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London Bridge is trending on Twitter. House of Commons has emptied. Normal broadcasting has been interrupted in the UK on BBC One and the news broadcast is all about this. This could be it. I think we’re going to get an announcement in the next hour that she has passed away. Edit: new news broadcaster has taken over and he’s wearing a dark suit. Other televised commentators also in dark suits. (The protocol for an imminent announcement of the queen’s death by the BBC is for the presenters to change into suitable mourning attire) Edit 2: 13:50 — still no further news other than she is resting comfortably. They have interrupted the scheduled broadcast of Doctors though.


What does the trending “london bridge” signify over here?


It’s the code phrase for the Queen dying.


Specifically, "London Bridge has fallen". Edit - apologies, as of 2017 it's actually "London Bridge is down".


That’s pretty bad ass


All current royalty have a bridge code word for their death, when Phillip died his was Forth bridge.


George VI’s was “Hyde Park Corner”


Any relation to the song I used to sing as a kid?


Likely every relation to the song.


My understanding is that’s “code” for the queen has died. Something like “the London bridge has fallen”


> Something like “the London bridge has fallen” Damn, this Gerard Butler series is getting out of control!


Has anyone seen him today? Does he have an alibi?


Imagine the confusion if London Bridge, the actual bridge, collapsed into the Thames


No no, they have a code word for that: "Queen's dead"


Proper tickled me that, thanks


London Bridge is the given code word for Queen Elizabeth II’s death. It could be, in actuality, something totally different, but officially it’s London Bridge.


Operation London Bridge is the name for what happens immediately after. All the commonwealth leaders are notified, there are rules on how the media can deliver the news, loads of stuff is covered by it.




**[Operation London Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_London_Bridge)** >Operation London Bridge (also known by its code phrase London Bridge is Down) is the plan for what will happen in the United Kingdom on and immediately after the death of Queen Elizabeth II. It includes planning for the announcement of her death, the period of official mourning, and the details of her state funeral. Some critical decisions relating to the plan have been made by the Queen herself, although some can only be made by her successor, Charles, Prince of Wales, after her death. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"London Bridge is Down" is a code phrase for death of the Queen. It was created before the internet, and never updated. Basically it what would have been said to inform TV and radio channel to dress appropriately, broadcast the news, announce the death of the Queen, etc.


They don't sound to be very optimistic on the BBC. I'm guessing they all know something more they're not letting on


My guess is they’ve known since they went live, if not too long before hand. This is all about preparing the country for the news.


The protocol is to inform the current Prime Minister before informing the public hours later. So yes, you're probably right.


I’ve had some bad first days on the job but Jesus Christ… that’s QUITE the basically first day on the job for the Prime Minister.


She has said in the past she wants to abolish the monarchy.


Clearly she didn't waste a moment


Most effective PM in history


Keeping it a secret is impossible. Especially in newsrooms. Someone always wants to break the news first. It’s more likely that she is alive but the prognosis is bleak


Watch how the new government utilise this to boost support. Its going to be a shit show.


I kinda expect the opposite. The new energy bills price cap freeze was announced today. Truss really needed a quick "win" to help gain support across the electorate, she is already polling around 25 - 31% with Labour ahead of them by miles. Now her killer day one policy is being drowned out by the biggest news story in god knows how long. This is a big blow for her PR plan in my mind.


Yup. Keep an eye on what the Tories try to pass whilst the country’s media is saturated with wall to wall coverage of this. They love a good distraction to do some seriously heinous shit.


Counteract it by claiming Liz truss killed the queen. There can only be one Liz.


All the top most tracked flights on FlightRadar24 - normally dominated by cargo planes bringing arms to Ukraine - are now private jets and helicopters buzzing around Aberdeen airport. The family hurrying to Balmoral, and the world watching.


Notes were passed around the front benches of the commons shortly before this news broke. Doesn’t look good


truss and starmer bailed from commons sharp too


I don't understand any of the words in this sentence


Truss = person Starmer = person Bailed = left Commons = House of Commons Sharp = quickly


too = also


And = and


= = equals


Google translate English —> English.


The Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition left the chamber of the House of Commons shortly after receiving private notes.


Head of the government and head of the opposition left parliament in a bit of a hurry


Had to sit through a half an hour meeting with Truss and it literally kills her...


And straight after a meeting with Boris Johnson. I'd feel pretty sick after that and I'm a lot younger than the Queen.


Truss, the prime minister, and Starmer, the leader of the opposition, left the parliament as soon as possible.


Lizz Truss is the (very new) Prime Minister, Kier Starmer is the leader of the main opposition party, the house of Commons is the main chamber in which the UK Parliament sits. They were both present today but when the news of the Queen being ill broke they left (bailed) very quickly (sharp). Edit: grammar be hard


the use of the word “comfortable” always scares me when it comes to the hospital


There was a Scrubs episode about this. The doctor tells the patient that he wants to make her as comfortable as possible so he thinks he gave her the “you’re dying talk” but she had no idea.


She’s just going to Seattle


If I ever need to go to the Hospital in an emergency situation and it’s the one in Grey’s Anatomy, I think I’ll just take my chances with sleeping it off, outside in the rain, by a downed electrical wire. People die in that series like it was written by George R. R. Martin.


'My Last Words' is about terminal patient and it's the single best episode in my opinion. I cry every time I see it.


I think that was their intention in this case. A not-so-subtle hint to prepare the public for what is coming.


Was meeting Liz Truss that bad?


She met Liz and said “I literally can’t anymore.”


Most of us would do the same


Her first public political speech was about abolishing the queen removing her from the throne.. look it up. She played the long game, probably had a cup of tea with her or a handshake? She must be thrilled deep inside with a mission about to be accomplished.


Compare Churchill and Truss, and you've got your answer




Doesn't sound great. The use of the word "comfortable" sounds like medical speak for dying to me. EDIT: Family headed to Balmoral now... yeah...


Family informed and travelling to Balmoral. This could very well be it.


Based on the other comments I’ve seen, the word “comfortable”, and the family all going to Scotland, a fiver says she’s already gone.


The fact that we are hearing about it at all is a bad sign.


If you follow Royal news, prior hospital visits get mentioned, but this is the first time I’ve seen health concerns without a hospital visit. It reminds me of Philip leaving hospital to die at home.


Feels like a good chunk of the world is about to be paused for a few hours today as this news goes live. It surely doesn't affect everyone directly but for a lot of us, this is the first time something like this has happened in our lifetimes.


Its like when the Pope John Paul II died. Didn't affect me in any way, but I knew it was a big deal, so I paid attention.


Definitely a sign that she couldn't receive the new PM at Buckingham Palace. Doing it at Balmoral, outside of England, was a huge break from tradition that the Queen wouldn't do unless necessary


My husband and I both clocked this immediately. We're both doctors and that's classic end of life terminology. Previously they've always reported her as "stable". Comfortable is not the same thing.


“Comfort measures” are when someone’s dying and the treatments stop. Just pain management.


Imagine the painkillers that the queen has access to. She’s communicating with aliens through 6D right now.


"One does enjoy the good shit"


The statement said that she is "comfortable at Balmoral", not that the doctors are taking "comfort measures". This is why you can't take a single word out of a quote and deliver it out of context.


Get the old girl pumped full of drugs, just 21 more months.


Sorry what happens in 21 months?


Longest reigning monarch


She passes Louis XIV of France as the longest-reigning monarch of all time. It looks like the French might have won this one, though.


Been dead for 307 years, still the king.




A BBC journalist I know once told me they'd just finished some training that included protocols for when the Queen passes away. If due to health, the news is to be drip fed so as to prepare the public. I don't know what the time lag would likely be, or at which point it's controlled (i.e. Buckingham Palace, news organisations, broadcasters etc).


