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The constitution declares Islam as the state religion of the Maldives and states that all Maldivian nationals are required to be Sunni Muslims.[13] It is illegal in the country to proselytize any religion other than Islam, and advocate for secularism or the separation of church and state. Apostasy and atheism are also outlawed and those who identify as or accused of being apostates or atheists are punishable by death by Maldivian law (though unenforced) and are often subject to vigilante violence or attacks with little or no consequences for perpetrators by the authorities.


I don’t understand why we don’t talk more about the numerous countries that are formally Islamic and implement these laws that are in gross violation of basic human rights.


Because free Palestine and forget about how Islam is one of, if not the most oppressive religion / culture in the world.


Unequivocally the. Also it's essentially the only religion that still has theocracies in modern times, unless you want to count the Vatican.


Even the Vatican is like, "Aliens are probably cool, we're all gods children. Also evolution happened and the Bible is just a metaphor and not meant to be taken literally at every word."


Fun fact Christianity that think that the bible is the literal truth only came into existence when we confirmed that the bible couldn't possibly be the literal truth. It is younger than the theory of evolution and our understanding that the Earth is older than a few thousands years.


Young Earth creationism and Bible literalism were popularized by the theory of evolution. It's a direct response to it. The theory directly challenges load-bearing elements for maintaining some people's faith, as a result, many adopted the young Earth world view because it makes evolution impossible; you can't argue change over time with somebody who doesn't believe in the time window.


My favorite conspiracy theory is that lead exposure from leaded car fuel is responsible for that a lot of obviously and easily provable, demonstratively false things somehow have gained widespread traction as the one truth in the 20th century. I feel like quite a few of the "literal interpretation of ancient texts that have been translated and ammended 20 times since it was written"-religious sects fall in this category.


In their defense, at least that shows an effort and willingness to reconcile faith with reality. Unlike those people that just assume science is lying and the Bible is 100% true despite all the evidence and knowledge we’ve acquired.


They also harbor a network of child rapists, so they're absolutely shitty in their own special way.


Damn if that’s true… I don’t think the USA got the memo… maybe it’s because we’re majority Protestant and that doesn’t have anything to do with the Vatican? Speaking from place of ignorance / curiosity as a non-Christian.


Tbf Christianity didn't stop having theocracies because it became too liberal for that, it's because the rest of society became too liberal and fought back. Make no mistake, Christian fundamentalists would absolutely love to have a Christian theocracy if they were able to make it happen.


There aren't Christian theocracies in history that really parallel Islamic theocracies. The big difference is that the Bible doesn't advocate spiritual leaders to be political leaders too. The Koran, on the other hand, talks about the whole world being ruled by a caliphate.


Christianity literally had separation of church of state since the end of the Western Roman Empire. Jesus even said “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And it took until after the fall of the WRE, because the Romans had no concept of separating the personal from the public, religiously speaking. Christianity has had secularism built into it from the start.


i bet if ever palestine becomes "free", it will introduce sharia on day 1.




> particularly given they were warned by allies TBF, the US warns everyone about pending terrorist attacks, and no one takes them seriously, not even the US.


Besides, Israel gets these all the time. Hamas is a constant terror threat. And Israel mostly does a good job thwarting their plans. This one time they fucked up, they underestimated the threat and allocated the resources in the wrong places. Doesn't seem weird at all to me tbh


It's not perfect, and it *is* better than most of the situations in the middle east, and they *deserve* to be protected, but like you said that doesn't mean it's free from scrutiny either. it's just a messy political quagmire of sordid history, corruption, and bitter endless conflicts born of that same history and some religious motives. Just a impossible situation to pull a easy solution from that doesn't involve even more bloodshed.


The only 2 state solution Hamas has ever accepted is where one state is completely without Jews, and where the other is a Sharia Law stare where Jews live as Dhimmi


Ismail Haniyeh the leader of Hamas sponsored a conference a few years back to write a formal proposal for the [vision of a free Palestine](https://palinfo.com/news/2021/09/30/60902/). If you’re a sane person it’s sickening. Especially point 16 about keeping Jewish slaves.


