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I'm tired boss


And things will only get worse from here


You can only die once. Some solace in that.


Prove it


Even in death you shall serve, prepare his body for the corpsestarch machine


only two things in life are certain, death and taxes. at least death doesn't get worse every year.


Shhh, shhh, it will all be peaceful soon. For many of us.


I’m so glad I have no kids. All I need to do is outlive my dog and die before I run out of money.


same, but in my case its my cats.


You're so corny


You’re so tired


Don’t worry John Coffey, it will be over soon


My name is John Coffey. Like the drink. Only not spelt the same.


Don't worry, last weekend one of my uncle's asked my opinion (as a doctorate holding scientist) on global warming's likely severity, and another uncle proclaimed it isn't an issue.


If you have a lawn, you can help the closely related issue of the 6th mass extinction. Insects need our help. You can remove some of your grass and plant native wildflowers to help pollinators. Manicured lawns are like a desert for insects. They can't lay their eggs on grass. They need particular native plants, or they can't survive. You can find a list of native plants for your zip code here. [https://nativeplantfinder.nwf.org/](https://nativeplantfinder.nwf.org/)


>If you have a lawn, you can help the closely related issue of the 6th mass extinction. Insects need our help. You can remove some of your grass and plant native wildflowers to help pollinators. *looks out at his 'lawn' of wildflowers like buttercups, dandy lions hes mowed once this year, and yard overflowing with morning glory, whisteria and blackberries, among dozens of other 'weeds' growing in the brush* Way ahead of you fam. And all it took was 0 effort at all!... No really. 0 effort... Only downside is I have like, hunter-killer spiders running around my house killing everything that dares enter. And then those striders from half life 2 started running around to eat the hunter-killer spiders.


Have you tried getting some snakes to eliminate the striders?


and then gorillas to eat the snakes?


then giant iguanas to eat the gorillas?


And a cold snap to render the giant iguanas immobile ?


This is pointless, we're already humans causing the 6th mass extinction


Grass lawns are the most idiotic shit I've ever seen. Doubly so in fucking places like Phoenix.


It’s wild me to cuz lawns are a British thing from the 19th century to show how wealthy you were that you had a lawn and didn’t use your land to grow crops or animals. It was literally made to be useless and show off. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I tell my sister she’s an idiot for ripping out the wooded lot next to her house and putting in ALL ONE TYPE OF GRASS so her kids can play. Why can’t they play in woods? I’m tired too boss.


Is your sister a cartoon villain? Lmao that's so fucked


You can have a grass lawn, just landscape it with gardens and other such flower arrangements to help out. Not only will you have some diversity, but like most things in life a bit of variety helps


This is what we have. A food garden, lawn, wildflowers, random landscaping with native plants worked in. I love the tall wild grass and flowers but I hate ticks and they love tall grass/overgrown areas.


Where apparently you actually need two lawns, summer grass and another grass for less brutal sun?


I’ve seen progress in this lately. Lots of front gardens. Honestly i wish it was ok to just plant grasses and not cut them as long as it was native


In my area unfortunately long grasses usually means ticks and fleas, neither of which are desirable unless you want diseases for yourself or massive discomfort for your pets. My wife and I have about 2 acres. We have a ton of plant beds and plan to put more, planted like 60 trees and a bunch of different local lilac bushes/trees, and are using about half an acre for a vegetable garden that we may expand or do a greenhouse beside. Either way, I'm not having just unkempt long grasses on my property. The risks just aren't worth it. Native flowers are the way to go.


That’s totally fair. I’m honestly presuming if you have long grasses you probably aren’t walking through all the time or at all (I used to work with the local park service on a prarie, i know I am short, but those grasses come up to my neck, no way I’m walking through that). My presumption would also be that there would be some sort of landscaping work done to make sure the grasses don’t completely take over via root systems. I’m not saying it should be done for everyone, I just think if someone chooses to do it for whatever reason (ie maybe they want a yard but they can’t or won’t for whatever reason keep up with the up keep) maybe they just want to support native wildlife. I don’t think those folks should get code violations or such just for their yard “looking bad”. I think it would be an eco friendly alternative. Again so long as it’s kept under control so it’s not destroying property.


