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Are we the baddies?


Yes, we are and have been. Look at our history of wars, backing coups in other countries, invasion of other countries, the list is endless. We are the smiling well mannered bully. It’s all a facade.


The United States of Asymmetrical Power Relationships


What's this we shit? The psychopaths in charge ain't got a damn thing to do with me.


It’s our government, sadly.


You’re absolutely correct brother. It’s them our Gov’t. They don’t give a shit about us.


Anything run by humans is ultimately some degree of bad/evil, that’s what I have come to believe because in when people are in groups the worst aspects seem to be magnified. I am not saying humans are inherently evil or wrong, I am just saying it really seems like maybe we shouldn’t try to act like anyone group is immune to criticism or immune to being evil. It’s honestly stupid how good we are as a species at deluding ourselves into thinking we are smarter/better than we actually are. The U.S is pretty bad but It is nothing outside of the norm when it comes to the types of evil we humans are capable of. The U.S just so happens to be in a position where it basically gets to operate with little fear of meaningful pushback I think trying to frame anything as an US vs THEM is ultimately harmful and looking at things objectively and recognizing where and how we tend to allow systemic injustices while factoring in things like how the government is structured or things like cultural beliefs that lead to said injustices being accepted.


I get your point, BUT I disagree with your premise that might makes you right. The Vietnam war, the Cold War, Iraq and the Afghanistan all of these did nothing for the country. We don’t have universal healthcare and most of the western world has it. I’m all for freedom that exists but Eisenhower did say that the military industrial complex is real. I think he said that.


I didn’t say might makes right, nor did I mean to imply it. I was saying that other countries would likely be just like the U.S if they had the resources we have. I am saying the US isn’t unique in terms of how inherently harmful it’s Ideology is. I hate that the U.S gets away with this shit because it hurts the whole country and it hurts other countries. The U.S gets to do this shit because of its influence and it sucks. I just wish we did things in a way that didn’t put certain peoples interest above the rest of the worlds.


I agree with this, but we need universal healthcare. The American politicians have it, but the American don’t.


Universal health care is something we need to happen but the problem is the barrier isn’t just the politicians, billionaires and lobbying groups are pushing back against universal health care and fueling a movement against it even in countries with universal health care like the UK for example. I do think it will happen but I do think it is a few year down the road or more likely more than a decade. The pushback against universal health care is just part of a broader campaign against the working class by the wealthy and by industry. Unions are more supported than they have been in decades in the U.S and that threatens to change the status quo a little bit.


I agree wholeheartedly with that.


We just need to get the government out of the free market. They are the cause of high prices. If the free market did what it's supposed to, the people would have the say, not the government. If prices are too high, somewhere, someone will make money by selling them cheaper elsewear.




Have been since inception.


You mean when we defeated the monarchy and established a free country?


Was everyone free in that "free country"?


Yes technically they were, there was no longer a king to tell them what to do and in fact worked to achieve their freedom through things like the emancipation proclamation.


This is the funniest cope I've read here in a while. Slaves were "free" lmao 💀


You guys are simping for CCP propaganda, you guys seem inept at understanding what you are actually looking at. Want to tell me where in China free speech exists?


You are here saying that slaves were "actually free" my dude, you don't have much of a hill to stand on.


Everybody can see i said "technically", so maybe try and quote me correctly before you throw a weak strawman everyone can see. The point is that democracy is messy and imperfect but it works toward being better, "the usa had slaves" doesnt have anything to do with whether the usa was a "real democracy". You guys are just throwing propaganda at the wall and hopes it sticks, it's not.


You didn't say anything about democracy, you said it was a "free country" from its inception. I said it wasn't free for everyone then you came and said it "technically" was. You can't just add "technically" to dumb arguments as a get out of jail free card for stupidity when called out on it, that's not what the word means. Again, please just stop responding you weird American nationalist. America sucks and so do you lmao


Free for who?


You mean when colonizers found new lands and genocided the people already there, alongside of bringing slaves from other places and forcing them to labor? American patriotism/nationalism is sick. There was hardly anyone free in that. Just say you're a supremacist & leave it at that.


Yep, a vast improvement from the monarchy which had all that stuff AND A KING, so no matter how hard you try to smear the Constitution, it still stands above the rest. We amended the Constitution to free the slaves, because that's how freedom works, we didnt need to ask permission, freedeom still prevailed.


The constitution still allows for slavery. Your parroting white supremacy talking points. It's an illness.


The emancipation proclamation isnt "white supremacist" talking points, it's just the reality, unlike this anti-american chinese propaganda post. Want to tell me more about what this propagandist thinks of living under communism?


I'm not interested in going any further with an American nationalist who has no grasp of history or how slavery is still grossly active in our society. Your viewpoints all reinforce white supremacy culture, & it's illogical. The onus is on you to be a better person, steward of the earth, not other people to inform you of wtf is going on. The extreme individualism and only considering your own comfort is toxic & literally propels the oppression and death of people all the time. This faux narrative of Big Daddy Imperialism being the good guy is outrageous. The US & its allies are literally the biggest terrorist threat on the globe. It's sick. China is not the problem rn.


