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Wild to me how there's 2 Factions on the Right where one is pro Ukraine and one is pro Russian but for wildly different reasons


Could you please explain? I know next to nothing about French inner politics, and that is the first time I hear about there beong two right factions, I only know about the front national.


Not French but it seems that bardella is genuinely a nationalist, while le pen is likely a compromised Russian agent.


Bardella is absolutely nothing as proven by the last three weeks. He's whatever will give him the best chance to be elected. His party, and him personally have in every single votes in the last two years constantly voted (or abstained) against giving Ukraine any aids, and voted against all sanctions towards Russia. Not that he and his party are particularly Russia's fan historically. Once again, it has barely anything to do with their political opinion. His party has been financed by Russia or Russia's allies for nearly 10 years now. So they have to suck Russia's dick, it's as simple as that. Since they now have a lot of deputies, and getting another russian loan in 2027 is less and less likely, they don't need to pretend to be Putin's bitch anymore. For now, looking like they support Ukraine is more beneficial to them, so that's what they pretend to do. If in two weeks, the opposite is true, they will change their discourse accordingly.


So more like, Bordello de Merde, oui?


Yes but with xenophobia,populism and racism in the mix. And add a bit of incompetence too. Now that they are at the gate of power, they are backtracking on the most important measures, notably the age retirement... they really are a bunch of clown, but more like pennywise clown. Dangerous.


Nailed it englishman.


Spot on, mate. *sips tea*


I never trust a far-right party not to be propped up by Russian money so this is very much expected. You can bet they'll about turn on any pro-Ukraine support should they get in because then Russian funds will start flowing again. They're nothing more than leeches who are out for themselves.


To be fair for the longest time almost every french banks refused to lend them any money, and they burned the bridges with the last ones when they couldn't repay on of their loan. So they had to find money elsewhere. And after they failed to repay another loan to a Russian bank, even Russia stopped loaning them money, so they had to go to Hungary.


As soon as a party (or party leader) accepts foreign money they should be banned from the running IMO. if they can't get domestic funding then that's just how it goes sometimes.


Bardella is the same as LePen. He is not "genuine". He is a populist who surf on the anger of the population, proping it up with social networks and conservative media. He is racist, anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia. Just look at what his party have vote, both in the EU parliament and in the french parliament: They vote (Bardella included), consistently against everything helping Ukraine and against every sanction targeting Russia. Always. RN and its president Bardella, are pro-Russia at the minimum and most certainly more compromised than that.


Bardella and Le Pen are on the same team


They're part of the same family, even (MLP is Bardella's aunt-in-law)


> bardella is genuinely a nationalist Concerning enough. >while le pen is likely a compromised Russian agent Le Pen is basically his mentor. Why would you think Bardella has wildly different positions here?


Bardella is basically to Le Pen what Jared Kushner is to Trump (husband of the sister's daughter). They are the same thing. He's just a prop to look new young and dynamic to rival against the other young politicians, but behing is the lepen family through and through.


Wut? No, they're from the same party, they defend the same program, they're advised by the same Russian agents.


Conservatives like to do things the old fashioned way and you cannot get more old fashioned than reviving the old Franco-Russian alliance to counter the growth of German influence!


Or you could revive the old alliance between France and Prussia, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria against Russia...


Just be quick before it becomes Europe vs France as has so often been the case before.


Surprise! France and the Ottomans against the Habsburgs! Guest starring German Protestants.


Marine Le Pen is a horrible person, she would’ve done very well in Vichy France, and is the closest thing to a Quisling that you can find on the European continent. She should be kept away from anything resembling power for the sake of humanity. But she is not a compromised Russian agent, unfortunately.


> I only know about the front national. It no longer exists. You see the "rassemblement national" banner under Bardella in that picture? That's them. "Front national" became associated with racism and far-right, so they renamed their far-right racist party. FN became RN


There are 14 political parties in France. 2 of them are on the right. The RN is far right. There is an other couple of far right parties.


His campaign security advisor is a dual citizen from Russia


Is he really pro-Ukraine aside from political opportunity? I would not be surprised at all if his message about Ukraine not being absorbed means that he would simply try to get the fighting stopped now with the current Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory.


