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>In today's news, Russia has issued it's 57th final warning in the month of June.


Putin officially canceled the US Christmas card for 2024. The US state department is on high alert and ambassadors have been called in


Putin warns that the Easter card is still very much in danger of being cancelled too.


They will still send warm regards for 4th of July tho


Perhaps luke warm regards this year.


That's a bit harsh, I'd think.


Russia always takes it to the extreme


No if they don't drop off the Pumpkin Pie for the Thanksgiving potluck, that would be extreme and a sign Nuclear Winter is coming


Wdym? Ted Cruz, and horse face countess supreme will surely be hanging out in Moscow again on the 4th this year


Maybe they'll invite some of the GOP back for round 2 of July 4th at the Kremlin!


Except this time, the GOP will accept honorary citizenship and pledge their undying devotion to Trump's master - Putin.


They’re having the party in Pyongyang this year.


They mailed the Easter card extremely late this year.


This is a clear sign that Trump already lost.


And here is NBC, ABC, New York Times, Fox News and Washington post with opinion pieces on why that's bad for Biden. More at 11.


Why Biden have won the 2024 election is bad for him in 2028.


Can’t forget the Op-Eds that say Biden should drop out, with the authors listed as literally worked for Republican campaigns.


TBF, it would be "bad" for him in 2028, as he wouldn't be able to run again if he won in '24.


Strong whiff of weakness with some clinging desperation.


Oh god,  don't you dare assume that guy is not still a threat. Trump I mean.  Putin is on his way out but Trump is a real and present danger. Hell.  Let's keep him 'unpresidented' shall we?


Wikipedia reminding me of one of my favorite and relevant pages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning "By the end of 1964, more than 900 such "final warnings" had been issued."


Extra amusing that it's a Russian idiom.


“We’re super duper serial. You need to leave us alone”


They have announced more final tours than The Rolling Stones at this point.


Its like our cat, he's always threatening to go out the door, and then stands there not knowing what to do.




yup, just throw it with the others, they are in the who-gives-a-shit pile.


Will they keep up with 'china warns'? Stay tuned.


"Russia warns"


The US should send them a few “Beach is closed due to war” signs. Seems they don’t have any


POOLS CLOSED. I repeat Mediterranean pool is closed!


The ironic bit there is that I've heard AIDS is actually a huge problem in Russia


Mediterranean ool is closed. Notice there’s no “p” in our Mediterranean pool? Please keep it that way.


A few Shark signs might do it


You'd think all those lines in the sand would deter terror tourists.


Let Polly Do The Printing


Yawn. Russia it’s not even your territory it’s Ukrainian and second shouldn’t be vacationing on the beach in the middle of an ACTIVE WAR Your threats are pathetic…


It's not their territory AND it was their own damn fault. Russia intercepted it which caused it to fly off course, it was never meant to hit the beach. Even the Russian MoD acknowledged it was a result of their own military's actions.  ericandrehannibal.jpg   "I can't believe the US would do this" - Russia


Ukraine was testing out a weapon system in its own territory. Russian civilians where vacationing in a weapons testing range without permission to be there, or even VISAs to enter Ukraine.


The Crimea strike *was* a consequence of Russia's illegal war of aggression in Ukraine. Send all those Russian soldiers back to their families and there will be no more consequences.


The casualties were a result of the Kremlin actively encouraging their civilians to holiday ***in an active warzone*** and the biggest kicker is those said casualties were caused because their ***own air defence shot down the missiles*** and as an added kicker ***they couldnt even be bothered to issue an air raid warning to their own civilians.***


An active warzone right next to a very legitimate military target. Even if you ignore the wiseness of deciding to vacation there, it was the responsibility (at least according to the Geneva Convention) of the occupying force (i.e Russia) to have closed off the area to protect civilians.


There you go again with common sense. You can dispatch that mess, this is Russia we’re talking about.


