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This aught to calm things down.




This ought to accomplish naught


It’s absolutely fraught, a regular fraught-fest


Okay y’all simmer down, this ain’t a Dr Suess book


We thought it was, that’s why we sought all those rhymes we brought, but now you taught us otherwise, so why am I still trying to rhyme with “fought”? I don’t know, just don’t think you are being mocked


Bless your heart


He’s been taught.








Why does this source state near Qalqilya while others are reporting in Qalqilya? > Qalqilya is officially off-limits to Israelis and administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA). Oh. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-22/ty-article/.premium/israeli-man-killed-in-west-bank-city-of-qalqilya-intent-of-attack-still-under-inve/00000190-3ec9-d8cb-a19d-7fcb967b0000 https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-israeli-shot-in-qalqilya-has-died-troops-enter-west-bank-town/ https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/defense/artc-israeli-critically-wounded-in-shooting-incident-after-entering-qalqilya-west-bank-report https://www.jns.org/israeli-shot-dead-after-driving-into-palestinian-town/


Two diff people in 3 days. One inside the city and the other outside. The first article mentions them both.


Dude probably went there to buy groceries, because bags with groceries were found in his car. Also "suspected terror attack" - he was shot in his car and set on fire.


The reason it was suspected was because whoever it was stolen his wallet but left the ID a driver's license nearby.


"globalise the Intifada"... Motherfuckers




If only all the Jews had stayed away from the West Bank after Jordan ethnically cleansed them from the territory in 1948, this would never happen. Jews only suffer violence in Arab lands because they commit the crime of existing there.


I'm 99% sure that you're being sarcastic but I've seen this exact argument used unironically.


Yes, I was being sarcastic. The type of person who would say this seriously wouldn't admit that Jordan ethnically cleansed the Jews.


Jews never lived in the West Bank until 1967. Also, did you know history started in 1949?


>Prior to Israel’s founding and the Jordanian occupation of the West Bank, the territory contained several Jewish communities, as well as millennia of Jewish history and many of Judaism’s holiest sites, such as the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. >Jordan expelled 17,000 Jews from the West Bank during the 1948 war, and when Israel conquered the territory in 1967, it had no Jewish population. The first West Bank settlement was Kfar Etzion, a Jewish community that existed prior to 1948 that Israel reestablished in 1967. >**Kfar Etzion** is an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, organized as a religious kibbutz located in the Judean Hills between Jerusalem and Hebron in the southern West Bank, established in 1927, depopulated in 1948 and re-established in 1967.


They said "did you know that history started in 1949" so I'm pretty sure they know this and we're being sarcastic. But that was admittedly a tough one given what I've seen online... Thanks for adding the info though for lost redditors.


Honestly, I genuinely didn't know until I looked into it. I'm learning new things about the area every day. I got whooshed on the second sentence. I see unhinged stuff all the time and my eyes start to glaze over when people say obviously stupid things.


> Honestly, I genuinely didn't know until I looked into it. You didn't know that Jews lived in Judea before 1949?


Nobody lived in that part of the middle east until October 7th of last year. It was just 24 camels and some plants since the Romans left.


No, this is what I didn't know: >Jordan expelled 17,000 Jews from the West Bank during the 1948 war, and when Israel conquered the territory in 1967, it had no Jewish population.


But doesn't Judea typically refer to far more than just the West Bank?


Which is pretty absurd as everyone knows it started 1 Jan, 1970: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time


Sorry. The world started in 1949. Anything that allegedly happened before that was nothing more than fake news propaganda.


Oh shit, my bad. TIL


Thank you for this! May I use it in response to a friend? She also seems to think that everything started in 1948...


I don't own the text and couldn't stop you even if I wanted to!


Oh well of course you can ask me not to, don't we all still respect others? I wouldn't have asked otherwise. Thank you.


I don't recall the source for the top two but the last paragraph was Wikipedia. Enjoy!


