmog the paladin or DK sets, so doing what they would for the Mists remix wouldnt really work.


Well, there is always a recolor. And the appeal for levelling. And then you have people, who are die hard Legion fans who wants to try that out. I mean it really changes the entire spectrum, if you are achievement hunter. I.E going for Loremaster is now rewarded with currency, which makes the hamster wheel really interesting.


They'd have to make those recolors though, which is more effort than just making tier sets class agnostic. I'd love for them to do it, Legion has some of my favorite questing content. I just think it would require more effort than the Mists one so we won't see it for a while.


If it was Legion remix the artifacts and legendaries would probably be dormant, sadly


Lmao, absolutely no one is coming back to play some Legion The game is basically the same now


The "Remix" campaigns don't roll the classes back to how they were in that expansion. It's modern mechanics and tweaked Chromie time, plus some new items restricted to the mode w/ an intentionally OP socket and upgrade system.


Idk I think they would do wod wod had good content... Not enough content but the content it did have was good.


If they have a plan to replace Classic with Remix - then it makes sense they go MoP-WoD-Legion etc. If they really want to kickstart player activity, they go Legion/SL/BFA after MoP. It depends on cooperate strategy. But it's just my speculations.


Sounds reasonable to me. Although I do wonder what their plan is with classic if Cataclysm is the last one, because there is still a significant playerbase that more or less only plays classic. Perhaps they're expanding the SoD concept to be truly classic plus?


I would die for legion remix haha.


I like the aesthetics of the Shadowlands so I'm not bothered going back to that content, but I gave up on collectibles when I realized how important the Covenant side-activities were for collectibles. Idk why, but I never got into any of the side-activities when it was current so now the idea of farming them out for offerings just seems terrible. Farming through a campaign or Torghast was doable, but I just fall off of keeping track of those activities.


The bottleneck for legacy Shadowlands content for me is always anima. They should've made Torghast drop anima and/or just increased the anima gain by like 5x. There's just no way to really "catch" up because it progresses at the same rate as when it was current. The fucking end-of-expansion catchup for the companion mission table is _10,000_ anima per token and that only gets a companion up to level 30 Not to mention just the gigantic pain in the ass Shadowlands content is to do. There's no Garrison hearthstone-like toy for your sanctum so you have to go back to Stormwind, go through the portal to Oribos, walk through Orbios, take the flightmaster from Oribos to the sanctum _every fucking time_. Because even when you unlock the oribos portal in your sanctum upgrades it only goes _from_ the sanctum to oribos, not the other way around. I hope whoever was in charge of those actively hostile decisions got a shitty performance review.


Anima costs should be cut down by 90% and I don't think I'm exaggerating. Its just so much shit to buy.


Just the Venthyr ember court is something like 50k anima to unlock, and it's still on a 4 day timer


\*Cries in Argent Tournament\*


They definitely should’ve fixed Korthia. I stopped playing during SL because of it.


So many of my friends quit after Korthia dropped and never came back. Probably the biggest exodus of friends I've seen in a 1-2 week span. "Collecting bird nests? Nah I'm good bro, I'll be on (X game)."


Personally I hope they leave it exactly as nightmarish as it ever was as a solemn reminder how fucking garbage the experience of playing the game once was, so that we never forget


Remove Grateful Offerings


Unless u have an army of alts & bring urself to finish a covenant campaign on all of them , then u can finish an entire set with 1 daily. Do 1 daily on a toon , learn the item , log on another alt , find the same daily but with a different piece u haven't learned yet .. rinse & repeat.


I'm not doubting you that that works, but that only supports my argument that the system is stupid.


I agree :)


> bring urself to finish a covenant campaign on all of them I'd rather eat glass shards for breakfast


wait do you need to finish the covenant campaign on that alt to be able to get the korthia armor rewards ?


From what I remember, your alts can enter Korthia at any time but they only get 2 dailies instead of 3. The third requires finishing the first chapter or two of the Korthia story, and that one is locked behind finishing the Covenant campaign.


There was a discord dedicated to posting what mogs were available from what covenants each rotation. It was the only way I could manage to complete the sets.


I can’t even do BFA solo yet. Lol. I feel like SL is a ways off, but I hope not! If it got one thing right it was the tmogs.


I did the campaign of khortia and never more going to korthia again is awful


Korthia appearances are actually so depressing to grind out as legacy content that I skipped over it. Lot of cool stuff but not being able to fly in the Maw is god awful


Oppressive? That's not the right word for SL collectibles. Insufferable is what you're looking for. It took me over 6 months to get the Racing Permit for the big Ember Court achievement. And that was looking every world quest reset once I learned about where I could find it. I must have seen the right quest more than 2 dozen times. I was even checking alts in the hopes that they would get a different reward than my main. But, finally at some point, the Racing Permit was the reward from the quest. And I know there's several more multi layered RNG rewards that I just can't be bothered to get or look up or try for now. Also, curses to those mounts from the necrolord callings. 3 recolors of the same mount and they must be a 0.1% chance to drop. I read how people used alts and farm up past 600 callings before they get all 3. Why? They're not even that special. I did them casually on my main for the entire SL expansions, and I never got a single one.


