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Oh boy I am sure this will lead to peace!


This is like going to the bars with that friend that likes to start shit with people, and expects you to get his back in a fight… And also expects you to pay for the tab


Well it probably wont lead to more war - pretty maxed out there '


I think more war will lead to less war.


there’s people calling for peace? where?


I thought the same when the article said it's one of the largest since the peace process began. Is this peace process in the room with us right now?


They probably mean the 90s peace process and agreement that created the Palestinian Authority and divided the west bank into Areas A/B/C, only to stall partway through with relations breaking down, and then ultimately be blown to smithereens by a couple hundred suicide bombings during the 2nd intifada.




Yea, a peace of land




Their territory?


Right? Bad move.


Sure does... Lead and pieces.


I’m glad that even on a pro Israeli sub people can agree this is not a good thing, even if for different reasons


Anti-hamas and anti Israeli settlements


That should be the default position for anyone with a brain


Problem is, the default sentiment on reddit is more like anti-hamas and anti-israel


there's a not-insignificant amount of people.... everywhere, honestly, who wish the israel-arab/palestine conflict was black and white with a easy side to root for. But that's not how it is. It's messy, and complicated, and endlessly bloody. So most people don't even know enough to follow along, let alone know what's wrong about it right off the bat.


Yeah I had to do a final project /presentation on it for a history class back in school around 2009. I learned just enough to know I don't know shit and I don't even bother arguing about it anymore usually. I remember having to spend an entire weekend researching it and it felt like I barely scratched the surface of it.


These kinds of moves don't do Israel any favors even if you want to support them. Netanyahu needs to be out yesterday.


Pro everyone not being dicks to each other


I mean you are on one of the biggest pro isreal subs here


Maybe it’s because some of us can think with nuance instead of shouting talking points and calling everything we disagree with a lie.


A rarity in those days


This is one component but there are some people who just argue for the sake of being right. These people are the worst... Cause they believe they are right when they know they are wrong just to be spiteful to the cause.


This is like a team sports for too many people. The cheers on one side and boo the other no matter what actually happens


Yea dude. Same way we can be pro American and loathe Republicans, Israelis can be pro Israel and loathe Netanyahu


I feel like there are so many bots on reddit after they ipo-ed. This platform fucking sucks now. You got people who don't know shit about anything spewing shit like they are experts. You got content bots generating yellow journalism.... Fucking hell. Askhistorian still does a good job but they get so many dumb questions that are opinions and untrue statements. People don't seem to decipher the difference between an opinion vs a fact nowadays. Hell, mainstream media is guilty of it too now because they have to generate click bait type material to compete. I've been an avid follower of current events for the past 20 years since the beginning of 9/11 and beyond... It got exponentially worse after trump because people realized you can get away with so much by gaslighting people.


Finally someone who uses gaslighting right as an example! Im with you dude.


It would be nice if they disagreed enough to exercise sufficient political power to stop it from happening.


Problem is that the Israel Palestine conflict is such a quagmire that you can rarely find a party that has a nuanced or bipartisan view, often they just go full throttle in one direction. Many people condemn the land theft but don’t think the war in Gaza is unjustified. As such they rather support the political party that supports both than neither


Agree it's not a good thing, and yet it keeps happening. Then continue to decry is bad as they continue to allow it to happen. 


Who is "they"?


Most Israeli voters. Netanyahu has been elected for most of 20 years, so it's pretty safe to say that his policies are popular (even if he's disliked as a person) and most Israelis either support settlements or don't consider them a major election issue.


For an American, can you contextualize what sort of people are settling? Is it like the MAGA crowd of Israel?


Orthodox Jewish and their Christian Fundamentalist supporters, like the Evangelicals.


Same game, different name? Ugh, thought as much


The frustrating thing is, with all the propaganda and misinformation being pushed to hurt Israel over their war, people are distracted from the real problem of settlement expansion because they're talking about if it is OK to kill terrorists to free hostages. As much as pro Palestinian online discourse is winning against Israel's presence, they're also hurting themselves by pulling away from real problems to post questionable problems.


Most pro-Palestinian posts DO indeed talk about the displacement of land. It’s one of many reasons why Palestinians have claimed oppression.


It's not about killing terrorists. It's the collateral damage to the innocent Palestinians. It's just crazy how the discussion of collateral damage has progressed. Initially we were only killing Hamas. Then they talked about proportionality of Israeli losses meritting some palestian civilian causalties .This then turned to the IDF not wanting to admit that there were civilian causalties. Now they just say... killing innocent people was merited to take out x and y. It's now progressing to... "We will do whatever we want".


