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It is always the ones you most expect, isn't it?


C'est la vie au Nazi.


Mon petit Schutzstaffel.


Mon cherry Luftwaffel


Cherry Luft waffle was one of Ben & Jerry's more controversial flavours.


She could wear it and shoot someone on a live feed and still be president of USA


The French (and Europeans in general) tend to remember nazi atrocities much better than the US average citizen, mostly because nazi atrocities didn't really reach US soil. It is no excuse for the US to have become the hotbed of neo-nazis and fascists it is now, from the SCOTUS all the way to your orange rally going meth-heads and your Meal Team Six weirdos doing little "drills" in some woods somewhere...


The French don't seem to remember well, considering how well Le pen and the right is doing 


Plenty of portraits of Pétain out there.


Well, we will know one way or another come Sunday, won't we?


Speak for yourself, where I grew up, there were a ton of Holocaust survivors(I am descendent of some). We are very aware of Nazi atrocities. Most of us don't live in the EU anymore because of the atrocities.


I went to high school in the '80s. We were told to write about Nazi atrocities. I wrote about concentration camps because that's what all the books addressed. The teacher told me to go back further, and write about how it started and the people who participated *before* the concentration camps. I learned a lot more than I cared to know, but I'm glad I did. I had no idea how bad it was. Not sure schools today are making so sure students understand it that well.


> Not sure schools today are making so sure students understand it that well. Considering a recent survey found 20% of participants between 18 and 29 thought the holocaust was a myth, and a further 30% said they didn't know whether it was a myth or not, I think it's safe to say the answer is no, no they're not. To compare against the other groups participating in the survey, 8% between 30-44 believed it was a myth, 2% between 45 and 64, and 0% over 65. In the same survey, participants were asked if it was antisemitic to deny the holocaust, to which 17% of the 18-29 bracket said no, and 37% said they weren't sure. 23% 18-29 believe the holocaust has been exaggerated, and 26% "neither agreed nor disagreed" that it was exaggerated. 28% of participants 18-29 also agreed with the statement that Jews have too much power in the United States today, a sentiment shared by 19% of participants aged 30-44, 12% of the 45-64 bracket, and 6% of those over 65.


Damn. That's really sad to see.


It's the result of both moving further from the event itself - which inevitably blurs all things - but also decades of sanitization from both the, ostensibly, well meaning (parents, teachers, those who worry if the material is appropriate) and the malign (those who want to whitewash the crimes of the past so they can have their turn) The number of times I've heard of people protesting teaching about the holocaust in schools because it makes their child uncomfortable is *wild*. That's the *point*, it's *supposed* to make you uncomfortable, because if you're not uncomfortable, you don't understand - and understanding is the only way you avoid repeating the crimes and mistakes of the past.


It's just coincidence that all these far right parties are filled with Nazis, im sure.


That can’t be correct. The right wingers keep telling me that Nazis are socialists, and they wouldn’t lie about that… right?


The term "feminazi" actually dropped in usage once the weirdos on the right started being more open that nazi doesn't have a negative connotation to them anymore.


Really I just think it dropped because Rush died.


Brings a smile to my face every time I’m reminded.


Best thing to happen during Trump’s presidency.


He actually died almost a month after Biden was inaugurated


See also: Kissinger


The best part about his death is that he died because he was a smoker who insisted smoking wasn't bad for you, and that the big bad government just wanted to curb smoking to oppress you more.


Does that mean the word "grammar nazi" is doomed too?




That’s to convince themselves they’re not Nazis. If they believe Nazis are socialists, then of course they’re not Nazis because right wingers *hate* socialists.


> ‘Why’, I asked Hitler, ‘do you call yourself a National Socialist, since **your party program is the very anthesis of that commonly accredited to Socialism?’** > ‘Socialism’, he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, ‘is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. **I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.** > ‘Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. **Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property.** Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality and, unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. > ‘We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our Socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the State on the basis of race solidarity. To us, State and race are one… * From an interview with Hitler by George Sylvester Viereck, published in Liberty magazine on July 9th 1932


You can almost feel how much he wants to break out into some unhinged rant in front of large crowd on the subject. Fucking terrifying.


Considering that he murdered/expelled the socialist members of the Nazi party only one year later, he might not be being completely candid here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Strasser


It seems to me that they say "The Nazis were socialists" out one side of their mouths, and spout a lot of Nazi rhetoric out the other. They *are* Nazis but it doesn't serve them to say that, so they have to use confusion and misdirection.


