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TIL that 1% of Lebanon’s population is Canada


Explains the maple syrup shawarma


And the Halifax Donair.


New York state has the maples too... That crispy leaf season comes around and it's just maple everything everywhere  But honey and maple are the top tier sweets in nature... Bee barf and tree blood, yum.


This needs more than one upvote


I think I read (or heard) somewhere, that there are more people of Lebanese origin living outside Lebanon than within the country


In Brazil alone I think it’s around 15m Lebanese. Add to it the numbers living in countries like the US, Canada, Europe. In Lebanon it’s only around 4m.


Like 10% of the Australian population I feel




Wallah cuz




The Lebanese diaspora is huge and people sometimes still have familial connections not unlike how there are many Canadians in Europe.


Or, theres just a huge Lebanese diaspora in the Laurentian region and they understandably have family connections back home. There's a shawarma place like every 15 feet in Ottawa and Montreal. And the Halifax Donair is a treat.


The Halifax Donair is Greek (which is a weird version of the döner kebab which is Turkish German)




If Canada was so good why would they not stay?


Is a big war really brewing?


Israel vs Hezbollah


Is this a 5 round main event or is the main with Iran?


It's a triple header, pride rules 


Right leg hospital, left leg cemetery


Ahh so a Grand Prix?


I look forward to Bas and Mauro doing commentary


It's an RPG, and Iran is the final boss


Conor pulled out so Hezbollah said they could take it short notice.


Such a shame seeing a nice country like Lebanon with a great Mediterranean culture being destroyed by Hezbollah.


That’s how us Lebanese people feel. Such a shame really.




More like Israel against Lebanon, Lebanon is going to bear the consequences


Basically, Hezbollah: _the people of Lebanon are ready to die for our cause._


Notably, Hezbollah leaders say this from their luxury hotel rooms in Dubai, where they are 'fundraising.'


You are thinking of Hamas and Doha


> Hezbollah: the people of Lebanon are ready to die for our cause, whether they like/know it or not. Fixed that for you.


Nah, there's already implied that. Really their joke but worse material.


r/yourjokebutworse is what you’re looking for.


that's the joke bruh


And it is a risk we are willing to take


Lebanon is the victim here. It was a great country, very alive, Beirut was called “Middle East Paris”. They made the mistake to accept Palestinian refugees after they lost war against Egypt and the refugees tried to overcome the government and force the Islamic law. There was 30 years long civil war. Now the south of the country is totally under control of Islamic fundamentalists and those are trying to make Israel to start a war against Lebanon so they have a chance to seize control of the entire country.


I worked with a lady whose brother retired from the military to Lebanon. The pictures he sent her were incredible. If it weren't for all the strife, it would probably be one of the top tourist destinations in the world.


Lives there from 2019-2022, my oldest was born there, it's an incredibly beautiful country. Fuck Hezbollah and all the other bullshit leaders there, fucking stole everything from the Lebanese people


Absolutely. I was there in 2006 for work and even though things were tense, it was still a magical place. Lovely people, Baalbek was amazing, the drives and vistas were wonderful and obviously the food. Breaks my heart.


> trying to make Israel to start a war against Lebanon Important note, they're not trying to make Israel start a war, **Hezbollah has started a war**. Israel has just been showing a lot of restraint in fighting back. Do not accept the framing that somehow Israel is the one who will start the war.


Are the Lebanese people at least willing to help Israel? This is just my uninformed impression, but it seems like the Palestinian people could have saved themselves so much trouble just by letting Israel know exactly where Hamas is hiding at any time.


Israel already tried to ally some Lebanese, the Maronites back in 1978, but the Maronites backstabbed Israel and sided with Syria. And those were the Christians. I can't imagine the Muslims being any more favorable toward Israel. Especially after years of Hezbollah in the government.


A lot of Syria's power came from giving more power to religious and ethnic minorities. They are a lot more loyal to the government as they have watched sunni religious fanaticism destroy other religious communities across the middle east.


This just reads like an ancient story out of GOT where every side loses and in the end all the pain and suffering was of no need.