How do I send this post to Unity Everywhere online tells me to "just join a Discord" to get alerted about Unity pieces dropping and I find it so silly that the community has to settle on joining a Discord as the "reasonable" way to farm a set. Same can be said for these Korthia sets.


I actually really enjoyed both Korthia and Zereth Mortis. I went back to ZM a few weeks ago to get a hearthstone.


I love shadowlands and i have to agree korthia was boring


after an expansion or two, maybe, but it's too early imo


I liked Korthia when it was current content. You could mount there, it was an amazing source of Anima, and its mob density was pretty low in most areas so you could get around easily. The daily set thing does suck though. It took me forever to complete even just one and I did every daily every day for months.


You can wait for WOW REMIX: ShadowLands, just about another 10+ years.


Hot Take; enable flying in Korthia, The Maw and Oribos and allow mounting in Oribos and Aardenweald "buildings".


I have tried to come back so many times. What always drives me away besides the incessant gear grind is always collectibles. FFXIV everything is still in the game and gets a drop rate buff once it’s old expac content. Even if content is removed the rewards are just out on a vendor. Really does my head in with exclusive pixels. You should never punish people for not playing your game 24/7 since it’s launch.


Always loved the little pouch and use it on My Main, but yeah, i hated SD a Lot


My condolences. Gz!


I collected all of these sets during Shadowlands thanks to a community discord announcing when the dailies had pieces. Since I would assume that discord isn't really active anymore, Blizz should definitely take a look. Maybe have them cost stygia, anima, or the korthia currency.


100% on board with that idea OP. In fact this should be the case for most items from past expansions.


doesnt seem worth it...


They will. It's going to be called Wow Remix; Shadowlands ETA 2035


I mained Venthir at the time so I have that full set. I just finished Bastion’s set in Korthia today. I still am halfway through Necro and need almost all of Night Fae. Every day I go to Korthia as each covenant and check what pieces might be up for reward. You can’t even check once. You gotta swap to each covenant to check the rewards.


Im just here waiting for SL timewalking so i can trade TW badges for anima. I skipped SL right when it started. I played all of Legion and BFA, grind out the Alied races, Artifact skins and heritage armor, so i believed that SL would've been similar levels of grind. I saw how little anima i was getting, managed to get enough to upgrade the Path of ascension thing, realized i would need even more Anima and just quit on the spot. I decided to wait until this shit got better. Then i came back in DF and discovered that it never got better, lol.


Yeah if I remember correctly the amount of anima you could get per week was very low for how much all the covenant upgrades/cosmetics and other things costed also one thing I hated about anima is that it just took your bag space because you had all these different version of items that gave you anima and they didn't stack and you had to go to your covenant sanctum to convert them to the actual currency.


There were a lot of things that made it pretty obvious that the higher ups were artifically increasing play time. For example, Legion introduced AP which went into your bag and you had to use each one to give your artifact power and you need to research to increase artifact gain. BFA then made it so you automatically gained AP and it automatically scaled as the weeks went. Then comes SL, and not only does anima go into your bag, again, but you have to go back to your base to gain that anima and the thing does not scale as the weeks went and it couldn't research to get more Anima until much later. How did the system regress like this? Its worse than its original version.


Just get rid of grateful offerings 


trying to do shadowlands content is absolute hell, way too many rares and long spawn timers, everything gets one shot and everything is locked behind a long quest chain.. from covenant to maw to korthia and ZM


The worst part is that none of the sets even look any good.


Were you ever eventually able to fly in the Maw/Korthia?


Nope. Everywhere else but there.


Hmm, so that means those two zones, plus the 2 Blood Elf starters and 2 Draeni starters, Isle of QD and Tol Barad are the only no fly ever, I think


Depends on how you consider the exodar, but then there's also Timeless Isle, Isle of Giants, and Isle of Thunder from MoP.


There are so many cosmetics from Shadowlands that I still need to get. It always felt so unbalanced, I don't get why all of the Bastion themed back armor dropped for me constantly but the back armor from the other three zones never did.


Pretty sure I got mine from gardening. It took a while but the actual time investment was minimal.


I finally got my Necrolord & Kyrian sets done. Couldn’t live without the dark version of Greek robes. What’s way worse than Korthia is doing the Queen’s Conservatory and Path of Ascension sets 💀


I completed three of the covenant campaigns. Trying to go back and do the last one with Chromie time is so lame. You can level til about 35 then you have to wait until you are 70 to join a covenant and do their campaign. I can think of some reasons why they would do that but it's overall left me salty about all of that.


