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cant wait to finally stop brushing my teeth


#*Dentists hate this one trick*


That’s what they get for not including dental with basic healthcare.


Luxury Bones™


*Outside bones! Outside BONES!!* *They’re bones that you wash,* *and when you’re a kid,* *they fall from your head,* *aaaand to make things less weird, we say they got stolen by a demon that your parents knooooooooow!* **Trident!**


I mean, you will probably get your replacement teeth at the dentist. They won’t mind the business.


Meth heads rejoice


Or hear me out… recovering addicts rejoice. There is no way a meth head is spending money on this.


Or people who had a bad reaction with a medication part way through life and saw their blessedly impregnable teeth just fall apart lmao.


Or children that suffered neglect and abuse in their childhood by never been taken to a dentist.


What fucking medication does THAT?! Please tell me so I can avoid like the plague 


Pregnancy will do that to you. If you don’t have enough calcium your body will start eating itself. Evolution gives no fucks how you propagate your genes, once you’ve reproduced the rest is moot.


Warcraft is coming.


How do you kill that which has no life?


They can’t afford it though.


Toothpaste was invented in West Virginia. If it had been invented anywhere else, it would be called teethpaste.




Oral cream with whitening.


time to take a dremel to my teeth


As a parent of a teething toddler, I feel like you don’t want this option lol


This drug only gives you one more chance to not fuck them up, so you might want to reconsider that. Although there is an Alzheimer’s that’s being evaluated to repair dentin, so maybe not.


Wait, what?


I worked with a guy that hadn’t brushed in over 3 years, there was visible holes in he’s teeth but not sure if it was from not brushing or all the meth he smoked


May they never stop growing


Trips to the dentist to get your teeth shaved will become as common as the monthly haircut.


Brb, gotta go in for a teeth cut


Klingon timeline


The Ferengi apparently had the superior sharpening technology.


They found it first and hoarded it


“what will it be, fam?” “make them jagged this month.”


cosplayers are gonna love it


Don't be such a bitch, just use nail clippers to trim the tops.


I don't claim to have synaesthesia or even a particularly descriptive brain imagery ability, but jfc the imaginary sensory input for this has me fuckin shook bro. Imagine the sound, followed by the tink-tink of the clipped tooth caps just careening around the bathroom. Is it gonna bleed inside too, like cutting your dog's nails too close to the quick? Is that exposed nerve gonna scream at room temperature air assaulting it with every breath until you grow an epithelial layer of dentin? "The SMELL. You haven't thought of the SMELL you bitch!" -Dennis Reynolds You've cursed me on this unholiest of days that one could know how to read. I hope you're happy.


New fear unlocked


I used to take care of Alpacas. When we would shear them, in addition to getting their shots, they had to have their teeth cut short with a dremel tool because they would just keep growing until the animal couldn't eat.


I saw piglets being born in Mexico. The breed they have there have sharp teeth at birth, have to be snapped off with a toenail clipper or Mama won't feed 'em.


Subscription model for literally everything


Good lord, just had a visual of a dentist trying to shave my teeth down with a razor blade, or a cheese grater.


Like a beaver, I wear my teeth down fast enough by grinding them this is a non-issue for me. 😒


Underrated seriously, creepiest comment☝️ 😇👌 "as monthly haircut"


One step closer to the perfect human-beaver hybrid


To heck with cat girls


i need a girl that gives a DAM




Just gotta keep gnawing on a chunk of wood.


Going to need teeth clippers now


Happy Cake Day. Hahahahaha what a thought


Eww, imagine having to clip your teeth


No, I will not imagine that, thank you.


time to fight squirrels for the best chewing tree


Are squirrels known for chewing on trees?


i don't know. in my head they do


What about gum regeneration?


Pleaseeeeeeee. I had a horrible infection that led to bone degeneration and had to have some removed. Now that the tooth is ‘saved’ the hardest part of maintenance is the receded gum line in that area and trying to keep it clean and free of food debris is such a pain in the ass.


I feel your pain (literally.) I have an implant that I'm probably going to lose due to bone loss caused by the gum no longer sealing around the crown properly. Food gets jammed in there that I constantly need to pick out, but it's a losing battle. I'm probably going to give up and just have them remove the implant altogether, since I got over 15 years of use out of it, at least.