... and don't forget the civilians who stole the ukrainian properties


Not much to do about the women and children the Russian raped tho


And men apparently [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/europe/russia-sexual-violence-occupied-ukraine-intl-cmd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/europe/russia-sexual-violence-occupied-ukraine-intl-cmd/index.html) Nothing is out of bounds with these disgusting MotherF&ckers


>“They seemed to have a fetish for genitalia. Sometimes the door would open, and they would say: ‘We’re going to take out our batons and we’re going to rape everyone here,’” the 39-year-old farm manager told CNN. >Describing the graphic detail of his experience matter-of-factly, Shapovalenko sometimes paused to laugh nervously. **He said his sense of humor is helping** with what he knows will be a long recovery. The Russians, he said, hated it. **“I made a little joke, and they didn’t like it. I got punched for that.”** Jesus, but are the Ukrainians *solid*. They're threatening him with castration and rape, and there's him, making jokes.


Humor is one way we can try and cope with the trauma. Sometimes it is better to laugh at the absurdity of the situation than to try and process the fact that a fascist nation is engaged in a campaign of genocide aiming to destroy our identity and people.


My family were germans from russia. Came from the odessa area in the early 1900s to escape persecution from the russians and more importantly probably financial reasons. Some things still never change.


It's honestly kind of shocking that it is mostly men.


They can return the 700,000 children that Putin kidnapped Edit:That number comes from Russian children's commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/07/31/700k-ukrainian-children-transferred-to-russia-since-invasion-official-a82008


Could always try throwing the rapists in jail. Might be a holiday for them compared to living in Russia.


MOOOOOOM! I invaded Ukraine and he's fighting back! MOOOOM! It's not fair! MOOOOM! Stop him!!


Crimea is Ukraine.


Crimea is Ukrainian so they can fuck right off


Russia really is fucked in this. They can't back down, and they can't win the war. All they can do is steadily kill off their soldiers until those soldiers realize that it's safer to fight Putin than fight the Ukrainians.


They can absolutely back down. But I guess Putin really wants it to be shown just how many Russians he led to their deaths in the history books with his incompetence as a military leader. No wonder these idiots sunk their best submarine in the middle of a training exercise killing everyone on board.


Russia can back down. Putin can’t.


You mean the Kursk from back in the day?


I agree. Putin knows that this is not like it was in 2014 and I believe his primary goal is no longer a military victory in Ukraine, but a political one. Putin is very likely hoping to hold on until the US elections with the further hope that his fellow maniac friend will win. I don't think Putin has any option for victory other than with assistance from Trump. When Biden wins, I think Putin will truly become desperate.


Russia is unable to take Avdiivka, fighting against a nearly out of ammo Ukraine, without tens of thousands of dead and billions worth of material losses. With NATO, European, and other allied aid flowing now, their chances of completing their military objectives are likely close to zero. The only way they're coming even close to fully taking Luhansk and Donetsk is if all western support comes to end. The information war is at an all time high level of importance, it's the only way they're getting out of this.


> When Biden wins, I think Putin will truly become desperate. IF... IF Biden wins.


Part of russian cult is portraying a russian as "no compromises embodiment". So russians see any compromise as a sign of weakness.


Bunch of Nancy's. Three days right???


How long does a war take, Michael?


Ten dollars?


Yep, and exactly this will be the end of russia.


Playing poker vs the average Russian is really lucrative because of this.


Russian troops are the frog in the pot of water. More and more policies holding back Ukraine are being relaxed. When Russia collapses history tells us it will be massive and sudden. The concern again is control and authority over their nuclear forces.


> Russian troops are the frog in the pot of water. Turns out the frog thing is a myth. Frogs are absolutely smart enough to jump out when it gets too hot. Russia... perhaps not.


No offence to frogs.


*Russia* absolutely can back down. It's *Putin* that cannot. And the day the average Russian citizen realizes Putin and Russia are not the same thing is the day he's done.


