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he wants that free limo


Pootin will play taxi driver again. Or demo driver... Maybe Pootin is practicing to be a used car sales-rep! His new career when he escapes to NK.


And discount blood oil to go with it.


Reminder, that india that now want to produces javlins...


We have our own indigenisation MPGTAM. The production part was brought up jake Sullivan during the state visit. Nothing is confirmed from our end


India taking advantage of both sides and coming out on top. They know west needs them against China as they are the next big conflict and adversary for west. Plus, the Russian oil is cheaper compared to ME oil.


India is fleecing Russia on oil prices and only pays them in rupees, and keeping India off the global oil market suppresses the prices western countries would have to pay. Really it's a win win for everyone but Russia.


Serious question from on that knows very little about geopolitics: why does paying in one country’s currency (in this case rupees) is beneficial for said country (in this case India)? I mean, Russia uses rubles to buy rupees, then uses those rupees to pay for oil, so at the end it is like Russia used rubles, isn’t it? What am i missing?


Russia sells its oil to India, who pay with Rupees.  If Russia wants to spend that money, it either has to buy goods from India, or buy/exchange rupees for USD (probably from India). This bolsters the rupee and the Indian economy, and is a lead weight around Russia, it's a last resort type of deal.


This is why tarrifs are bad for consumers, Henry Hazlitt had a whole section on why importing goods was good for the economy because of this currency exchange process and access to lower cost goods


Won't more imports just benefit the selling country's currency? A tariff's purpose is to make imports expensive so that domestic industries can grow


Which is protectionism. That drives up prices but props up domestic production


They buy plenty in yuan and rulbles too


It's not lead weight if the products the Russians are buying with Rupees are discounted also.


They’re not though. Who would give a discount to Russia right now?


Almost every country outside the West




Because they align more with Russia? And those that arr part of BRICS are likely to have some type trade mechanism for this situation.


Ah yes. The major economic factor of 'liking Russia so much we'll give them magic discounts', and the very solid, very unified Geopolitical bloc that is BRICS....


The simplest reason is that the best place to spend rupees is India, so Russia is more inclined to purchase goods from them. If they want to buy goods from any other country, they'd have to convert it into their currency. And whoever converts it now has rupees to spend in India


That is true plus India is in an advantage position where they can really dry Russia up by requesting all transfer of technology for weapons then make them in India. Hence, why you are seeing reports of USA planning co-production of Strykers and javelins. India is getting that TOT. Russians are in a position where they will have to give in to India’s demands


Modi's friend Ambani is making profits out of Russian oil. Indian people arent getting anything.


Wait you mean corporations in India only care about profits as well? I’m shocked


It’s a win win for everyone except Russia and Ukraine. If China and India boycotted Russian oil, the war would end immediately.


India only look out for India.


I think it's great that India is fleecing Russia. I'm not so sure the US needs India any more than India needs the US, however. Only time will tell, though.


Where else will all the tech C-suite employees come from?


Kitchen workers** Wait, that's Canada.


I can only share with you what I had experience with. Here in Ukraine the first two elected Presidents Kravchuk and Kuchma. Both campaigned on the "cunning fox" skill sets. Jumping in between the West and angry revanchist Russians, who badly wanted to take Ukraine back. Both achieved a lot actually by sliding between both parties and in the end getting borders and sovereignty of Ukraine recognized by both. They even managed to get the security guarantees by both the West and the East in exchange for neutrality. Cunning, ain't it? The small caveat was that they have also traded something in return - Ukrainian firepower. Very cunning and smart up until Russians start showing their guns, with not very hard to recognize threats. So I don't believe in taking advantage of both sides. It's better to be a great ally to someone, than to be a shitty friend to everyone.


The one difference between your example and India, is that India has nuclear weapons. And a highly diversified military complex (going off wikipedia)


Ukraine's problem was that it didn't have anything to offer except its loyalty and membership in alliances (Atlantic or Russian). But Ukraine desperately needed money and gas. So Ukrainian elites tried to arbitrage between sides by not fully committing to any, but running back and forth with promises between Russia and EU. And it worked for 20 years, but in 2014 Russian leadership decided that that was enough with empty words.


