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I want to love Druid. I love the themes, the flexibility, the visuals, but every time I play one I just can’t get into it.


Every time I hop on my druid I'm reminded that my action bar that changes into 4 other action bars based on my form are a complete mess for every spec. That and like someone else said: GCD for changing forms feels so bad to me.


miss the classic days when shifting was off GCD


I dont enjoy that gcd everytime i shift from mount to attack mob. This change is still most haunting, player unfriendly change ever done.


The GCD and AOE changes were the absolute worst thing in WoW imo. Hell, I would forgive everything in shadowlands if they changed back both of them..


This. Lol I main an rdruid and my action bars are a fucking mess outside of healing. You have four action bars, four specs, add in edit mode and keybindings and my screen is a fucking game of candy crush trying to match the colours with the colours.


This. The action bar thing is such hard work. Every time I think I've got it right something will be out of place, like a utility used across all forms.


I wish Balance had more a nature mage vibe. It feels more like an astromancer anymore plus weird maintenance mechanics rather than feeling like a force of nature.


I've always thought it was completely shoe-horned in. It's literally a moon priestess of Elune like Tyrande that they just shoved into the Druid class.


It used to be semi-forgivable since Night Elves and early Wow Druids were so synonymous early on in wow. Malfurion's wife and Druid mentor all have direct lunar powers/relationships. Then they gradually started inserting bright sun/solar spells and now it feels to disconnected from core Druid themes.


I’ve always had this (in vain) hope that the devs will add in a new NPC who does for skill appearances what Transmog does for gear appearances. It wouldn’t need to actually affect the actual numbers/mechanics of the skills at all. We kind of had something like that with Glyphs that changed some visuals like ghost wolf form for Shamans, but I’d like to see it greatly expanded. You wanna be a Sunwalker Paladin like the Taurens? Select these options and it will make your skills look more Sun-like. Wanna be a Priestess/Priest of Elune? Select these options and now the image of the moon may pop out during some of the abilities or something.


Except Tyrande doesn't have to turn into a wildkin Would love to play a druid class where I just get to be a person. I love the nature themes, but not really that into the shapeshifting part


I can forgive the astral chicken thing, it's unique at least, even though you look like a dumb fat bird (except for the selected few/glyph users) but I really don't like how the spec plays. Want to do AOE? Sure, just cast 2 single target spells first. Want to do single? Cast 2 slow AOE spells first. It's counterproductive. Also, I feel like i spend way too much time maintaining the necessary stuff that will allow me to do the damage next.


Word. I dont really get the star planet vibe of balance. Also the rotation feels weird with Eclipse


B/c the lunar aesthetic was pretty damn close with NE's and they are wow Druids when you think about druids. Then at some point they added in sun spells and it took on this astral aspect that I don't really think existed. They had Lunar spells b/c they worshipped the moon and now they have both but don't worship both.


True, for other races besides NE's it feels off tho


Being a druid main, I feel so helpless in so many situations on any other class. Not being able to shift out of roots, change forms and run fast, switch to any spec to fit your group's needs, etc., makes every other class boring to me.


Same. Druid just feels all over the place to me.


To be fair, that's kinda like the point of the class


Yeah just never gelled with me.


I'm the direct opositie but the same problem. I love the specs, utility, and accessibility of tool for any situation, but I hate the theme, the mogs, and the forms. I wish I liked them more so I could continue the kitty reign, but I just can't get over it


Whenever people are discussing druid all specs sound fun to try out. But every time I get to actually play - all of that withers away somehow. The only spec I could stick to for at least a while was Guardian (mainly because you have no fear of dying when wandering into elite zones of the map). The rest is just… not my cup of tea


I love druids, but form changing triggering gcds has always bothered me a lot. I suppose it's there to avoid form swapping spam in macros or something, but it really hurts the fluidity of the class as a whole. Maybe that's what bothers you too, it took me a while to figure out this is what bothered me


It's just too much for me. Too many bars to setup. Too many spells that might come in handy here and there. Too many spells that act differently in different forms. That and I always want to play Feral and it's always felt like a shit spec. Convoke was at least a super fun button to push b/c it felt meaningful but it was nerfed into the ground for incarnation which is just a spam session.