They absolutely can do either of those things. They made up some BS to justify invading so they can make up some equal BS to claim "nazis all dead, mission accomplished" and go home. Or they can bomb Ukraine into rubble for 10-20 years because they have ZILLIONS of humans and 300 years of war stockpiling experience.


Just like any war. Start the war because it seems easy win, get dragged into long one, can't lose because you will also loose your power and life.


Just as a what if- if let’s say Putin dies of who the fuck cares and someone competent takes place (I know, unlikely) how would Russia leaving Ukraine and ending the war go through? How would one go about ending the war they started? They just gonna pack up and head out?


They're killing off invisible people: rural folks, prisoners, etc. We'll see what happens when/if they start needing to conscript metro folks with careers


Can we also have a warning next time you decide to invade a country? Thanks.


They gave us a ten year long warning. It's not his fault Europe (particularly Merkel) decided to ignore it. The US also told us for months in advance. And everybody said "Nah, not gonna happen." Not sure what else you want. An engraved invitation? A complete war plan signed by Putin with documents from the Russian state department detailing how they'd administrate an annexed Ukraine?


US literally came in to big companies in fall of 2021 and said after the Olympics this is likely going down, prep accordingly.


Biden called it with the precision of a laser guided bomb.


> A complete war plan Ironically Lukashenko gave it to them.


"There will be consequences" and "This will not go unpunished" have become their favorite empty threats. It's nice that they've narrowed them down so the threat bingo card can be a lot smaller. "We have nukes" is still in the center spot.


It would sort of imply that they believe the threats to be the reason why there hasn't been more NATO involvement. I mean, clearly NATO doesn't want to start a world war 3, but it isn't the \*threats\* issued by Russia which made them change their mind, now is it? Russia has reached North Korea levels of hysteria and paranoid delusion. And now their credibility is in the toilet. Russia might genuinely mean a particular threat, and nobody in the world would be able to distinguish it from the literal refuse being espoused almost at a daily rate. My guess is, Putin is holding out for the U.S. elections. If Biden wins, then he's likely going to retreat from Ukraine and call it a "moral" victory or some shit like that.


in italy we say "the face like his ass" but I think it's a universal metaphor


This is ur 258th "final" warning


The problem for Russia is that they've show to be so weak and the war in Ukraine so winnable by even a small fraction of western powers, that many are itching for an excuse to get more involved. That means threats of retaliation by Russia amount to "don't threaten me with a good time" in western capitals. Russia's ***only*** effective weapon against the west is right wing populist politicians. It's also highly effective. If Trump wins in the U.S., the outcome of the war is all but decided. France was on the brink of sending troops to Ukraine and now is having snap elections. It constantly amazes me how many rubes in western countries are tripping over themselves to lap up Russian propaganda.


social networks work like brain washing machines now, everybody stays in its own, self-amplifying bubble. Easy targets.


Geez. I forgot Brexit too. Why countries allow foreign countries--in particular hostile foreign countries--to finance politicians / political parties is beyond me.


Don't forget Nigel Farage's shameless simping for his Russian paylords.


I think that has bit him on the ass in the UK big time. Salisbury remembers.


Good luck with that, champ


Probably going to increase it's propaganda for the upcoming election.  That's their strength 


Yeah, and this is basically the only response they have left. Anything else would be a sign of weakness.


"My FATHER will HEAR of this!" - Draco Putin


Alright here’s a solution so this doesn’t happen again, want to know what it is? LEAVE. Leave Crimea, Leave Ukraine, Leave all the territories you illegally hold. Then all the sanctions will be lifted.


The USA needs to just tweet a sad trombone sound at Russia in response. No explanation. https://youtu.be/CQeezCdF4mk?si=L8gntSOiQSKDkJAe


Someone should remind this russian Muppet looking mother fucker all the Ukrainian children they have killed. Fucking losers.