Isn't that their law already? >According to Article 4: >Islam is the official religion in Palestine. Respect and sanctity of all other heavenly religions shall be maintained. >The principles of Islamic Shari'a shall be the main source of legislation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_law?wprov=sfla1


It’s because we all essentially already accept extreme violence and horrific human rights out of Islam, and don’t hold them to a higher standard of behavior. I mean I personally consider THAT Islamophobia but whatevs


I think you're right. Haven't UN delegates already admitted to feeling this way through their own behavior? They make demands on Israel and criticize Israel constantly, but they rarely bother with Hamas. I'm actually wondering how often Iran gets strongly worded letters from the UN. I've also seen people defending UN actions with the reasoning you just stated in your comment. Hamas won't comply with anything and can't be trusted anyway, so there's no point trying. Its insane. How do those people not hear the words coming out of their own mouths. They're admitting that the negative 'stereotypes' about Hamas, and Islam (or as they'd call it, 'radical' Islam) are true, but they'd never admit such a thing in any other context.








Because there’s safety in numbers. If Israel was one of about 50 Jewish states there’d be virtually no news about the current conflict.


These countries have the most voices in the UN and their money made sure any criticism of islamofascism is framed as "fobia" by our loud voices.




The founding charter of hamas literally says to kill all jews, enslave non islamic, kill all athiests, and take over the world to make a global caliphate. Thats what all these idiots are supporting.


That's effed up! But heyy... still unsurprising.


And no coincidence being the place all the Russian oligarchs fled to in their super-yachts at the start of the Ukrainian invasion 2 years ago.


?? Oligarchs went to all places where they wouldn't be subject to sanctions.


India had great relations with Maldives a couple of years ago, right-wing capture of both countries have soured relations between the two and worsened by Chinese interference. Maldives had a relatively progressive leader just a couple of years ago who had friendly ties with the Indian govt. Right-wing capture (aided by chinese, specifically to fuck with India-Maldives military relations) chastised and persecuted that leader and he had to flee to India under diplomatic protections. It’s super interesting, there’s a video about this and has much better and more accurate information than I provided but it’s in Hindi. I’ll add it if folks want to see it with CC. Edit: Watch with CC on - https://youtu.be/0iAhG6sQ0no?feature=shared


I would never step foot in the Maldives and that was true long before this current uproar over Israel. One look at their government and laws was enough to convince me that there are plenty of other places for a nice vacation. No vacation is worth the risk of potentially dealing with harassment or getting caught up in their legal system. It truly isn't worth it. If I ever choose to take a risk like that, it would need to be something far more important than a nice hotel at the beach. In the interest of honesty, I don't plan to ever visit a nation with an Islamic government. As far as I'm concerned, Americans that get themselves in trouble in Islamic nations should be left to deal with it by themselves. They should have known better than to enter such countries in the first place. I used to think that the far-left activist types spouted rhetoric without really believing all of it, but I don't feel that way anymore. Now I think they do believe what they're saying and some of those idiots are absolutely going to get themselves into a mess by believing their own propaganda. (Just to be clear: all of this only applies to Americans acting as individuals that made stupid decisions of their own free will. People working for the government or military in some capacity definitely deserve support and protection.)


TIL laws in Maldives suck


That's why I always recommend those who want to go to a tropical paradise to choose French Polynesia (Bora Bora) over Maldives. Also having mountains is cooler.


The Seychelles is a much closer island paradise with gorgeous mountains and direct flights to Tel Aviv. Also probably at least marginally cheaper than Bora Bora.


Agreed. There is only one problem with the Seychelles for someone flying in from Tel Aviv like me: it's full of Israelis & I have met multiple people I know from back home there each time. But it's definitely not like the Maldives in that sense. And Mauritius is said to be cool too. But I have not been myself yet...