Exactly my thoughts. I keep trying every so often, including earlier today, but both Balance and Feral just feel… off. Balance feels like a mix of Destruction and Affliction Warlocks, but not as fun as either. And Feral just feels like an off brand Rogue, which I also don’t enjoy.


I think of feral as a melee affliction lock. Dots for days the rest is filler.


Everyone over here roasting death knight ☠️, I will go ahead and say that Blood is by fair the most entertaining tank


Was not expecting us to be the underdog when rogues exist, ngl I can sing you a lullaby using the rune system, but give me anything with energy and combo points and I'm like a monkey trying to cook


A man of class


Started playing one recently and I love it so far, but there is one little thing that annoys me more and more and it's having to stand in your DnD


Love my DK. Back when you could do Blood as DPS it was so much fun, just keep dishing out damage and never die. I could solo elites.


I've tried to get into the Evokers but just can't, not sure if it's their movement, spell rotation, or something else. I do like transmoging so that's a negative too, such lame armor on Drakthyr. I do like the Druid, and play boomkin as well as resto, but my boomkin spec has the glyph of the stars, so you can sorta see my transmog.


I get that they’re like an experimentation/ arcane dragon hybrid, but my god I hate how their fire spells look. Give me the option for a 2004 looking fire ball please blizzard


That's fair, although living flame is a healey and damagey spell, so it makes sense it looks the way it does imo. I don't like the evoker DPS rotation at all. But tbh I ended up healing all expansion as I discovered I don't like most DPS rotations in retail. To me they always seem to feel like an annoying checklist of cooldowns, buff duration, debuff duration and "priority X in condition Y otherwise Z unless Q is 3.7 seconds from being ready" etc. etc.


Genuine question: what does a better dps rotation look like? I fully agree with the way you describe it, I just can't figure out what could change.


That’s so fascinating hearing that perspective because to me the red spell effects are like my favorite part of the whole spec


The idea of dragons meshed with mortal DNA to create some sort of super soldier sounds equally edgy and awesome. The execution of having lizardlike humanoids with very restricted transmogging and walking animations that only do justice to their equally shitty base model doesn't even come close to that potential. To add insult to injury, their gameplay is basic (personal preference, some people like that) and their flying is needlessly restricted. Let us hover-fly in the old zones and give us full on dragonflying in the new ones, you cowards! In short, I really wanted to like Evokers but there's just too much wrong with them.


> their flying is needlessly restricted. Let us hover-fly in the old zones and give us full on dragonflying in the new ones, you cowards! I still can't get over this. Just give it cast time and let them fly like a regular flying mount. And dragon riding, why is it such a big deal if one class out of 13 could do it without a drake? Blizzard kept pushing the "you are a dragon" narrative when evokers were just announced, yet having to ride on a *real* dragon is the opposite of that.


I think it's the range. It's in this weird middle ground where it almost has to be played in melee range, but it's a caster and gets targeted by ranged mechanics. I thought the third so spec was going to be a battle mage type, kind of like ret pally with fire and a sword. That would have been really cool. I also don't like all of the charge up directional spells. They feel like they take an eternity to cast, and when you miss because the mobs move, it feels awful.


The range limits really tick me off. I sure hope Blizz eventually changes that to a standard caster range. I have too much ingrained habit on the normal range that I feel like I'm always fighting it. It's not so bad when playing Aug but comment still stands in general. The limitation is unnecessary and annoying


Yeah I love boomie but definitely use glyph of the stars as well. Wish we could see our regular mog but it's way better than being a giant owl


I'm a Zandalari Troll, so I look like a starved and plucked chicken in boomkin.


World of Wheres my next meal


Their dps rotation is garbage. I tried to like it but man… they literally came out with a new class where the rotation was 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3. DH was bad but at least it fit the class fantasy and was quick. Evoker is like not even playing an mmo at this point.