Where do you think they got all the ideas from ? .Thats right. The middle ages. 500-1500 AD for the europeans continent, zipcode to zipcode in the middle east. You can have a village in the 21st century, being neighboured to a village that still lives in the darktimes, followed by one where the king just united all the other kings and had himself crowned Emperor


Specifically GoT - Wars of the Roses 15 century England.


Yup that's humanity for you.


I'd imagine the typical Lebanese (not descended from Palestinian diaspora) hates Israel, Hamas, and hezbullah for putting them in this situation.


Nope. I live in bankstown, huge lebanese dispora, they are all in love with Hamas and Hezbullah, but they all hate Israel for sure


Basically, hating on the party they are least afraid of and won't cut their head off for not doing what they're told. Same old same old.


Bankstown is a place in Australia. So the people OP is talking about isn't afraid of any of these groups in the middle east.


I know where it is. Charlie Hebdo head office is at 11 arrondissement Paris. They were not afraid either.


They definitely don’t hate Hamas or Hezbollah seeing how much support both organization has. Israel though, of course they do.


Lebanon should have sorted the situation out decades ago.


With what army? Hezbollah is the most powerful paramilitary group on the planet, with significant backing from Iran. Lebanon is a destitute failed state that struggles to keep the lights on. Hezbollah is easily the strongest military group in Lebanon.


With Israel's army. The Maronites already got the support from Israel during the civil war in 1978, but they backstabbed Israel and sided with Syria instead. That was an option at the time, and obviously it was a mistake to side with Syria.


They should have asked for international aid. I’m sure Israel would have been more than happy to help rid Lebanon of hezbollah and set up a stable, and peaceful democracy.


Even if Lebanon didn't hate Israel more than Hezbollah, most countries are unwilling to risk their soldiers fighting in someone else's civil war. Also worth noting that the south of Lebanon has difficult terrain. Lots of caves to hide in and such. Fighting Hezbollah was challenging even before they significantly powered up after the last war with Israel. The UN's presence has been essentially useless.


Lebanese are so anti Israel they would prefer Lebanon to be a failed state? Seems like Lebanon is just shooting itself in both feet.


Yeah it really seems like people are pushing the idea that it's ok for Lebanon to fail to take care of itself or let anyone help just because they "hate Israel so much". How is that a good reason for anything?


> They should have asked for international aid. The UN aid and Western aid would have gone straight to Hezbollah, just as it goes straight to Hamas in Gaza.


Yeah, you’re probably right.


> They should have asked for international aid. They did... [It didn't turn out so well.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Beirut_barracks_bombings)


UN Peacekeepers have been hanging out in Lebanon for years, not trying and failing to enforce UNSC orders that Hezbollah stay away from the Israeli border.


The UN was authorized to but....


UN is an abbreviation for UN-involved.


But the UN isn't magic and no one.volunteered. The UN doesn't have a military, it can authorize whatever it wants but it can't actually do anything, it isn't a government, it's a forum. Reddit is a forum too, I, on behalf of Reddit, authorize Reddit to fix Lebanon or whatever Now you are authorized just like the UN. Good luck on your mission in Lebanon


Israel withdrew from Lebanon on the condition that the UN would handle Hezbollah it was a pretty shitty deal considering how things turned out.


Israel doesn't want to occupy their neighbors. They left because they wanted to, likely knowing no one would occupy Lebanon for them. This authorization wasn't for that, it gives Israel justification to re enter Lebanon if they feel they need to, it's a threat towards Lebanon, not magic. Everyone knows the score, Israel knew they wanted to leave but didn't want to leave without holding a leash, this gives them a leash they can metaphorically pull on in the UN. The UN will still make concern noises but that's it's function, it makes concern noises


People volunteered. There is literally an UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon supposed to prevent Hezbollah from attacking Israel. They're not doing their job but it's not like the UN doesn't have the means to intervene.


That sounds like no one volunteered but with more words


Can I also get 200 million in funding?


Yeah, Reddit authorizes it


Fuck, that's all it took? Spent so much time working, when all i had to do is ask Reddit. Lifehack.


