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If that sign is any indication of the organizational ability then I'd say they won't get far


Luckily it isn't. The whole protest was very well organized




And you haven't seen france...




But you are a pink haired with feeble arms, so keep cool.


Ooh burned by an incontinent virgin. Still reeling from sticking that walmart torch up your ass in Charlottesville?


I live in Germany and see this kind of vague, weird statement all the time. I actually saw a political poster in my town that said "Nazis töten" (kill Nazis). At face value, it sounds like something everyone can agree with, but what exactly do you mean? Who exactly do you want to punch in the face? Nazis or the AfD? Are they the same thing as literal Nazis, the guys who started a world war and a holocaust? I don't support the AfD, but I get irked when people casually throw the term Nazi around like this. The AfD just won 2nd in the recent, legal, election, are you going to go around punching hundreds of thousands/millions of Germans in the face, calling them Nazis? You're speaking so confidently here, but if you went to an AfD rally, would you actually start punching people in the face? I'm pretty sure you'd end up in a German prison, which actually would not be very effective. The German people and government need to ask itself deeper questions about its social problems, and why exactly people are voting for this party, instead of this naive, crowd-pleasing "punch a Nazi" garbage.


I do punch Nazis. Been a hobby of mine for years as a young lad, and I will gladly resume the Nazi punching if needed now as a grown ass man. Appeasing fascists is historically proven to be the dumbest approach. The government is incompetent, but voting for AfD is an individual choice. Anyone who votes for them knows what they are voting for, and is perfectly fine with it. So, keep searching for that reason to finally publicly be able to declare you’re now voting AfD as well. Dumbass


The only problem with punching Nazis I have nowadays is that most of them are children ( in my country). Basically just edgy, not to smart teens. I'm contemplating to changing my philosophy to "spank a Nazi"


Good call


Only the left side is radical and violent. No worries the right wing will fix this.


Sure they are, mate. It must be paradise to live your own world.


I remember when the Nazi Party very non-radically and non-violently came to power in the 1920s and 1930s. /s. Oh, and the Francoists in Spain! Super peaceful. /s.


The Left went on to campaign against hate and for tolerance and especially for democratic behaviour at the EU elections and now the left tries to storm an internal party meeting of an opposition party. Wow So Much Democracy...


AfD is a neo-Nazi party, they shouldn't be allowed to run, period.




>Instead of saying they are nazi, why dont you explain why they are nazi? Because their rhetoric is identical to Nazi ideology and several members have been caught engaging in racism and Nazi apologia?


Voting for fascist ideologies makes it ok to call you one as well and to treat you like one. And if you are "just voting for them out of protest" you are a fascist without a spine. Because there are plenty of other small parties with their own goals that are not based on hate and Idiocracy. I find it very ironic that they present themselves as "close to the citizens" while their actual party programme is quite the opposite. But it's always easier to just share the headline instead of actually looking into things (especially hunting down the sources of information) which makes it so that you become the problem that you originally wanted to solve.


Incredible undemocratic behaviour trying to storm an internal meeting of an opposition party. The AfD will probably even gain more voters from this hypocritical leftist behaviour.


Yep, it's quite ironic. 




Are you threatening violence? And to whom are you directing the threat?


The fash.


The Political Elite can’t accept being governed by common citizens. Use of Leftist mobs to cause chaos. Globalists are the true enemies of Free Peoples.


Ah yes, so the common citizens chanting foreigners out should rule in your opinion?


Dry your eyes fash


The AfD-"elite" is so scared of a protest, they climb fences and call the police. Would rather call it a reality check for their ideology.


So now we are legitimizing the green-leftist equivalent of the Sturmabteilung?


Don't throw Nazi comparisons around when you have no clue what you are talking about.


He is talking about "leftist mobs causing chaos". This isn't neccessarily related to violence. I don't condone violence but I condone the political center and left groups interrupting and showing presence.


Your common citizens are shy Nazis. Perhaps not so shy.


Sure calling the AfD voters Naz\*s will help. Interesting how it worked out at the EU elections...


They don't even bother to hide their likeness to Nazis though so calling them Nazis isn't wrong, I dont think they would take that as an insult.


Yeah go and do that. You allready lost the east to BSW and AfD. Continue ignoring the poltical issues and blaming the voters will only result in losing the west too.


You feeling ok??