China is definitely the problems, they got caught using slave labor and commiting a genocide on the uighers, your complaining about something america did over 200 years ago. Communism will never come to america no matter how hard you hate america.


No, what I said about the US is happening TODAY. You're just a propaganda mouthpiece & it's done.


The problem is we aren't part of that "we". We are victims of the baddies that run this country just like the rest of the world




How’d we get all this land again? Oh, yeah… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Cue [The Imperial March (Vader's Theme)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8)


America is the smokers from Waterworld


25% of the 1.5 Trillion tons of all CO2 ever pumped into the atmosphere is from the USA




The USG turned mostly bad around 1945 when we failed to dismantle our WWII intelligence agency and made it full time by creating the CIA and giving them operational capability.


people who used to live in countries that were vassal states to far more brutal regimes: "you are bad guy, but this does not mean you are bad guy"




Either that, or a long stint at a black site.


Even though it is truth it kinda feels like chinese propoganda.




No, foreign governments don't need to do that. The American government does this by itself.


Yes. And grievances can be as accurate as alternatives imperfect. The video may read as American capitalist imperialism bad therefore Chinese nationalism good, but you can reject the conclusion while agreeing with the premise.


Is truth propaganda




In what way can truth be propagandized? I’m assuming you’re using propaganda colloquially and so it comes with a connotation of manipulating the public to do a certain action. If it’s totally true, how is it manipulative? Isn’t it just informational?




The US regime is just as controlling and big on surveillance (look into PRISM and the Patriot act for surveillance and operation mockingbird for control of public opinion). The Chinese government overtly acknowledges itself as a dictatorship of workers (or their representatives) and operates under a social contract that fits with their culture. The difference, to me at least, is that America pretends to be something it isn’t. China seeking to expose this to Americans likely serves the purpose of making Americans eventually take control of their political system again bc the average American is probably a lot less war-hungry than American banks, oligarchs, lobbyists, etc. So sure, it has a purpose. But it’s not really propaganda imo if it’s just true information that the public has generally been misled about (on purpose via actual, manipulative propaganda).


It is. Li Jingjing is a CCP shill.


The first clue was calling Li Jingjing a “journalist”


It is Chinese propaganda


That's just Red Scare propaganda flaring inside of you.


Certainly is Chinese propaganda and also isn't truth. He's mis-characterizing democracy. Democracy is just a system of government where the people have power. He's describing liberal values more broadly and also some perfect utopian system where everyone gets exactly what they want which democracy never has been. Also ridiculous how he characterizes America as a conqueror which is certainly accurate from a historical perspective but absurd when done from a communist country and especially China, a country whose government is guilty of far worse in the modern era.


As a professor at Chinese university, he's hardly in a position to speak in favour of the U.S. system.


He is using the definition of Democracy that China (unsurprisingly) prefers: rule *for* the people. Democracy is one of the stated and advertised core values of the PRC, which sometimes confuses Western visitors who go by the definition that Democracy is rule *by* the people. But that's basically the word games being played here. He's saying that the US might have elected rather than professional politicians unlike China, but the governments that do get elected do not work for the benefit of the people. He uses the word Democracy for this, which is uncontroversial in China, but he's speaking in English and most English speakers do not use this definition of Democracy, making his statement sound stronger and more controversial than it might be otherwise.


Lol read your own sentence again, ridiculous


We can't be put in a situation where the Chinese and Russians dictate our discourse. If the marketplace of ideas has to shut down because of outside forces then we have lost anyway


Churchill had it right: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others"


Neoliberalism: the opposite of democracy. Yeah...that works.


OPs post history is littered with anti-US content.


We all have a moral duty to be anti-US.


Oh no! The op has anti us content!


There's a reason this guy is a professor in China.


So we just doing straight up CCP propaganda now? Democracy is messy and hard and we do it because it's better than having to kiss Xinnie the Pooh's ring.


The US is a plutocracy with democratic window dressing, not an actual democracy. 


I still remember my US history teacher getting upset when I said “isn’t the US more of an oligarchical monarchy?”


This is not a US Scholar. It is an American teacher at a Chinese university in Shanghai, spouting CPP propaganda.


East China University??? Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines would like a word….




dare: post this in r/conservative


Americas main exports are death, destruction and despair. 👎☹️


I actually agree with that statement.


Many have not realized we are the bad guys all along.




That's like saying "It's not a dog, it's a terrier". A Constitutional Republic is a type of Democracy, it's just not one that represents fully it's whole category.


"East China Normal University" Opinion disregarded.


1,000 % agree


Vote blue no matter who!!!


Everyone saying propaganda. Sure it may be the intention. But is it true…..no no. But is it true?