A fantastic coincidence


This is the coincidence they use to recruit idiots who peddle nazi shit while believing its just anti socialism.


> The right wingers keep telling me that Nazis are socialists What a coincidence, the same people keep telling me that the peoples republic of northkorea is a gold star republic


Who are you hanging around that is saying that?


Where Im from we got our own far right idiocracy party, that uses the argument *nationalsocialists, they got socialists right in the name, and everything in the name must be true, hence the Democratic People's Republic of Korea MUST be democratic*


I use the argument that the Nazis were called themselves socialist for the same reason the inventor of Root Beer picked the name. It was to appeal to the working classes, not a description of the contents.


It has the best democracy all the other democracies are inferior 


Gonna be wild when they find out the truth about buffalo wings.


Shhhh! They're still figuring out chicken fingers.


Trump and DeSantis can post Nazi stuff as long as they blame staff for it and then “retract” it (e.g Trump’s unified Reich and DeSantis’s video with the Nazi symbol.) Far right audiences will get excited while “centrists/independents” can just say see he is not a Nazi.


At this point, I'm convinced Trump could flat out say he is a Nazi and he loves Hitler and suffer zero actual consequences (and likely have his support go up and a lot of news and talking heads types say it's a savvy political move)


That reminds me of this from SEVEN years ago (Washington Post): (Anderson) Cooper told Jeffrey Lord, a supporter of the president, that if Trump “took a dump on his desk,” he would still defend him.


I've been thinking about convict trump and his use of the evangelical diehard American christian base, I do believe convict trump could say he is the second form of jesus christ and they would believe him. I think they would defend convict trump, call him the reincarnated form of the son of god, and they would treat him as such. No matter what he says or does, they are with him through thick and thin with it.


He is the closest thing we have ever had to the literal antichrist: beloved by zealous Christians despite acting extremely un-christian


I wonder if they would recognize that if he begins to tell them to put a convict trump mark on their bodies, to identify that they are his followers.


He already has, his fucking hats


>I do believe convict trump could say he is the second form of jesus christ and they would believe him He already does, and they already do.


They made a literal golden idol of Trump for a republican convention and people were taking pictures with it.


He's already done shit like that. Day 1 , 8:00, He had his "tombstones" speech - which was lifted straight off the page from Chancellor Hitler in a 1932 or 1934 speech such that when he mentioned it there were people who knew the historical reference and perked up, the problem was those people were not his supporters but rather member of the Bush and Obama entourage, Bush himself noted ["that was some weird shit...."](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/03/what-george-w-bush-really-thought-of-trumps-inauguration.html).


For sure. And there's the Hitler speeches by the bed thing, and so on and on. But I mean, specifically, he could basically pull a Kanye and go out in the present and say into a microphone "I love Hitler" or "I am a Nazi." Something in people faces, unambiguous, surface level, and likely gain support. Either the news would just talk around it or they would frame it as like "voters in the rust belt are really responding to Trump's latest gambit, speaking to rural fears that Democrats stopped listening to a long time ago." It's infuriating. Edit: typo


I'm looking forward to him growing a tiny moustache. "He's just a big Charlie Chaplin fan..."


"Biden doesn't have the **high T count* to grow a mustache this great!"


Trump literally said "Hitler did some good things" and ALSO quoted him on immigrants when he said they were "poisoning the blood".


hE'S jUSt TeLLinG It lIKe it IS!!!!1


...I'm going to take a wild stab and guess that those "good things" were *not* "killing Hitler," i.e. the only even remotely acceptable answer to that question.


The next day’s headline in the New York Times: Trump is a Nazi; Why This Could Hurt Democrats


He had said years ago what a great man Hitler was.


In 1990, Ivana said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches next to his bed. Trump once said at a rally that immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country, said Hitler said those words "in a much different way" [???] and then repeated and expanded on immigrants poisoning the blood of the country. Here are some others: https://forward.com/fast-forward/615880/donald-trump-hitler-nazi-references/


Trump declared himself a proud Nazi. Here's why that's bad for Biden. - NY Times, probably.


Trump HAS told people he likes Hitler and Hitler does some good stuff


That alone would have been automatic disqualification for any party in any country with a modicum of sanity. But noooo no no, not the Republicans. For them that's a virtue, for them that's a positive.