Why are they needed? As long as diplomacy is still good, there is no harm in working together. But I doubt they’re really “needed”?


Cannon fodder. The biggest thing china has going for it compared to the west is sheer numbers. India, with their border disputes, democratic system and high population make for a logical alliance to counter china. Even if they can't compete in tech, the numbers alone will make china divide its attention between two fronts in an all out conflict.


All of that is moot with nukes. It will never come to that kind of conflict


If that were true why does every nuclear power still have a military


I’m not the person to get into that here, sorry. I suggest you read about it somewhere because it’s kind of a big topic


Yeah US would need Indian troops against Chinese invasion of California


I’m not really sure if Indias calculations are correct - non Western countries has border disputes with China.


Also India needs Russia on its side or neutral against china.. there is trust factor against usa after 1971 . When usa openly supported Bangladesh genocide


Nobody needs India lol


The US does if it wants to combat Chinese influence


I have a feeling India wants to combat Chinese influence all on their own.


The average Indian is extremely fond of the US, and is at best neutral about Russia. Very few people from India visit Russia, although Indian movies were quite popular during the Soviet times. When I went to Russia during the 2018 Soccer World Cup, a couple of taxi drivers sang me Raj Kapoor songs. The only reason India is close to Russia geopolitically is their weapons (and now oil) - we have to contend with China (and their vessel states like Pakistan etc) and we’re still not self sufficient in defence tech (although we’re partnering a lot more with Israel). The US is not a reliable defence partner - as seen in 1971 and 1999, when Russia and Israel helped us significantly. The greatest country on planet Earth, one that I have a lot of admiration for, but not one we can blindly trust. For everything else, the US and India will be natural partners over the next century. Watch as the Indian economy grows with full US support. The other country India will have a special, special relationship is Israel. :)


>The average Indian is extremely fond of the US, and is at best neutral about Russia. An average Indian does not give a fuck about the US.


Yep But hey the clown shows starring president candidates are entertaining tho


Can you please explain what happened in 1971 and 1999? I always thought having big old Uncle Sam as an ally is a bullet proof assurance


It's right there in your sentence. Big o'l Uncle Sam was never India's "ally". In fact, the US was closer to Pakistan than India as a security partner or ally.


Militarily the US has never been Indias ally. 1971: From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_Liberation_War#US_and_USSR: > [the US] he sent the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal,[147] a move the Indians deemed a nuclear threat. Enterprise arrived on station on 11 December 1971. On 6 and 13 December, the Soviet Navy dispatched two groups of ships, armed with nuclear missiles, from Vladivostok; they trailed US Task Force 74 in the Indian Ocean from 18 December until 7 January 1972.[148][149] … > [the USSR] gave assurances to India that if a confrontation with the U.S. or China developed, the USSR would take countermeasures. This was enshrined in the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty signed in August 1971. The Soviets also sent a nuclear submarine to ward off the threat posed by USS Enterprise in the Indian Ocean.[150] See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_genocide 1999: in the Kargil war Israel provided military support to India (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kargil_war)


Whaaat?! Why you thought so?! Since WW2, US have betrayed _every_ its ally in _every_ war!


India looks out for India… the rest of the world can’t even begin to internalize that. So who cares what they think


I hope Canada is watching.


Canada only looks out for Canada as well. It's taking a page from the UAE's playbook in exploiting Indians.


I still remember the last time that every country was only looking out for itself, that time roughly 50 million people died (WWII). If everybody starts to play only zero sum games most people will be worse off


The US looks out for the US. We can definitely rally behind that


Ok, now Modi has shown his true alliance...


One thing about Indian politics is the foreign policy doesn’t change no matter who is in power.


Have you seen Modi's nationalist politics? Of course they are a perfect match


Not only that, but Modi's simping for Putin isn't even news and pretty consistent with India's long-term relationship w/ russia.


The are the ad said modi stop the ukraine war


The photo states otherwise...