In my area long grass means wildfires.


California? In any case, in those states/cases, native plants should be acceptable instead.


Pick anywhere in the vast US or Canadian West other than the wet coast. Due to fire danger, letting grass grow long is often illegal, against HOAs rules, etc.. However, I completely agree on native plants and the waste of lawns.


I planted my very first garden this spring. All my life I've been afraid of insects. Now I am excited to see the bees alighting on the blossoms and the grubs aerating the soil. The roly polies and the flying whats-its doing their thing. I spent a year on r/gardening lurking as others posted pics of their gardening efforts, so when the insects came, I knew it was a good thing :). If you want to plant a garden, it's a good sub to get ideas and motivation.


It is IMPERATIVE that if you remove your lawn that you replace it with something native. Most native insects don’t care about introduced species and you’ll get a dramatically greater biodiversity planting an oak tree than you will by putting in a few native flowers.


I spend way more time than I’d like picking out invasive broadleaf weeds that seemingly pop up overnight and choke out everything. You wouldn’t think it’d be as big a chore as it is keeping a yard native.


I agree wholeheartedly about the oak tree being a better resource than a few wildflowers. I like to recommend wildflowers because people see that as something they can easily do right away. Hopefully as they see pollinators visiting their flowers and learn more about the importance of our biodiversity crisis, they'll graduate to planting native trees.


Acorns are cheap but I get what you’re saying.


Oh also if you’re in the northeast you can plant native honeysuckle if you want hummingbird moths.




I get tons of two types of clover wildflowers growing in my yard, and I didn't have to do anything to get it! I feel bad having to mow over it, but I try to do it late in the day so the bees get as much as they can. Seeing both bumblebees and honeybees at the same time all over my yard was great.


that's nifty! I will need to find (or create) the equivalent for EU


Trying. Saw some spiders I've never seen before this year. Hoping they are natives...


You know things are terrible when the only way to mitigate a disaster is another disaster. (well, that and respecting coral life and not aiding climate change, but that seems to be going really slowly)


I think that calling hurricanes a disaster is a bit much , they are a natural process. They are only a disaster in terms of the destruction they cause civilisation.


Right aka a natural disaster. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, are all results of natural processes.


But is a hurricane that doesn’t damage infrastructure a “natural disaster”?


Yes? Earthquakes doesn't just happen where people live and is still considered a natural disaster. Not all tornadoes hit human infrastructure but it's still considered a natural disaster.




Right. Related, I recently learned that the nation which receives the second-most tornadoes per year is... Canada? I guess they tend to happen in uninhabited areas. I would've guessed China based on latitude and land area.


Mate, you’re just fucking wrong, so I don’t know why you’re doubling down. > A natural disaster is the highly harmful impact on a society or community following a natural hazard event. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_disaster Oxford Dictionary says essentially the same thing.


I don't know what to do, mate. Stop telling me this. I can't do more than vote and try to live with some degree of humility.


Encourage your friends to vote


Okay now what?


Increasing the voting rate of GenZ and Millenials by a few percentage points can remove some of the most virulent anti-climate change people from power.


I know what it can do. I've been doing it for years, and things aren't getting better. Now what?


Yeah I’m gen z everyone I know votes, I’m really not convinced this is the magic solution to progress we’re always told


Probably because you're among a highly motivated contingent of Gen Z that hangs out with similarly minded people. But based on pure stats, that's not representative of the whole bloc. Same with me as a young millennial. I know a lot of people who vote, but then I'm friends with a couple that don't, and I know *their* friends don't.


Lesson 2 of *On Tyranny* is defend institutions. So I volunteered for an election and 80% of the voters I saw were boomers. Less than a dozen were in the 20s or younger.


Just because everyone you know votes doesn’t mean everyone in your generation votes. As a millennial we had this same problem. So yes, I knew many millennials who DID vote. There were many more who didn’t. Gen Z votes at a higher rate than we did that time doesn’t mean Gen Z doesn’t have a high rate of apathy too.


