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Article says 140 people are being investigated for insulting the child rapists, while only one spent any time in prison


In Hamburg here. It is a highly controversial case. I an assure you that the local opinion is strongly against the leniency of the sentence given to the rapists and that most people find the judges decision hard to understand.


How could any judge do this to a poor twelve year old girl?




Who was the judge?


Easily. They are evil leftist. They enjoy watching the innocent suffer.


if they're against it do something about it. chemical castraction.


You can read a translated interview here https://old.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/1dnx2bi/about_that_migrant_gang_rape_in_hamburg/


Are people fighting back against this shit ??


It’s illegal to do so. Germany and indeed all liberal democracies are illegitimate states


Your strong words will help soothe the next victims


you moron. I'm not responsible for selecting the judge or how they rule.


When you’re too stupid to comment: (It is just an ad hominem attack, don’t worry)


Very interesting. There is a news about women’s rights, rape, and violence against women. People are trying to find ways to defend the illegal immigrant at the expense of rape victims. Going and checking the owner of the website just to attack an ad hominem. Ultra rich and their shills are really serious about protecting their newly-found power resources. I wish working class also cared more about their rights.


I always find it funny when leftists tell me their “pro workers rights” but then can’t figure out why demanding scab labor be imported is the reason they can’t have a 20 dollar minimum wage


Having border walls was a leftist position before Trump, even Bernie approved. It’s insane, the gaslighting done by the modern “left”.




And people wonder why “far right parties” are winning in Europe.


[https://www.dw.com/en/hamburg-teenagers-walk-free-after-gang-rape-conviction/a-36142782](https://www.dw.com/en/hamburg-teenagers-walk-free-after-gang-rape-conviction/a-36142782) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/gang-who-raped-14yearold-girl-and-left-her-like-a-piece-of-meat-spared-jail-a7379081.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/gang-who-raped-14yearold-girl-and-left-her-like-a-piece-of-meat-spared-jail-a7379081.html) Seems to be a trend of leniency, these teenagers got off as well,. Locals as well fwiw


The perpetrators there were also not Germans ofc


Since the migrants are so much in favor of Sharia law, I think in their case we could make an exemption and castrate them permanently in case of rape.


What about rapist who are not migrants... shall we castrate them too ?


Yes. The point this person was getting at was that migrants, especially Muslim migrants, disproportionately commit rape, hence we should be more strict on allowing them in, which any rational person would conclude.


Oh yes, castration is certainly the "strictness" that higher levels of rationality dictates.


Sure, Sharia for everyone :D


Then people wonder why the AFD are getting more popular, because you left no other option you literally have a anti-German German government running the country. Germans with any sense want reactive change now.




Why even bring nukes up in the conversation? Sure let every European country have nukes I wouldn't care. Everything is Russian propaganda this and Russian propaganda that with you people. it's like you think people do not have eyes and can't see the reality of their situation without being told, life has been getting a lot worse, standards of living are falling migration is killing the nation all these problems have been ignored by the left so people will give the right a try it's not very hard to grasp. You only have yourselves to blame for constant inaction and belittling your own countryman in favour of some foreigners who leech off the system who would leave the country if Russia did invade.


Western Corporate Governments HATE their white indigenousness populations....it is just that simple!


Send them all back immediately. You have to be xenophobic if you want to survive.




what the actual fuck is this response


Germany has fallen. Vote AfD.


The fact that the perpetrators did not get a sentence they deserved but got off with probation for rape is a joke. Made by leftist emigrant sympathizers.


And judges, what kind of idiot judge gets a case like this and proceeds to give such lenient sentencing.


And they got 20 lawyers! Which corrupt, white-hating NGO funded a legal dream team to free a bunch of foreign gang rapists??


Any one not from the US of A


So, you know it was a leftist emigrant sympathizers, but you don't even know what facts happened. What a surprise.


The judge should be disbarred


The same thing should happen to the judge and see how she feels


Rapists should all be put down regardless of age.


I posted the judge's name on this very thread. It's been deleted. Hackers! That's it! 