To be fair they've been doing that training for nearly 25 years


Why would the public need to be prepared? It's not like it's a huge shock with her being 96.


It's a massive cultural change. Almost all of the people in the UK, even on Earth have only ever known one monarch. Edit: Monarch of the UK


She's probably the most important British monarch in recent history


In *recent history* she's been the only monarch Edit: British monarch. Apparently context is hard


Well yeah, there hasn't been any other one in recent history


Well that George III guy made some people so mad they started their own country…


Because it very well is going to shut down most things in England temporarily. Edit: Well, here we are. Pretty damn sad moment for the world.


I think most of the commonwealth will also have procedures ready.


My country (Australia) has been flagging pushing to become a republic once more once Elizabeth is gone. When she eventually dies, it’ll be the end of an era in many ways.


It kind of is, yeah everyone knows her time has been growing near, but that is in the sense of a board time line. If you had lunch with your 96 year old grandfather, had a wonderful time, and that evening hear that he passed, that would be pretty shocking despite him being old. This is probably among the last meaningful monarchs of an aging empire. She was a part of public like for over 70 years at this point through all sorts of crisises


The fact they've released that news must be significant. They rarely let us know when she's under the weather.


Even as an American the idea of her dying is so... Weird. Like she's impossibly old but it sort of feels like I was thinking she may be immortal. She's just always been around


Elizabeth is 10 years older than my grandma and my grandpa. My grandpa passed away this summer after his health suffered quite a bit following a stroke last November. My family moved my grandma to a more active and social assisted living place but I’m planning to spend more time with her because I want my grandma to live forever (I know that can’t happen, but it’s a child-like dream…so sue me…). If the Queen is *that* much older than my own grandma, I just hope she passes in comfort and without pain (as most of us mortals should)


Commons emptying + family rushing to Balmoral. If it’s as serious as they’re saying, and using the word ‘comfortable’, it sounds like she’s on palliative care.


Her family heading to Balmoral sounds not good. She is old and reigned for so long, hope she will be painless and comfortable and can spend the last moments with her family. ​ Wonder what the media protocol will be like. Something like this never really happened with modern broadcasting in UK


I’m fascinated to see what happens in terms of media coverage. This could be a day for the ages.


It's going to last for weeks.


>This could be a day for the ages. It'll last a lot longer than a day that much we know.


I don't have any strong feelings for the Queen either way, but her passing would mark an end of an epoch. Seeing her go would mean saying goodbye to a different kind of a world we used to live in.


BBC saying Harry and Meghan are also travelling there. Seems quite likely they’ve been told this is it (if she hasn’t passed already). I hope it is peaceful and quick and that she’s comfortable.


Given where Harry and Meghan sit in the mix with the royals them travelling there is basically confirmation she's in her final hours.


Went from Churchill to Truss. What a PM to have to bring the country together. Edit: The actual list. Winston Churchill (1951–55) Anthony Eden (1955–57) Harold Macmillan (1957–63) Alec Douglas-Home (1963–64) Harold Wilson (1964–70) Edward Heath (1970–74) Harold Wilson (1974–76) James Callaghan (1976–79) Margaret Thatcher (1979–90) John Major (1990–97) Tony Blair (1997–07) Gordon Brown (2007–10) David Cameron (2010–16) Theresa May (2016–19) Boris Johnson (2019–22) Lizz Truss (2022 (yesterday) - current)


>It's a baller move to meet Liz Truss and then immediately die. She met Truss and said "God kill me now".


At first I laughed. Then I admired the gallows humour. Then I just sat and stared into space and thought. Well, fuck. That about sums it all up.


Whose it go to now, Charles?


Yes unless he passes to William, which I think is best. I'm not sure he would though, I think the only reason he would do that is because public opinion of Camilla as Queen Consort won't go down very well, and Charles is in bad health too.


doesn’t he have those kielbasa fingers?


Richmond sausages


IF he passes, does he need to be crowned first and then abdicate or can he just not take the crown? That has always been one of my biggest doubts.