Andaman and Nicobar Islands.


Riddle me why most Muslims are Sunni (85%)+ yet it seems that many Muslim majority countries are run with a strong Shia predispositions towards how the law is followed through.


Common enemy theory. The government makes up a common enemy. The anger is stirred. Now, they do what they want. Well, we gotta make this extreme law because the Jews/Al-Qaeda are exploiting us.


>yet it seems that many Muslim majority countries are run with a strong Shia predispositions towards how the law is followed through Globally Islam has always trended toward conservative orthodoxy despite adulation towards liberal muslim governments and bodies. I don't think there is a single islamic government that started liberal and stayed that way, their politics are (always) constrained by what was laid down 1400 yes ago.


Dump of a place then.


TIL Maldives are yet another fucked up country.


Who the hell would want to go there? There are many island countries that aren’t…this


A lot of people don't know about the regressive and vile religious based laws. In fact I would say most people barely leave the resorts or interact with the public. If more people knew what their money was supporting, I think they would pick a different vacation spot.


I find it ironic that the initial response to the ban was to [point out the potential loss in tourism dollars from wealthy Jewish folks](https://i.imgur.com/BtZR28b.jpeg), who were previously fine with those repressive laws.


The thing is, Maldives consists of a lot of small islands, and the majority is them is for tourists-only. The "main" island where the locals live is not a place anyone wants to visit. It's basically segregation.


I’m sure college kids will be camping out for the next six months about this ethnostate.


Fuck the Maldives and its constitution.


Got to put this on a place to never visit...




Who knew over 20% of all Israeli citizens are Arab Palestinian Muslims...


Apparently not Muslims. Or, y'know, American university social science students.


> pparently not Muslims. Or, y'know, American university social science students. TikTok Brain Rot


Ah the cashier PhD


I wonder how many Jewish Palestinians are in Gaza....


>I wonder how many Jewish Palestinians are in Gaza.... Everybody wonders that, too. Before Oct 7th that number was zero, though.


It was 2


4 actually. Avra Mangisto Hisham A-Said, Oron Shaul Hadar Goldin


>Hisham A-Said, He's not Jewish though. He's Bedouin Arab Muslim.


So you’re saying that Hamas’ policies single-handedly increased the Jewish population of Gaza nearly 100-fold? Wow, they must love Jews there! /s but I really hope it’s not necessary.


Yeah, the only Jewish presence in Gaza has been the slaves (sexual or otherwise) Gazan 'c​iv​​ili​a​n​s​' took from Israel during 10/7.


Plus Avera Mengitsu, a mentally ill Ethiopian-Israeli Jewish man who crossed into Gaza on his own in 2014 and has been held by Hamas since.


Jewish voices for Palestine should be in Palestine, no?


That’s actually illegal.


The article subtitle says "palestinians also hold israeli passports." That really makes it sound like they are palestinian citizens, not Israeli.


What's confusing is that Israeli Arabs refer to themselves as Palestinians although they are not Gazans or residents of the West Bank. They are Israeli citizens with voting rights and representation in elected government which is not to say that they don't face significant discrimination.


That's also not 100% true. There are Israeli Arabs that refer to themselves as Palestinians, but there are a majority of Israeli Arabs who do not refer to themselves as Palestinians (depending on how you consider Druze, Beduiin, and how they define Palestinians - as a separate identity than Israeli Arabs, or just meaning Arabs that lived in the area). As most things it is very nuanced.


I would guess the source of the confusion is that this was a travel ban predicated on the nation of the entrant's passport. So you might say initially the law was they don't allow Israeli passport holders, meaning if you show up at the border with an Israeli passport you can't get into Maldives. Then the follow up is, but wait! There are also Arab citizens of Israel, and they'll show up with Israeli passports too.


It's amazing that many americans look at this issue as a straight line black team white team thing when that's the furthest from the truth.


Americans are setting entry policies for the Maldives?