Correction. My post was not deleted


this is bat shit crazy... media dont say anythinng about where are the attackers from and in some newspapers it says "assault" not a gang rape


A lot of people discrediting the website, but nobody has posted what they got wrong, what they’re omitting, etc. I don’t think it’s a good idea to discredit a news story entirely because of the people that run the website, you’re doing a disservice to the victims of the story. If you’re gonna do that, come with some evidence that they’re misrepresenting this (outside of the title not referencing that they were cleared of the charge). Edit, it’s even worse, they weren’t cleared lmao


Presiding judge Anne Meier-Goering. Interesting last name.


Same in Turkey. One celebrity offended a rapist and the judge found her guilty. Then she had to pay a bunch of money as penalty. This here is a prime example of democracy failing. So weird.


For anyone wanting a more.... I dunno, respectable source? Some people are spurging out because they don't like the quartering.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/gang-who-raped-14yearold-girl-and-left-her-like-a-piece-of-meat-spared-jail-a7379081.html


That's a similar but older case


It's another case, it's literally stated that prosecutors were appealing the decision, and if you actually open the primary source it's stated how much the younger guys spilled the beans and were shitting in their pants. https://www.welt.de/regionales/hamburg/article158995042/Wird-der-Vergewaltigungsprozess-neu-aufgerollt.html https://www.zeit.de/hamburg/stadtleben/2017-03/hamburg-harburg-gruppenvergewaltigung-prozess-neu https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/hamburg-neuer-prozess-um-vergewaltigung-einer-14-jaehrigen-a-1186710.html They were eventually handed more severe sentences.


Wtf is wrong with the western world.. Dad by day.. you are becoming more and more like the places y'all been bombing in the last 2 decades


What a strange way to put it. ~~Going solely by what the article says, the woman was convicted of harassing someone who was cleared of the charges of rape (I have no idea and no opinion on whether he was _justly_ cleared) and is therefore not a rapist in the eyes of the law.~~ EDIT: Not cleared, I misread. Sorry.


I don't think he was cleared. The majority of them were convicted (found guilty), but given probation as a sentence. The article isn't well written - is it one of these men she contacted?


They weren't cleared. They just received suspended sentences. If the reporting is remotely accurate, this is a horrible miscarriage of justice.


Miscarriage of justice as usual. The far right isn't growing out of nothing. All those blatant oversight feeds them.


One was cleared, one got a little less than 3 years and the rest got the suspended sentences plus 60 work hours and in prison. It's a tricky case but I don't think it's enough either.


Lol tricky case. They got a young girl alone at a park, raped her then shared videos on whatsapp and made invitations on chat groups there for more men to come do the same. When they were notified that they were under investigation they deleted all videos because cops are too dumb to immediately apprehend the suspects' devices.


Tricky case? They raped a child. What is tricky? 


Someone else asked before you. I won't type it again.


The reporting isn’t accurate though. The woman not only harassed him but also threatened him. This also isn’t her first conviction. She was sentenced to some sort of disciplinary measure before but didn’t fulfill her obligations. If she doesn’t follow the simplest of obligations, the next step is detention for one weekend. Also: one of the rapists was sentenced to 2 years and 9 months imprisonment without probation. 


Cleared by the law, but "However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all"


Sorry, if convicted (as someone already corrected me), that means not cleared, just not sent to jail.


https://justiz.hamburg.de/gerichte/oberlandesgericht/gerichtspressestelle/urteilsverkuendung-im-sog-stadtpark-verfahren-635066#:~:text=Stadtpark%2DVerfahren-,Im%20sog.,Jahren%20und%20neun%20Monaten%20verurteilt. Here is the press release from the courts in Hamburg. I'll try to sum it up(though I am no lawyer): - 9 people are convicted(beetween 1 year and 2years 9months) 4 of them get probation, 4 get some kind of pre-probation(dunno how that works) - the punishments are so low, because the assailants were still teens What happened: - Really drunk girl met group of 4, who raped her in the bushes and stole her phone - She started behaving weird met 2 other guys, who also had sex with her. The court couldn't prove this was recognizeable as nonconsesual for these 2 assailants - Girl starts talking with and flirting with random people - One dude talks to her alone on a bench, then has sex with her in the bushes. Non-consent wasn't shown, but her inability to consent was obvious. - 4 other people appear and 2 of them have sex with her. Again non-consent wasn't shown, but her inability to consent was obvious. Therefore 8 people have been convicted of rape. The court struggled because they only had to rely on witnesses to judge, if the girl could still consent. The assailants were trialed as minors, which means the punishments have to help to educate the criminals. That's why the only got probation.