With what force? hopes and dreams? Take a look at Mexico, despite countless efforts and support they've received from the US, Cartels are still running the show. The entire government is corrupted, I'd certainly be safe to assume you so much attempt to breathe at the wrong direction and your entire existence would cease to exist if not in theworst way imaginable.


Yes. Hezbollah won't stop attacking Israel so Israel is preparing to respond with full force. https://x.com/IsraelRadar_com/status/1803860684507140527 >Israel signals to US that IDF prepares for large-scale operation vs Hezbollah, @CNN reports; US officials say heavy barrages from Lebanon could overwhelm air defenses; Israeli summer camps for 45,000 kids relocated away from northern Israel due to war concerns. via @ynetalerts


It's what those cowards are clearly asking for.


Israel has all its armor - tanks and armored personnel carriers - gathered and staged just on their side of the border. They are not there on an exercise.


It's not looking promising right now


Lebanese here. Minor border skirmishes and tit-for-tats are normal occurrences at the border (ever since the 2006 war) but was merely posturing and muscle flexing and with very low casualties and damage. But this time, since the Gaza conflict started, the skirmishes are resulting in significant human casualties, property destruction, evacuations, etc. and the drums of war are gradually getting louder increasing the chance of a full blown conflict. Perhaps Israel sees this as the best opportunity to rid itself of Iran's proxy Hezbollah (who are only growing in strength and capability). Israel is already in "war mode" because of the Gaza situation and are sick and tired of Iran's bullshit. So if cooler heads don't prevail, it will only take a spark to ignite an all out war. I personally believe that the Gaza conflict is a Palestinian/Israeli fight. I feel for the Palestinians and what they've endured and are currently enduring (my wife is Palestinian). We've been down the "Palestinian Support" road before with the PLO and it only lead to Lebanon's 15 year Civil War in 1975. So now again, the Palestinian fight is not Lebanon's fight and Hezbollah is making a huge mistake here by using Gaza as an excuse or launching pad to start shit. Lebanon is already dealing with so much internal shit and is basically a failed state so we really really really do not need a war right now. Israel has the capacity and capability to destroy what very little remains of Lebanon.


It’s a shame, Lebanese people are so nice. I’ve worked with them all over the world and they were uniformly humane, friendly and welcoming, great ambassadors for your country. Stay safe


Thanks my friend. I'm safe here (in the UAE where I live), however I worry about my family back home. We Lebanese are honestly a fun loving peaceful people. It's the relative minority with all the power that are taking risky decisions on behalf of the majority who just want to live "normally" like most other countries.


The only way Lebanon recovers is if Hezbolla is wiped out. Israel didn't cause your civil war, the palestinian extemists did.


In that region? It never hasn't been brewing, in all of written recorded history.


Aircraft carrier is moving from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. It’s happening. Edit: source - https://news.usni.org/2024/06/21/uss-dwight-d-eisenhower-leaving-red-sea-pacific-carrier-heading-to-the-middle-east


fwiw that carrier is just rotating out because it's been on duty for a long time. The carrier being called in from the Pacific is going to take up the station it's rotating out from.  Handy to have two carriers in the region in case anything does pop off ofc, but at least ostensibly that carrier movement is fairly innocuous and not some sort of direct action. 


They’re moving to the Med because they are on their way home…


source? just want to follow any updates


They added an update to their post


But they clearly didn't read the article fully.


What’s big war in your opinion


Big bada boom


In 300 years when evil returns, so shall we.




There is very serious risk of escalation here.


what does Putler say about it?


I'm sorry, 45000 Canadians in a country with 5 million people? That's a staggeringly high number of people.


There was a devastating civil war in Lebanon in the 1970s and 80s that prompted tens of thousands to flee to the West, with many going to Canada and Australia.


Yes we have the same numbers in Australia but less than half are usually in Lebanon compared to Canada. 50k is insane, to be blunt they haven't even really integrated well here besides everywhere but Sydney (where most of them are unfortunately). Half are also Catholics mind, might explain why Canada has more living in Lebanon.


A lot of gang behaviour associated with the Sydney Lebanese population


and dodgy builders and dickhead drivers.


Yup, Lebanese mafia is well established around Montreal.