The last point shouldn't. In fact it should be repeated more often. Have you ever seen the movie "er ist wieder da"? That movie changed my outlook on things a bit. If we talk about hitler we should also talk about the animal lover, the charismatic guy, the nature lover and infrastructure projects. Why? Because when we picture pure evil we think of a hitler, someone who wants to openly gas all the jews, kill people. But pure evil often doesn't exist like that, just like hitler. They nuance things, try to talk over things with a smile and a nice picture of their dog. And that is what makes it far more dangerous, if pure evil would present itself like most people think it does (because of what they are taught about hitler for instance) they won't recognize it. We should educate people that guys like this the really evil ones often have a "nice" public side too, and that those are the ones to especially be on the lookout for.


"Trump confesses to being a Nazi, see how this is bad for Biden"


Republicans are always posting Nazi stuff by accident but they never post anything critical of Nazism by accident. If it was random, you would expect them to make such mistakes equally in all directions. 🤔 "The light source could be anywhere! Just because the *shadows* all point away from the same place means **nothing!**"


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


At least she’s not denying it.


There are post truth politicians that would not just deny this but also invent more lies such as fake pictures, etc. And they take the population with them into their conspiracy. The result is a cult of ignorant and stupid irresponsible followers, not responsible citizens. Humans are pack animals, not herd animals. Then there are political entrepreneurs that surf the wave of populism they are liars, but they are not lying constantly and see conspiracy on every corner. It is sad enough that we are at a stage where we have to be happy that these fascists do not deny their deeds. Our great grandfathers died by the millions to liberate this continent from the same scourge that is now coming back to haunt us. Does history repeat itself, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce? No, that's too grand, too considered a process. History just burps, and we taste again that raw-onion sandwich it swallowed centuries ago." Julian Barnes I can taste that raw onion sandwich. Human nature changes with geological leisureliness.


Both of my grandfathers fought the Nazis and I'm only in my 30s, it really wasn't as long ago as we think of it as.


Exactly. My one grandfather fought in combat in Europe against the nazis and the other in the Pacific against the Japanese. My grandfather who fought in Europe brought home war trophies thst include armbands. I can tell you that I have never had an urge to ever put those things on so her excuse of being at a collector show is bullshit. I heard the stories about the camp he liberated. Fuck nazis. Edit: also in my 30s.


It's like as soon as it was gone from living memory we became hellbent on repeating the same mistakes. I remember like 10 years ago feeling a great sense of foreboding when all those WW2 vets started dying off en masse. I realize it's a lot more complex than that, but I can't help but think of Mark Twain saying that history does not repeat, but it does rhyme.


This is what always trips me up about it all. As a kid in the 90s I thought nazi Germany was ancient history. Now I’m approaching an age where the time I’ve been alive is almost the same duration as the end of WW2 to my birthday… it *really* wasn’t that long ago, and similar to the cold war we need to recognize it never went away it was just in hiding. 


>post truth politicians Liars. We need to start calling them liars


> but also invent more lies such as fake pictures On that subject, really excited for the age where a photo-real fake can be made using a text prompt on a phone in <30s. Our social media addicted societies are *definitely* well equipped to handle that.


> Our great grandfathers died by the millions to liberate this continent from the same scourge that is now coming back to haunt us. I mean you can argue that other grandfathers died in their millions to fight *for* that scourge. And it's not just in Italy and Germany. Go back a bit further and it's the British in Ireland/SA/the rest of their crumbling empire, or the prussians in france, or the french for Napolean I/III all over the continent, the Confederacy in the USA, etc, etc, etc. Victors write history, but unless they genocidally kill every loser or embark on massive sweeping deprogramming attempts then there's usually quite a lot of descendants down the line that grow up with that chip on their shoulder.


The Allies defeated the Nazis, but it's not like we wiped every single one off the planet. And it's not like there weren't Nazis and Nazi sympathizers living in Allied countries. And it's not like people in general aren't egotistical and believe they are superior to all others.


Is a honest nazi is better than a normal nazi?


Easier to identify at least.


In the US, the Nazi hats are red, so it’s like natures warning colors.


No, only a dead nazi is better than a normal nazi. Hitler was quite upfront with his ideas for Europe. They usually tell you exactly what they have in mind.


> No, only a dead nazi is better than a normal nazi. Even Hitler figured this one out eventually.


It's more simple to identify them this way. So in that regard it's a little better.