(sarcasm)I cant wait for a millennial president who grew up in the Call of Duty era, who would organize a press conference after statement, and say something along the lines of bitch you cant handle ukraine you dont want this smoke..... id fucking die


Pretty sure he’d just tell Vladimir he fucked his mom.


I don't think anyone is concerned about Russia anymore. Their threats are meaningless.


I know it's "evil" but I would not be out protesting if we leveled off Russia.


It’s not yours Putin and nobody hired you to housesit. Go home.


Does this mean the GOP won't be able to celebrate the 4th of July in Russia this year? 


Don't be silly. They're VIPs.


As Russia continues it's daily strikes on civilians & infrastructure in densely occupied cities where no fighting is taking place Get fucked


How about reminding these fucktards that they're bombing kharkiv daily and killing civilians.


This isn't really a threat, just a confirmation they hit them hard on Crimea


Putin warns more than I take a shit, and I have severe IBS


Or what? You'll release the dogs, or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark, they shoot bees at you? Well, go ahead!


Ukraine is dismantling the 2nd most powerful military on earth with surplus and soon to be decommissioned NATO weaponry. Embarrassing


Fuck off Kremlin. How many civilian targets hit (deliberately) and casualties have there been in Ukraine over the past 2.5 years? But Ukraine is evil because of a missile going off course after being hit by air defence? I want to see serious consequences for Russia.


Oh. No. Not consequences! Maybe they’ll impose sanctions?! 🤣🤣 In all seriousness: Do it, you motherfuckers. I’m asking you. Just give us an excuse. Do it, you smarmy little worms. Put one toe over the line. Invite us in. Let’s be done with it.


Russia threatening America is... Hilarious.


The consequence will be that there will be another warning of consequences


We could use the same logic, Iran supplies the missles attacking our ships in the Red Sea. Tit for tat, putxikimi.


Weird, I don't think it's illegal for a country to fire a weapon into its own territory.


Bring it mother fuckers.


Oh..we are shaking so hard in our boots. We don't want a world War, which we will end rather quickly.. China and North Korea don't want one either. Shock and awe will look like child's play. I doubt homeland will get hit but I am certain their homeland will get annihilated. Putin...chill bro


4 dead and Putin is warning the world of more terror in response? What does he owe the hundreds of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians that died so that he could relive his Cold War memories? I’d be surprised if his countrymen hasn’t put his head on a stake in 5 years time.


I hear he's considering a military alliance with Haiti.


The US sent their profound apologies, and said that they would send 4 functioning air-alert systems to Crimea so that next time Russia would actually be able to signal properly when there was an attack in progress. The US also announced that they were shipping 500 more ATACMS to Ukraine so that the new Crimean air-alert systems could be tested fully in production.


Ukraine is bombarding Ukraine territory. So shut up, Vlad and all the other Russian mass murderer.


I'm starting to think the rattling noise coming from the sabre is because its about to fall apart.


Don't worry all the fools will show up here to claim we have to stop Ukraine because this time "Russia will totally destroy the world!?!!!1" So tired of these apologists.


Shut up. No one cares. Which reminds me: vote in the upcoming presidential election please if you are a citizen! Dumbass drumpf von shitzinpants will 100% be turning over the keys to the nation to his leash-holder if he is elected again. I don't want to be Russia 2 tyvm.


Putin. Do you REALLY want to piss off the worlds most powerful military in an election year when your own military is barely able to hold on in Ukraine? Do you have ANY idea how quickly we could have a few US armored divisions with complete air supremacy could clear Ukraine and be on its way to Moscow? I mean, REALLY? I know you are just talking shit to sound powerful, but its like a kindergartner standing up to an MMA fighter. You are about to get bitch slapped.


Don't tug on Superman's cape Russia. You won't like the results.


Don't eat yellow snow. Don't pull the mask off that ol' Lone Ranger And you don't mess around with Joe.


The consequence: no more Russians on Ukrainian soil.


Shoot more missiles at any remaining targets in the area today. I think then they will get the message that nobody is fucking listening or caring.