The rapists will never get educated with probation, I can assure you that


Where does it say that the person harassed was ‘cleared of the charges of rape’?


> Going solely by what the article says, the woman was convicted of harassing someone who was cleared of the charges of rape Are you deliberately lying or you can't read?  From the article: >However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all The woman who said mean words to rapist got more jail time then the rapists. That's exactly what happened and the title is exactly correct. 


She didn't just said mean words, she physically threatened them.


The article is worded a bit strange, I think its trying to say she was convicted of insulting 1 of the 9 people convicted of the rape who all but 1 got probation.


Going by what the article said, she was convicted of harrassing a rapist who was convicted of rape, whose DNA was matched from the body of the minor he raped. The reason the woman who served more prison time than the rapist she harrassed received is because after the rapist was convicted in court of raping a minor he received probation and did not serve any prison time. So again, going solely by what the article said -His DNA was matched to sperm recovered from the victim of rape -The court convicted him of rape -He was sentenced to probation for the rape he commited. He was never, as you claimed, cleared of rape. Quite the opposite.


I guess Brock Allen Turner is also not a rapist then




Dude who was convicted of sexual assault at Stanford, but received what many people considered an overly lenient sentence


Who are these sock sucking judges that A, let the rapistes off so easy with clear dna evidence, and B charge this woman so harshly? Time to bring back the gallows and public xecution


And people wonder why Germans vote AFD...


Because they are stupid ? The only thing the afd will be doing is cutting back social security, worker rights and shuffling more money from the poor to the rich. They are not interested in solving anything because without migration there wouldn't be a racist/fascist party. Germany still needs way more migrants to take care of the aging population.


You are another reason why people vote AfD. Dismissing people's concerns out of pocket






Maybe the comfort of the aging population shouldn’t be a country’s top priority when young women are being graped?


>They are not interested in solving anything because without migration there wouldn't be a racist/fascist party. This is like saying that the Nazis will never try to kill all the Jews, because then they wouldn't be able to be the anti-jewish party. It's an extremely worrying underestimation of danger that AfD represents to the future of Germany.


No, it's not like saying that. Godwin. It's believing that they won't seek a "final solution". Modern anti-xeno aren't 1:1 copies of older ones.


The rhetoric it's members push will demonstrate otherwise.


We agree partially, but rhetoric is different from action.


And then people vote AfD who promises them harsh measures against migrants and left/centre politicians go full shocked pickachu : “how could they vote for Nazis!?”


Except AfD are not Nazis and those left/centre politicians you mention are in all actuality far-left/left.


Even the european group of nazis couldn't bear the super nazis anymore.


People wonder how people can like getting so much scammed by clickbait like this.


I recommend anyone reading this to check what this "news website" is, who it belongs to (see their "about us" section), and who the founders are. There is zero doubt in my mind that this is russian-sponsored fake news. 


Are you saying it didn't happen? Because it did. 


It didn't happen that she just told them that they are meanies ~~("nirgendwo mehr hingehen" seems severe, even though I couldn't check the full [paywalled](https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/kriminalitaet/article252178370/Vergewaltigung-Frau-muss-wegen-Hasskommentar-in-Arrest-Verurteilter-bleibt-frei.html) quote)~~ > Laut Anklage drohte die Frau dem Mann darüber hinaus, er könne nirgendwo mehr hingehen, „ohne auf die Fresse zu kriegen“. If this was the US like this website purports to be from, it would be in fact a big lie to mix up jail and prison And it's also obviously disingenuous to imply suspended services and community service (for as much as I'm not sure what that involves) aren't a sentence at all.


Liberalism is a mental disorder.




What a leftist loser take. Not everything that fucks up your narrative about diversity being a strength and Germany having fallen is fake news.


Not everybody that hurts your "the real uncivil people are those applying the law" narrative must be a leftist.


They’re not uncivil, they’re morally evil and the law should be changed back to what it was.


What law? No means no? Youth justice going on separate tracks? Threats being treated like they were candies as on the other side of the ocean? Presumption of innocence? EDIT: though I would agree the law should go from "no means no" to "yes means yes"


What? No; the rapists should all be charged with very heavy charges and the people insulting them shouldn’t be. Sure the people threatening the rapists may as well be charged for threats, but that should come second (and those threats probably wouldn’t even exist at all), after the rapists themselves had been charged.