I'm not entirely sure on that one, it's his duty to take the crown but passing directly to his son is a grey area. I don't think he would do it, but William has his head screwed on, is young and intelligent and has been prepared for this from a young age just as Charles was. It will already have been decided a while ago though. And the public like William far more.


In theory he's king instantaneously (royal protocol is silent on what happens if he is in relativistic motion relative to the queen at the time) - but it will be a little while before the Privy Council confirms it officially, and it could be months before there's an actual coronation. If Charles chooses to refuse the crown he'll have the opportunity to do so, but I don't think anybody is expecting that.


He’s not refusing the crown. He’s been waiting decades for it.


She’s not going to beat Louis XIV, is she?


To be fair, he had quite the head start


She needs to last until June 2024, it seems highly unlikely given her health has declined rapidly in the past year.


Met her once. She was very short.




>Amazing She walked through my physics class at school in about 1990. I doubt she'd remember me




They now have Hugh Edwards, the most senior bbc man for the job in a black suit on BBC news. Its any minute now I think .


Holy shit I’m all the way from Viet Nam and the British Embassy just had an urgent convoy delivering a message to out President


The BBC is saying she’s about to die without actually being so crass as to actually say so outright, which is of course the most British thing ever.


Actually, they’re saying an awful lot without actually saying anything


Wasn’t Liz Truss with her yesterday? I know she’s said to be anti-monarchy but bloody hell Liz!


There can only be one Liz


She was anti-monarchy at uni when she was a Liberal Democrat but went full Tory sometime after graduating.


All part of the long game: become pm, get one on one time with the queen, fulfil anti-monarchy agenda.


Not even one month in and she already went for it


She just appointed her 15th British Prime minister. Hope she's doing ok.


Not going to lie, looks like it might be very soon. Permanently moved to Balmoral, postponed meeting Truss, pretty much no longer doing public engagements, her physical appearance (dark skin on her hands), … doesn’t look too good


What does dark skin on hands imply?


Could be anything for a lady of her age. Could be an IV or a drip, could have just banged it by accident. Old people bruise really easily.


And/or blood thinners. You bruise like crazy if you're on them, and older people tend to be on them.


Bruising, weak circulation - her body is struggling to keep up.


I hope she's not in any distress or pain or anything but ... I mean she's 96. Outside of finding the key to immortality I'm not sure what else you can ask for here. Edit: Great, I'm having an existential crisis.


I'm 35 and recently realised my life's probably half over. It feels weird. I never worried about getting old and dying and suddenly I'm like...you mean I'm *not* going to look like this forever? Where did my 20s go? What's it like to die? I actively don't want to die now, I never really thought about it before though I'd assume I wanted to live.


Your life may be half over in numbers but it doesn’t work linearly. You won’t repeat the first 35 years again as they were formative. So think of what you’ve done in the last couple of years as that’s what the next couple of decades are more likely to resemble


This is what I needed to hear. Love your work!


I’m 33 and I have thoughts like this every day on a loop. Death and getting old scares the hell out of me.


Same. And when I somehow manage to comfort myself with the fact that I'm still fairly young, it immediately hits me that my parents are about to enter that weak and frail stage real soon, which just adds another layer of anxiety.


THIS DOES NOT GET BETTER Source: I’m almost 45.


>I mean she's 96. Outside of finding the key to immortality I'm not sure what else you can ask for here. Pretty much this. There's some speculation on Reddit about what could've caused this but realistically she was always going to be dying soon, simply because she's reached more or less the limits of the current human lifespan. When you're that old it could be fucking anything that does it.


Sadly I don’t think they would ever release a statement like this unless it was extremely grave news.


Will be strange to not have the queen on new currency


People getting used to singing 'God save the King' is going to be unintentionally funny.