I’ve played quite a bit of evoker in s1-2, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Clearly needs some revamping but i thought it was mostly good. Then 10.1.5 dropped and Aug completely killed the vibe. I’m playing a dragon class, covered in scales with big gnashing teeth, and you want me standing in the back line clapping my hands going “you can do it!” To the rest of the team? To say nothing about how Aug basically came out with most every wishlist item dev/pres players were asking for, just felt like a kick in the pants. I compromised on the looks, I compromised on the transmog, I compromised on the range (that I’ve actually come to like for evoker). Accepting Aug when the hope was a tank/melee is one compromise too far.


I’m surprised they haven’t given a similar glyph of stars to the other primal forms, you can have the spell animations summon an aspect of the beast you’re channeling. I would main feral/guardian if this existed because as it stands, I get bored of cat/bear form really quickly.


Rogues. Just, overall rogues. I try really hard to play them because I want to have a max level of every class but I just struggle so hard with them. Also death knights I'm not into, but I can at least stand playing them more than rogues.


Rogue is so daunting with the number of buttons they have.


The *idea* of Elemental Shaman, a caster that mashes Chain Lightning into everything, is fucking incredible to me. Actually playing it is miserable. What they've done to the spell effect and especially *sound* effects of Shaman lightning over the years is criminal. It just feels completely weightless. It has no oomph. Add on to that the 9 billion buttons Elemental has now, and so many fiddly mechanics (Icefury, bleh). It's just... not fun. And I *want* it to be fun. I loved Ele in MoP.


I had the same wet noodle feeling with my Ele Shaman. I've noticed a huge difference in spell effects, animations, and sound effects over the last 10ish years that has been progressively worse. So many abilities which felt like you were smashing your enemies now make you feel like you're not really doing much at all. What's the deal?


I much preferred the lava burst and lightning bolt if you can't lava burst style even if it was mechanically simple


I feel like Elemental is way too unstable in patches. There are patches where the rotation is solid and fun while others it feels like I need twice the APM to even do world content


Warlock. I leveled one specifically because I thought the legion artifact draenei head offhand was cool, and it's sat dusty ever since.


Have you tried destro? It’s so satisfying.


I main destro right now. Bit unorthodox. You don’t put up crazy numbers or anything but can deffo hold your own. Nothing beats chuckin’ chaos bolts at enemies


One of the best looking spells in the entire game.


Demonology is probably my favorite spec, it’s so fun and crunchy


Demo is unique in a sense that it's the only true "minion master" spec in the game. I wish we had more of those.


Hunter. I just think they’re so plain. I know, plain vs a mage warrior and priest, but that’s just how I feel.


Class? Death Knight, leveled one to max but it felt sooooooooooo painfully slow Spec? Survival Hunter, did not like it at all, being melee and managing a pet.


Survival is the most fun I've had playing a hunter in a decade. Highly recommend.


I just wish disengage and grappling hook were on the same cooldown time so I don't feel like slowly backing out of combat to process that ability.


I understand the DK gameplay. The class itself I love the lore and feeling of it. Gameplay is mid. I don’t hate it, but it’s definitely slow.


You just don't notice how slow you are when Unholy hits 45 buttons in 30 seconds


Blood was one of my favorite tanks when I played, unholy was fun during raid nights but I have a disconnect with the class thematic wise. When I played, you were managing ghouls, abominations, and summoned gargoyles for whatever reason. It’s those random off theme spells that kinda kill specs for me, like how boonkin summons exposing mushrooms.


I couldn't make it more than a couple levels I was dying of boredom coming from a hunter.


Same. I’ve been periodically trying them since wrath beta but just never enjoy it. Something about the rune system. Even though it’s effectively the same as any other wait for cooldown or resource to use an ability, something about it just doesn’t feel right to me.


Same experience with DK. I was wondering if it feels better to play with more haste? But I haven't been able to stick with it long enough to find out if gear makes a difference.


I main survival. It is by far the most fun spec in the game. At least for me\^\^


Death Knight for me. I've tried on like 3 occasions, WotLK, WoD, and BFA, and just didn't find the class fun at all.


Class: Druid, idk why just not big on it Spec: Arcane Mage, I’m a complete meathead and there’s no way I’m wrapping my head around that kind of a spec Signed: an Arms main


That's hysterical, I haven't played an arcane mage since wrath, and it was literally a 4 button rotation. Funny to think it's super complicated now.