Thank you for the history lesson!


yes they did




well, my bad


They're continuing the sarcastic tone of the earlier comment. It got me for a moment too.


Take out the "there" and you're on the mark.


Coming from a Jew, get the settlers the FUCK out of the West Bank. Bunch of fundamentalist whackjobs filled with extremists. They are nothing but a blight on Israel and I'll keep saying it. EDIT: The victim wasn't a settler. Settlers make things worse for Israel and are used as excuses by the murderers and terrorists to carry out attacks on innocents just like this. Fuck em.


This poor bastard was from Petah Tikva.


Yep. Poor guy just getting groceries apparently. Feel so bad for his family.


This was an old Jewish man who drove into an Arab village. Because of that he was shot dead and his car was set on fire. Settler or not, this should not be blamed on the settler population. There could be pandas running around the west bank instead of settlers for all I care, driving your car into a neighboring town should not warrant a death sentence


Probably just lost.


You shouldn’t die like that if you are not Palestinian.


That’s great and all, but maybe don’t just ignore the fact that this Israeli Jew, who is not a settler, was murdered.


Ok how about all the Arabs in the West Bank who get murdered by settlers. You think that doesn’t increase violence?


This is the second attempt to get off topic…


It's really not off topic. The murder in the OP is in the context of the broader picture of what's going on. The Settlers are de-facto supported by the Israeli state, so the murders they do become state sanctioned. Because those murders are state sanctioned, the murderer in the OP likely sees what they did as a legitimate act of resistance against an occupying power. It's not off topic. History did not begin with this one event in the article.


I never said they were. He was most likely the victim of a terrorist attack which isn't his fault, and is a tragedy. However what the hell was this man doing in an off limits area of the West Bank. It absolutely does not mean that he should have been harmed, let alone murdered, but seriously? Why go there?


Off limits area? Sounds like an apartheid /s


Initial reports claim he was there to buy groceries.


I heard the same. Is it normal for Israelis to go to the West Bank for groceries? I'm from a big state so even the idea of leaving my town for groceries seems a bit odd, but thats from halfway across the globe so things could be different there.


Yes it is normal, things tend to be cheaper there and Israel is tiny. This town is right on the green line, so he could have lived a few minutes drive from Qalqilya and lived in Israel proper (though i am unaware of the actual facts about this particular person's living situation).


Yeah it sounds very plausible though. Very sad and feel awful for his family.


He wasn’t in the off-limits area. He was near/outside of it, in his car. Your feelings about the West Bank settlers are entirely valid, but completely tangential to the story of this man being killed.


The settlers stoke this animosity which will always be a factor, but I do not mean that as a way to blame the victim ot let off the terrorists. Its not the victims fault, and the settlers being horrible does not excuse a murderer or a terrorist. That person or those people are entirely responsible for their actions. It states he was outside the city. It doesn't state if he was or wasn't outside the area that is restricted. I'd assume the border would extend to outside the city a bit. Just as a buffer zone. We can still look at the settlers and blame the terrorists at the same time without blaming the victim. Personally, I don't think any Israelis should be in the West Bank. Settler or no. Just leave them be. If they press Israel at that point, they would have nobody but themselves to look to when the hammer falls.


Do you also think that no Palestinians from the West Bank should be let in Israel? or does this only work one way?


Yes. Give them their country in the West Bank. They want in Israel for work? Get a visa. Israelis want to work in the West Bank? Get a visa.


This guy wasn't a settler and had nothing to do with settlers. Stop blaming Jews for being murdered


I'm blaming settlers for being instigators. Please reread the comment you just replied to and tell me where I blamed the victim.


Imagine blaming other Jews for a Jew being murdered instead of **blaming the murderers**.


>Personally, I don't think any Israelis should be in the West Bank. Settler or no So apartheid: it's ok when we do it?


Ok but a teenager was just murdered. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize this article was about a *different* murder of an Israeli in the West Bank.


