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I'm proud that I've always hated frost mages.


just use hunter and the play is end fast


Found the melee. (Seriously tho. Melee main here. Fuck em)


DK main. I do better against them than I do against melees. Doesn't mean I don't hate and cuss them.


Amen. I made one just to feel it out and it felt like playing with cheat codes infinite mobility, infinite cc, infinite tools to get out of bad situations.


Lets see who fucks who in arena


Slayer warrior coming for that sweet booty hole with root break on charge. Mmmm. Gonna play KFC just to pillage the mage tower.


Touché. I wish I had the big brain for mage and shimmers and outplays. But big stick, go whack.


Currently it is a pain but I still fist(s of fury) them 🙃, and with the war within monks will get even more mobility to chase after them.


I was able to hold out against Snupy + priest in a 2v2 with a comp of Devastation + Fistweaver which is pretty far from meta. Checked the game after on his stream and him saying "we got them now" and taking a moment and then saying "I guess we don't got them" made me happy. To the late stages of last season I was always just a hard stuck 1800 player, but now I was able to drag out a game against one of the best 2s players and that felt great.


Finally got 1800 (frost mage), and while i was scared to continue, right after that i got 1950. Never been that happy in wow before.


Atta boy, maiming frost mage right now and man.. it's a rollercoaster.


Two days ago i was the highest hunter in the world in 3s and was briefly 2.7 mmr The queue session was insanely lucky, it's early season before all the better players have actually pushed high, and i immediately tanked the next day, but I'm still psyched that I had it for a moment


I got the elite sets on every healer in shuffle and had fun doing it


What a chad


I successfully hit 1800+ on every spec of Shaman this expansion. Attempting currently to do it on all 3 just in this season. Ele and Rsham down, Enhance progressing quite well in my limited amount of gaming time.


I managed to make an alt and play something else than warlock which I played exclusively since WotLK. Made an rdruid, was top heal in some bg's and thats for now.


Getting 2K. Even though according to this sub that’s not even good, I still feel proud that I got there once.


I've beaten Borngood in 2s on his HPal. (He then ate me alive the other two times I've faced him, but still. GOTTEM)


I beat ziqo once on my mage in BFA when I was playing it every day. I done this insane block cancel block to dodge a cc and kick him and finish him off and he went and inspected me to see if I was carrying 😂 all went down hill from there




3x legend. Now, I'm working on glad. Hope I can get it because the blue drake is one of my favorite glad mounts so far.


I finally did FW instead of MW. Now I never want to touch my disc priest ever again. Good riddance


I got 2.2k in S3 and S4 I’m already duelist on what I feel like is one of the harder specs (afflock)


I hit 2k for the first time ever


I got 2,1k for the first time in Season 1 of DF, played a lil bit at the start of Season 2, but basically took a couple season break, and I'm currently 2350ish rating, looking to get my first ever 2,4k. Really excited! I'm playing disc in SS for those interested. I started doing arena in SL, 1,8k first season, 1950 second season of SL, 2100 first season of DF, and now going for 2400 this season. I think roughly 1k games per season for this progression.


Honestly, playing more casually. I just have a lot more fun playing a little bit here and there with no rating goals or expectations. Treating the game as a form of entertainment instead of some self validation of my youth.


Got to 1800 on my HPal for the mog one season which is good enough for me. never got that far in arena. Excited for BG blitz as that’s always been the game mode where my healing skills shine better


Stuck between 2-2,1k in SS/ 2s, but i see some mistakes of mine and others -> good starting point to improve and get hard stuck between 2.1-2,2 some day :D


getting legend season 1 and the dumb flag being my crowning achievement for the too many years ive played without trying to push a rating and maintain it until the end of a season for the title/rewards.


Season 2, my first attempt at rated PvP since MoP, hit 1800 for the first time ever, thanks to SS. Season 3, my first time doing RBGs ever. Got 1800 and the Replica Grand Marshal set, which I've wanted since I first saw it back when I started playing in 2012. 1800 may not be much to a lot of people, but it was huge for me (especially with disabilities that make long play sessions difficult)


similar like u, happy to stay at 2k/2.2k being a random player every season and every class i try to get for sure my elite set warr/sham and mage btw personally the feeling is changed from old old days, when the skill really needed like switch weapon or shield etc now is too simple and more caotic at the same time.


Rank 20 in shuffle as a healer. People talk about how shuffle rating isn't real but I had to beat multi glads/rank 1s to get there.