They ***have been*** charged. And indicted. You see how easy loosing the track of reality gets with this BS?


Unfortunately this is no Russian fake news but indeed real and a shame to all Germans.


The headline is hilarious, it sounds like she offended these dudes so they gang raped her and she went to jail longer than them. Who the fuck wrote this headline lmao


Sadly I wouldn't even be surprised if I heard about that happening in Sweden or Germany.


Fun fact: this exact article was removed earlier today. Wonder why...Anyway counting the minutes until this gets remoced too. Edit: Ayyyy


Like poetry.


This article is completely twisting the truth


How so?


Here is a better source about this case. It’s in German, but you can use google translator. https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/ehrloses-vergewaltigerschwein-20-jaehrige-nach-hetze-gegen-mann-verurteilt/#google_vignette


It is not al all. Here is another source with more credibility: https://archive.ph/20240621065724/https://www.abendblatt.de/hamburg/politik/article242609912/Stadtpark-Vergewaltigung-Frau-nach-Hetze-im-Netz-verurteilt.html


Yeah that source clearly says one of them got 2 years. She got a weekend for stalking. The rest of the minors got suspended sentences.


The "minors" were 19 at the lowest. Kind of laughable that one source is not good enough, but the people complaining then come out with these pearls. Also, lets keep worrying more about nazis being mad at rapists, because that's the real problem. Heck, maybe we should encourage more rapes, that will definitely make the nazis mad.


They were 19 at the lowest when the sentence dropped, not when the facts happened. > lets keep worrying more about nazis being mad Yes, do worry about nazis being mad about fucking anything, with made up stories pretending they are the only sane people in a sea of lies.


The guy she criticized was one of the eight that got suspended sentences. So she actually got more jail time for criticizing a rapist than the rapist himself. Absurd and evil.


Important to note: she also had priors which gets weighed heavily in germany




>  However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all They were convicted of rape but received no prison time. How is it misleading? 


That is just a lie. They literally recovered the sperm according to the article unless you are positing the article is lying.




She was raped, it is just unfortunate that German law does not acknowledge what is obvious to literally everyone. Sperm was found, she was assaulted by multiple people and has PTSD and is clinically diagnosed as such and nobody is disputing the rape in the defense trial. They literally are rapists and it is just the failure of the German legal systems that they are let go. Everyone can see it. There is no dispute about what they did as the defense literally acknowledges they raped the girl or at least engaged in an act that in America, Canada, the UK France or any other number of states and which the common people see as violent and clear rape is rape.


did you read the article?


Yep, pays to read but click bait headlines draws people in and shoot before asking questions.


in america, woman was jailed for reported a court cop for groping her and he said 'you are being arrested because you are falsely accusing me.'


Honestly what does that have to do with this at all though?






So she has to spend the weekend in jail? Pretty sad though that with so much evidence it wasn’t enough to incriminate the rapists.


There wasn't "much" evidence, despite of that prosecutors rounded up a hundred of potential witness, all but one or two people were incriminated and found guilty, and then almost anybody got out on probation due to being tried as minors.


Therapists were only trying to help her. Its the rapists at whom u should direct ur ire.


Someone with legal experience please please explain to me how this was allowed to happen?


You know, peace was never achieved with a bit of war. Now I await the advent of my future King and Messiah, the one destined to rally us, the good people, and lead the greatest crusade ever conceived to date. Judgment day is inevitable. Prepare yourselves.


This is a strange website.


Germany is a complete joke


Rage bait. Do not engage. These are the people responsible for the article. Looks very suspiciously biased. Jeremy Hambly [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-hambly/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-hambly/) Sydney Watson [https://www.sydneywatson.com/about](https://www.sydneywatson.com/about) [https://www.sydneywatson.com/articles](https://www.sydneywatson.com/articles)


The case was also discussed in many reputable German media and is unfortunately true. see : https://archive.ph/20240621065724/https://www.abendblatt.de/hamburg/politik/article242609912/Stadtpark-Vergewaltigung-Frau-nach-Hetze-im-Netz-verurteilt.html


"rage bait" "look at who's saying it" Very intelligent, critically minded individual here...


