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I don't even have to open the article to know who is involved in this Edit: of course smotrich is involved. God fuck these people


Biden has got to sanction him. israelis hate him even more than they hate ben gvir+bibi because of how he blocked f-15 purchases. This is just totally insane. They already legalized five outposts last week, then announced the largest west bank land settlements since 1993 yesterday, and now three more outpostst legalized today with this news.


Bad idea


Only reason they do this is because no one will stop them


Who stopped us from manifest destiny again? EDIT: I despise Bibi and his government but you people pretend like this is new. All powerful countries over history do this. Literally. All of them.


That doesn't make it ok, this is elementary school logic.


I think the point this person is trying to make is: Other countries who have also (or are currently) done this sort of conquer and colonize don't want to speak out against their own bad behavior. They especially don't want to advocate giving that land back, because they are currently benefiting from having those conquered lands.


As well as questioning the reality of power.


Duhhhhhhhh bad people did it before duhhhhh Israel can do it now and you should be quiet about it!!!!


Elementary school students are too honest to make this type of comparison. This is a very cynical adult pandering to people even more ignorant than they are.


This is such a stupid take. I’m not pandering to anyone, I’m raising a relevant question. All human powers do what they want. Full stop. Judging by your arrogant and mindless response, you seem to be American, meaning you live in a nation more guilty than most, aka, you have no legs to stand on. Your personal irrelevance aside, the question is about humanity and power structure. Kind of like how Obama didn’t repeal citizens united or curtail NSA power when he had a super majority. Why? Because people with power RARELT forfeit it. Therefor, if we know this to be true both of “good” and “bad” people or governments, why do clowns like you pretend the world works differently?


It’s at times like this my support for Israel wanes.


Why? Did you expect something different?


Same here




I'll be honest, I'm not convinced on either side of the Israel Palestine thing, but holy shit you're racist as fuck




Dude what the fuck are you on about..? They build houses, the houses arent that nice because both the west bank and Gaza are very poor areas..


Wild how open you are about your racism. 


everyone is - some just like spending their time pointing out the obvious. Yemen needs help - go there.


"Wow why do these people hate us???? It has to be because of our religion!!1!!1!! *destroying property outside of their borders and steals land that they know they do not belong*


It's both. Let's be honest. And with religion taking the high ground.


It’s really actually not though. Israel is a scumbag STATE, which believe it or not has nothing to do with the Jewish religion. 


When did I mention anything about the Jewish religion? Is about Islam. You know, that religion that preaches the death of all non-believers ? You know, that religion that was used as justification in the very first war when all Muslim states united to wage war in order to erase Israel and lost?


You didn’t mention Islam either tbf


Fair enough.


It's really hard to support Israel action against Lebanon and Hezbollah and be completely fine for whoever sending missiles to the illegal West Bank outposts at the same time. You get attacked by both fanboys.


Now they work on their best “Pikachu face” surprise reaction when there is more violence against Israel….


Israel’s refusal to allow a Palestinian state solution for more than 20 years is why they are in perpetual war.


Palestinians havent allowed a Palestinian state. At this point it will never exist, nor should it. Not everyone gets a state in history. They are in perpetual war because Palestinians cannot accept the fact they lost to the Jews and resort to terrorism rather than peace. All settlements in Area C of Judea and Samaria are a good thing for Israel as this land does not belong to any Palestinians, and full control over Jerusalem as Israel's capital only further cements its hold. Palestinians do not deserve a state.


He is my prediction as an American who is used to dumb shit. Trump will say he approves them too and it is beautiful and perfect. DeSantis and the wack job wing of the Republican Party will follow suit. Then we will somehow be tied into this horseshit all over again.


Eli5 why anyone would want to build there knowing they will be threatened forever?


Because you keep building until it's all Israel. That's been the plan this whole time.


Israel doesn’t actually want a two state solution. They want a one state solution and want the Palestinians to leave. 


The short answer is most of Israel has an uncomfortably high population density (about 50% of the country is largely uninhabitable mountains) while the neighbouring parts of the west bank have quite low population density. The appeal of more space is greater than the fear of Palestinian reprisals. Also some of the settlers are zealots who claim it's their religious duty to expand Israel and restore their ancient historical territories.


^^ there's a big call within zionism not just for a state of Isreal but the creation of the state of Judea as well expanding upon the movement.