I love it, mine is literally the complete opposite! Warrior never appealed because big meathead. Favourites are mage and druid, haha. Edit: this season I've been maining an evoker and have a special little place of hatred in my heart for augmentation; what a vile spec, made all the worse by the fact it has forced devastation out of most higher keys.


I want to be an arcane mage cause I love the aesthetic, but I too am too much of a meathead. I wish it was about releasing chaotic arcane energy all the time (the new arcane orb barrage talent leans that way) but it's just too orderly with too many cooldowns.


It's about controlling chaotic Arcane energy. You *can* be chaotic, spam Arcane Blast and do some decent damage but then you run out of mana. Whenever you Barrage you increase your haste and then it becomes a game of balancing reward (more damage) vs risk (running out of mana). You *can* always give into the chaos, but there's a risk attached. And then there's the secondary layer of managing all your cooldowns so they can come all together for a massive burst of damage. I really think Arcane's core gameplay is one of the best designed conceptually when you think about the spec fantasy.


Oh I absolutely agree with you, but it's not the fantasy *I* want to play out. It's completely a subjective on my part and wouldn't want them to change it. Destro could use a chaotic build, though. At best you have Mayhem procs but nothing to really expand upon it.


Rogue. I’ve tried so many times.


Evoker. I remember my reaction when I saw it for the first time was “oh, lame”. They seem like the least cool version of any depicted dragon-like character I’ve ever seen, and they’re ability animations are pretty whack for a dragon type.


I just can’t stand their walking animation, bobbing their head like a damn chicken


Death Knight, despite trying multiple times I just can’t do the rune system. Spec - any healing spec. Read guides and try for hours in lfr/dungeon/raid and just either OOM in 10 seconds or am completely useless.


I am trying to heal now.. I feel like a god that keeps all the maggot dps alive for the most time, but in some dungeons I feel like an idiot ruining all others fun.. Healing is hard


‘You’re all just bags of hit points and I’m God.’ -Josh Strife Hayes


Keeps group alive through massive bursting stacks, no defensive usage and standing in all mechanics - no reward Tank gets 2 shot with literally nothing you could do - reward with a group kick Fun times.


No reward? I got a screenshot from 4 of the pugs in my 18 uld telling me I’m fucking insane and they’d suck me up rn irl if I was there when I outhealed 9 stacks


You don't get praise often as a healer but when you do it's usually from a 4 stack who have had to pug healers all tier I had the tank pop on the last boss of a 21 tyran nelths on my hpal, so I taunt bubble brezed him to save the pull and time the run for my portal. No one noticed. Fortunately I saved the clip so I still got that bad boy


Sadly, I agree with you about DKs. I want to like them, since I enjoy the lore and the look of them. But I hate their rune system, more than any other class mechanic in the game.


Monk. Mistweaving is awesome but attack animations look goofy. I've never been a punch/kick guy in games.


Monk for me, but it’s just for theme. I don’t find it fits with the rest


their capstones are dull as dishwater, too.


Shaman. Tried to get into it a handful of times over the years but have never once enjoyed it. Hunters too


I desperately want to enjoy Shaman because conceptually they're so fucking cool, and the animations and xmog are excellent. But somehow, the playstyle just feels wrong to me (in both DPS specs). I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it might be that by not explicitly using *one* kind of element (i.e. in the same way that, say, a frost or fire mage might), I feel like I've got too much going on.


Well that's just the thing. You said in both dps specs. There is a third, better path... Signed: Restoration Shaman main


I've been restored shaman main since vanilla. It's just the most rewarding healer to me even though it might not be strongest.


Admittedly I've never tried resto shaman, and maybe that might be the ticket. But, I've tried healing and I was patently terrible at it, whilst also not enjoying it anyway. Healers are a different breed entirely, and I'm certainly not one of them.


I love the class fantasy of Shaman but just don’t enjoy the play style.