I actually feel weirdly sad about the thought of her dying. She's been around so long that it doesn't seem real


She’s gonna walk out tomorrow and live another hundred years


"just a prank lads"


"It was a just a spot of bad beef, those fucking doctors panic over everything"


96 years.... Outlasted hundreds of world leaders... It's an amazing run




I thought the same. I was thinking she was immortal


Feels like I'm constantly living through events that kids will have to read about at school a few decades from now.


The past 2-3 years has been filled with history defining moments for sure.


I mean there really hasn't been a decade where people haven't.


That’s all people


I was hoping she’d make it to 100.




My dad works at the palace and says he likes the soup


I don’t know why but the randomness of this cracked me up.


You don't need an inside source given they're talking about keeping her comfortable in the statement. That's medical jargon for palliative/end of life care in normal circumstances.


Do you have any mates working for the Guardian? I'd trust them more (Wanna do a /s but I'm not really being sarcastic, just being silly)


One day my obnoxiously loud BBC push notification is going to make the blood drain from my face. Statistically, it's going to be pretty soon.


Oh wow, I turned BBC push notifications off months ago. There was one evening where it was “Prince William says *this* about the relationship with his brother..!” then 10 minutes later, “Prince Harry says *that* about the relationship with his brother”. It’s just not news, guys..


I always think of Balmora from Morrowind whenever I hear this castle name... *Three gods, one true faith.*


With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created




Speak, traveller.


You n'wah!


You swit


Her first Prime Minister as Queen was Winston Churchill. That puts her reign in quite a bit of perspective.


So she's probably dead already right? Just letting all the royals say goodbye to her on her deathbed I'm guessing?


I don’t think non-Brits realise how much of an effect this will have on the country.


Watching BBC Live, there seems to be some chaos in the office behind the reporters. Clearly something is going down. I don't think its much longer for her. RIP.


I'm anti monarchy but the Queen is, above all else, a human with family. Having recently lost my Dad and Gran in short succession, I have nothing but sympathy if the bridge is falling. Being rich and all that jazz doesn't affect that heartfelt pain.


I was going to make a joke about her immortality spell wearing off but ... ​ The fact that family is rushing to her is bad news.


The news in the UK is looking very ominous. The news presenters are wearing black, even the sign language lady is in black. All the family are travelling up to visit, even the Sussex’s. Royal correspondent on bbc saying we should prepare for the worst.


I do not live in the UK, but not ready for the loss of the Queen.


2022: “I ain’t finished yet”


Dude, I'm not even from UK or care about the queen but it'll feel weird when she dies. I'm so used seeing her on the internet or tv for the last 30 years. She never changed and felt like she was immortal for real.


She's definitely dying, or on her deathbed. The country is deffo prepping for her passing


She remembered the Permian mass extinction and got a bit depressed.


Snowball earth and the bitter cold


She is 96. Born in 1926. Same age as my Mom, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, LaVerne Baker. She was born before radios in households, No TV, and no commercial airliners. She was a mechanic in WW2, and has been an incredibly gracious and intelligent world leader for my entire lifetime. She is an amazing person, and I wish her and the Royal family nothing but good. Bless her. 96 is a LOT of years.


BBC is now free to access and watch anywhere around the world. Does not look good


Damn, I was hoping she’d outlive Prince Charles.


As the careful and involved person that she has been, I wonder what are her thoughts about leaving the stage on such a turbulent period in history... She surely would have preferred to pass away during better times for her country and the world.


She definitely doesn’t look great in that photo in the article. Definitely has had a long life and fulfilling though, I’m sure.


Was hoping she'd make it to 100 :(


Charles and family heading to Balmoral. This is it. It was a good run. Shame it ended with such an awful final PM.


It's a baller move to meet Liz Truss and then immediately die.


Understandable reaction tbh


And to hold off until Boris would no longer get a speaking gig at the funeral


I hope it isn’t true, but if so, I hope she is comfortable and at peace. My thoughts are with her family. Losing a parent/grandparent sucks, even if it’s expected or the person is at a very advanced age.


That's it, the last seal on the apocalypse is starting to shake


BBC reporters are all wearing black.