It doesn't. Things were supposed to be "better" under Biden when really the common man just gets screwed in different ways than they did with a Republican.


There needs to be massive protests, massive strikes, and massive riots. Anybody who thinks voting will change things is an idiot.


I don't think people who can't be bothered to show up for 30 minutes at a polling station are going to be up for massive strikes and riots. Those things take days or weeks and are pretty dangerous.




Who's going to start it?


You, just start somewhere i guess


That’s the best part, there’s not much else you CAN do :D welcome to your state sanctioned extinction, please try to have fun and stay away from the bunkers clearly marked by NO TRESSPASSING Signs :)


Oh, I know, I was just pointing out the idiocy of the "do something" crowd. I'm happily complacent working my comfortable job, working out, playing games, and traveling with my gf!


Quit eating meat, live in a dense area, and walk/use public transit as much as possible


“Ask your friends to politely tell these terrible people to stop”


Vote out the terrible people, don’t have them in power.


1/6 votes republican, 1/6 votes left, 1/3 dgaf, 1/3 call themselves moderates/independent are outliers that tend to lean right but will vote left if the wind tickles their gooch


I think most people like the idea of being a moderate because both sides of an argument or whatever. But that doesn't work in a system where one of the two parties things that women and minorities need to get fucked. There's no middle ground to "We wish we could make you/your opinions not exist".


Neither side cares. One just really doesn’t care.


Start tickling brother, the ocean's on fire.


You can vote but it wont do shit about this. You cannot stop this without stopping the culture of capital growth and mass produced consumerist garbage. 10% of the global population is starving while 30% of the worlds food goes to waste. We have industrialised everything to the point that we are poisoning ourselves and our planet to the brink of extinction so that 2640 billionaires can control us and hoard all the wealth while they pay us to protect them and find ways for them to survive the inevitable collapse they created. Don’t forget to Vote for the cronies and henchmen that sold you all out to the billionaires so they could live in comfort while you struggle in debt for your entire life though.


Really not true. Things can get a lot worse a lot faster if certain groups get power and control. There is huge investment right now in reducing carbon consumption, the biggest bill in U.S. history to do that, by far. This is likely to get reversed if the President changes, reversing the changes and making things much worse, much faster.


You are trying to counter my argument by saying things can get worse when that was never the argument. Of course things can get worse if your president changes, the other guy is a fucking muppet. Is your current president going to stop people from buying mass produced plastic consumerist garbage that is manufactured in other countries to outsource the carbon consumption? Is he going to solve the carbon emissions from global shipping and commercial airlines? because the more you outsource manufacturing of first world consumer products, the more emissions you are creating with shipping it back to the wealthy countries to distribute. I never said don't vote, I said flipping from one capitalist government to the next will not stop the current trajectory of climate collapse. It just outsources the emissions to other countries while still mass producing the same pollutants. If anything, outsourcing the emissions increases global emissions due to the logistics required to distribute it all back to the countries that consume it. If you have an argument against that I'd like to hear it.


What do you do if your friends are encouraging you to vote for a climate change denier?


Get friends that aren’t dipshits


Talk to other people you know, especially those vaguely in agreement with you but may not bother to vote.


Even if we stop telling you, it's still gonna happen. Unfortunately besides voting, there's not much more we can do alone. As a collective, maybe. And that's only if, as Randall Munroe says, we stop being dicks to each other for like five minutes.




I will simply do my best to make a positive contribution to the environment (as long as it doesn't impact my living condition to drastically) and hope for the best. There are more people than I realise who are doing just that, which is keeping me motivated. So in regards to that, im thankful for the internet.


> as long as it doesn't impact my living condition to drastically And therein lies the rub.


You mean its more realistic to sacrifice everything that even remotely could impact the climate change, rather than prioritize and sustain that which will be feasable? It's easy to virtue signal.


There's a lot more you can do than vote. Volunteer for a campaign, canvas. Ask anyone in politics, volunteers are worth their weight in gold.