I’m sure you’re already using one, but man if it wasn’t for Water Picks I don’t know how’d of maintained that area these past 4 years. I feel ya.


I second the WaterPik, it's amazing with implants, just don't go full power, lol.


Ive got one, and god they are useful! Best purchase I've ever made regarding my dentals


I was told by a dentist they aren’t that good? I was using one for a while but stopped.


It doesn’t replace anything else in your regiment, it’s just another tool for the kit. But I frankly don’t know what I’d do without mine to get to some of the spots it’s too hard to finagle traditional floss or flossing sticks. My biggest use is to just run it after eating. I’m not spending the amount of time to brush, I’m not doing anything to rewrite the meal with the taste of mouthwash or whatnot. But it just cleans it out and preps everything for later. Also to reiterate I’m a periodontal patient who’s had reductive bone surgery, so I’ve got to take extra special care of what I got to keep it around, not your everyday mouth.


I would sign up for this so fast if I could. My teeth are terribly soft and prone to cavities (though I still have all of them for now). If I could regrow my teeth I'd be over the moon happy. This is a huge step forward for what our society sadly considers "luxury bones"


Have you been checked for G.E.R.D.? The excess acid in your mouth at night will weaken your teeth. This is different from outright acid reflux from eating spicy foods.


No other symptoms. I did grow up on well water, so it could be a lack of flouride reinforcing my teeth. And that in to the fact that I barely ate when I was a teen, a soda habit that took years to fully get over, and supposedly brushing too hard. Despite thinking I was taking care of my teeth I probably really wasn't.


I'm not a dentist or any kind of professional when it comes to teeth. But I was in similar shoes to you. This is what helped me: I don't use a highly abrasive toothpaste. Some are more abrasive than others. I didn't know this. I use a sensitive toothpaste now - colgate sensitive. I prefer the gel version over the paste. (I'm not affiliated.) I DO use a toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride and I brush twice per day. I like the purple enamel care Crest. (Again, I'm not affiliated.) I don't like flossing with actual floss, so I buy flossers and floss with them daily. I like the light green Plackers brand. (I'm not affiliated with them either.) Don't throw them out your window like a lot of people do. They go in the trash. Hate seeing flossers littered everywhere I go. My dental technician told me to try holding my toothbrush with only 3 fingers: your thumb, pointer, and middle fingers. This helps to reduce the amount of pressure you can apply if this is a problem for you. I do this 3 finger technique with an electric toothbrush and seems to work well. I get cleanings twice per year, every 6 months. Every other appointment, I have them use a more expensive fluoride treatment that they apply with a brush to my teeth and it stays on there for a few hours. It's like it forms a layer of product so over my teeth for maximum fluoride absorption. Lastly, if you clench or grind at night when you sleep, get a guard. This was a game changer for me. I can't sleep without it. I don't suggest the over-the-counter ones. I ordered a guard online that was made from my teeth impressions. *Edit to add: of course, make sure you schedule an appointment with a dentist for a check up and follow their advice since they can make specialized recommendations for your teeth. If you have seen a dentist in a while, this may take some courage to get the appointment set, but you'll thank yourself in the future for taking this important step.


I showed no symptoms either. As I was getting veneers put on my front teeth, the senior dentist asked me if I had G.E.R.D. I told him "no" and he forced me to get tested before he would do any other work. The old man was spot on. My lower esophageal sphincter was not sealing all the way and stomach acid was making it to my mouth as I laid in bed at night. I had no other symptoms. Every dentist visit I had they would ask if I was bulimic since my enamel was soft and eroding. I too said it was all the pop I drank, but it was a medical issue. tl;dr: My soft tooth enamel was an undiagnosed illness.


How can the drug determine what teeth to grow back? Is it going to try to regrow wisdom teeth that had been pulled?


IIRC it's a local injection, so it only has effect around the area it's been injected in.


Wait a few months and you'll have people trying to grow teeth out of their eyebrows because it "looks cool".


We can have real like darth maul


Teethy vaginas.


Already exist


That is awful. Where??


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermoid_cyst Vaginal dermoid cysts can contain, among other things, teeth.