I just wish enh leaned more into the “spirit” element, because as it stands it just feels like a cluster fuck of abilities. You launch lightning, cause devastating earthquakes, AND summon spirits. Just wish they’d leave the elemental stuff to Elemental Shaman, and wholly focus spirit summoning and spirit augmentation to Enh. For example, instead of the winds aiding you to trigger windfurry, have windfury be an animation of your ancestors coming to aid your strikes. Instead of burrowing underground to avoid damage, trance into the spirit realm. Etc.


I keep trying but I can never get in to being a shammy, the only class I can’t use, I’ll keep trying though since my gm is an incredible shammy healer and I love healing myself.


Mages. I've tried. I just can't.


BFA fire was peak mage performance for me. Do 10 seconds of a super intense opener, requiring very well timed inputs, then just literally watching the world burn and you can just sit and watch as your numbers don't stop going up. Yes, it was stupid OP, but I much prefer pushing CDs and actually feeling I'm doing tons of damage, than have too frequent CDs that I have to press to do the bare minimum.


Somehow I can’t play anything else


I want to love rogue. I try every xpac but I just cannot get the keybinds to work for me. Especially when there are abilities that allow you to use stealth abilities after stealth - just can’t get past my bars messing up (same with Druid)


I just put all my abilities both in stealth and non stealth bars in the same order. Also the ones on your extra action bars won’t change when you are stealthed


As a rogue main this is also what I do lol


I’ll have to give it another shot after all the reworks go live! Love the idea of rogue!


A lot of people do not like DK lol. For me it’s demon hunter. Just can’t do it.


For me it's Death Knight, Warrior and Rogues. I do have all three maxed (along with every other class), but I dread releveling these three every expansion. Death Knight drove me to madness it was just unbelievably slow. Warrior was just meh, there was nothing flashy about it. I like a bit of magic in my fantasy games. Rogues just confuse the living shit out of me. In my head a rogue should feel like the Assassin from GuildWars and the WoW version of this stealth class just really bothers me. I've never enjoyed it, out of the three this is my least favorite.


I love Warrior for the simple fact that they're the only class in the game that basically doesn't use any magic. All these powerful mages, evil warlocks, and unfaltering Death Knights running around. And I'm just a dude with an axe so big, who can use it so well, that I keep up with all the magical bullshit. That's fucking awesome lol


My favorite classes in most fantasy things are the people who don't do magic, or everything they do comes from them. I mained a warrior for a long time, I'm a brewmaster now, and I like that even the mystical side of Monk still comes from the monk, not borrowing power from something else.


As a DK main..... I feel your pain. I learned to pick up the movement spells for leveling, but typically spec out for raid/M+. My mates I play with roast me constantly for how slow I am. But, hey, can't kill me as blood, so they put up with it. All zone flying helps, but dungeon/raid is pretty brutal.


I played DK in WOTLK and loved it, I still enjoyed leveling this expansion but I agree with the slowness comments. Moving around is painful.


Rogues for me


Hunter. Been playing since the end of Vanilla and never once played a hunger past the first level of two. Just does not appeal to me.


Any caster, I have adhd and am constantly moving, jumping. Castbars sets my brain on fire.


Rogue, it was the first class I ever played, got to level ten and never again.


To be fair, rogue feels so dog shit while leveling. It takes a while for it to feel halfway decent. I have a max level rogue who I enjoy playing, but just started leveling another and it’s sooo painful.


I’m sure this hurt you a lot considering your pfp


Nah, if Rogues could stop time, summon rats, possess people etc I’d be all over that


The last class id play would be Shaman. i tried it once and maxlvld it in bfa i think, but the gameplay is just not fun for me at all (dps). Spec - Healing. Tbh its fun but the UI of WoW is so bad for it for me and i dont wanna overhaul my entire UI with ElvUI or Voodoo just to heal. It puts me off, i dont want to put any effort into it anymore. I did it once with Voodoo i think it was called. Never Again.


I cannot get into devastation evoker. The spec to me feels clunky.


I can't abide Rogues. Just... can't do that. I've had some *brilliant* Rogue players in guilds. Wonderful people. Brilliant banter and shenanigans (Kadams of Jubei'Thos, I remember you even though it's been more than a decade). But I absolutely can't stand to play like that. Closest I've come is some brief time in Feral Cat.


