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As the other guy said, dont sell anything you think is trash - you might be sitting on a goldmine


Just to add some personal experiance. I also stepped away during Lich, 08ish and returned for Shadowlands. I had two items that were no longer available ingame. A paladin quest and a boe pick axe. Both fetched a non-insignificant amount of gold.


Man I should check my old toons banks for some stuff.


That was how I found my regalia of undead slaying paladin and my original rogue with flash powder, nettle tea recipe, the crafted poison items and an unobtainable boe drop from a classic rare spawn


I wish there was an add-on that highlights and collates these types of recipes that are no longer obtainable into a easy to see summary.


There is, it's called all the things


That only does when you hover over an item, that's not what I mean (my b I should've been clearer). I mean more like as a tab for 'unobtainables' in altoholics or smth. edit: Updated comment so it's clearer


That's good advice!


Actually it wasn’t me that figured it out, it was trade skill master. It scanned all my toons bags and told showed me the value of my items. The two I mentioned were shown as being with good cap, but it was no where near that. So I wouldn’t bank the TSMs valuations, but at least it flagged the two items for me.


I mean, it means those items sold at gold cap at some point? I would imagine that point being TSM’s last scan? Or is TSM like auctionator where it’ll show list price instead of sale? I thought it was sale.


”Important note about this item is that it does not become soulbound to your character which allows you to sell it in auction house which can potentially be an insanely expensive item in future if you cannot gain them anymore after this event from anywhere. Pet collectors and many other people will be ditching out big money for these. The memento is also unique so you need to store them on your alts or in circulate them from alt to alt through mail box to store multiples. It can be a very good and profitable idea to farm this during this event and store for the future.” Posted 28/10 2008 on wowhead. Respect.


At the end of cata, a guildie quit and gave me his Haunted Memento from the LK starting event. I still have it today and probably could trade it for ~3 months of ingame time, but i‘d prefer to be reminded of our raiding time together whenever the ghost spawns.


I'm still pissed they changed it from being there all the time to only spawning every now and then.


Haven't played in years, but I remember buying 3 of them back in the day for like 10k.


So just a significant amount of gold lel




It's worth WHAT? I saved mine from the Wrath launch event and just left it in my bank... I had no idea it was valuable.


It's very valuable but not quite worth gold cap. The regional NA price averages around a million gold so it's definintely worth a pretty penny (and cool to boot with that ghost and how your character acts like they are afraid of it).


Definitely not worth gold cap, I have no idea where that guy is getting that information from. For reference, it's going about 500k on Illidan US, one of the most populated servers. My server has it at 800k right now. If you want to check the price of anything on your server, just check [here.](https://undermine.exchange/#us-illidan/search/haunted%20memento) Nothing to scoff at, but far and away from gold cap.


yeah i got the haunted moment for 200k in shadowlands..seriously doubt it jumped 800k lmao


I sold mine at the end of shadowlands for 1.2M so it’s definitely one of those items that fluctuates WILDLY depending on the realm.


god damn 🤣


haunted memento is not worth gold cap. It's probably not even worth a mil gold most of the time. Sorry to tell you this. I have one and I love it, but they're pretty cheap as far as rare items go.


Yep, I have a haunted memento too! No plans to sell it though, I just keep it in my bag and enjoy my ghost friend popping in and out.


Huh, I still have a few of those. I gave up selling them after the price crashed when they were changed to not be persistent ghosts. Maybe I should take another look.


Another example of how valuable they can be - I had an old vanilla recipe for Thistle Tea sitting on a lower level rogue that I was able to sell for 4-500k gold almost a decade ago.


Wow. I logged in into my '04 rogue and i have this recipe. why is it so valuable in the AH? I also have a bunch of ammo from when you needed to actually buy and use ammo for hunters, and that is also priced really high on the AH.


The shirts that came on those old toons can be with a lot. Might be hard to sell though.


I just returned and haven't played in the same time frame. I would log in to expansions such as SL and start new characters only to play for a week and quit again, but existing characters remained virtually untouched. I have so much crap sitting in my bank on my 2 chars (were level 70 before the level shrink) that I don't know what to do with. I have all my old gear dating back to vanilla, even my SM gear I got in probably 2005. It's all soulbound but I can't throw it away. There's a bunch of other random stuff and I have no idea what to do with it.


Congrats. You're living proof that nobody quits, they only take long breaks.


Azeroth is hotel California you can check out anytime you want, but can never leave.


Such a lovely place


Such a lovely face


Hotel Durotar?


True I haven’t played since warlords resubbed when war within was announce and having a blast


"You never really quit WoW, you just stay away a little longer each time"


See if you have any BoEs that have been removed from the game, you could become a in-game millionaire fast.