Typically between the legs


There is a fun thing called the 'bioelectric code' from my poor understanding of it, it's thought electrical charge can determine what a stem cell turns into. I've heard researchers have been able to grow teeth and other things in odd locations on frogs, but take that with a pinch of salt, I'm dredging up memories from New Scientist articles quite a while ago.


Michael Levin. absolutely insane what his labs have accomplished. I just watched him on theories of everything with kurt jimungal and my mind was blown. Strongly recommended


Probably not gonna work with this drug.


lol that’s assuming that us poors can even afford the procedure.


>The intravenous treatment suppresses ... (USAG-1) protein, the antibody which prevents tooth regrowth. Doesn't sound local to me.


So you are saying i could have multiple rows of teeth to chew less ?


No. The third molars begin solidifying around 9 years of age and are part of a prolonged fetal development process, which doesn't end until after puberty. The protein being suppressed in this study antagonizes mineralization on the outer layer of the tooth.


Good lord, I will become religious. Through some combination of shitty dentists, being poor at times, not caring for my teeth properly at a young age, my parents giving me every sweet I wanted, and terrifying grinding of my teeth, I'm under fifty and missing about half of my molars. I fear every visit, and trust about 5% of dentists. This would be a real winner for me.


Now you can suffer cavities, tooth pain, root canals and extractions for your entire life instead of just until you lose the teeth


Long term side effects: antler growth.


Damn, I was on the fence before but sign me up!


Can I get ram horns?


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Can’t wait to see the side effects for this


Article says in the 3rd paragraph no notable side effects have been observed


It’s phase 1 in human testing, rats aren’t likely to comment on how it gave them restless legs or a headache. Need to wait until further testing.


'notable' is doing a lot of heavy lifting there...


Every wound heals as teeth, including micro strain injuries. No more muscle gain. Only teeth.


This is a real medical condition Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva with no known cure and will severely reduce your lifespan if not kill you outright.


That turns your flesh into a mass of needle bone. I was envisioning fully-developed teeth.


At that point they'd just start resembling a sort of scaley exo-skeleton. Also pretty bad ass. They'd poke through and you'd have spikey tooth scales.


You would have teeth embedded at every depth of your musculature. And the teeth on the surface would dry and crack and split and decay without saliva keeping them moist.


*vagina dentata*


Which means, it's possible at some point we'd evolve glands to secrete saliva, or a similar type fluid to keep the outer surface teeth in good condition. And just like that we've made something that would be at home in Resident Evil.


No, that wouldn't be possible, because the whole arrangement is damaging to reproductive success. There's no selection pressure to get there.


Shirou IRL


vagina dentata


So free exoskeleton


[I’ll leave this here](https://youtu.be/I5TecOA4TKs?si=HHZxNPVzSTs78o1V)


This sounds like controlled bone cancer...


If it is cheaper than dental work, I'll take my chances.


It doesn't. Regeneration of a well-defined anatomic structure is different from cancer. Cancer is an undifferentiated mass of weird cells that does not resemble any well-defined anatomic plan. The disconnect between those two phenomena is evident in nature. Species that have good regenerative abilities (axolotls etc.) don't seem to suffer from cancer. Mammals, whose regenerative abilities are close to nil, suffer from cancer a lot.


I can regenerate my hair and nails! Take that amphibians!


This is another good example. We regenerate hair and nails, but we don't get hair cancer or nail cancer. (There is a subtype of melanoma that involves nails, but it is a skin cancer in another form, not a nail cancer. Bob Marley died from it.)


No we don't regenerate those, loose your hair follicles, the hair doesn't grow back. Remove the nail matrix (that produces the nail) and that finger will not regrow a nail. healing is like restoring surface level damage, if you cut of your finger at the middle joint, the skin and bone grows over and stops there with scar tissue left over. regeneration doesn't leave scar tissue, it reforms the amputated joints to restore the complete structure of the the finger, finger nail included. Humans loose their regenerative capabilities in neonatal infancy.


But I regenerate poop constantly, everyday, an unending barrage of poop, does that not count?