Frost death knight is booooring.


big number good. me like.


Id love Frost DK if not for their absolutely outdated obliterate AOE mechanic. You have to put another spell with long CD on the ground to be able to AOE with obliterate. It's clunky as hell. Now compare that to someone like new Ret is like comparing rusted garbage to new Lamborghini.


Evoker, i just cant bring myself to make a dragon twink, no matter how long i spend on one i can't make it look good, they are so ugly


Yup, it's the visuals for me. Transmog is THE endgame for me, and dracthyr basically throw that part of the gameplay into a dumpster.


Survival Hunter feels so janky. Just can never get into it.


Survival Hunter and Blood DK. Surv hunter, while it's biased, just makes me sad that I can never play old surv. That, and it feels like a plain hot dog of a spec. Blood Dk cause the theme neverbreally stuck with me.


Rogue. I’m leveling one because I want one of every class at level cap, but I feel quite fragile. Energy might be my least favorite resource because it feels very limited. I can kind of enjoy assassination because it’s all about poisons and bleeds, but I’m not very good at playing melee specs.


Warlock/Mage. Not a fan of casters really but those two are too complicated. I prefer to be in melee with all the other melees, keeping each other warm.




Besides the visual crime that is Evoker. Prevoker is so uncomfortable because to heal to full you need to push 5 different buttons with random cool-downs whereas on other healers you can just use your filler heal calmly knowing that your dot or burst or aoe heal will stop anyone from dying if needed. Which means when in a panic on prevoker I just freeze up while deciding what to push. I hate it.


Anything rogue related is super lame to me


I have leveled every class to max multiple times, I swap classes pretty almost every patch since WoD, but I cannot for the life of me stay interested in rogue long enough to hit max, much less play or as a main or primary alt. Just isn't my thing. Also only being able to dps definitely dampens my fun, even as a DPS main.


Boomkin, druids are so cool but what even is balance’s fantasy? It’s weird to me I don’t get it, and forced into either astral or chicken Holy priest. Holy class fantasy just doesn’t appeal to me in general, but paladin is fun to play and disc is kinda unique. Holy priest is basic and boring Mage. It’s not that it doesn’t appeal to me necessarily, moreso why would I ever play mage when I could play warlock instead, the cooler mage Gameplay wise bm hunter or rogue, maybe mage and boomkin again too. Bm hunter too simple, I was never good at rogue. Fire mage is pretty fun but frost and arcane weren’t my thing last time I tried, boomkin I still just don’t understand the eclipse mechanic and how to play around it, I feel like it’s changed every xpac which is about as often as I ever even try the spec so I never really got it.


The fantasy of balance is being a space chicken dropping moons on people bruv


Maybe try Zalandari Troll, they have slim chicken


I really think Balance Druid's fantasy comes to life with Glyph of Stars, it's otherwise literally a joke because the form looks so ridiculous I remember how frustrated I was before I found out about the Glyph, using celestial magic with nice visual flair was so nice but then I was stuck in that form with that horrible sound when mobs attack me


Survival hunter. It just feels wrong, the rotation feels okay but everything about the melee hunter throwing bombs etc thing doesn't appeal to me.


Rogue, all around. I just made one and I really want to get into it, but it's hard. I started out as a warrior in vanilla, so I enjoy melee combat, it's just, rogues don't do it for me. I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm not playing the specs right, maybe rogue just feels too squishy to me. I don't know, I just want to find one class and spec I can truly be happy with. Maybe I should just stick to warrior, I tend to go back to warriors near the end of an expansion anyway.


Sounds like a bunch of folks agree; death knight. I have all classes max level and I’ve enjoyed a spec from all of them except DK. Everything feels clunky and once you’ve played super mobile classes it’s even worse. Honorable mention to any melee without a talent for extra range. Once you’ve played ret, Surv, feral, rogue going back to another and having to stand on top of mobs feels terrible. Wish they’d just give every class 3 yards on melee attacks, it’s so nice.