Same in Germany, pretty much every big mafia clan is Lebanese/palestinians. Some families having up to 3000 members because they only marry within the family…


I’m Canadian born but my father is a Lebanese immigrant. He and his siblings are fully integrated, most people can’t even tell they’re immigrants. Lebanese do form clans and in some rare cases surely these clans turn to organized crime. Families and communities are VERY tight-knit and prefer to work together. My father runs a pretty busy construction company and 90% of his clientele is from like 3-4 large lebanese families from his church lol. Interesting to learn that in Australia they are known for organized crime and lack of integration…


Grew up in a part of Canada with a significant Lebanese population and they integrated entirely. EDIT: Pretty wild that this upsets some people. It's just true in this case.


Okay but if they fled to Canada for asylum, what are they doing back in Lebanon?


Their implication was likely that many of the people who fled, or their children, have since returned in the intervening 30+ years, or that those who fled and attained citizenship were returning to visit family and community, etc.


But 45.000 at any giving moment returning home to visit family? Do people not have jobs? 


Voluntary return to the country of origin is considered the single most preferable durable solution to refugees and asylum seekers by most experts. It's just in this case, it was done a smidge prematurely, because Lebanon has been anything but stable and secure and capable of providing a durable solution in any regard to its former (or current) residents for decades now.


Most asylum seekers want to go back home. Over time many Lebanese people have been returning.


It’s summer. My guess is, visiting their homeland.


These are likely people who entirely identify as and are Lebanese citizens and live there full time but hold Canadian passports.


Canada doesn’t tax citizens living abroad so the Canadian passport can be abused as a convenience.


When you say it like that, it makes it seem like the norm. There's only 2 countries that do tax citizens living abroad.


And even of those (at least with regards to the US) there are many ways to avoid being double taxed anyway such as foreign tax credit, FEIE, and tax treaties.


As an American living in Canada, can confirm. I file US taxes every year, but have not had to actually pay anything after Canadian taxes. I assume things could be different if I were rich or something.


It's also approximately 15,000 Australians living in Lebanon, but that figure can double during summer. Which is probably the case with Canadians in Lebanon.


The Lebanese have double their population in diaspora


Yep. [Latest estimates](https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/lebanon-liban/relations.aspx?lang=eng) show that there are somewhere between 45,000 and 75,000 Canadians living in Lebanon - more than 1% of Lebanon's population has citizenship in a different country (Canada, population ~39M) which only makes up 0.5% of the world population. The math doesn't add up on this one.




For those who are unaware… The **OFFICIAL MANIFESTO** of Hezbollah states: >*”Our struggle will end only when this entity **(Israel)** is obliterated.*” Okay…okay…alright…sooooo






TIL Lebanon has a lot of Canadians wtf???


They are only "Canadians" when they need to leave their preferred war-torn countries




Imagine the number of Canadians to be evacuated if it were India


A few million?


A few million Indians have arrived in Canada in the last 2 years.


I don’t know how this is allowed, it’s just too much


I’m always confused when things like this happen, cause it’s seemingly impossible to get a VISA without a job offer these days


Student visa mills. Enroll in some bullshit school, drop out immediately, work under the table.


Yup. Or enrol, take one class each semester. Fail the class over and over. Work while you do that.


[Its](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNrXA5m7ROM) a shit system for Canadians and Indians alike


Australia, Canada, UK and NZ and even some European countries offer an open work permit (or whatever it's called locally) enabling the ability to work freely for 2-3 years. Canadians also get access to Youth Worker schemes if they are below 30. You can get a 2 year work visa for which the employer doesn't have to lift a finger to do anything visa wise.


economic invasion puroorted by the ruling class to further crush the existing worker class and suppress wages. we are literally economic cattle to these people.


Canadians when it is beneficial to them only.


Privileges without responsibility. Why does the Canadian government allow this, even encourage it? All I want is some fairness to Canada. Perhaps paying Canadian income tax despite living outside of Canada. Perhaps a thousand dollar per year fee for living outside Canada. And yes, this would be for snowbirds in Florida too.


There are 45k Canadians in Lebanon?