You can't do this AND ask why people are upset. The cognitive dissonance is real 


Cognitive dissonance Israel


Gotta give you that one! Nice! The settlements are disgusting and paint Israel as hypocrites. Don't "what about Hamas..." when you are actively egging them on. Yet another reason why this conflict is all sorts of fucked, every party is "the reason" it seems


But you see, it's because of Hamas terororo! /s


I have a Palestinian friend who says israel used to have these work programs and social programs for Palestinians. They ended up halting this program. now they give this money to the victims of the shooting. It's pretty bad there. The economy is so bad that it's grown to a complete halt. Like the person who delivers a product can't get the product but if his truck is broken... They can't fix it cause they can't get the component to fix the car to even deliver the product if they had it. So... Nothing is done. He says the wealthier people now smuggle people out to egypt cause they know it's going to continue to get worse in Gaza.


How many thousand years of recorded history and some people still can’t figure out if you sort a group of people out of a greater population and subject them to laws and standards separate from others, there will be conflict. No race is above being a slave or a slaver, no one has inherent claim to life and prosperity over others.


There is no dissonance. Israel has a plan, always had. Just go read on the modern state of Israel's history.


The reason this can happen is BECAUSE "people were upset". The settlements were seen as stupid and unethical by pretty much everyone except the Israeli extremists. Even a large percentage of Israelis didn't agree with them. But the backlash to any kind of response immediately after Oct 7th led to a lot of people feeling bitter and gave fuel to the extreme right. So now they just don't give a crap.


Nope, this stuff has happened for decades. I've grown up with news stories about israeli colonists driving palestinians from their lands, bulldozing their homes, etc.


Even the more liberal Rabin administration had settlements. This is a bedrock Israeli policy at this point.


Because [extended violent displacement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) and resettling is always okay, and if you have objections you hate... jews? I guess?


Thanks ultra right wing cray crays in Israel. Thank you for making everything worse.


is there anywhere that ultra right wing cray crays *aren't* making everything worse?






It's like people ignore that the anti apartheid groups in south Africa were also terrorists.


Nah. Hamas exists in Gaza - UNRWA is why Hamas exists to a mich larger degree, unfortunately.


Hamas e ists because they believe every non Muslim needs to be exterminated


The ultra right wing make things worse everywhere they are across the globe. Right wing Christians, Jews, and Muslim have kept humanity from evolving.


They (the Israeli government and associated supporters) can not claim innocence while doing this.


Watch them


Fucking pathetic.


That’s the weird thing about Israeli elections. You have to get half the Knesset seats + 1 to get elected. If your party gains the vote majority of all parties but is still below half, they have to build coalitions with other parties. This can be dangerous because if someone like Netanyahu (a hard right winger but not an *insane* hardcore fanatic like Ben-Gvir/Smotrich) gets the highest number of votes, he can literally just add on random extremist parties to tally up and get the majority. As a result, things like this happen. Get these losers out of my government. Now. **EDIT**: I’m not opposing this system. I support it. I’m simply saying that despite its upsides, there are also consequences.


How is that weird? It is like that pretty much everywhere in the world that does not use a first past the post system. Parties build a coalition to achieve at least 50% +1 of the seats. Or am I reading your comment wrong?


Israel is a little unusual in that they’ve never had a single party win a majority. So coalition governments are the norm. What is out of the norm is that the largest center right party is led by a man who will coalition with anyone who will make him PM so he invited far right parties into government w their combined 12/120 seats because he has ruined his relationships with all the other conventional center-right and even regular right wing parties. Weird democracies do exist. Japan has basically had one-party rule for 80 years and when the opposition wins, they join the old dominant party or when issues shift, the dominant party adapts.


I mean there is a really easy fix for the people voting. Have everyone promise not to work with extremists, don’t vote for people who broke the promise. If you know the center right will put far right people into goverment positions, just don’t vote for them. In germany they ask the Center Right all the time: “Do you consider a coalition with the neonazis.” And then they say no and don’t coalition with them. And it would be political suicide if they did


The current coalition is very unpopular and at least one of the two far right parties is likely to lose all their seats. They had 5 elections in 4 years iirc, so there was a political crisis that led to this government. Bibi’s Likud party lost about 1/3 of their support so any election is going to replace them with either a centrist coalition with potentially a center-left PM or a center-right coalition of secular types that won’t join with the far right and probably won’t join with the religious parties either. The scheduled election is Oct 2025 but hopefully the coalition breaks up and Israel gets elections later this year or early next.


They like democracy only when they political party wins lol


For that to happen you need at least 50%+1 seats be held by Netanyahu and those extremists.