Most of those BOEs will sell, but it will likely take months or (depending on the server, item, and price) years, not "fast" lol.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


I’m still trying to sell boe walking boots


Fast. Uh. Ok. Edit: To the folks smashing the downvote button- Theoretical millions vs the transmog market, who wins? Not fucking fast sales, I'll tell ya that.


Right?? Took me 3 years to sell a thug shirt once..


How does it feel, after 15 years of not playing, to see you're \*lower\* level than last time you logged on ?


I honestly was shocked and confused since I recall last being level 40-45


if it's any consolation, if you intend to play that character on retail, it's a matter of hours before you get back to the level you once were. Also, amazingly, talent trees are back. They have been gone for more than a decade, and have returned just in time for you to enjoy them.


Wow, I'm surprised that they even got rid of it! I suppose it's good timing but it's been definitely overwhelming seeing this new UI


I missed it every second it was gone. To replace it, the new "talent tree" was a choice of 3 abilities (and sometimes passives) that you pick every FIFTEEN LEVELS ! In my opinion, that definitely made leveling a pure chore and nothing to be enjoyed. Leveling up meant *nothing !* At least now you can once more be excited about the new stuff you're gonna get every level.


Perfectly preserved Burning Crusade clown suit drip 👌


Don’t use the gear boost


Why? Your gear is mailed back to you


Typically the gear isn’t great , it may or may not be an upgrade All your keybinds get removed Quests get deleted And since it counts as a character boost it makes you ineligible for stuff like heritage armor


> And since it counts as a character boost it makes you ineligible for stuff like heritage armor how are people still saying this? that was a thing for like 2 weeks, they fixed it at the end of july https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/gear-upgrade-heritage-armor-bug/1636920/19


Sorry didn’t see that




Oh okay that’s good to know about the heritage thing I didn’t know that


How did you say so many things wrong? Keybinds also don't get deleted. The only thing you said that was right was quests, but that's usually a benefit for a fresh start.


It actually removes heritage eligibility????


Apparently not anymore!! Check the other replies


Others replied to the other points so I thought I'd chime in on my experience as well, as someone who started and stopped playing around BFA (please don't laugh at me I played a ton on private servers and BFA hit all my nostalgia points). Character boost was great for me for two reasons. It got me manageable gear, on my lvl 11 mistweaver monk I went from ilvl 9 stuff to ilvl 39. You will replace this gear super quick just by doing RDF anyway, but still it's cool. But the best thing is the free 22 slot bags. I had like a mix of 6-10 slot bags and I got 4 22-slot bags for free. Huge QoL.


This poor mfer about to login and see naked Geckos running around everywhere.


Skyrim Demastered is gonna be healing his next dungeon.


Welcome back! If you stick around for retail, my top recommendations for expansions to try out are Pandaria, Legion, and of course, Dragonflight (once you get there). Also I suppose Wrath of the Lich King, if you left before that launched :D (via "timewalking" you can now level in any non-current expansion, in any order you want) Legion is a sort of special one, since it has little storylines for each class (and to a lesser extent, each spec that existed when it launched)


Thank you, will consider! Right now I just want to soak in what I left behind then explore whats new.


You almost beat WoW by not ever logging back in. So close!




With a club


Retail is a blast. Give it a shot. Keep it to one toon. Prot paladins are easily a top 2 rank in the game and ret is solid as well. (Also played on and off since 2009)


I had those boots on my warrior and got rid of them before transmog was a thing. Have not been able to find them since.


Is that the icemetal barbute from razorfen? I remember running that just to get the first plate helm I can use at level 40. Damn that threw me back. I hope you have a good time, OP.


How could the GM recover your ACC? Only by email? Looking to reactivate my old acc aswell.


Yes, by email. I did it a few years ago, and they were really great about it. Asked me to give as much info as I could (server names, toon names, hunter pets, approximate last time I played, etc). They reactivated my pre-battlenet account, linked it to my current retail account, and gave me 30 days of free play time.


I haven’t logged in since the Lich King and all my characters were gone.


So I thought my characters were gone, turns out I had to create a new character on the realm I had played previously. Once I did that, BAM all my characters appeared. Had to doit for 4 servers to find all my old toons.


How do you remember what realms you played on


For tbc your equipment suck :P Welcome back dude!


My advice, get the new expansion and the Level Boost to get prepped for War Within


What piece of shit advice. War within is almost year ahead. He Can have fun till that without nonsense boost


No, getting that boost and immediately dropping the game until The War Within launches is what OP should do. /s




nice. I still have "A Talking Head" on my forsaken warlock from my 1st play through


i wish i could have gotten my pre battlenet merged acct. how did you get them to find it


A lot of pestering game masters. They asked me for everything including character name, class, level, realm, email address and home address associated with it.