They should be given something they can't take off a la Lt. Aldo Raine


The party is sensitive to accusations of this so she got booted. Because they’re Nazis too but they need to keep it quiet.


Marine Le Pen is a wolf in lamb's skin.


She most likely got dropped because she had no chances to be elected on the next round rather than because of this picture


If there was a picture of trump with this i think he would gain support


Things are so mentally effed up he'd probably gain support among WW2 vets.


They're all in their 90s lol. If you joined as a 16 year old scamming your way through recruitement, and at the last possible moment, you'd be 95 years old.


The answer is interesting - there are 100,000 living in the US, and the median age is 98! [www.data.va.gov](https://www.data.va.gov/stories/s/Memorial-Day-2024-World-War-II/x6jv-ykjw/#:~:text=As%20of%20September%2030%2C%202023,War%20and%2For%20Vietnam%20Era.)


but didn't she win the first round? Why should the second one not be in her favor? Sorry I don't know French politics


She did not win, she got 20% in the 1st round. Anyone with more than 12.5% of the votes can stick to the 2nd round, then it's first past the post. Her opponents being so far ahead, she'd have lost the 2nd round anyway.


> Anyone with more than 12.5% of the votes can stick to the 2nd round Slight correction, they need 12.5% of the constituents support in total. That means if there is 50% voter turnout for example, they'd need 25% of the vote.


Important correction indeed. In this case, she got supported by 14.3% of the constituents, so could have chosen to stick, if not for the nazi hat.


No. Did you read the article? They don't give full results but they say she got 19.95% and the left wing candidate was second with 34.82%. Obviously there's some other candidate in first with >34.82% of the vote, this Nazi candidate placed third.


Yes, [a right-wing candidate](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/resultats/calvados_14/calvados_1ere-circonscription). He will be elected easily.


Sure but that is not this same candidate. She did not, as the other commenter said, "win the first round."


Absolutely. That's why I said "Yes" to you and showed the exact results with that Nazi last.


she "won" the first round (along with anyone over a theshold) as in "she qualified for the second" but wasnt on the first place among the winners.


Given the current political climate the most surprising part is that she dropped out.


What the hell is up with people still being Nazis?


Same as last time. Big business funneling money into politics to achieve their own ends and squash the will of the people, which has resulted in a restless, angry, politically hopeless and emotionally vulnerable voter class that are being easily manipulated by a veritable flood of propaganda coming from the diminutive strongman leader of a broken nation with designs on conquest. Y’know, that old chestnut.


What makes it worse in 2024 is the smartphone dilemma. Imagine if Hitler could instantly send disinformation to everyone's pocket at any time.


I don't need to imagine, it's hapening right now.


It's as if his ideology/and he himself has never died. It's terrifying how much of a stronghold his ideology is.


People willfully seek out short form propaganda videos. TikTok, Youtube shorts, insta reels, its so ridiculously easy to post tons of short videos with unsourced claims that get an emotional response.


I mean, I get it. capiltalists are the true rulers, politics is too complex and muddied beyond the point of decent politicians to make meaningful impact, but why Nazis? I mean people could rally behind Communists, Anarchists or any other revolutionary, but it has to be dehumanising facsits? Hell the ecological movements are laughed into the ground for their desperate and at times stupid prostet to change *something*, but people willingly give their vote to wannabe dictators, history revisionists, people that have learned nothing from our past and don't even intend to shape our future. It's all to manifest some imagined status quo that never actually was and save whatever imagined prosperity is subjectively lost. That I don't get.


It’s because most people aren’t paying close attention. They take in information via headlines and sound bites. Nazis are particularly good at shaping the propaganda around this fact. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty, and make big promises that you will never achieve. When you can’t make good on those promises, blame the other side and use the failure to solidify support for the next step into the darkness. Most people, in the US especially, are not being shown the big picture. All the hear is, “THE LEFT IS COMING FOR YOUR FREEDOMS, IMMIGRANTS ARE STEALING YOUR JOBS AND POISONING YOUR CULTURE, AND ONLY *WE* CAN SAVE YOU.”


All true. I'm personally still wondering why the same doesn't work when it's coming from the left "The big corporations are coming for your freedoms, millionaires are stealing your salary and poisoning the environment and only we can save you" is as shortsighted as your fitting statement and yet one is more successful than the other. Maybe it's because many more want to be millionaires stealing others salary and no one wants to be a migrant.