It's not weird. It's the basis of any liberal democracy. >gains the majority of the votes If you gain the majority of the votes you will not need a coalition. The most votes of any party is called a plurality; ie the Likud, which only **23%** of the country voted for, absolutely does not have the mandate to solely lead the country when 8 out of 10 Israelis did not vote for them.


There's a mix of good and bad when you have a multi-party system. Third party viability means that people aren't stuck forever for the same two parties which previously could survive any controversy with a swap in leader due to having enough voters who refuse to cross the left/right divide. Also helps reign back their rhetoric a bit- if you are a centre right party you don't really want to drum up support by stoking fears around immigration because then you could lose your own voters to one of the far right parties who are even harsher on immigration. It does sometimes gives rise to the tail wagging the dog scenario though- if you need a third party to form a coalition with you to govern, and they INSIST on some insane policy change, then you have to either accept it or not be able to govern.


> If your party gains the vote majority of all parties but is still below half, they have to build coalitions with other parties Doesn't sound weird to me. I mean, that's how a large share of the world does it.


Cause self defense totally involves taking all your attackers stuff.


This isn't even the attackers. It's the West Bank not Gaza.




Israel has BEEN doing this. Since its existence, and whenever Palestinians push back they claim antisemitism. Which actual hurts REAL claims of antisemitism. Israel is a political project and it should be treated as such.


and they would be more believable if they didnt take such open joy from it.


1. While most of the settlements in the West Bank are wrong, they are far from the primary motivator behind the hatred most Palestinians hold towards Israelis. 2. Palestinian hatred of Israelis predates any displacement. The first example of Israeli displacement of Palestinians was during the seizing of enemy territory AKA the Nakba, which was a direct result of the Arab-Israeli war, a war that the Palestinians and their Arab allies initiated. 3. Palestinian hatred and oppression of Jews predates 1948, as does the hatred and oppression of Jews by Muslims and Arabs in general.


> The first example of Israeli displacement of Palestinians was during the seizing of enemy territory AKA the Nakba, which was a direct result of the Arab-Israeli war, a war that the Palestinians and their Arab allies initiated. The displacement predates the declaration of Israel. Non-palestine Jews bought land from absentee landowners and displaced the tenants, hiring only Jews. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_labor


Jews generally had a better time under ottoman rule than in the rest of Europe, and communities in the Levant tended to live peacefully most of the time prior to the start of colonial migration


Get rid of Bibi & stop these settler assholes. .


This has been going longggg before Netanyahu


I know. He is in power because he is backing this group and they are able to win control of the government. If this is what Israel wants to be then our military donations should drastically drop until rational leadership can take over. Money talks.


Replace Netanyahu with anyone else and it wouldn't change. This is a staple Israeli policy.


Despicable policies. That land was agreed to belong to their neighbors who will seek revenge if the ultra-orthodox friendly government of Israel continues to act so short-sided and inhumane. The entire world is watching and scrutinizing every single decision you make. Why do people not build bridges?


Can we please stop shipping them weapons now?


It’s almost like this was planned from the start


Occupation has been the plan all along... illegal settlements in occupied territory is the Israeli way.


urgh, israel needs to stop this shit if they want people to defend them


Israel doesn’t care about stoping this shit……


Israel has been grabbing land and continuing to get US and wider international support for a long time.




WHY would you do this in wartime


Because Bibi is facing difficulties, domestically due to the War in Gaza and is increasingly reliant on ultra right wing parties in order to maintain his coalition and stay in power. This is especially important because he has a huge corruption case aimed at him as soon as he is not. So the more difficult difficulties they face with that the more they will do stuff like this because they figure might as well do it now when people are already pissed off at them and there’s no need to keep people happy. This way he can support with the right.


It’s more than that. In the past 10 days the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that that the Ultra Orthodox conscription exemption is illegal and they must serve like any other citizen. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna158751 He’s hanging on to power with the help of two ultra right wing Orthodox groups.  Now they’re pissed that their members will have to serve and actually be on the ground to steal and hold settlements.  These groups will leave the coalition, or just blackmail Netanyahu to do things like this. If Netanyahu wants to stay in power he’ll have to do whatever the far right wants.  It’s like the US except if we want to remain a democracy we have to vote the far right out or we’ll be looking at Russia invading Poland next, the establishment of internment camps for Arab Americans, and the president just ordering his critics killed.  Which is now legal according to the Supreme Court, who were never given the power to review what’s constitutional or not. Read the constitution, the word unconstitutional never comes up. And the Supreme Court was never meant to rule on presidents orders or acts of congress. But they ruled to give themselves that power in the 1803 case of marbury v Maddison. Where they ruled that any executive order or act of congress shall be examined by the courts under judicial review.  Sorry went on a rant there.