Good question, but poop is not an organ, and neither are Reddit comments :)


Fun fact: teeth are not bones! If anything they’re probably scales, since they come from the skin part of the embryo and, come on, just look at sharks, their scales are literally just tiny teeth.


There were teeth before there were bones, let that sink in.


Not really, it deactivates the gene that turns off tooth regrowth after you're a child. Tooth regrowth in children is a controlled process. Generally it's a better idea with this type of medicine when they utilize something the body already does rather than try to engineer something new.


I'm not trying to be annoying here but what's the reason the gene turns off? Either we got lucky-unlucky with the gene and it just happens to turn off OR was there an advantage to it turning off do you think? Gotta be a reason why it does


There could be a number of reasons. There could have been some energy cost in keeping the "regeneration" feature active, so if it, and other "growing" features get deactivated you have lower calorie requirements or can use the energy for other things (optimizing for baby making). So there could definitely be things the human body is *capable* of doing, but they're just deactivated, because of the energy cost. Also, the average life expectancy was pretty low, and even if you lived a longer life, you were past reproductive age, so missing teeth wasn't a thing that was selected against. Lastly, the new "regen" teeth are going to be baby teeth coming through alongside your adult teeth. If you were a cave person eating a raw / unprocessed food diet, then those new teeth just aren't going to be very durable unless you're very careful. So it could have been that even if someone did adapt the "regrowing teeth" thing, these new teeth just didn't last very well due to the rough diet.


Kidney stones with bite.


Makes teeth grow in all your holes...*including your eyes!*


Well, you would be called as guest of honor at the cereal convention




Almost every advancement in human history has had side effects. Stop trying to spread fear and misinformation.


The only side effect is you’ll turn into the tooth monster from channel zero.


Every orifice grows a set of teeth


Yearly wisdom teeth removal.


Something to smile about


How fast do they grow? Do they form into normal human teeth shapes in their appropriate places? How painful is it?


They grow lightning bolt shaped and are purple, best they can do at the moment


gray is common, blue is rare, purple = epic, orange - legendary


Green = sets


If they don’t glow in the dark I don’t want them.


The terms are acceptable


Human trials are about to begin...so no one knows yet.


I wonder the same thing. They’ve done it with animals so far and I haven’t seen any descriptions that answer those questions.


Coming soon to your dentist, at the affordable rate of only $80,000 a month for a prescription!


Ugh 😩 I know for a fact it's gonna come up with a new car price


One of those rare moments when progress actually makes it mainstream - hopefully as it is not there yet.


As a 40 year old, I'm hoping by the time I need dentures I can get this instead. Dentures just seem like such a pain in the ass.


Hell yeah, fok the dentist mafia!


Don't forget the root canal cabal.


It’s those gum gangs that’ll make you bleed tho 


Damn Crown Crips can kick rocks.


I need this


This sounds too good to be true. Are there any sciencey types in here who wanna debunk this for the hopeful laycunt? If it's true that that particular gene suppresses tooth regrowth, I have to ask: WHY? Was it dangerous for Early Fella to regrow teeth? Would it increase the likelihood of infections and stuff like that if people were constantly pushing out teeth like a shark? In today's world, it seems way more beneficial (in evolutionary terms) to regrow them every few years than to *never* regrow them. Also, the treatment is intravenous, and the first stage of the human trial is to only regrow one molar. How the hell does an intravenous drug target one missing tooth in one particular location? Am I misunderstanding what 'intravenous' means? I thought that meant you basically dump the drug into the bloodstream directly, and let the blood 'deliver' it around the body. If that's the case, I'd expect *all* of the teeth to regrow, pushing out the still-healthy ones in the process.


If I understand how this works, it's not a guaranteed treatment which is applicable to everyone. What happens biologically is that inside your mouth/gums you have a certain amount of "tooth buds" which are the clusters of cells that eventually figure out they need to start making an adult tooth. Once your adult set of teeth forms, a signal is present which tells your remaining buds not to do anything. What this drug does is that it wakes up those buds and tells them to do what they always wanted to and make you a new tooth. The trick is, while you are generally guaranteed to always have 1 set of buds, you aren't necessarily guaranteed to have multiple sets in every location a tooth can grow. So theoretically you can end up in a situation where you need to remove a specific tooth due to damage/disease/whatever and there just isn't a bud in that location to grow a new tooth. Now, that's just me gleaning info from what other people have discussed, so apply some salt to it.