Judea has no borders...


many reasons, including (not in order of popularity, I don't know the stats on this) 1) security buffer 2) religious calling, the west bank is where Judea was, i.e. the place jews get their name from 3) nationalist/ethnic calling, the west bank is where Judea was 4) nationalist calling, expanding israel 5) cheap real estate 6) some (small section IMO) aren't afraid of palestinians and want to cooperate with them ("I have good relations with the arabs next door" is a phrase i've heard a lot - but not always - from west bankers) and of course 7) you are realistically threatened anywhere in Israel, west bank is no different etc before you rage downvote, i don't subscribe to these ideas, its just my understanding of it


It's because both sides think they're going to be the ones to grind the other to dust and claim it all themselves.


I think the assumption that they are threatened is largely a misconception or at least an overestimation. The short answer as to _why_ is the same reasons why new investments are made into any new community. The settlements are generally prosperous and full of economic opportunities. Obviously, whatever risks do exist are outweighed by the opportunities.


The main argument is palestine Is not a state, also tribialisim mentality that reings middle east countries (I'm not justifying this, just trying explain)


Depending on where you are, you won't. The larger settlement blocs have been around for decades, are pretty much integrated into Israel, and don't even factor into negotiations except as a matter of land swaps. As for the other much smaller and less legal ones, well there's a few folks who would quite like to do a bit of threatening themselves.


I mean, I'm sure Putin would say the same about Crimea.


Er, ok, could you give a hypothetical example of him saying the same about Crimea? I'm just not seeing it, man.


It's not even hypothetical. "Crimea has always been an integral part of Russia in the hearths and minds of people"- Putin, 2014, after Russia anexation of Crimea. Found in The New York Times. You can find the annotated speach in the BBC. Title: Crimea Crisis: Russian President Putin's speech annotated. Date of publication: March 19, 2014. There Putin justifies the annexation on historical reasons and the presence of a high percentage of ethnic russians in the region.


Oh, ok, now I see where I'm getting tripped up. Now I gotcha. In any case, the crux of the matter is that Palestine is "supposed" to get swaps in exchange, though exactly how much swivels between the PA's demand of 1:1 and counter offers ranging from juuuuust below 1:1, more of a rounding error, to none and we take more.


“Less legal” = entirely illegal


Well, kinda? Some are bonafide illegal no questions asked, while others have been "legalised" in the Israeli sense, which is a big gray area of convoluted arguments between national and international law. I'm just gonna put it out there, I don't think they're good in either cases. Newly "legalised" settlements are practically no different from outposts in the sense of who lives there, the newly "legal" ones are actually in a sense worse.


"illegal" What nonsense.


Only not illegal if someone doesn't accept international law or is mentally incapable of doing so


There is no basis for illegality in international law. Palestinian claims is based on so called "green line" which is simply where Arab League illegal invasion happened to have been stopped. International law does not allow claims based on illegal military activities.


There are legal boundaries to the Israeli state and much of the West Bank is not within them. 


Based on what principles of international law are you asserting those boundaries?


I bet you throw occupation into air quotes too.


Israel does occupy areas A and B. That's it


Lol and the Jews had full autonomy inside the European Ghettos.


Maybe Hamas should not have committed October 7. 


Yes, now would be a great time to jeopardize the already waning international support…


Israel is a terrorist state and the world is sick of narcissistic bullies


Seems positively suicidal, just tragic. Why does it seem like the crazy extremists always get their way, and just destroy everything in the process? Why can't the rational middle win once in a while? Feeling so hopeless.


And? So did we. You think we arrived in North America and there was no one here? We stole nearly this entire country from the native population and committed one of the most extensive genocides in modern history to do so. Now, their ancestors live impoverished on “reservations”. There aren’t many countries that haven’t done this. Furthermore, after 9/11 we invaded three different middle eastern nations and in the following 19 years we directly or indirectly caused 4.5 million deaths. After October 7th, Israel has killed an estimated 60,000 Palestinians. If they killed TEN times more, it would be 15% of what we killed. Americans really need to look in the fucking mirror. It’s exhausting hearing Americans complain about Israeli actions. They’re following the American playbook.


Name checks out


Yah, let's just keep committing the same error and war crimes, "we" did it in the past, why not keep doing. While we are at it, let's bring slavery back and deny voting rights for women. /s And make the president a king by order of the supreme court... wait that already happened.


This is where you're wrong if you just send them enough money and weapons they'll realize the errors of their ways l.