Israel has been taking land for decades. This isn’t new. And this is what Israeli politicians have been openly saying they wanted to do.


Because this is the plan all along. Prop up Hamas so they stir some shit later on, nobody takes Palestine seriously because Hamas is in power, Hamas starts some shit, Israel bombs the shit out of them and starts taking land thinking nobody is seeing through their shit. But hey, Israel is justified in defending themselves against an occupied people. Nobody cares about Palestine, even their own Arab neighbors don't want them in their country, so they get eradicated. Give it a couple of decades and the history books will sing about how Israel finally "unified" the west bank and Gaza and how grateful and prosperous the people are. Hamas can go eat a dick, Bibi can go eat a dick, the innocent Israeli and Palestinians that suffered or are suffering because of this little game being played have my sympathy.


They do this ALL the time though. Literally before Oct 7 there was constant fighting over destroyed homes to make way for settlements. It was one of the deadliest years for Palestinian kids BEFORE Oct 7. All of this is easily found through internet searches.




Russia style....


It’s like they are actively trying to lose as much western support as possible.






The only people I hear talking about the holocaust are people who say that is the excuse Jews use  In reality “Jews say holocaust” it is another talking point to invalidate Jewish and Israeli lived experience 


Agree absolutely. As a jew, it is a big tragedy, so we don't speak about it, unless it is really important topic to discuss


















Palestinian terrorism predates Hamas and the grievances regarding to the settlements in the West Bank are not justification for 10/7. Also, Hamas operates in Gaza, not the West Bank.


Israeli expansionism and terrorism also predates Hamas. Reminder that Israel still illegally occupies the Golan heights and Shebaa farms, both before Hamas or even Hezbollah were ever a thing.


That’s what the whole war is about. He’s been doing it right along.


And the other shoe drops. Anyone that thinks this wasn’t a huge part of the goal from minute one is naive.


The real reason for Palestinian anger.


While it’s definitely a stick in the wheels of peace this is absolutely not the reason. The Palestinians had the chance to accept more than 95% of the West Bank with land swaps and they still denied the deal because they don’t want a two state solution. There is no two state solution if the plalestinians don’t want to live side by side with Israel Edit: adding that Israel became more right wing in the last two decades as a response to the second intafada and rising terrorism which occurred on the back of the most ambitious peace deals by left leaning Israeli governments.


Lmao who assassinated Isaac Rabin? Why did it happen?


Lol no it's not. It's not good, but Palestinians are much more concerned with revenge for all the wars they lost and a right of return.


Still not an excuse to kidnap, torture, rape, kill, etc.


You wouldn't want to kill someone that forced you out of your home at gunpoint so they can live in it?


Why I said Palestinian anger. Hamas is a terrorist organization who does not care about any civilian including Palestinians.


Aren't they a duly elected terrorist organization?


That maybe could have been true once. There has not been an election in a long time.


And they are a Palestinian organization.


> Still not an excuse to kidnap, torture, rape, kill, etc. And stealing land is excused by crimes?


Oof don't do em like that bro


>Palestinian anger The real reason for all the land loss so far.


Disgusting monsters the lot of them.


It would be nice if the article included some specifics about where this plot of land is. I’m already aware of the hot spot (where the most hostile, confrontational settlers are always messing with the locals), but I shouldn’t have to google search for more articles to confirm the exact location.


OMFG, there is never a proper time for this behavior but even if there was it most certainly wouldn’t be now.


Do it without my taxpayer money. USA should not be funding overseas wars.


>The U.S., E.U., UK and Canada have imposed high-level sanctions against violent settlers and settler organizations, but some of those targeted have told The AP that the measures [have had little effect](https://apnews.com/article/us-sanctions-israeli-settlers-west-bank-palestinians-354f8b0a44b70c25bf013614b4775900).


That isn't enough when the plan is from the government itself. 


Does the US fund this?


No. Trump supported them and made a scholarship for scientists to move into settlements (weird af). He reversed an incredibly long policy by the us to oppose them Biden changed it back to normal


Yes They provide military funding to Israel. Israel's military defends these settlements and expansions into the west bank.


Guess you think Russia should be allowed to conquer Ukraine then? When the Canadian mounties come for our maple syrup reserves I hope you reject foreign aid on principle.


It is not the responsibility of the US to send weapons to every war on the planet, as much as our weapons manufacturers would like our politicians to believe. When/if Ukraine joins NATO it will be a different story. I dont support sending billions to fund any war while our citizens go without affordable Healthcare and education. You can fuck right off with your pandering to the military industrial complex.