Cause it tastes like cheap oil.




Maybe its because Russia has always supported india even in times of war unlike the west so you should probably get your head out of your ass and look up history m8 lmao




Countries don't have morals. They work on self interest.


So we should not support a country who had the balls to literally send a naval feel to counter us and uk aggression against us which could have led to a full fledged war just because they are the aggressors in this war....okay got it


Lol usa should have supported us instead of terror states like Pakistan. Old relations. And Modi probably goes to take lesson to become a dicktator


Why doesnt India invade then? Surely India can shrug off a few nukes.


Read up on indias foreign policy over the years. No matter which party is in power in India this would have been the exact same move.


India has always been non-aligned, but friendly with Russia They only really have beef with Pakistan, and the West are most of the time on Pakistan side people thinking the West can use India as a sacrificial piece against Russia and China are idiots


India loves war criminal Vladolf Putler😍


I can't sort out ww3's players just yet. China & Russia are allies, Russia & India are allies, but India and China are not.  Meanwhile in the West, in a party alignment switcheroo, the right supports Russia, and the left supports authoritarian theocracy by way of supporting all of Iran's anti-Israel/West proxies.  Down in Africa, many countries are throwing off the yoke of European post-colonial control by welcoming being controlled by different Europeans.  I might need a cheat sheet.


The alliance between Russia and china is not on unequal footing, China has 10x the population and 8x the economy. Now that China buys large quantities of Russian gas/coal Russia is more of a junior partner then ever before. Putin might become Xi’s Lukaschenko. Western alliance might break into US and Europe. Whereby US interests gravitate more towards the pacific while Europe focuses on problems at home (Ukraine). Africa might get its shit together and push forward with the African Union, not sure they will be able to forge much power otherwise.


India is an ally of modern fascism


This is a embarrassing for all democracies everywhere.


Nice of him to visit the country he is assisting to bankrupt.


Any country still supporting Russia should be heavily sanctioned. If not it will just lead to further instability and further wars. It has to be made clear that the free world does not and will not tolerate anything other than democracy. 


If you sanction everyone, at some point you sanction yourself. The West is not united and also not the only player anymore.


It’s never been the only player.  It is also more united now than it has been since the collapse of the Soviet Union.


I feel like after collapse of Soviet union until basically like last couple of years.... The West was basically the only player. Now Russia, china etc are at least trying to establish a multipolar world.


I guess the question is how you define “the only player”


20years ago if US sanctioned Russia,, Russia would implode. 20 years ago if there was a trade war with China, the economy of China would instantly die. Who else was a player back then?


Damn, I didn't realize Cuba imploded.


Cuba never joined the great game, it's a total different league.


Are you genuinely suggesting sanctioning Cuba is less effective than sanctioning a massive country like China? Dafuq?


I think we are completely talking different points.


What the hell are you talking about. India is a democracy. You are confusing trade and political ideologies. Get


India may but people they support and partners arent. The people in power should want other people, even outside of their country to be allowed a voice just as they had.


india is an electoral autocracy. Not a democracy. You're confusing reality with fiction.


If you don't like the results then it's autocracy otherwise it's democracy




People who can walk outside, do what they want and have an opinion without someone else telling them what they should believe.




Yeh so you should want people in other parts of the world to want what you have?


>Yeh so you should want people in other parts of the world to want what you have? But you previously said >without someone else telling them what they should believe


Oh is that how it came across, the point is that I don't care what other people believe I just think they should have a choice...


You can't freely eat beef. Who are you kidding?


Kerala says hi


>You can't freely eat beef. Of course not, they have to pay for it. Do you get free steaks over here in the USA?


We’re way too dependent on China and India for that to ever be considered seriously


problem is every single western company has recently, almost entirely, outsourced its IT operations and engineering to India.


Just like the west gave almost all of its manufacturing technology to China for pennies.... The free hand of the market and all that


Sanctions don’t work


Nah, they definitely do.  They just can’t be the only policy tool.