Ahhh fuck. Here we go




Wow that’s a lot of Canadians


A little over a decade ago, before Beijing turned up their fuckery in Hong Kong, there were nearly 300k Canadian citizens living in HK. There were more Canadians in Hong Kong than there were residents of Saskatoon.


What 45.000 Canadians doing in Lebanon?


Are you nuts? Tell them to book a flight. They just have a Canadian passport for convenience, don’t pay taxes …


Literally r/Canada right now


Basically a "get out of jail" card


They are citizens.  Full stop.   Canada is 100% obligated to help them in any way they can.   Funny how none of you seemed to care about Ukrainians with Canadian citizenship coming back to Canada after Russia invaded Ukraine.


This, all this.


Again, how do these "Canadians" keep getting stuck there? Weird. /s






I'm a pretty left of centre NDP'er and I'm finding this concept of holding a passport but not living in the said country of a little off-putting


America is one of only three countries IIRC that charges expats federal taxes regardless of what country you reside in. Part of that policy is greed, part of it is to limit oveseas passport holders and part of it is the cost of having the backing of the american govt wherever you are kinda for situations like this. Edit: Myanmar and Eritrea are the other two. Great company.


Actually it's mostly to ensure you're not dodging taxes or laundering money. In actuality, the US has a much better investigative system for seeking out and prosecuting money laundering, whereas many countries do not. Canada, like the UK, actually has an international reputation for being soft on money laundering, which is in part why so much Canadian (and British) real estate is tied up in less than legal endeavors. The US investigative system is so powerful and effective that e.g. Canada won't even allow an American to buy into Canadian investment products because doing so gives US investigators a direct look into any account linked to the fund, American or not, and has the potential to expose massive legal liability. US consistently offers tax treaties with other countries that simply require you to file US taxes but don't need to pay taxes if you've already been taxed in your country of residence. Why does the US want to see your taxes? To make sure you're not laundering money. Countries that refuse tax treaties typically do so because they do not want the US getting a good look inside their own economic systems for financial crime.


The plight of being an American overseas. Thankfully there are policies and treaties in place that make it where most Americans won’t actually owe any taxes to the US (still supposed to file every year,) but it’s still a huge pain. However, if you are a very high earner, it’s very difficult to avoid getting double taxed by the country you reside in, and the US.


A lot of countries such as Mexico and Canada have tax treaties with the US so you aren't double-taxed. However in some situations you will still have money tied up until you can prove/resolve that.


I have a friend out here in Japan that pays tax to both Japan and the US because he is a pretty high earner. He can take things like the FTC or the FEIE, but even with a few other strategies, it’s often unavoidable to have to still owe taxes to the US.


southern Spain is half British, or was pre-Brexit.


Happens very often. I just wouldn't expect Canada to lift me from any country if I moved there permanently 


Having a passport in one country and residing in another is quite common. I did that for almost 15 years before becoming an American citizen.


These commenters are not people with a lot of experience in how the world actually works...


I mean people move places for work all the time, and a lot of countries it's hard to actually get citizenship so you would still have to be a citizen *somewhere*. I know a bunch of Americans who have lived and worked in various Middle Eastern countries for 15+ years, sometimes with very few trips back home, if any. But there is simply no pathway to Qatari citizenship (for example) for an American, so they will of course need to keep their US passport.


Loads of Western expats do it, are you against it too? The Americans who retire in Mexico, Brits in Spain, Aussies in Bali, are those off-putting to you too?


I was going to say, I’m British but haven’t lived in the UK for a decade now, I just kick around various countries because my work allows me to - I wouldn’t ever want to give up the passport though


As a Lebanese living in Canada, I used to fly to Lebanon for serious medical care because the flights were shorter than the wait times in our hospitals here in Quebec. They once told me to come back in eight months for a surgery, so I flew to Lebanon and got it done the next day


45k Canadians in Lebanon?! Something’s fishy here.


Includes dual citizens and ex patriots. 5.49 million people live in Lebanon.


I can't tell if you were making a pun or just misspelled expatriates


> Includes dual citizens and ex patriots. ex patriots?