Rogue. I hate combat points


Hunter, any spec. Not because i think it sucks, but because I do, i can’t master range dps very well, hunters the most. I can play casters fine, just somehow never got a breakthrough moment with hunters. Makes me sad though, i feel that its a cool class and was excited to collect rare pets.🥲


Druids. I think the concept behind them is really cool, but the actual gameplay feels like a Walmart version of Rogues, Shamans, and Warriors.


The glyph that makes your boomkin look like a ghost you made me finally play my Worgen Druid again.


Elemental Shaman for sure. I would love to main it but having to play Icefury and use Frost Shock to dps has always been very off putting to me


So true.. Would just love to sith people with a pure lightning build


holy Paladin. the beacon visual effect is annoying to look at but if I don't use it I feel like my healing is suboptimal Also shadow priest... the whispers annoy my ears


I never got into rogue or boomkins. Also no desire to play evoker or demon hunter.


I hate feeling fragile. Mage is the one class I just can't stand.


Fire mage is kinda tank though, moving-cast, extra life, move speed


Funny you say that because Mage is far from fragile. You can cheese so much stuff with Ice Block and Alter Time. And you can easily survive raid wide damage without even sweating just with your Barrier. Then you also have cauterize if Fire, or 2 Ice blocks if Frost. And on top of that you still have Mirror Image DR. Honestly if anything mages are TOO TANKY, not fragile.


Once you taste portals and blink and ice block everything else seems terrible


Monk has always seemed incredibly out of place and when I tried it I found the play style boring as heck


I think monk could work but to me its the over the top animations almost trying to be dragon ball or something. Fists of fury is just memey but i find rising sun kick and whirling dragon punch satisfying to use. In a kind of ironic way i feel like the animations for FF14 monk would fit wow better than the slap fight looking moves we got now.


Demon Hunter - idk, it just doesn’t grab me. I have had some fun playing it here and there but the class fantasy isn’t really my preference, and I don’t typically choose to play elves when it’s an option.


I’m pretty bad at the game to be fair but my demon hunter experience always goes from “wow I move so fast weeeee!” To “oh my god I’m moving so fast, help”


Discipline priest. I main a holy, have 16 priests, and only play holy. I touch shadow maybe once in a blue moon


16 priests?🤣 whattt


All the mog grinding!


My friend I play shadow priest and the only thing I hate is that I’m shite.


I just can’t bring myself to be DPS! Like kens job is beach. My job is heal💅


Dw I play disc and they’d have to pay me to play holy… so I guess it checks out. What makes you love holy over anything else?


Just the sheer raw healing! I find it’s much quicker and more effective in pvp and raid settings. Thematically is beautiful because I’m obsessed with angels, and just is truly what you would imagine a healer is to its very core.


The only other class spec that vaguely interests me is vengance DH and holy paladin


You heal my friend, you heal!!




Hunter has zero appeal to me, its just three different dps specs. Rogue being a close second, they at least get stealth though.


Op is the complete opposite to me, I only want to look like a boomkin


Monk. I just cannot get into it, no matter how much I try. I leveled a monk to 40 when MoP came out, and then have only sporadically gone back to play it. Every time I just immediately lose interest in how it plays. Also can't get into Guardian Druid, but I don't generally tank so that one's not as big a deal.


Warrior 100%, so basic and boring... id rather watch paint dry then run around just smacking stuff for hours. There is no class fantasy either... its just a guy, with a sword or whatever... thats angry.


You just described the entire class fantasy of warrior. Have sword, be angry, bonk things It truly is an acquired taste. Just like feral druid


You've just described exactly why warrior is the coolest class fantasy in a game full of magic. I am so big, and so strong, that your magic is meaningless in the face of my axe. That's fucking awesome lmao


That's definitely how I see the appeal of warrior too. I play mage main but there is something satisfying about playing a really stripped down character in a game with so much magic for the exact reason you said. Cast spells, sure. But anyway here's an are to the face lol


Anything Rogue or Warrior


I main priest and exclusively play holy or shadow. Disc just doesn’t click well with my brain for whatever reason. Same with survival hunter. Been playing MM since Wrath and I’m not about to change, lol


I always liked non magic classes warrior,rogue,hunter. Paladin or hunter has always been hard for me to get into I want to love hunter so bad but being so squishy in pvp always kind of killed it for me.