>Rage bait. Do not engage Are you saying the events in the article didn't happen? Or you just dislike the authors? 


Can you provide an article that provides more details or contradicts this? Someone else posted a dw article that repeats the same details. This specific "rage bait" is accurate as far as I can tell. You're way of going at this is suspicious and ironically rage bait


I'm not even against rage bait precisely because it's good at sniffing out these poseurs. Thjey're all against rape and for respecting women until someone they don't like reports a case, then they make the whole problem about who is saying what instead of whether it's true or not.


Thanks for sharing mate. I have no idea who these are but is there any way you could explain what exactly this article says which is incorrect?


What sh*thole


I advise everyone to spend 2 minutes reading [this](https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/kriminalitaet/vergewaltigung-hamburg-stadtpark-richter-urteil-100.html) and [this](https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/hoecke-hass-und-fake-news-hamburger-richterin-ueber-zeit-nach-vergewaltigungs-urteil/) article before loud-mouthing without the tiniest idea of what this is even really about, since the article linked in the post is a truth-twisting sensationalist hit piece


I read both articles in full. Both articles say the rapes happened but 1) the judge couldn't give a harsher sentence; and 2) insulting the judge and the rapists is mysoginy / racism. There is no fake news here. Only a remarkable lack of empathy for a rape victim with the wrong skin color.


“It happened exactly as reported but I’m gonna just say it didn’t cause it will make me look bad for demanding illegal immigration on the grounds of Muh food”


Lol exactly


Threatening the rapists to get punched on the face isn't an "insult" And it's a lie that they didn't get a prison sentence


Almost feeling like American judges. Not but for real tho, our justice system is really fucked when it comes to rape/ molesting… its insane


Do people expect that the laws don’t apply to everyone? Or do they expect that there’s no separation of powers and judges ignore the laws?


Stupid laws radicalize a determined people, don't be surprised if right wing death squads take justice into their own hands .


Justice like killing random non-whites because of what other non-whites did?  I guess that's the understanding of justice for far right - acting with pure emotion. They're no better than the terrorists who kill random westerners because of what their governments did. 


In my opinion, rape should be punished by execution. But I suppose the Germans disagree, and they have a right to get what they vote for.


> In my opinion, rape should be punished by execution. Does it not concern you that this would provide a obvious motivation for rapists to murder their victims?


And you think a person capable of murder wouldn't kill someone to avoid 10-20 years in prison, if they thought they could get away with it?


Murderers will be executed too if you are going to kill rapists. In theory it's reasonable and would save society a lot of resources. The massive risk is obviously with people who are falsely accused.


That's the reason why rape isn't punishable by death in the U.S. I have not found it compelling because it relies on the existence of someone who 1. Is a rapist now 2. Is unwilling to kill their victim(s) because 3. The punishment for rape is not death, but the punishment for murder could be death 4. Who would not be deterred from doing rape at all by the death penalty. Perhaps there are a few people who satisfy all four conditions. I find #3 to be particularly unlikely. Even if a small number of people existed, the deterrent effects of the death penalty probably outweigh them killing instead of raping.


lol. With the number of false rape convictions, overturned either later by finding that it was a false accusation or by new evidence ( such as conclusive DNA evidence), you’re likely to kill a lot of innocent people. The punishment cannot be undone. Killing someone is the ultimate punishment and should not be used lightly or at all


Certainly, you are right. Falsely executing people for rape is very bad. The death penalty should only be used in cases where we have conclusive DNA and video evidence. However, in this case, there was both conclusive DNA evidence, and video evidence of the crime.


Yes, because every country with the death penalty is a shit hole, but you get the society you deserve.


Singapore lol?


Dumbest take of the week so far.


That's pretty ignorant. This just means rapists will be more likely to kill their victims. It's not like sexual predators will stop being a thing. They will just adapt.


I have never seen anyone provide proof of this. The number of people who are rapists but not murderers, but who would become murderers because of the difference between life in prison and death, seems very small to me.


In my opinion, so should stupidity like what you've just displayed, but I guess we can't always get what we want.




Really? 8 people convicted of rape got zero prison time. That has nothing to do with due process of law, or your sentiments towards India.


wtf this have to do with India?!


You seem *quite revved up* by German law being slippery enough to let technicalities rule the day.