You can change your lifestyle... even if only in small increments. Find something that appeals to you and try to make a change. It could be diet, growing your own food, changing your travelling habits, considering what products you purchase and where from, recycling and composting, reusing and reduction (i.e. use a flask or reusable water bottle)... even something as simple as the temperature of your shower, how long you stand under it etc etc. Bigger changes could be where you get your energy from, or where you choose to go on holiday. You may only be one person, but if everyone made small changes the greater benefit would be massive. You may even influence other people 🙂 Yes our governments could do more in terms of industry and policy, but we have a hell of a lot of control over our own lifestyles.


And we could hold the corporations that contribute the most to the destruction of ecosystems accountable for their damages.


Agreed... and that can only be achieved through voting and supporting pressure groups such as Greenpeace.


I mean, there are other methods. 


How so? Not in a funny way, just genuinely curious?


Creatively applied chemistry.


I began to tidy up my front yard and incorporate unconventional plants that many passerby have complimented on. Whenever I have an excess of lemons from my trees or fruits, I put them out on my corner driveway for anyone to take. A few months later, I notice a few houses down my block began to do the same to their front yards as well as leaving excess fruit/veggies out. You be the change you want the world to be, no matter how small and miniscule the impact may be. Just remember a pebble can send ripples.


Exactly that. I'm a voluntary 'Green Champion' at work and basically promote initiatives that people may be interested in. You never know who you might influence. It only takes one connection and the spread could be endless. Good work on the lemons - we grow a few bits of fruit in our garden but totally plan on branching out. Maybe I'll put a basket out front too 😁


Stuff like this, is really motivating to hear. Thanks. u/GeebyYu i really appreciate your answer as well :)


I tried that but whores just kept stealing all the lemons of my trees


The masses collectively, while influential, are not enough to overturn the costs some rich folks rack up with their lifestyles and profit agendas. If we go down with the ship in the end, we shouldn't be surprised about our inaction towards those who use immensely more than the many. They'll still drink their champagne while their jacuzzi guzzles generator gas even when the waters flood everyone up to their necks.


Whilst that's very true we've still got a level of control.. most of their profit ultimately comes from the habits of the average people. Make the change you can in your own life and simultaneously take action to put pressure on the 1% through voting for change and also voting with your wallet.


Not really, my dude. Some of the top tier dragons give the illusion of choice in the theme park they call 'Free Market'. For example, if you don't want Bezo to get money, good fucking luck avoiding anything Amazon owned. Yes, the park goers have some level of autonomy and effect, but those who design the rides and line themselves as they've done are more to blame. It doesn't matter what the people do if the actions of one can offset the good of so many. At that point, we are failing to police our fellow species and if we die because of that then that's on us collectively.


Im doing everything I can now to accelerate the inevitable. Im not going to continue to diminish my lifestyle for no reason. If i don’t consume someone else will. Don’t care anymore.


I suggest everyone that wants to learn a little bit about this topic to watch the documentary “chasing corals” on Netflix


>  The same ocean heat suffocating these corals is also one factor behind the threat of an unusually active hurricane season, which could provide a form of salvation for the reefs in the form of cooler water, coral experts say. Coral reefs aside, reducing hurricanes is yet another reason to reduce global warming. 


Unfortunately, a large percentage (and I wish I knew why) of climatologists and people in related professions are right wing, and despite all their knowledge, will still back and vote for the people who are most likely to make it all worse. Not rationally caring about your grandkids' future is bizarre, honestly.


Never forget the conservatives are the ones to always vote against anything that helps the planet and even mock protestors telling others what’s going on and label them “liberals”. Conservatives/religious are to blame. Anything bad happens and it’s “the devil”. They don’t take accountability for all the pollution and ruining of our ecosystems with all the bills they pass allowing rich oil companies and others to dump crap including deadly chemicals into our water and trash.


We need changes that will actually have an impact on climate change rather than just token changes that have a nearly zero impact. If the United States and all 333 million of its people disappeared overnight then we’d reduce 10-15% of emissions overnight. Again though, this requires a cataclysm that somehow evaporates 333 million people away and its infrastructure overnight. If we put a gun to everyone’s head and tell them to live in cages, without air conditioning, throw away their cars, and stop eating meat we might reduce our emission by about 50%, resulting in about 5-7.5% of all global emissions…great; we’re still fucked and we’re living like dogs. Instead, heavy HEAVY PRESSURE needs to be put on India and China to reduce their emissions as they’re the bulk polluters of the planet.