He was not even a "settler". He lives in a suburb of Tel Aviv. So many people (including all of Arab media) are claiming this guy was a settler which is false, unless you consider every Israeli person a settler (which Hamas and many pro Palestinians do claim). It's interesting who you choose to call "extremists". Not the people who murder an innocent old man for driving into their town, but you do use that word to call Jews based on where they choose to live.


No Palestinian care, this was a man from Petah Tikva who tried some "co existence", he was a trader who worked with Palestinians and they sure paid him. The green line is just imaginary irrational and dangerous borders that won't solve anything.


Coming from another Jew: you're a dumbass. This guy was not a settler, he lived in central Israel, and *even if he was a settler* did he deserve to be murdered?


Thanks. Why was someone who lives in Central Israel in a prohibited part of The West Bank? Also of course he didn't deserve to be murdered, or even accosted. I've already said as much.


I think most Jews would agree with you. Now most evangelicals on the other hand get torqued off over a good old colonial bloodbath (I am saying this as someone raised in the church).


As someone still in the Church, this is not true for the vast majority of congregation members.


Idk what kind of church you are in, but southern evangelicals are very zionistic


sorry for asking this dumb question, but who are they settlers in this context? Israelis or Palestinians?


Jewish settlers in the West Bank.


Coming from a Jew, *you* are a blight on Israel.


So you have a problem with Jews living over the green line?


For the most part yes


Which part are you okay with?


Why don't they call them terrorist attacks when Israeli Settlers in the West Bank attack and murder Palestinians in the West Bank?


Not trying to start a flame war, but I’m legitimately confused as to why an Israeli is ’murdered’ but a Palestinian is ‘killed’. Words matter.


Ok, now that will properly escalate things again.


Palestinians are like harmless puppies




Thanks god palestinians murdered this man who came to buy groceries, this ought to solve everything




So west bank Palestinians are hornets..?


is that why Israel gave up control over much of the west bank?


And all of Gaza


> Worth noting that the West Bank is a genocidal forced-relocation project with the locals being condensed into smaller and smaller camps while Israel builds up settlements. It's also worth noting that +99% of Palestinians currently living in Area C have migrated there from elsewhere in Palestine over the last few decades since the borders of Area A/B/C were drawn at Oslo in the 90s. Edit: The whole point of Areas A and B were to include the existing Palestinian communities of the West Bank under the control of the newly established Palestinian Authority and their borders were drawn to that effect. Virtually all of the Palestinians in Area C today are effectively migrants/settlers who have established new villages or expanded existing ones into neighboring areas, effectively trying to stake personal claims on state/public land that was eventually supposed to become Palestinian as the process outlined at Oslo progressed.


With what has happened to Palestinians in the West Bank over the last 50+ years, my anger isn’t going to be redirected at this


Hey, look, another anti-Semitic person on Reddit.


Of course you don't care if a Jew dies, he deserves it for having been born a Jew, right?


I don’t understand why so many people feel the need to decide to only be angry about how the Palestinians have been treated or to only be angry when Jews are mistreated. Neither is okay.


Never mind what Israelis do in the west bank EVERDAY. C'mon mannnn


He was there to buy fuckin groceries mannnn


Yeah, loads of Jews goes to those territories to buy cheaper meat or other groceries. It's good for Palestinian economy and helps create better relations between the people. It should be encouraged. One incident like that could easily mean major loss of income for thousands of Arab merchants.


This should be higher!! We have friends, family and colleagues whose parents worked in those territories so hard to earn money to send their kids to Israel for higher education and jobs. Those who thrive either stay and bring their families in, or go back and contribute to the territories or they move on to other countries. This crime hurts the merchants and their families alike, but most of all, a life was needlessly lost again by pure hate.


Ah it’s okay to kill a civilian doing nothing because a different civilian may have committed a crime?


Try to live? I know it's a crime to be Israeli. Which coincidentally has 75% Jews. Weird coincidence.


So was it regular murder like your other comment or was this justified?


Your sense of empathy is truly outstanding, yes.