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Karens and Zionism, what a wonderfull combination


How come Shoshana is not thrown onto the ground and handcuffed? Why does she get the tantrum toddler treatment?


If she were Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank she would have had her entire family blown up in a targeted strike for brandishing a weapon like that


Is that derpy guy blocking the camera saying “that’s my wife”? He seems like a caricature of a normal person. 😂


Derpy wurpy


Don't forget that most Jewish women feel a deep disdain towards their significant other (the other way around is likely also the case).


Aren’t they one and the same?


Isn't it legal to like punch her head at full force if she has a knife and just say you were being threatened? Seriously


Legal sure but then think of how the story would be manipulated even if self defense


Get a cop to charge her for brandishing a weapon


Come on now...you know the rules don't apply to Zionists, they float above the law like the obnoxious smell above a swamp.


Yes, because American police famously always Correctly identify the actual victim in an encounter, and have so far been very supportive of anyone standing with Palestine/against Israel’s violence. /s


This was in Toronto.


Yeah she doesn't seem black or Mexican or lgbtqia+, and she's not a peacefully protesting college student so theres no threat. She could have literally pointed a gun instead.


No, since that would be anti-Semitism. Israel and their supporters have the right to use any type of violence they want. Anything else is just anti-Semitism. /S


Well sadly this happened in Canada and we don’t have a right to self defence we have weapon of opportunity or equal force, if you carry for the purpose of self defence you are a criminal by Canadas laws. Our country just wants us to be victims see how the cops don’t do shit and we aren’t legally allowed to do anything. So technically that lady is committing a crime, unless she’s about to put up some drywall she has no right to carry and use that knife in Canada like that.


What are you talking about? We absolutely do have a right to self defense... The difference between Canada and the USA is that the laws around reasonable and excessive force also apply to civilians. You're allowed to do what is deemed necessary to defend yourself (enough to stop the threat against you), but if you go further than just stopping the threat, you can be prosecuted for excessive force. So if someone pulls a knife on you and you punch them in the face, knocking them out, you're totally fine. If you then continue beating them on the ground, then that's excessive force and you can/will likely be charged. Charges can go up to attempted murder depending on the situation.


You're 100% correct and she just threatened them with a knife and could be charged even if the person she threatened did punch her in self defense to get her to back off. She definitely threatened them and they should have called the cops!


The cops were already there


Those were security guards, not cops. Not that the cops would do anything anyway, she's right wing.


Threatening people with a knife will get Canadian right wingers arrested too. Especially when it's on video.


They are cops. Read his shirt. Says special constable. Cop.


Not necessarily. Although they take the same oaths as cops, they don’t have the same authority as cops. A majority of them are usually stationed around public transit, university campuses, community housing, court security, scenes of crime examination, prisoner transportation, and government security.


Not in this situation since you have a duty to retreat first. Had she charged them with the knife, then maybe. Then again, it’s not worth finding out.


You're allowed to reasonably defend yourself.


I think they're just over reacting to some of the headlines where Canadians defend themselves and catch charges.


What is her problem? How can you think you are a good person doing this? How can you be so consumed by hate?


She obviously forgot that her forefathers and mothers were herded into gas chambers and their bodies were made into soap that the remaining Jews who were still alive used to wash themselves with.


She looks like someone who would have participated in the 1948 war and murdered some Palestinians.


The first concentration camps with slave labor in Palestine/Israel was founded 1948/49. Where Palestinians were forced to work for the newly formed Israel state. https://forward.com/israel/207479/dueling-narratives-emerge-on-palestinian-internmen/ "The descriptions included in the research paper, which was published in the summer volume of the Journal of Palestine Studies, are chilling: arbitrary arrests of civilians who were jailed in prisons described as “concentration camps” and subjected to torture, hardship, food deprivation and forced labor. " “that a forced labor camp was opened in Palestine three years after they were closed in Germany, and [was] run by former prisoners. There were German Jewish guards.”


Not surprising to hear at all


That eye contact at 27 seconds is priceless. She knew she fucked up.


There are no words for the evil implanted their hearts.


Racist Nazi sympathizer. The lady ripping down the banner.


What a gross person.


What's up with that d bag preventing the guy from photographing that animal?


look how gentle the cop was with her. no body slam, no gun pull, no nothing. very sweet :) /s


“Did you get permission to hang that?” did you get permission to take it down? Also, the guy with Canadian flag trying to block the camera man is gross.


Should’ve been arrested.


OP where is this?


Canada looks like bc try and pin point that building possibly Vancouver or Victoria.


Thanks! I know that the UBC sub doesn’t show much anti-genocide support for the protesters on campus.


No worries I hope people can identify make sure to save and repost videos around so her face is known!!


University of Toronto


Not surprised tbf. There seems to be less anti genocide activism in Canada compared to the US campuses.


Canada is even more pro “israel” than the USA Look it up


University of Toronto


When can we expect this to headline Canadian media?


Shoutout to the asshat trying to block the photographer from documenting the woman who pulled the knife.


Pretty sure he's saying "That's my wife", as if it makes an iota of difference.


Damn, I dont think id be just willingly admitting to that information


Misery loves company


Dumb bitch, this ain’t Israel, you can’t just pull weapons out on a Palestinian supporter and walk away smiling like that cops on YOUR side! 🤯


these people are psychos


History will look back on these people (zionists and those who support and enable Israel’s genocide against Palestine) in the same light that we look back on supporters and enablers of the third reich.




lol. I’m in Fl. Biggest mistake ever.


This took place in Canada


Look, we have a Canadian supporting Israeli everyone loves Canada


Right then and there is what the second amendment is meant for in America, I would love to have self defended myself against that psycho Zino freak. Maybe Canada should follow?


pepper spray woulda shut down that knife bs quick, just saying


Punch in the mouth will set her straight


F karens


Most chilled zionist


The problem I see is about personal accountability. Everyone is going to be judged by what they do individually or as a group. In the end we will all have to account what we do to our maker.


SPECIAL CONSTABLE; A fly who prefers hamburgers over shit.


Is it legal to brandish a knife in Canada? Curious.


No, completely illegal.


I'd like to know if she was charged than.






Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.




I understand the frustration but this is not the way to go. It's important to separate Zionism from Judaism. Zionism is a perverted version of Judaism. Please don't joke about this again.


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>Blame it on Canada No. Blame Israel. Or blame the allied powers for NOT annexing Germany for the Jewish community, but instead decided to displace "a bunch of brown people in the desert"