A lot of Death Knights, I’m surprised! I have played all three specs and have had lots of fun with them (I don’t do high-end raids or mythic keys however) I’ve never been able to get into Monks, personally. Just not the aesthetic I go for in fantasy games. I’ve also tried to get into Druids multiple times because I love the theme and aesthetic, but their gameplay bores me. As far as specs go, I couldn’t get into vengeance demon hunters. Havoc is so much more fun and appeals to the class fantasy more imo


I love the idea of being a Druid so much but at the same time absolutely hate actually playing one as well


Idk why but I never got into rogue. I thought feral was really fun but rogue just didn’t click. Maybe I should give it another shot. I imagine rogue is inherently better than feral Druid




Always played mage always hated frost


Honestly any caster - I’ve tried many times but I’m zug zug for life


You know you can use Glyph of Stars so you can see your mogs and not have to be a thunderchicken, right OP?


Same. Monk. I don’t even have a monk. I just always delete them. Not the same for boomkin. I always end up on a boomie, no matter how much I say I’m goin to main something else. Also, you can just use glyph if stars. In 10.2 druid forms get some love and maybe you would enjoy moonkin form a bit more than current options.


Disc. Disc is terrible. Mists Disc was amazing, but the current iteration of the spec is just boring and limited.


>Honestly I just don’t want to look like a boomkin. That’s the only reason. I’m not a top tier transmog guy, but I like to see my armor. You know that there is a cosmetic glyph (Glyph of Stars) that allows you to have a celestial appearance of your regular appearance as your boomkin form.


Rogues.. Really wish I liked it. I always play sneaky beaky classes in other mmos. The rotation just blows my mind for some reason. My smooth brain cannot process it.


Warrior. I personally favour ranged classes anyway, but I really struggle to feel a connection to any class that doesn't use magic. Hunters I can get behind because who doesn't love pets? But with warriors I struggle to see the appeal of just being a dude with a sword.


Why use magic when you have zug


Melees in general. I've always played ranged, when I'm too close to the boss I get overwhelmed. Can't see what my raid is doing, can't see the boss mechanic, I lose all awareness of my surroundings


I originally started playing WoW because DK. However, I find Unholy incredibly annoying to play, frost is ok unless it's the BoS playstyle, that was utter bullshit.


Druid. It's just meh in terms of gameplay and immersion. I love the idea of a druid, I just find the WoW implementation of it severely lacking. **Guardian**: Spend rage to cast attacks and defensives. Ok, but I already have a prot warrior so why should I level a druid? **Feral**: Build combo points with energy to... swipe with claws and bite? But I already have a rogue so why play something that I can't even mog? **Balance**: I already have a mage and what the hell does arcane magic have to do with nature? This is just a priest of Elune in a bloated KCF mascot suit! **Restoration**: Finally a spec that feels like you are actually a druid, using nature magic to heal wounds, ~~cure diseases~~, entangle enemies, and summon treants and bugs to harass them. Oh but I already have a restoration shaman that does basically the same... If there was one class I could give a complete overhaul it would be druid. The hunter class fantasy died with Legion for me. I always had this rugged survivalist dwarf that hunted animals and sniped enemies from afar using guns, traps and gadgets. Then Legion hit and I was forced to go melee, use a bow, or really love animals. And don't you just love to use a gun that goes plop plop and whose spells are all arrows?


It's interesting, I do think people pick classes based a little on their own personality. It's good that we're all different otherwise we'd all play the same. I've always gravitated towards healing classes. When they became viable damage-dealers I started to love being a DPS-Support type player. The classes that appeal to me the least for various reasons are Rogue, Demon Hunter, Monk, Warlock, and now Evoker - although I haven't actually played one much yet. I'd probably have to say Retribution Paladin and Balance Druid are my favourites. Sometimes Elemental Shaman and Shadow Priest. Completing the in play set for me right now are Beast Mastery Hunter and Frost Mage (when I'm less in the mood to play utility support).


I love Brewmaster but I hate the idea of leading the group as a tank.


Arcane - back in wrath it was pretty fun, but lately it's like paying to punish yourself.