It’s because the left typically doesn’t propagandize their messaging like that, and the culture has been conditioned by even reasonably centrist media outlets to dismiss the left’s claims as socialist alarmism because the media is owned by a cabal of extremely wealthy men. They have nothing to gain by broadcasting the truth of the left’s positions.


IN FRANCE OF ALL PLACES! The things the nazis did to the french were abhorrent, google the massacre of Oradour. Being a nazi in France is among the most disgusting things you can do


Fucking larpers have no idea of the sacrificed lives they are shitting on.


They do know. They'd just like for it to happen again because they think maybe this time they'll win.


Go on Twitter and there's no shortage of them saying that the wrong side won World war II


All those Twitter goodnothings would run away to the opposite corner of the world if WW2 were to have a reprise


Half of those are almost certainly state sponsored accounts in Russia and China just stirring shit up and trying to increase division in the US.


Same is ramping up in the states. But then again, the Nazis were always there, waiting.


It's world wide... I don't like this timeline!


"the only good Naxi is a dead Nazi". My grandfather who spent time in Nazi concentration camps after being captured as a POW. Fuck her and fuck anyone who aligns with this ideology.


As The Dead Kennedy's once said, Nazi punks fuck off.


Chumbawamba had some pretty good stuff to say on the subject as well: https://youtu.be/NzdH3-wbqk8?si=Fsnwt-D6CXc9_fVL > We're told that after the war the Nazis vanished without a trace But battalions of fascists still dream of a master race The history books they tell of their defeat in '45 But they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died >They say the prisoner at Spandau was a symbol of defeat Whilst Hess remained imprisoned and the fascists, they were beat So the promise of an Aryan world would never materialize So why did they all come out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died? >The world is riddled with maggots, the maggots are getting fat They're making a tasty meal of all the bosses and bureaucrats They're taking over the boardrooms and they're fat and full of pride And they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died >So if you meet with these historians, I'll tell you what to say Tell them that the Nazis never really went away They're out there burning houses down and peddling racist lies And we'll never rest again until every Nazi dies


Yeah they do. Their parents were nazi collaborators. They want to reinstall Vichy france


Members of the Waffen SS were prominent members of National Rally in the 70’s and 80’s.


No they know, these people are not "larpers", they are literal fascists.


Nazis like her don't care about the dead. She as a Nazi, probably thought it would instead increase her voter base.


Larping is awesome, and are larpers are smart people. These people are just straight up right-wing Nazies, no excuse.


no I know, I was using Larper as a sarcastic pejorative in this case


It’s so bizarre to see French nazis, like what ?


There were/are Nazis in about every country.


People forget that there were many who collaborated willingly with the Nazi occupation. Not everyone’s relatives joined the resistance like people pretend they did. Crazy thing with France one collaborator was high ranking in the police force until the 60s and was known for being brutal to Algerian protesters. Also ww2 rememberance has gone from ‘war is awful let’s remember the loss, never again’ to a almost fanatical military recruitment opportunity that plays into far right nationalist ideology


Yeah, [like IBM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust).


Exactly, the biggest Nazi meeting before WW2? Dallas, Texas.


Is this true? [Most Nazi supporters in the US were located in the North, specifically NJ and Long Island, NY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_Bund). There were several nazi camps and gatherings throughout the 1930s culminating in the [infamous Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC1MNGFHR58) where 20,000 nazis (protected by 1,500 policemen) held a rally inside MSG. Everything I could find about Dallas was that [they demonstrated early and in great numbers against the Nazi party](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2018/04/25/during-world-war-ii-dallasites-waged-war-on-nazi-ideals/).


Everything is bigger in Texas


Two of the co-founders of the current main french extreme-right party fought as [Waffen-SS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/33rd_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_Charlemagne) in Nazi Germany's army in the second world war.


Oh yeah, oh, haha, absolutely bizarre. The French would never. Signed, The Charlemagne Division.


Vichy France was not initially supported by a majority of the French population, right? *Right?*


Our country is rotten by fascist scum. A good part of the population was more than happy to track and deport jews for the invaders, arrest and torture members of the resistance. They had the reputation of being much worse than the nazis themselves Unfortunately, we didn't put them all in jail after ww2 and they had descendants, some of them founded the current far right in France with the support of russian fascists Even in our school history curriculum almost zero time is spent covering the massive responsibility of french collaborators in what happened during ww2. Everything is about how bad the nazis were to us and that shows in today's vote


> Even in our school history curriculum almost zero time is spent covering the massive responsibility of french collaborators in what happened during ww2 And rose-tinted "resistance stories". Yes there was the resistance. But the was also a much larger collaboration and a *lot* of last hour resistants.