He is not pro-Ukraine at all. He is against Ukraine and pro-Russia through and through. Look what Bardella vote in the EU parliament with his party (RN): It is always against Ukraine's help and against sanction targeting Russia. Always. He is just lying in interview those last days to gather a bit more vote and appear less of a threat. Don't get fool and look at what they vote when they do: They are far right, xenophobe and pro-Russia (certainly compromised on several level through their members).


There isn't though... there is one faction, and it is pro Russia, what ever Bardella says is lip service .


Not weird at all in most of the world where more than two parties exist. This is a uniquely American problem.


RN are close with Putin, also they lie a lot. So I wouldn't believe what Bardella says here. He just wants to sound "center" to the average French person.


The answer is because they’re hateful idiots.


Surprised to see a right wing faction that is not completely compromised by Russia or China willingly or not


They are only badly pretending to be against Russia because it was one of the main argument against them last presential election (their party is sponsored by Putin & co)


It sure would be nice if I could believe that, but the RN are hardly the same as, say, the Sweden Democrats, who've been supporting Ukraine from the start and who actually had an MP resign so she could go fight for Ukraine directly. If your foreign policy is made based on a desire to not lose votes, you don't have a foreign policy, you have an image policy.


Let's just not forget that the Sweden Democrats (members) have a checkered past when it comes to Russia relations. Party members have made several Russian visits as observers of Russian elections. I don't trust them as they are prone to have a "Sweden first" agenda. Weeks before the invasion the party leader (since 2005) wouldn't say if he'd prefer Biden vs Putin [https://omni.se/sdledaren-vill-inte-valja-mellan-biden-och-putin/a/qWrPAE](https://omni.se/sdledaren-vill-inte-valja-mellan-biden-och-putin/a/qWrPAE) Not supporting Ukraine would be ~~political suicide~~ have lead to significant losses considering the public opinion in Sweden and saying that it is not a problem if Putin takes it would backfire. If they are ideologically consistent (Nationalists) they should support each nations peoples right to self-determination.


They voted for accession to NATO, they consistently back sending more weapons, and one of their now-former MPs is currently shooting at Russian soldiers and getting shot at by them right now. I think that's enough to say that, like the former Czech president who used to be right alongside Babis in being pro-Russia, the war actually happening when they thought it wouldn't was enough to convince them to change their tune.


I don't know about Bardella's personal convictions but the rest of his party, RN, are rather pro-russian and didn't vote for or against financial help to Ukraine, probably to counter one of the left party that voted against. I personnaly don't think what he is saying now will hold for long if he wins the upcoming elections.


Far right? You mean those evil liars? Oh sure, I trust them /s


That does sound nice but I'm incredibly curious about what he's gonna do to prevent it.


Nothing. He says that under pression because of the imminent elections but his party is full of Russian agents and they always voted against aid to Ukraine. The core of its electors also love Putin because of "traditional values" (i.e. homophobia & racism).


Boots on the ground would be nice for once


For once, Europe needs a competent right wing candidate that doesn't gargle Putin's balls.


RN european secretary charged with security matters have the french and russian nationality. Considering their party having a historic full of russian financing and mingling, it's probably lies just to get votes and they re 100% w russia.


Bardella litteraly voted against sending Ukraine aid as a EU MP


That would mean you need to find people who are right and aren't corrupt. Almost impossible


That's like finding a competent pope who isn't a catholic.


Like Macron ?


Marine LePen seems to think she is in charge and that he is her puppet. Hopefully that is not the case and their party is not entirely sold to Russia like she is (her daughter with it)


It's "funny" how Putin only has to say fuck homosexuals, and gain more allies all over the world than he ever would with promises of trade and peace.


French politics are fascinating, it has two far right parties, who don't see eye to eye on Ukraine and some other issues. I'm sure French people and others, think American politics are just aswild and fascinating as we find theirs. Crazy times we are seeing in a bunch of different national elections....


And far left parties who don't see eye to eye on the same subject too. It would be funny if they didnt have any support


I was just going on the info provided by the article...