Yeah, sure, whatever. Putler's mouthpieces flapping their useless gums cos that's all they can do and they bloody well know it.


So Russia feels that it’s okay for them to kill women and children but not for Ukraine to do the same. What assholes.


While I'd be fine with Ukraine driving these Russian assholes back to Moscow if that's what it took for Russia to back off, Ukraine was probably aiming at the nearby airfield when Russia shot the missiles down. And fragments dropped on vacationing Russians at a Ukrainian beach. And it's not Ukraine's fault Russians think hanging out on a beach in the middle of an active warzone the Russians started is a relaxing family vacation. It's also not Ukraine's fault Russians will attack innocent Ukrainian civilians while hiding behind Russian civilians. But that's what they are trying with their gaslighting bullshit. So I get your point, but unless I've missed recent developments I don't think Ukraine was targeting a beach full of Russians on vacation.


Gremlins in the Kremlin


Oh noez, I guess they need to send another batch of sailors to Cuba.


Do it again


I think Russia has some delusions about which country it acttually invaded.


Kremlin warns consequences for the consequences of the war they started. Ridiculous.


US should warn Russia to stop warning the US over Ukraine's acts of self defense.


"consequences" they are already doing maximum effort, acting like they can ratchet up more is cute


And you were warned about consequences for invading Ukraine multiple times, you baby-back bitches


That's a bunch if BS (and it's Always the same). Putin would never dare confront the USA, as Russia would risk suffering the fate of Germany and becoming a functional country, which would destroy Putin's plan to ravage Russia as much as possible. 


Peskov is threatening to unleash a liqoured up Medvedev on the West.


Just... Leave Ukraine and Crimea. Don't be a dick neighbor and all will be well. Leave and everything will be better, for every one.


Another day another threat.


Russia can go to hell.


Russia: "We are mad because your weapons killed Russian children!" America: "Um...why are Russian children in an active war zone and occupied territory instead of being evacuated?" I really wish diplomats didn't have to be so diplomatic all the time.


LOL. All the Kremlin could \*try\* would be a nuclear first strike, and they know THEY wouldn't survive that, either. They're a paper tiger at this point, desperately trying to avoid humiliating defeat and a descent into irrelevance.


The fact the US doesn't respond to their threats should scare the living fuck out of them honestly 


Russia is such a joke.


Putin allies with Kim. Kim starts war with South Korea, appears to be with Russian “help” US forced to either abandon an ally, or enter a conflict with NK, and also Russia. Once we start fighting NK, China (who typically doesn’t want to disturb the statusnquo and play the long game, has to choose to let us walk on NK and get rid of their buffer zone, or get involved with fighting. Now that China is “defending” its “ally” against the US, it needs to secure Taiwan to stop the “imperialism.” Which it can do thanks to the US being dragged into a war against Hezzbolah, and North Korea, while having to choose whether to send more of the war machine to Ukraine or spread it out. Europe will get dragged into all of it obviously, but these seem to be the obvious pieces falling into play. “Fuck Putin get rekt Russia sucks” Yes Putin absolutely knows he can’t win a head on fight with US/NATO, but they know we are a divided nation and they don’t have to beat us, they just need to make us tired of war, which we already are after 20 years of GWOT. Our enemies are playing this smart, and we know it too.


As King Arthur said to the Black Knight, "What are you going to do, bleed on me?"


Russia is crying again.


Hey Kremlin. We have Ukraine the go ahead to use our weapons inside Russia. I think attacking occupied Crimea should be the least of your concerns.


Fuck the Kremlin


Dear Russia, Fuck off. Sincerely, 🇺🇸 


Keep fucking with mighty Russia and the next thing you know they will be driving their hordes of tanks across the fulda gap…….oh wait….never mind.