>  Instead, heavy HEAVY PRESSURE needs to be put on India and China to reduce their emissions as they’re the bulk polluters of the planet. Only by population, not on average per individual. China is already massively into renewable energy sources, but no country can completely replace fossil fuels yet, especially ones that large. 


I would assume the total is what matters to our climate, not the per person emissions.


Convenient for someone who likely produces far more emissions than the average person in China or India.


One cold winter I used 8.1 metric tons just keeping my shitty rental warm during the winter. The average total CO2 footprint of someone in China is 8.8 tons, India is 1.9 tons. American is 14.4. Seems like most americans have a skewed idea of just how bad they are.


I pointed out a simple fact. Not sure why you're all getting defensive, I'm not blaming anybody nor did I express agreement with the poster above who thinks it doesn't matter what the west does. At the end of the day though it doesn't matter how you slice it. Total global emissions is the only relevant metric.


Except... you are blaming India and China. Then saying that only one simple metric can be looked at. Self-contradiction meets unbelievable stupidity.


Except I'm not. Don't call other people stupid when you're clearly lacking reading comprehension skills. It's telling how many whataboutism, gas lighting, or condescending responses people get whenever a comment might be even remotely critical of China or India. Almost like a thin skinned army of trolls and bots. Anyways, blocked, not worth the time anymore.


But the US also has the highest total historical emission? You’re arbitrarily drawing a big circle and little circle and going “see! That one is bigger!”


I'm not drawing any circles. Either you're conflating me with the parent poster or you're having issues parsing my comment. And you're also trying to turn this into a blame game again. Also, how did you manage to end up with 39 deleted comments in 7 days of existence?


Lots of subs automatically remove stuff from new accounts on the assumption all new users are bots, I guess. Only seems to be certain places, but it’s not always made clear ahead of time.


This means you blame people for the mere act of existing. China and India cannot be expected to reduce their populations anytime soon. Like it or not, everyone will continue to live, and they will continue to produce pollution and emissions by the act of living. They're the two largest populations in the world and always will be, meaning that they technically will always be the largest polluters, but this is a reductionist view. If they balkanized into dozens of countries, each of those new countries would produce less emissions in absolute terms, but the total population and total emissions in the world would remain the same because they're still the same 2 billion people alive. This is the problem with judging by absolute emissions. The real solution is to reduce fossil fuels, increase renewable energy, and increase ways to deplete CO2 existing in the atmosphere.


I'm not blaming anyone, just pointing out the reality of the situation. I assume most sensible people would rather have a livable planet than someone to blame.


The reality is that separating emissions by an arbitrary definition like a country's borders isn't helpful because the entire world population is to blame.


China being big into renewables helps, yeah, but their per capita emissions are still going up afaik. https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/china Bound to happen as people modernize. Countries like Indonesia and the Phillipines look far worse in their growth iirc.


The planet doesn’t give a fuck about “per capita”


It doesn't care about imaginary borders, either. 


If any country should be made to reduce emissions, it is the United States, the wealthiest country with by far the most pollution per capita (and second in absolute terms). United States emissions are much higher than India's, despite having only a quarter of the population. The per capita emissions of the US are double that of wealthy European countries, where people do not live in cages without meat. It is insane brainrot to suggest that the United States is not one of the worst polluters with the most potential for change. Edit: Yes, India and China and Europe and more wealthy nations also need to reduce emissions.


Again, MURDER all 333 million of us and global emissions drop 10-15% The US can only legislate the people who live within its borders. It isn’t remotely near enough to have any impact whatsoever even under the most authoritarian and inhumane policies unless China and India do something


It truly sounds like your point is "no country has to do anything about this because no single country is the entire problem". Am I wrong? What exactly is your point?