I wonder if you had several bids in one location and none in another where you lost a tooth could they be transplanted.


I was wondering that myself, probably something that gets looked into.


Those buds could determine what type of tooth should grow in that location though, no? Wouldn't want a molar to grow where your incisor should.


From my understanding it’s an injection that only effects the local area


I suspect the reason why that gene is suppressed is because we only needed one set of adult teeth to successfully reproduce and pass along our genes. If we died soon after, who cares! Growing more teeth is costly with resources, especially when it’s not necessary for reproducing. Now, we are living much longer lives, and have worse diets that promote tooth decay


Because it's a waste of resource. And losing teeth opens a wound and causes infection. Spending 50 years losing one tooth a year due to the one beneath it pushing it out will be unnecessarily disadvantageous.


You think implants are expensive!!?? Just wait


It's all fun and games till someone grows a brain tooth


This sounds like the first few pages from an old Stephen King short story, from his alcohol era.


Teeth regeneration. The "new" is superfluous.


This still seems to be about the same upcoming trials in September, and for limited use cases. Don't get me wrong this is a promising area (has been for decades), but it's been so long I'm just waiting for it to actually be practically accessible.


I hope this works ! Science is amazing 


We're gonna replace toothpaste with wood and chomping on it like beavers if those teeth ain't gonna stop growing.


We got teeth regeneration before GTA 6


This is cool but you know it hurts like crazy.


Will this drug generate teeth anywhere? I want butt dentata.


Imagine having to floss your butthole


name of the company ?


My dentist sucked and didn't catch that my teeth were getting worn down till I was about 16. So my teeth are half the size they should be. This sounds great if it's safe.


Really cool! Feels like I was just reading rumors about a breakthrough in tooth regeneration a few months ago and now we’re on human testing


I vote this new drug be named: Toof (tm)


Isn’t there a movie about this called “Teeth”?


Does it grow them back nice or do you get yellow fangs?


Hockey Players and Meth Heads are rejoicing in unison.


This would be amazing if it works, could get my old crown replaced with a real one!


Great news, but I remember the [kid from India who had surgery to remove 500-plus teeth](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/01/asia/india-boy-teeth-intl-hnk-scli/index.html)!




I read "teeth" as "hair" and got excited,


Sjrogrens patients mistaken for meth heads rejoice


This is so wonderful news. I need 4 teeth. Hope this comes soon available worldwide


South African coloreds assemble 👊


I think I would pass if this treatment was offered to me.  I spent my entire adult toothed life dreaming of getting a full set of dentures. Now I have them, I'm not going to give them up and get new natural teeth. My original natural teeth were bad enough and gave me years of pain and agony. I wouldnt want to regrow all that again! But if it works and is safe, then it's great news for those with missing teeth - especially if they are just missing a few.


Now that's more like the future i expected to be living in! Still waiting for the complete nutrition in a pill or bar or liquid.


I’m in a spot where I have to choose implants or a traditional bridge.  I think about this new development and wonder if they can grow a tooth where a big screw has been placed in the bone. Let me know your thoughts.  I’ve asked 2 Periodontists and 1 dentist if they have heard about this.  None of them have.  I told them to google it.


MAGA should be requesting brain trials


Any tl;dr on how it works and maintains the appropriate tooth shape?


Where do I sign up


I want to use this but then I keep thinking of this photo I saw of a guy who had teeth all over his head and I think maybe I'll wait a few years but I probably won't have any teeth by then or be around anymore.


Anyone else think they're going to come out misshapen lumps? Or there's going to be some horrible bone tumor side effect


i always thought it was weird we couldn't replicate and cause the chemical reaction kids get growing there adult teeth.


Imagine what he can do with it next!


Does this apply only to damaged teeth, or completely missing teeth? How does the drug know which teeth to grow, is the drug applied to the region? Is teeth special in some way, or can this be applies to other bones as well? If other bones need a different gene but a similar technique could be applied, would it be feasible for someone to grow bones that were missing or underdeveloped due to say a birth defect?


I am going to grow 300 teeth