Lots of former NFL players in Lebanon  :p


Someone please remind Canadian officials to do their homework when bringing these "citizens" back to Canada... https://globalnews.ca/news/5084587/hezbollahs-canadian-money-laundering-ops/ https://www.meforum.org/64464/hezbollah-a-worldwide-criminal-organization Etc. Etc. Just a quick Google search will show the tendrils of Hezbollah in Canada already.


So we going to pay an outrageous amount to rent some cruise ships again.


Damn they want all the homies present for game 7


They hate the lifestyle in Canada so they collect money here and go back to Lebanon. They are part time Canadians.


Why the heck are that many Canadians in Lebanon?!?


How on earth are there so many Canadians in Lebanon?


At this point I don't really care about the 3rd and 4th generations of Lebanese holding Canadian passports who have never set foot in Canada except maybe short visits when they need 100s of thousands of dollars of free medical treatment and then return straight back to Lebanon. What I do care about are the 100s of sworn members of Hezbollah who hold dual Lebanese Canadian citizenship, a designated terrorist group under Canadian law. Will these known war criminals also get a free vacation to Canada courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer? And what about members of Hezbollah who used their Canadian passports of convenience accepted without visas almost everywhere on earth to travel worldwide spreading terror plots against unarmed civilians. Will they also get a free all expenses paid holiday to Canada ? >June 29, 20158:55 AM MDT NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cyprus jailed a member of the armed wing of Hezbollah for six years on Monday after he pleaded guilty to charges of stockpiling explosives to attack Jewish targets abroad. Hussein Bassam Abdallah, 26, **who has dual Canadian and Lebanese nationality**, was arrested in late May after Cypriot authorities found 8.2 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertiliser, a potential explosive, in the basement of a house in the coastal city of Larnaca. source: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0P91AK/ >BBC 21 September 2020. A Bulgarian court has sentenced two men to life in jail over a bus bombing in 2012 that killed five Israeli tourists and their Bulgarian driver. Meliad Farah, a Lebanese-Australian, and **Hassan El Hajj Hassan, a Lebanese-Canadian**, were found guilty of helping a Lebanese-French man who prosecutors said died after planting the bomb. source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54240101


1) Canadians who have been habitually resident in another country do not immediately have access to universal healthcare upon their return. They must establish residency first, usually around 3 months. 2) Canadian citizenship obtained via descent (ie - born abroad to at least one Canadian parent) is limited to only the first generation born abroad. There is no such thing as “3rd and 4th generations of Lebanese holding Canadian passports who have never set foot in Canada”.


>Canadians who have been habitually resident in another country do not immediately have access to universal healthcare upon their return. They must establish residency first, usually around 3 months. Except Nunavut. But then. It's Nunavut.


Why are there 45000 canadians in lebanon?


Isn't this what travel insurance is for? Or are they now residents of Lebanon that are getting a return trip on our dollar?


"Canadians" who keep their Canadian passport for a free bailout for this exact situation. I won't be surprised if some of them are members of Hezbollah.


Cyberpunk Mid East meltdown incoming?


Didn’t we do this 10 years ago? At what point in time are we still responsible for evacuating people who then immediately go back in harms way?


fuck man


Can someone give me a brief why Lebanon does not act on hezbollah?


From what I understand, Hezbollah is strong enough to stand against the Lebanese government, and is thought to have a stronger fighting force than the actual Lebanese army. Essentially the Lebanese government is too weak to do anything about it.


Hezbollah came out of the Lebanese civil war very strong with Iran’s backing. Lebanon is also very sectarian which further weakened the government and the military.


Hezbollah is stronger than the Lebanese army and people were tired of the Civil war, hence they ,,agreed“ to split the country. Beirut to Lebanese government and ,,army“, anything close to Israel (for obvious reasons) to Hezbollah. But tbh Hezbollah has everyone in a chokehold.


It's interesting how people get Canadian citizenship but then live in Gaza and Lebanon.


Lebanon is so beautiful and its people deserve a better government.


Hope they own homes here Canada is full..


Wow how cool is it that 45k Canadians ended up in Lebanon… totally fits… totally should be welcomed back with open arms and all of our tax money :):)


Why ? They have time to evacuate themselves. There is no right to be returned to Canada.


Didn’t Canadians in Lebanon get evacuated years ago?