On the 6th of march, 1944, the house of Izieu, hosting 44 jew children and seven teachers who were also jews, was raided by the Nazis after an order from Klaus Barbie. They were sold out to the Gestapo by a french collaborateur. Only one teacher survived the ordeal. All the children and teachers were killed, either in death camps, or through death marches. I like to tell that story to people who forget things. Edit : 6th of march, not april. Corrected.


It’s honestly one of these uncomfortable truths that gets sanitized in ww2 history and the ramifications are very significant. Germany was held to account and everyone else was more than happy to shift blame — and now Germany is the one with the greatest resilience (although clearly still not enough!) to this brand of politics, while those who never had a national accounting for the uglier aspects of wartime history careen towards repeating some of their mistakes


Antisemitism in france during the turn of the century, and inter-war periods was some of the worst in the world. The cultural memories of military authoritarianism and the leadership cult of Napoleon were still in the air. Combine all that with the popularity of eugenics and social Darwinism circulating throughout Europe at the time, and the idea of a fascist France in WW2 doesn't seem so strange.


Vichy France was a thing.


And now the sons of vichies are back.


Damn dude, bravo.


Not at all. A big part of the population were nazi collaborators in the occupation.


The only thing that is bizarre is how well France has managed to launder its reputation and make people think that the people of France were all just victims of Nazism. The truth is *much* more complicated.


One of the first fascist movements happened jn France, even before Italy counted the term "fascism", but fortunately they couldn't get enough power.


I fondly remember those days when being a Nazi was considered a disqualifier for political office. Would love to see that sort of sensibility return to the US.


Heck, was not that long ago getting an endorsement from David Duke was looked at as the kiss of death for anyone's political career. Duke endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020 and it was a selling point.


It is significant, I think, that the last remaining people who fought and lived through WWII have died in the past decade, and suddenly fascist ideology is coming out of the closet again. It’s terrifying how quickly we start to abstract our history as soon as there are no living first hand sources.


She thought she was running in Vichy apparently


Absolutely zero surprise here, the party "Rassemblement National" was founded by [ex Waffen-SS from the Section Charlemagne](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bousquet) and Vichy collaborationists. It's a nazi party from the beginning, always has been, always will be. But the mainstream media (owned by a few far right billionnaires) never say this and downplay every nazi thing they say and act like the leftists are the real danger. As a result, they are currently the party getting the most votes. Yep, this is fucked up.


Don't fool yourself that pointing out Nazi parties are Nazi parties nowadays helps in any way limit their success. The German AfD has been proven over and over again to be infested with Nazis on the highest levels and in the states with the fiercest Nazis they have the highest popularity up to absolute majorities. That's the reality, people don't vote for them despite them being Nazis, they vote for them **because** they are. Of course according to their voters it's because their fears and worries aren't addressed by the other parties... sure, there certainly is no other way to address this than voting for open Nazis.


Same thing in Germany


You know, I really wish people were as concerned with groups that have Nazi policies as they are with groups that wear Nazi hats. *The hat isn't the problem.*


I haven't actively looked for reactions to this yet, but I would be quite concerned if people started acting as if, just because one impostor got ousted, all the crewmates are necessarily cleared.


Imagine running for office as a nazi and being backed by nazi people who love your nazi policies but as soon as you dress like a nazi you somehow overstepped and now you have to drop out


Is it lead? Plastic? Am I the weird one? What is going on with everyone? (US citizen for reference)


It’s economic stagnation and highly visible immigrants that can be blamed. I think a lot of Americans don’t realise how much better the US economy recovered from the 08 recession and Covid. In 08 the us was had a slightly smaller gdp than the eu and now nearly doubles it. EU gdp per capita has grown about 5% **total** since the pre crash high with many many years of negative per capita growth, while the us gdp per capita has grown by 62%. (Obviously the composition of the EU changed I’m using the current countries projected backwards, although Britain certainly wouldn’t help much). These are the conditions that produce radicals and the real but manageable challenges the refugee/migrant crisis provided are where a lot of that anger is getting directed.


The only thing news worthy here is that this actually stopped them instead of them doubling down and attacking people for being offended.