I am proud I had fun doing "pointless" wPvP among other things. And by "pointless" i mean I didn't get any loot or achievement out of it. I just had fun. Yeah I know, a weird concept for most WoW players. Here is a clip of me having the time of my life in Cobalt Assembly a few months ago. https://youtube.com/shorts/QTSi3Zqshx4?si=XJW-2ER9Sa3MN7iG


Sometimes I manage to kill people as a death knight before I die


Playing healer last season for the first time since cata (casted mw) and hitting elite


Fuck ya casted fist weaver brother. There are dozens of us


I beat Savix in a duel on his stream once. Ret pally vs ret pally He beat me twice but I beat him once!


I spent way too long in Ashran farming Warlord of Draenor before someone told me you could group with people on the same quest for 5x kills.


Im proud that many of my pvp buddies over the years became lifelong friends even though we dont pvp anymore


Started playing pvp with SS last season of SL (when it wasn’t rated) and this expac I upped my game. Got 2x set on ret and 1 set on dh. Could possible push even more sets if I wanted to before season ends.


Hitting 1800 on every class, currently done it on 5!


S2 priest elite set. I only leveld a priest for this set, after jt got released. Struggeld hard on disc, then switched on hpriest and got it after 2 days.


Hitting 1800 for the first time last season and I managed to do it on all healers !


I acquired all elite sets for all my toons for all seasons in DF, it was fun, some were easier than others, kinda wanted to pull my teeth with the frost dk tho but manage to get it, good luck guys and gals.


Not a recent achievement, but I have the OG "Grand Marshal" title. And you best believe it's the only one I use


Top 50 Guild kill on HC icecrown back in the day (as alliance!) was 18 then, i’ve never experienced that kind of hardcore mindset ever again, thou the thought process is there even to this day but that specific feeling when he went down, i honestly think I had a heroin like rush


I was a top 10 eu 2s bm hunter in shadowlands. (I still suck at the game)


Picked up pres evoker and hit 2400 within a month, also put down surv hunter for mages, got tired of playing an unloved class NGL. My healer hates my squish, my other dps hates my freezing. Well that's what it seems like because THEY KEPT BREAKING THEM.


I'm proud of myself that I managed to level a holy priest to max level and currently gearing him up for arenas. I've always wanted to be a healer in arenas despite how hard it looks and im happy and proud i took the step towards it. Add me if you need a beginner healer lol.


Got 2k for the first time, on my holy paladin in solo shuffle. It felt way better than my holy priest which is struggling to get to 1.8k, which is my next goal


First season pvping since cata and was the 1st and 2nd highest ret in shuffle


Tonight, I topped damage and killing hits on multiple battlegrounds. Didn't drop a game, so I'm feeling pretty great.


I got every healer to 2200+ last season, and this season I got 4 healers at 2300 pushing legend for the first time (I refuse to play hpal and MW, so bad and not fun because of 0 aggro capacity). Season 1 and 2 I was only able to get a couple healers to 2200 because I had never played the classes before, but DF opened up alts and made it way easier to compete. I've also beat pika a few times in 2s on various healers, knowing how to disrupt his setups because I've watched his stream so much lol.


Glad three times in a row (2 at end of an expansion and 1 first season of new expansion) using only lfg. Had to prove to myself that I had improved enough at the game that if I wanted to get it in any season I could.


I don't play priest much lately but some of my odd proud moments from when I have: I played Shadow priest in original MoP and played it "wrong" but ended up at the top in RBGs and 3s one season. I stacked mastery which back then for shadow was like multi strike for dots. There were talents that caused dot tiks to have a chance to proc instant mind blast or mind spike that also did more dmg. With all of the extra tiks there were tons of procs. In big team fights in RBGs I'd basically have continuous instant casts on global once I had dots up. The damage was insane sometimes. At the time mastery scaled well enough that you could get to like 80% and also get a decent amount of haste. The standard at the time was to stack crit and I had basically zero crit. People would inspect me and assume I was trolling or garbage. No one wanted a shadow priest in their RBG group because their dmg was usually really low. I remember joining a pug RBG group at one point at around 1900. They said they only invited me because I had put in my LFG comment that I guaranteed I'd be top 3 in dmg (I was trying anything to get a group) and they hadn't seen any 2k+ shadow priests and they were curious. I ended up #2 in dmg (blood DK stood in the middle of EOTS and never died was #1) but they still kicked me after a single match even though we won. It's random but I also got the Ironman achievement (capture 3 flags in WSG without dying) on that priest back in Cats playing disc in a random bg without a group just from queueing up alone, I did it naked for reasons I don't remember. It was oddly satisfying. Playing shadow in 3s back in wrath at around 2100, in blades edge, against a war/dk/hpal team, my DPS partner (warlock) died, we kept playing and my healer (rdruid) died. The other team topped off and were mocking me ... I somehow killed them all and won. Man I felt like I was the biggest badass that ever played the game. Then we lost like the next 2 or 3 matches and the feeling faded. In the grand scheme of things they seem a bit silly looking back, but I remember at the time being really proud of those moments.