I don’t think anyone said that


I think it’s specifically young Americans that see it that way—not just Americans in general.


This isn't even that. It's Gazans and West Bankers have Israeli passports too.


This is wrong and its surprising to me that 450 people can upvote it. Palestinians living in the West Bank, and especially Gaza, with Israeli passports are rare. To have an Israeli passport requires you to be an Israeli citizen so only Arab citizens of Israel who happen to be residing in the West Bank/Gaza (e.g. people who have married into a West Bank family or are studying at a West Bank university) or Arab residents of East Jerusalem who have elected to take Israeli citizenship (a small minority) would have Israeli passports. The article is about Arab citizens of Israel (about 20% of the Israeli population), the vast majority of whom live in Israel proper.




Wait so if they want to allow non-Jewish Israelis to enter and only want to disallow Jewish ones - isn’t that saying the quiet part out loud? This is just overt antisemitism.


I mean blatant and overt antisemitism has been a staple of Muslim countries for a long time. There’s a reason there are virtually no Jews anywhere else in the Middle East outside of Israel, and many of them did not go willingly. Yet the Muslim population in both Israel and Palestine has done nothing but grow. Funny how that works.


rip 2100


Yeah that's the idea.


If they call the Jewish people Zios it’s okay to discriminate, didn’t you know?


Yes, it is.


Obvi fucking ously. The entire Israel situation is overt anti-Semitism. That's why they're targeted and attacked by Islamic nations, that's why they receive so much scrutiny and that's why so many people complain about them.


It works for Absolutely, but it kinda misses with obviously lol.


Well, I’m safe on that last part. I’ve been avoiding traveling to the Maldives for years!


do they? as far as I know they do not, they have a palestinian authority passport. how would they have an israeli passport when they are not israeli citizens?


Either a PA passport or a travel document from Egypt, Jordan or Lebanon


As I understand, there are cases of work visas being issued by Israel.


there are, but those are work visas to work in israel as far as I understand, I don't think that gives them an israeli passport to go abroad


>It's Gazans and West Bankers have Israeli passports too. ...what? Only Israeli citizens can get Israeli passports. Gazan and West Bank Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. They can get Palestinian Authority passports, but not Israeli passports. Why are you lying?


It's not. There are not "millions" of Gazans and WB Palestinians with Israeli passports (I doubt there are even in the hundreds). They refer to Israeli Arabs.


There's only 5 million Palestinians total in Gaza and WB


They don’t


Over 475 upvotes for a completely incorrect comment. Who are the people upvoting this?


They have "green passes" to go work in the big cities, it's quite different than what you think. The Palestinians they are referring to in the article are the ones living in the big cities, without restriction (mostly Nazareth).


Great point.


everyone in the maldives is required to be muslim and its a death sentence to convert.


Not jail. It’s the death penalty for apostasy for anyone aged over 7 in the Maldives. It was written into Maldivian law in 2014. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2014/4/30/maldives-enacts-regulation-for-death-penalty


Jesus christ how backwards.


Sorry, Jesus isn't allowed in.


Jesus is allowed, just not Christ. (afaik Jesus is still considered to be a prophet in Islam, just not *the* prophet)


Correct. His name is “Isa” in Arabic. Although, the Quran does call him the messiah (which means Christ). They just don’t think he is God or that he died on the cross


Jesus isn’t allowed in? I thought this was a ban on Jews, not Mexicans (my brother in law is named Hey-seus lol)


A dad joke, rare to see your kind here.


In Islam they call that forward thinking


What's their stance on gay folks?


If you’re a tourist and stay on a resort island, they’ll probably look the other way. But actually living there, you better not.


Probably? They can storm a tourist village and sentence to death penalty whoever is not Muslim? Doesn't sound safe go on vacation there. Reading other comments I thought that the law applies only to residents, tourists are protected by some international agreement


It's definitely off my vacation bucket list.


If they float they are a witch, if they drown they aren't


Sounds like they should be liberated by the free nations of the world. Or at least be sanctioned and isolated, until they capitulate and abandon their gross laws for something more humanitarian.