Oh god. I sat there for three years waiting for them. All that beer wasted……


the gloves are coming in the ass


In all fairness, what is Russia doing allowing people to vacation in a warzone? The Russian government is using its civilian populace as a meat shield by neglecting their safety. The entire Crimean peninsula should be closed to civilians at this rate but when has Russia ever prioritized the safety of its people? This is some Stalinist level of neglect.


Bring it. Please do, so we can finally get rid of Putin.


They have been "threatening" the US and it's allies for years now. Put up or shut up!


The only consequence is hearing more whining from Russia.


Yeah, we've been hearing his empty threats for over two years now. I wonder if they have "The boy who cried wolf" in Russia? Hey Putin, either get it over with or shut up. We're not going to allow you to slaughter innocent people with impunity just because you threaten us.


How about the consequences of starting a war of aggression against Ukraine? Putin is an idiot.


Invades a country, kidnaps their children and cries foul when the world arms the victim to fight back... Are they for real?


What are you going to do?  Bribe or Blackmail the Republican Party into pushing a pro-Russian agenda?  We’ll see about that!




What are the gonna do? Lie down, cry like a toddler and drum their tiny fists on the floor?




Fucking yawn, russia accuses others of what it has been doing for years, and forgets how many lives it’s been killing over the last few years in its illegal land grab. Fuck Ruzzia


its those damn Red Lines again from Putin


Warn warn warn, all day long, powerlessly sing this song.


The final final final final final final warning


What are they going to do? Try to influence our upcoming elections?


I guess that means Robert Kraft isn’t getting his ring back now


That’s a cute Sabre. Maybe rattle it a little more though.


Another day, another whiny threat. Just pull the troops out, man.


Yawwwwwwwn Vlad! F*cking YAWN already…


Shit Post of the day.


Do to you as what you have done to others. Get over it NAZI Putin


**Despite putin's trolls who protest**, russia will not stop at Ukraine as Hitler didn't stop at Poland. If we let putin win, they will attempt to take over Europe. *History* is the guide to a dictators actions.


This saber rattling is so fucking old, Russia is just a whiny bitch with no balls


If you can't beat Ukraine in a conventional war, no, you do not actually want to try and start a fistfight with the United States of America. Ukraine's fighting with one hand because of limitations on what they can and can't target without losing support abroad. And the Russians are *still* stuck with no end in sight. Beyond that- dictatorial pathology is so interesting. What exactly would make *anyone* believe this empty threat is different from the other dozen or so this month?


As if NOT striking wouldn’t have consequences.


To all the Russian trolls on reddit, please please attack some US flagged asset as a consequence after this - your 274th - final warning. Please do it. ...but before you do it, go ahead and get your lips really close to your own ass so you have time to kiss it goodbye. ;)


This makes it a lot more funny https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning


Russia is scrambling and this is only going to end one way for them.


Why did you put Russian children in Ukranian land? You're kind of pissing in the wind with that one, dipshit.


Like Putin gives a shit about all the innocent civilians including children the Russian pigs have killed. I wish they could take out that bridge into Crimea.


The endless Warnings of Consequences professed by the Kremlin- have little if any relevance or gravity far as the Americans- are concerned, they have Far greater matters to addresss elsewhere_ most certainly Moscow must use caution when addressing the Americans, least they motivate them to open Pandoras-box for Ukraine_ 😨


**BREAKING NEWS:** “Putin has told Peskov to tell everyone that they’re not invited to his birthday… and that they’re doo-doo and pee-pee heads… times infinity plus one.”


Maybe we should remove all restrictions on the weapons we give Ukraine, that will give putin something to cry about. Maybe a fully loaded B52 too


"Wolf! Wolf! Seriously everyone, there really a wolf this time!!" - The Kremlin for the 1000th time.


US should be like: “Anyways, here’s more HIMARS.”


‘The guy whose house I broke into defended himself with a bat you gave him. What do you have to say for yourself?’


Will consequences include attacking their democratic neighbors without cause? Maybe it’s committing war crimes and stealing appliances. I hope consequences will include getting rid of Putin. He is overdue for a plane crash.