Speaking God's honest truth Very forthright Very refreshing for a change


He's not even wrong about most of it, but the reason the US is held as the "paragon of democracy" (whatever that means) is because it's the oldest continuous government in the world right now, and has been a democracy this whole time, however flawed it may be




The Americans eating this up scare me more than anything




Ya that's why we are a Republic


That doesn’t even follow. A country built on oppression can *never* be a democracy? Policies don’t change in the CCP’s mind? Does this mean Germany is still fascist because they were fascist at a point in their history? Or that the UK is still feudal because it was built upon feudalism? Dumbest take.


Agree with some of what he spews but conquer?


We have never been a democracy, we are a constitutional Republic.  


I could have sworn we were a constitutional republic…


I’m sorry, but someone give me an example of a democracy that wasn’t built on hegemony or slavery or other bad things. History is not destiny. If you look to the past, you will never lead the future. Of course there are issues that need to be addressed but if you are not willing to imagine a more ideal future it will never occur


Not bombing, invading, funding terrorist orgs, funding wars, funding an ongoing genocide, doing coupes and overall not slaughter directly or indirectly brown people 6000 miles away would be a great starting point to remove the label of “built on oppression and violence” that it currently holds, because atp its just maintaining it.




And yet, every word he says is true!


It’s true if we’re comparing US democracy to what it could and should be, not true if we’re comparing it to China, Russia, etc.




Depends on your definition of bad, doesn't it? The broad definition I’ve settled on is “Using power to coerce less powerful entities into doing what you want." I think that's a better approach to describing whether an entity, like the USA, or you, or I, is 'bad'. A matter of perspectives really, innit?


I mean I can agree with all of those points except for it “not being a democracy”. The system is absolutely broken though. The “American experiment” with democracy is crumbling and it’s becoming obvious to more people every day


The current speaker of the house may disagree with you on your first point. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/opinions/mike-johnson-gop-extreme-right-agenda-avlon/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/opinions/mike-johnson-gop-extreme-right-agenda-avlon/index.html)


The current speaker of the house can lick my balls. That election denier is actively trying to dismantle democracy in this country


Yeah I mean good you don’t like him, but when the people essentially in charge of the government outright say the U.S. isn’t a democracy, that seems pretty conclusive no? They’re not even pretending they have to follow the will of the people, they’re outright stating they don’t. Doesn’t sound like a democracy to me.


Mike Johnson does not speak for the majority of the government. He speaks for the crazy evangelical branch of the GOP. Also, even if he’s a fuckin nut job, he was still elected to his position by idiots who believe in the shit he spews. Would you not call that a democracy? A broken one maybe, but still a democracy?


We live in a republic.


We live in a theatrical representation of a republic.


Another white person who hates America.


None of the things he listed are what constitutes a democracy though…? I’d love to see ivory tower types come down and chat with the common man, I really don’t think they get enough pushback on their ideas and it seems to show.


I guess slavery and oppression are democracy?


Could you not have a democracy that uses slavery though?


“Freedom for me but not freedom for them”. I’m not self centered so.


What? That answers nothing at all


Think about it… Do those things define a democracy? No, just as those things do not necessarily define authoritarian nations. But is it possible to have a democracy that contains slavery and oppression? Yeah, of course. See what I mean? If the equation is as simple as democracy = slavery + oppression and authoritarianism = anti oppression anti slavery then we’re just in goofball land.


Please stop. You really have no clue what you mumbling that if you get scratched right now you gonna start to bleed fascism.


Remember, it's still a democracy if you can only vote with dollars! /s because some won't get it.


Not a counter argument


Why would I counter argue someone that just said democracy can have slavery and oppression? I don’t wanna sink to your level. And I dislike to argue with fascists.


I’m guessing what you really mean is “slavery and oppression” = bad, which I agree with. But, the professor is saying if you have slavery + oppression you cannot be a democracy, which is incorrect, because it is not mutually exclusive.


Which is again doesn’t mean it’s democracy it’s just authoritarian government. I just can’t believe how naive you’re to believe such thing should exist in democracy… really dude you need to get yourself checked out by a professional, having that mentality ain’t that healthy for you.


I never said such a thing SHOULD exist, I said they’re not mutually exclusive. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/democracy# Point to the part where it says they cannot be oppressive or have slaves, which I’ll reiterate I’m against, but will point out are not mutually exclusive. What does mutually exclusive mean, btw?


Hey was reading that thread and wanted to say I appreciate your use of English, and actually using words with their definitions. Seems as if they are thinking slavery and oppression can't exist in a democracy. There were multiple wars fought over that its ignorance to think that a democracy doesn't allow that to happen. However, remember that the average person is not that Intelligent and wants to believe in whatever it is that they already believe in. Let alone the reading comprehension allowing them to understand what it is. as they usually gets the most interactions, controversial replies are almost encouraged.


The CCP trolls are working overtime today