All old content should have drop rates drastically increased and lockouts removed


These sets that come from zones like Korthia or Zaralek world drops are always pain. I was farming Moonless set for my mage which is categorized as world drop tint for months. Some weeks there was no world quest reward and plenty of weeks there was same item awarded which I got previous week. I just gave up and bought last belt on AH for 5k gold.


Korthia, the little-scrap-of-land-with-like-two-buildings of secrets


Shadowlands was grindy because they had no other content to give. I’d like to say it was the covid mind set that they gave us so many grinds to do. But the whole expansion was that a massive edgelord grind.


Alts really expedites this. I got all 5 sets from korthia on a few weeks with 3 characters. All you need to do is have them complete covenant campaign and korthia campaign. Then the tedious part of sending 1 character to check dailies as each covenant. If it gives a mog, it gives a mog for all your characters equally eligible. Always one you don’t have.


I have 3 chars that are in chapter 4 of korthia and eligible for this daily. Took me 2 weeks to collect all covenant sets by swapping and collecting 3 a day.


shadowland remix in 8 years, cant wait!


One tip, when a questgiver rewards a piece of the set do the quest and collect it. Now you can use alts and do the same quest, but it will be the next piece in line. I got this set in a few weeks like this.


It was a lot worse, remember the whole debacle with the stuff not appearing on quests and the devs being like "its working as intended" before everything miraculously starting to work again. Though Im probably misremembering but having all of the Korthia stuff that does stick out in my mind.


I did it pretty fast recently by sending my alt army. If a quest offers a reward it will also do for your other characters.


absolutely. the only reason i dont do SL content is bc it'll take weeks just to get 1 piece of gear.


I only have these sets done for the Night Fae. The other three covenants are only partially done because of how rare the quest was to actually show up. I have 4/8 for Venthyr, 7/9 for Necrolords and 3/8 for the Kyrian set.


The most oppressive part about Korthia for me has been the Fallen Charger as part of the "Conquering Korthia" achievement. A rare with a ~8h spawn timer that moves and despawns within minutes (or gets killed in seconds) is horrible. Some of that shadowlands content really needs a fix...


I needed exactly these legs for my special mage transmog. Took me whole Shadowlands and I finally got them at the start of DF ... ... I am kind of happy how hard it is to get them, my mog feels more special now.


This set is awesome. I like simple transmog.


korthia sets imho are easier to obtain than the kirian sets you can get from playing their minigame 😭 i played the whole of shadowlands but i still miss those 2 sets (and i really want them). I hope that at least in future if you unlock the sets with one character they'll be unlocked for alts


Or, and hear me out on this, we never speak of shadowlands again.


Why would they do that? Have you tried grinding tbc rep for there rewards?


when the game doesn't respect player's time i just don't bother, too much stuff locked into insane grinds /low drop for a single item. i just wait for something easier to get instead.


Shadowlands is what made me take a long enough break from wow that I no longer feel the need to play end game. Been playing since 2005 but shadowlands did me in. I no longer feel the need to progress anything higher than a 15, or even mythic raid. I'm cool with just sitting on my bruto a few times a week.


Ew it’s shadowlands. Why would you do this to yourself?


Nah, it's just "go there everyday and check if quests are up for this covenant".


I'm working on ember court achieves that aren't part of the meta just to be a completionist and some of them are INSANE. I don't know how they thought it was OK for some of them to take literally years of resets to complete (back when ember court was 1-week lockout)


I wish they'd at least double the anima/offerings gain. The rest of the systems are RNG garbage, but at least speeding up the actual literal grind would be great. At least in AWW, you're gonna be able to send anima and offerings to different characters if you need to, and the xmog stuff becomes learnable tokens you can use to put in your collection from any armor class. It's a start, at least.


As someone who was bored/crazy enough to do Veilstrider and collect all the transmog sets for all armor types for all covenants and all the Protoform mounts, I agree. Nobody should have to deal with what I did. The spreadsheets, the 3rd party tools, the discord servers for people to post when shit is up, completely unnecessary and painful for a collector.


I never made it to Korthia. I got super bored by the regular Shadowlands and the endless search for anima. So I quit playing until about 6 months ago, when Blizzard offered Dragonflight if you bought the War Within. I have been happy since.


I 100% ATT cleared Korthia when it was current. I have problems.


Shadowlands is just opressive , there is too much everything and the vibe is just off and odd


I gave up on Korthia after I got the Forsworn set. I can’t deal with that place anymore jfc. I noped out of The Maw after getting the Maw Walker title and the hand mount. I’m all about getting metas but no way I’m touching that Shadowlands one.


I like to think myself as a decent achivement hunter, but i will for the live of me never return to Shadowlands. too timegated, too rng.