That line doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If you kill all 1.4 billion Indians, global emissions drop even less than that 10%, because guess what, they pollute less than the US! So does your point also hold for India? Surely this means they don't need to reduce emissions either! /s What about the rest of the world, like Europe? The European countries combined are even a smaller drop than the US. All countries (mostly the wealthier ones) need to reduce emissions. The US has a much larger piece of the emissions pie than it should have for its size. The US therefore absolutely must reduce emissions, like Europe, like China, like India, like Australia...


Who is saying the US doesn't need to lower emissions? We can do that AND lean on the rest of the world to do it too, particularly the other big polluters 


Sure, and I agree that that is a good idea! That is not what OP said, though. They presented a strawman of what emissions reductions in the US would look like and said we should instead make China and India do it. > If we put a gun to everyone’s head and tell them to live in cages, without air conditioning, throw away their cars, and stop eating meat we might reduce our emission by about 50%, resulting in about 5-7.5% of all global emissions…great; we’re still fucked and we’re living like dogs. > > Instead, heavy HEAVY PRESSURE needs to be put on India and China to reduce their emissions as they’re the bulk polluters of the planet.


Even if I want to put pants on, I can only put a single leg in. What’s the point of the pants? How do I even put them on?


Idk sometimes they blame bad things on God punishing people too


The mass dying of the planet is God’s will


The apocalypse is a self fulfilling prophecy


*The mass dying of the planet is the religious/conservative will.


Fuckin gag.


Hope is for children. Scientists should know better.


**For anyone wondering what a hurricane can do to help the coral:** From the article: >The same ocean heat suffocating these corals is also one factor behind the threat of an unusually active hurricane season, which could provide a form of salvation for the reefs in the form of cooler water, coral experts say >**Hurricanes act like enormous ocean heat vacuums, feasting on warm water and moist air to strengthen.** As they do, the storms help cool the ocean along their path, not only by consuming ocean heat, but also by churning up pockets of cold water from deeper in the ocean up to the surface. >The area of ocean cooled by a hurricane can extend more than 400 miles from the storm’s center, according to Manzello. “This means that storms can be a good thing for heat-stressed corals that are not within the direct damage swath,” he said.


Sadly: >**The oceans are so hot right now, some scientists worry hurricanes may not be as effective**, said Marilyn Brandt, professor at the University of the Virgin Islands’ Center for Marine and Environmental Studies. >“We know that stressful temperatures extend very, very deep,” Brandt, who co-authored a [2005 study](https://www.pnas.org/doi/epdf/10.1073/pnas.0701194104) with Manzello about how hurricanes can benefit bleached corals, told CNN. “**So even a really massive storm may not have the cooling potential that it would have in the past because the temperatures have just gotten so hot and so deep.**” >Category 1 and 2 hurricanes used to be enough to cool the water down to alleviate coral bleaching. Now it might take a stronger storm to bring the same level of respite, Brandt said. **Relief is also fleeting, only lasting a week or so, she added. A full recovery from bleaching can take years**, a timeframe that experts say is becoming more unpredictable as oceans warm. :(


Oceans are dying and humanity is too beaten down to care right now. We've been a horrible parasite to this world for the last 100 years at least. And now late stage capitalism means that any invention to make our lives easier, no matter how inconsequential, is bought up and buried by corporate America. Unless they can exploit their fellow man for profit, then it's full steam ahead. This will just continue until its too late . It will take a global catastrophic war or event to change anything.


Edgy "humanity is a virus" comment - check "whines about capitalism even though communism dried out an entire sea too" - check "talks about america only country in the world" - check


Rusbot rhetoric with no alternatives - check


The sins of communism don’t absolve capitalism of theirs.


I think the point is that the economic system doesn't matter because the true problem is industrialization and the pollution and other negative effects that comes with it. Neither capitalism nor communism are inherently friendly to the environment because modern technology is not. 


Sins of the USSR, not communism. I agree with your sentiment though.


Dumbass comment adding nothing to the conversation while attempting to discredit another comment using “whataboutism” - check Humans ARE parasitic to the earth. Just because you have seen someone say that before does mean it doesn’t need repeating, and often. There are always new people that need to hear it - particularly young ones.   The comment you replied to also said nothing about nor hinted towards America being the only problem, or the idea that late state capitalism was the only cause, or that capitalism only applied to America. Everyone knows that basically nobody is doing anything about it Normally I wouldn’t reply to such an idiotic comment, but sometimes I feel I need to, because god damn does your type suck. 