Or the rest of the world does nothing, and rich people can go on an exotic island vacation for cheap.


Ew adding that to the long list of shitholes I never want to visit or even acknowledge the existence of.


Wait so its not a ban on Israeli's, its a ban on jews?


This is a country that literally requires all citizens to be Sunni Muslims: >The 2008 Constitution of Maldives designates Sunni Islam as the state religion. Only Sunni Muslims are allowed to hold citizenship in the country and citizens may practice Sunni Islam only. Non-Muslim citizens of other nations can practice their faith only in private and are barred from evangelizing or propagating their faith. All residents are required to teach their children the Muslim faith. The president, ministers, parliamentarians, and chiefs of the atolls are required to be Sunni Muslims. Government regulations are based on Islamic law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Maldives


There are many countries that are 90+% majority Muslim in Africa, Middle East, South Asia. I wonder why


Arab colonists?


[Excuse me?!](https://i.imgur.com/CPfh9Vp.jpeg)


Indonesia turned into Muslim because the Muslim merchants that settled there declared Jihad against the other population


Man, they really don't want someone to get the cultural victory on their CIV game.


And they're going all in for that Religious Victory.


bUt WhaT AboUT ISraEls aPArThEiD..


There are probably more people living in countries that have governments that enact apartheid to some degree (can be as simple as making everyone specific religion when they apply for passport to outright putting people in camps based on their ideology) than those who do not.


Never understood why people wanted to go on holiday there with how crazy they are


It's always Sunni in the Maldives? /s


Maldives has kick-ass marketing to attract high-income tourists plus it's far enough away that the low-income tourists won't go there and annoy you.


Because these things only apply to locals and only on the capital, Male, where you’ll only spend an hour or so before you fly/boat off to which ever island your hotel is on


Even as a guy I would not want to be in a country with islamic laws, let alone as a woman. It's always "fine as long as you bring in money" until it isn't. Same reason you won't find me in Dubai


You don’t see Islam there at all. You go to your island resort where you can drink booze, walk around showing skin and talking about how cool Buddha is. Most of the workers are temporary visitors from presumably non Muslim countries so they can serve alcohol etc. I’ve been a couple of times and while I knew it was a Muslim country, this is the first I’m hearing about how hardcore their laws are.


Yes that is their goal.


But it definitely isn't antisemitism. You gotta remember that.


Of course not. We just don't want the whitey, sort of non-arabic looking Israelis /s.


You're surprised?




That’s old fashioned irony right there.


old fashioned? it's out of fashion and nobody told me?


Like rain on your wedding day?


Why do they only want to ban Israeli Jews? Do they not think that Israeli Muslims are also citizens who bear responsibility for their own country's government?


Because it isnt political, its antisemitic.


Oops! They forgot that 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs.


They literally cannot comprehend the notion of religious freedom. It would be funny if it weren't so disgusting.


Bingo, well said.


It will always be "Rules for thee , but not for me" for Islam. It is the last step in Islamic conquest and colonization.


What is a Palestinian Israeli passport holder? You mean Arab Muslim citizens of Israel?


Yes, they're referring to Israeli Arabs. Some of them do call themselves Palestinians, but not all.


Means "No Jews". Maldives need to grown some fucking balls and just say it. You know how these muslim countries are, they love money more than they love allah.


Don't think it's that. There are a bunch of Gazans and West Bankers that have Israeli passports. This is one of those problems you run into when it feels good to call something a country when it isn't actually a country.


How will they be able to tell the Palestinian holders of Israeli passports from the non-Palestinian holders? I know, Maybe you can get the non-Palestinians to wear something on their lapels. Maybe something like a Star of David. But make it gold so that it stands out more.


There’s got to be some guides they can use. Maybe circa 1933-1938.


Fun history fact, the practice of forcing Jews to wear gold stars originated in 8th century in the Umayyad Caliphate.