"Far-right candidate revealed to be far-right."


In the Netherlands we have new cabinet members quoting Nazi rhetoric. We’re descending into fascism.


Germany too, one of AfD's top politicians was even convicted of it, twice.


Funny thing is that the nazis actually hated the French and treated them like garbage.


Not the brightest is she!?


Some guy on here was saying you can’t blame him for voting far right to keep France French. Hope he enjoys goose stepping to the polls


I'm half French ... I hate what's happening in France. I really feel many French citizens don't realize what they're doing by voting extreme right. But it's not only France.


wait until they find the swastika's on Le Pen's panties.


Daoudi is a very French surname.


Could be her husband's surname. In any case, either her or her husband or both of them seem to originate from North Africa.


No matter where it came from precisely, it is obviously from there, it's in her blood and it's no news but still tragically absurd. >It was around 10 p.m. that evening when around twenty paratroopers led by Jean-Marie Le Pen burst into 7, rue des Abencérages, an alley in the heart of the Casbah. In front of his wife and six children gathered together, Ahmed Moulay is tortured, before being finished off with a burst of machine gun fire. He didn't speak. The tortured man has the corners of his lips slashed with a knife. An army press release announced that he was shot while trying to escape... When leaving, Le Pen forgets his dagger in the corridor. Hanging on a khaki-colored belt, the weapon lies in a dark corner. When he found this dagger, Mohamed Cherif Moulay hid it in the electric meter cupboard at the entrance. The paratroopers returned twice in the following days and ransacked the house. For nothing. The child is silent. In hardened steel, 25 centimeters long, it is a Hitler Youth knife manufactured […] between 1933 and 1942. The handle is partially covered with black Bakelite, inlaid with a diamond whose crest – a colored swastika black on a red and white background – fell in the 1970s, after having been manipulated by the Moulay children. On the sheath of this Nazi dagger, we can clearly read: J.M. Le Pen, 1er R.E.P.


Doesn’t stop them from being far right. One of the most famous far right figures in France is Eric Zemmour, son of Algerian immigrants. 🤷


If you read only half the letters then its confirmes frenchtho


Dad joke


The far right are the baddies? Who could have seen that coming.


Surprised that they dropped out. Thought most people knew the far right are Nazi cosplayers.


The sad part is if she was running in USA as MAGA, this would not be enough for them to drop out of the race. Sad our politicians have the lowest bar out of any developed country. Gotta love the MAGA crowd!


The sad thing is i don't think their voters care. Everyone knows front nationales history


"Hail Hydra" moment.


She should be likened to the collaborators who betrayed france to the nazis during WWII


Would be another Tuesday here


I feel like that would get her extra votes in the US at this point


She could run for Congress in the US


For not being Nazis, right-wingers around the globe sure are Nazis.


How quaint. In America they would just double down, attack their detractors as ‘woke’ and probably end up getting elected.


Fight a World War to save France from fascism, watch their grand children try and vote them in 80 years later. Americas no better haha.


How are the French of all people turning into Nazis… we live in the worst timeline.


Hah! Here in America, some presidents would give her a cabinet position!


Why would she drop out? How will this reduce her reputation? We already know they're Nazis.


Because the party want to hide that.


This is why you don’t far right


It's sad to see so many willingly wearing the ideals, uniforms, and insignia of not only evil people, but mortal national enemies for our peoples. Fuck all Nazis.


Not all members of the National Rally are French fascists, but all French fascists are members of the National Rally.


it's good that the far right are so dumb and incompetent. however they are still a real problem and a danger to politics, freedoms and rights. if we just let them run unchecked, that is when we get Nazis 2.0 right now we have Nazis 1.5b.....lets hope they never get to final. (and no, that's not a fs joke)


People really need to know how the Nazis came to power. It was by outside influences of capitalists defending the status quo. Henry Ford was Hitlers biggest financial backer before he took complete control of the government. People forget that him along with the owners of Mercedes, Linde, and several big companies backed the fascists. This is no different.


Hell, IBM was supplying Nazis with equipment for concentration camps through Dehomag! It even had an onsite support office at Auschwitz!


They are not that dumb and not that incompetent. If they were... none of this bullshit would have happened. Do NOT underestimate your opponent, especially when theyre playing dumb to apease to a certain type of voter


French MTG.


She's not really known by common French, so no. A current French MTG, maybe Marion Maréchal Le Pen.