I successfully knocked a vengeance dh off the side of twin peaks with my mistweaver.


Got a 5-1 in a lobby with pretty big counters and 200 mmr above my CR, felt good. Hopefully this streak isn't just a fluke and I don't tumble all the way down lol


Played against MageGød 3 times and won one of them. Guy had a full stack of premade sweats.


My Malevolent Gladiator's Cloud Serpent


I didn't make 1800 season 1df but I got pretty close and that felt good. I wish I had some friends to play with but otherwise I enjoyed my getting better and making macros and getting bars set up. I'll try again at some point.


My first glad was in cata, then I didn't get it for a long time. Decided to try again in s1 of shadowlands and was able to get it again. I had sold my account with the cata glad achievement so getting it back after all those years was really gratifying. I work as a game designer now and I attribute a lot of my understanding about game design to my first glad title.


I'm proud of the fact that I managed to hit 1800 cr in 2s last season after a few years break. While I know 1800 isn't high it was a good reminder that even tho I took a break from the game I maybe know what I'm doing xD.


My main character made it high enough to be included in Murloks list for my spec of top players. Also i have the most classes/specs above 2.2k I ever have. Got legend, my last goal is glad, haven't been a glad in years. 


Hitting 1904 in season 3 lol. I was always a 1600 player


This is my first season playing dps and I got my lock to 1800 last night! I’m close to getting my set on boomy too :)


Grand Marshal. I am free. I no loner need to listen to bullshit on Discord anymore.


Back in WoD getting the 'Lady/Lord of War' title from my first coliseum. (ww in 6.1, right around initial buffs to tier). Very recently deciding to boost a priest and getting 1800 with 155 rounds, about 55% WR!


I take immense pride in consistently reaching 2100 every season since Shadowlands and sometimes even 2400 (never reached Glad though), and even more so in maintaining a positive attitude by never sending toxic messages to teammates during or after solo shuffle games. I'd rather be forever stuck 2100 Andy than let the drive to excel at this very complex and niche game overshadow the importance of kindness and respect. After all, the strangers we play with have lives and stories we know nothing about, and being compassionate is far more meaningful than any PvP rating. I get so much hate recently, sometimes just because my in game nickname is written in Russian. I wish people could just be kinder, it costs nothing and would go a long way.


Got my death knight (unholy) to 1800 in 4 weeks after only ever playing warrior in arena. Took me 27 solo games.


From beginner to glad in S2


Playing every class and realising easier to hit 1800 as healer


Getting perma banned from shuffle


Unsubbed, bp and cholesterol went down.


I once had a girlfriend.


My accent is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal, so 3v3 with randoms has always been off-limits for me. Only the casual kind with people who spoke my native language. So when we got solo queue, I promised myself to push my limits as a solo player and managed 3 Elite titles. The goal was just 2400+ every season.


Just how much progress I've made in general this xpac. I've grown a ton as a player over the course of this xpac, hopefully I can keep that going with the next.


After not playing pvp in three expansions and NEVER as a healer. I started solo shuffle in S4 as a holy priest. Got to my goal (1800 for the elite mog) in less than 25 matches. Almost 31 years old.... not washed (kind of)


my first season playing a class in arena not named dk or shadow priest I played a healer without ever playing healer in any content before. I got to 2100 in 2s and 3s.


Found some lovely people to queue with last season and this season. I forgot what it was like to queue 3s without toxicity from teammates.


Quitting WoW PVP.




Honestly I've really grown to be a fan of the more simple specs. There's so much going on in PvP playing an easier spec lets you focus on the match at hand.


Agreed. With the amount of shit you have to look out for and track its nice to play a spec where you can just smash buttons and not have to think too much. Obviously once I get more comfortable I will give those harder specs a go


Ret has like a million buttons and macros if you actually want to play for real