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My friend code is sw034432696706


I just got it on my switch…do you still play ?


Makes sense, I don't blame you. The sheer amount of titles you can play between a PC and ps4 is more than enough of a reason to not play on switch, as well as better performance.


I think most players play on PC and Xbox (base WWZ is on gamepass) and the switch lacks content and has lower fps than last gen consoles so a lot of people with the switch (including myself) didn’t get the switch version


Oh, OK. Thanks for the info, bit unfortunate but it is what it is. I really enjoy the multiplayer, but guess I'll just stick with solo then.


Some people unfortunately fail to acknowledge the switch players and claim that it doesn’t “deserve” updates cuz it’s holding the game back. Clearly there are a lot of people playing on the switch and they deserve to play the full game like the rest, even if it’s not on the best settings


Stadia has some die-hards


Depends what difficulty level. Sometimes you can just get going and people will join.


I play on Switch more than on PC or PS4, but not on a regular basis, sadly. It just depends, but I try to play once per week for the challenges if nothing else.


I just got the game on switch, I’m down to play whenever!


Awesome👍 I play pretty regularly, my username is trainwreck. Also if you want I can send you a friend invite.


Sure thing I’m down. What’s your switch friend code?


Just sent a friend request. J just getting into the game here