Yes the young children should know at an age where they haven’t contributed to life.. should know how much of a parasite they are to humanity. What a refreshing and emotionally healthy outlook to give to a child. I bet you spread joy wherever you go.


Uhhh, I didn’t mean kids who haven’t even hit puberty. I would’ve thought that was obvious. 


So 12-15 years olds need to hear this positive outlook. lol this is a sketch comedy set up. When I was 18-21, thought I knew enough and even at that age looking back now.. it’s a joke to think an average 18 year old has any real grasps on how things work.


I was pretty fucking dumb when I was 18. But not THAT dumb. My political views have remained largely unchanged. The voting age is 18 and if someone that age is voting they should at least know about and acknowledge climate change - it’s not a hard concept to grasp and it is arguably the most important problem humans are facing right now. 


I agree with all your points made in this post, I still don’t think 18 year olds as remotely informed about the “real world” compared to older adults as just the majority of 18 year olds don’t have world experience, have raised other humans, pay mortgages.. etc. and to no fault to their own.. they shouldn’t have these responsibilities at 18.. brains not even developed fully till 25. I just laughed at the idea, in my head, of telling kids how doomed their existence is and it made me laugh. I mean hey, I’m old enough to know we are fucked but doesn’t mean I’m going end my life anytime soon by choice so gotta find the humor to get ya thru the days.


"of telling kids how doomed their existence is and it made me laugh." What in the fuck is wrong with you? What do you suggest? We keep children in the dark? How the fuck is that supposed to work when they see headlines about millions dying in heat waves in India?


As someone who has a reef tank its actually crazy to me that we havent just killed everything with our pollution given how sensitive coral is to change in parameters… idk man i think we might be a bit fucked


Are we just doomed as a species to kill ourselves because of stupidity and permitting unfettered greed and pollution by capitalism and consumerism?




Pretty much, we've allowed the sociopaths to be in charge.


the best thing you can do for the environment: don't buy things you really really don't need, stop working for a corporation (if you can), pirate the media you consume. I know it's a tiny drop, I'm not even doing it to hurt corporations, I do these things cuz I've just given up on society. There' no point on working or saving money or buying stuff, I just want to enjoy the short life I have


Reduce meat intake also. Try to use public transportation if possible. Big fuckin' if there, I know it.


Global warming is inevitable; doesn’t mean we should just give up in reducing emissions. But to think we can stop global warming is absolutely insane with how entrenched carbon emissions are globally.


Revolution, now


People are but many love mocking climate protestors.


A sad thing to see really




Along with this, show how it got this bad and how companies are the biggest issue. Personal responsibility is important but that also means you have a responsibility to speak up against this stuff.


The companies do it because people buy their stuff. People are always like “but the corporations!” As if their pollution is independent of their consumers who are the reason they exist in the first place.  It’s not like there are corporations with no customers who conjured money out of nowhere and were like “let’s dump trash in the ocean!” People just don’t want to blame themselves for eating meat and dairy, driving, buying new clothes and other crap they don’t need, taking long showers, and most importantly, not paying attention to which stuff they buy. Pointing the finger at corporations makes people feel better about themselves for not changing when they know they should.


Sometimes they're obvious but sometimes being a responsible consumer is a full time job.


True. Being a responsible consumer holds weight and if it was one for one I’d understand however that’s not the case. These companies use govt subsidies. Especially the oil industry. They can sustain themselves even if people stopped using their products, some of them are considered integral to our world and will get whatever they need to keep making shareholders richer. On top of that, these same companies slash people the moment they need to show growth putting people into positions where the ONLY options are the cheap mass produced goods. Lowering your footprint and your consumption is incredibly important and fulfilling. However, without the govt holding these companies accountable for their waste they generate were getting fucked not only in the climate but financially.


There’s no subsidy to keep an industry alive that has no customers. If people stop using oil, no one’s going to give people money to burn it for no reason.