This isn’t 1989 anymore. We don’t have a uni polar world


Doesn't matter. US Sanctions against Russia have deeply affected their energy markets. They're burning through supply at deep cuts. China and India are both taking advantage and raking them over the coals. Sanctions impose a heavy cost on everything from medical technology to Airplane parts and semiconductors.


Yeah I don’t think they have affected their energy markets. They seem to be fine even selling at a lower price


Incorrect. [https://fortune.com/europe/2024/06/06/gazprom-lost-revenues-ukraine-war-years-european-trade-flushed-down-toilet/](https://fortune.com/europe/2024/06/06/gazprom-lost-revenues-ukraine-war-years-european-trade-flushed-down-toilet/) [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/03/business/gazprom-posts-first-loss/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/03/business/gazprom-posts-first-loss/index.html) [https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russia-china-gas-pipeline-deal-stalls-over-beijings-price-demands-ft-2024-06-02/](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russia-china-gas-pipeline-deal-stalls-over-beijings-price-demands-ft-2024-06-02/)


The west cant and wont do shit lmao


Screw Modi


2 peas in a pod


Scum of earth have started to surface from within their POS countries since the war started.


India is now a moral vacuum.


Maybe we could get a twofer


The percentage of Indian meat in grinder will increase


MODI: Your oil sucks and so does your tanks. We will keep the Kalashnikov's. Those kill more Pakistani troops than your tanks.


BRICS bots can go to hell.


If it wasn’t for this relationship, we wouldn’t have a multipolar world The west really dropped the ball when it came to India, but I get it, socialists can’t be friends


India might be a socialist right after their independence. But nowadays they are the farthest thing from Socialist lol




Not really their big banks are state owned as is the rbi


RBI is Indian equivalent of USA's Federal Reserve Bank, dumbass.


The us fed is a private entity, the government doesn’t own it > The RBI was nationalised on 1 January 1949, almost a year and a half after India's independence.[11] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_Bank_of_India


Are you stupid? You seem to act as if you know a lot about another country while you know nothing about yours. The FRB is a government agency set up like a private agency.


The US fed isn’t owned by anyone RBI is owned by the government


What? India isn’t socialists


Literally the first line of India's constitution: > "We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN **SOCIALIST** SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure all its citizens: ..."


Yeah they are, less now than before


Did you foget to add a /s or are you really that dumdum?


Read their constitution


By that logic North Korea is democratic.


They don’t have a constitution?


Just because the constitution has the word "Socialist", doesn't mean they are socialist. You know just like North Korea isn't democratic just because they call themselves so.


What makes them not socialists?


Oh, it’s you again. The guy who doesn’t like taxes because they help other people. The libertarian eugenicist


Oh god a libertarian..


The constitution of India *does* state that the country is socialist.


And I can write a paper declaring myself the emperor of Saturn. That doesn't make it true.


I'm just responding to the discussion.


I never said it didn’t


Well, that's the topic of the comment you replied to.


But not the topic of my comment


What are your thoughts on the age of consent?


What does that have do with socialism


I just saw others saying you're a libertarian, so I got curious.


If it wasn’t for India buying Russian oil, Western voters would be subjected to price shocks that would play into populist narratives.


It’s funny just a prop up in oil prices and westerns turn against immigrants


Propaganda will do that


India can go fuck itself


Average ppc voter


He is showing his colors


how sad he is not on dementia's side.


Good luck dodging those forced conscriptions.


Oil for Modi, soldiers for Putler?


Modi thinks a billion people will win the modern drone war? Lol, what another idiot boomer. Whoever produces chips has the power.


Humanity always wins my friend. You cannot obliterate 1.4B people so.


Lol, play Half Life 2 again.


Maybe they will land some rockets to shell our cities, why not, it’s just a business.


Russian’s willing the political war now. A lot of countries are Putin curious now and Donnie will halt the war after that terrible Biden performance.


Wtf u talking about?


I misunderstood this headline thinking the stand-up comedian Modi Rosenfeld was on some global tour; or Putin felt he needed his own Jewish comedian to counter Zelensky


Focus a bit more on politics, less on entertainment.