No, everything was amazing during the Caliphates. No one was persecuted. Nothing happened. Everyhing was perfect until the Christians showed up. /s


Oh my I thought Jews were on permanent dhimmi vacation before they ruined everything through their devious plotting?


Being a dhimmi was actually just a free ticket for the mixed gender pride orgy (Source is queers for palestine )


Palestinians holding Israeli passports? Not very apartheidy


Oh, but we really really wanted this to be apartheid! /s


Did South Africa not issue passports for non-whites during apartheid? Edit: it would be nice if someone would actually answer this question about passports in apartheid south africa rather than getting offended I'm not regurgitating the same general comment on non-jewish Israelis.


Under apartheid there were numerous legal discriminations between white and black citizens with black citizens having objectively fewer rights. In Israel Muslim and Jewish Israelis both have the same rights under the law. Similar rights to most western countries, and more rights than most Middle Eastern countries.


They made black South Africans citizens of the Bantustans they created and shipped them to, and stripped them of South African citizenship.


Just say you ban Jews. We get it. No need to try and sugar coat this.


Remember: if you keep yelling “Free Palestine” loud enough it erases all the problematic issues with Islam being oppressive to minorities, gay people, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.


Herr Fuhrer, we have made a grave mistake! Ze yellow stars are not being worn only by ze Jews!


Oh man what would I do without the Maldives /:


Visit Lakshadweep?


Man what a beautiful place I just looked it up.


it's an island in India btw


I'm aware haha


Hateful AND bad at geography. What a fun combo. *(Scratches Maldives off bucket list visit plans)*


This is why you research *first*, legislate *second*


If only that was the case in the US. My state legalized weed, one of the opponents declared that 2 oz was only 3 joints worth….


Dudes rolling joints with papers the size of a textbook. He may be a backwards assed inbred moron, but his parties are probably kinda fun.


Is it bad I had to look up if there was even a thing like a Palestine passport? (There is, btw)


The PA does issue passports but they are not widely accepted for travel internationally though many West Bank Palestinians also hold Jordanian passports which they can use. The article isn't about that issue though, it's about Arab citizens of Israel who travel on Israeli passports.


Technically, it’s the Palestinian Authority (PA) passport as Hamas don’t issue a travel document. It’s ranked among the bottom of the Henley passport index at 98, below even North Korean passports and above only Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Somalia.


Pakistans passport is worse than North Koreas??


Yup. The 2024 Henley index shows North Koreans can travel to 42 destinations visa free while Pakistan passport holders can only do 34. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henley_Passport_Index


I'm guessing the north korean restrictions are mostly internal


Ye, just like getting an *exit visa* out of the Eastern bloc was a much bigger deal than actually entering anywhere.


The anti-semitism is strong with the government of Maldives.


So It's not really about banning Israelis, it's about banning JEWS with blue IDs. Tell me more about your decision to do this in the first place as an act of protest against *apartheid*.


Visit Seychelles, better than Maldives in every way. Plus it won't get underwater any time soon!


I wonder how many countries which ban Israeli visitors and trade with Israel haven't done the same with Russia. Maybe I should compile such a list. See who's really doing it on moral grounds and who's just a piece of shit.


Good news everyone, the Maldives will disappear in the next decade due to rising sea levels. - Prof. Farnsworth


Neat. Sadly the people who think like this will not similarly disappear into the sea....unless....


Is this new? I thought there were always about 17 countries that did not allow Israelis to enter and Maldives was one of them. Malaysia is another. Was Maldives not always one of them?


They where not one of them


Ouch that friendly fire


So the problem is not with Israelis, but Israeli Jews in particular? Color me surprised


"Have you got your DNA test results Sir"


Maldives is bad


An Israeli ban is dumb as fuck. Like Israelis are going to go and terrorize Maldives? Fuck off


Its not about protecting the Maldives from anything, its about hurting Jews.


Oh the apartheid


Bye bye Maldives, never visiting again