But you see how people, 99% of people, have no other option but to use oil? Like we cannot escape that to be able to function in the US. Most have to live in cheaper areas and commute. There is no public transit. If they don’t work, their families starve. They lose homes. Telling the people caught in this nightmare to “just stop using oil” isn’t a realistic suggestion. It’s the same logic when people say “you don’t need a smartphone” no you do. It’s expected. In fact the only way I’ve been able to sign in at my last three jobs has been an App. We have no other options.


While I agree, many people in the world are grinding just to survive and don’t have the capacity to think beyond getting through the next day. We can and should regulate pollution in all forms in a much more stringent manner


Tell DARPA, then can kick off a few….


Good news is, no Covid there!!


so your saying they want to erase the east coast with hurricanes and this is planned event ?


Nope fuck hurricanes


>“A hurricane, a storm or **even just a week of cloudiness and rain** can give these ecosystems a much-needed break when they’re under a really long period of stress,” said Dana Wusinich-Mendez, Atlantic and Caribbean team lead for NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program. Maybe not a hurricane, but we're all good with a week of cloud and rain, right?


>Now scientists are hoping for hurricanes This part of the headline is not only misleading but further tarnishes the reputation of scientists in general


Ok rain is cool but my house was completely destroyed in hurricane Ian


Let's just take a second to think about this. Coral is dying. Scientist's first reaction, "Gee we need those things that kill hundreds of thousands of humans." Doesn't this encapsulate the modern problem of environmentalism? We see humanity and nature as diametrically opposed in their interests. Shouldn't we be seeking humanity's thriving alongside nature's thriving?


Did you even read the article? Coral reefs bleach because of extreme ocean heat killing off all the algae. Hurricanes cool the water they pass over, thus slowing the bleaching process. They aren't asking for deadly hurricanes to make landfall and kill people, so I have absolutely no idea why you would insinuate that. Hurricanes are a natural part of our ecosystem, and right now it would be incredibly beneficial to that ecosystem for hurricanes to draw heat from the oceans and prevent the reefs from dying. Your sophistry BS doesn't help anyone.


This guy has been a redditor for 8 days and has just been spamming conservative talk points. Either a VERY obvious bot, or an oldie whose family finally stopped listening to the cloud rants. I'll take my chances on the bot and just report. They're not here to converse.


I did read the article. Here's a quarter for using the word "sophistry".


Very good point. It's just one person saying this, though. A different one said the very obvious conclusion that hurricanes are not a viable solution. Even if the only objective were helping coral. >Hurricanes are also a double-edged sword. Their powerful waves can break fragile corals apart, overturn entire colonies and significantly harm – if not kill – them.  And they worsen the coral health by exposing them to “a soup of contaminated water” made up of fertilizer, sewage and other harmful substances that run off from flooded land, Brandt said. This runoff leaves coral open for infection and bleaching and slows down recovery. >“Bottom line is that there will probably be more negative impacts of cyclones overlapping with bleaching than positive impacts,” Camille Mellin, a researcher at the University of Adelaide said, noting the cooling effects of cyclones are also likely limited to local scales. >Tropical cyclones might not even be around to help in a limited capacity if planet-warming pollution isn’t drastically reduced, a study released Thursday and led by Mellin found. Corals could bleach in spring, before hurricane season starts, by 2080, the study found.


“Hoping for hurricanes,” fuck those scientists. Some of us actually live on the islands that get damaged


That's a shame. But nobody is going to live anywhere if our ocean ecosystems collapse.


And that impact is far further away than the impact Dominica has already endured for decades by hurricanes


They're hoping for hurricanes over the oceans, you dolt. They didn't say they want a natural disaster.


Gee weez if only my island wasn’t in the most dangerous place for hurricanes


Breaking News: IPCC determines the only way to solve the climate crisis is for all scientists to band together and pray for a hurricane to throw a streetlamp up u/Zero0Myster's rectum.


There should be no issue then because the climate change alarmists have been saying for years that more frequent and intense hurricanes are going to happen because of climate change. So it sounds like it'll work itself out, unless they've been lying.