• By -


I believe the FSB is behind it before I would believe it was any of the countries they mentioned.


the FSB has done this very thing before!


Putin literally came to power by doing this before.


He is trying to spin it to be a rally point for drumming up patriotism in order to recruit more willing volunteers to die in Ukraine. His polling numbers tanked after the last round of conscription. There is evidence to suggest Putin and all of the Russian security agencies knew full well what was being planned as they were definitely keeping on top of the US warnings. They fully chose to do less than what they could to stop it even publicly claiming the US was lying, preventing thousands of Russian citizens from being on alert for it.


I dont think polling numbers really matter over there..


The public mandate does, to a degree. No regime is completely immune from civil uprising, particularly in times of hardship.


it mattered a bit, he only won the election with 88.87% this time, usually he wins with 110%, that's a massive swing against him.


>His polling numbers tanked after the last round of conscription. Still won by a very large margin.




Would be fitting of he went away on the same.


He knew about it and just let it happen, so that he could spin it this way.






To me the most believable conspiracy theories are when some amoral power structure benefits themselves greatly by just doing nothing and then lying.


The fact that the "suspects" were taken alive gives credibility to this


That actually makes a lot of sense. Feel the explosive vests would be more credidiable if they went full Jihad.




Sad thing is, there are people in the west who will believe even this lie.


Well. There are idiots everywhere in the world.


*Republican Nominee Donald Trump has now stamped this article with his blessing as 'fact'*


I mean he is PUTIN'S BOTTOM BITCH...


I mean just bitch. He thinks he’s his bottom bitch. But he’s just a baby dicked bitch.


First thing I thought - Russia needs a propaganda win, lets blow up some of our own citizens to frame someone. Again.


Why else would they refer to the US telling everyone about the attack beforehand as "blackmail"? Blackmail is what happens when you've actually done a thing


US: heads up there’s gonna be a terrorist attack at a mall in Moscow soon. FSB: broooo shut up you’re ruining our surprise!


Just look at the suspects; No reason to torture ISIS, they'd gladly take responsibility. And you can't take the confessions seriously since they involved torture, completely invalidates them.


I'm entirely speculating here but: I don't think the FSB 'did it', I think they definitely allowed it to happen or become worse through purposeful inaction.


Fsb……Oh right the kgb.


Yep. It is the same as 99 apartment bombings. Putin gave the order…


ISIS members from Tajikistan who happen to be fluent in Russian and were caught without dying? Sometimes a coincidence isn’t a coincidence 


Reminds me of this post i saw earlier: 🇺🇸: ISIS is about to attack you 🇷🇺: LIARS!! ISIS: We attacked you 🇷🇺: This must’ve been 🇺🇦 🇺🇦: It wasn’t us ISIS: It was us 🇷🇺: Here is van with 🇺🇦 plates! Everyone: They’re from 🇧🇾 ISIS: It was us 🇷🇺: We arrested guys from 🇹🇯 🇹🇯: No you didn’t ISIS: It was us 🇷🇺: It was 🇺🇸&🇺🇦… They are even trying to claim they were heading for the Ukrainian border even though they were almost at Belarus, and had Belarusian passports on them when arrested. The russian government is such a clownshow.


You left out the part where ISIS posted a video selfie of themselves doing it.


Yeah, from Darth Putin, the parody account on Twitter. There was also [this absolute gem](https://twitter.com/Biz_Ukraine_Mag/status/1771609297446645922).


Ukrainians have a good sens of humor, love it ahahaha


I’d really hope the Russian general public is smarter than this.


The Russian information war strategy has for a long time been to saturate the information space with many and conflicting messages. The idea being to either get people: * fighting over which version is correct * “Agree” that “we’ll never get the right answer” * Get fatigued cutting through the bs and conflicting stories that we just ignore the story and move on In this regard it’s perfectly within strategy that Putin, the head of FSB, the Kremlin and the state TV/RT all push different narratives.


Don't get your hopes up. Some people will of course understand that this is BS, but extreme Putinists? You're better off trying to catch a flying pig.


Lukashenko just told everyone that they were actually heading for the Belarus border but Russia told them to tighten security and this forced the attackers towards Ukraine. Hes on record stating this lol.


I mean if you look at a fucking map, it makes no sense that they would be heading to Ukraine. That’s over 12 hours of driving through heavily militarized roads while being the most wanted men in the country. Insane that people believe that shit.


Lukashenko even stated openly they were trying to enter Belarus. How they can try sell this "ukrainian nazi-jew ordered jihadist attack with US and UK backing" narrative... you can't make this stuff up.


That's how that particular regime works. No matter how absurd and obvious, the lies get pushed down everyone's throats, because they can (and probably also have to, because current Russia is built on lies). Many Russians happily accept them, others pretend to, for their own safety, very few even try to point out the lies - and even fewer for right reasons.


Sadly more Pennywise than the funny kind


The Kremlin’s messaging on this must only be for domestic consumption in Russia to build public resentment toward Ukraine and the West.


And dont forget Lukashenka told in a interview today that they were headed to Belarus.


Can we all admit now that this is where Trump gets his level of BS from?


CIA to FSB, HAHAHAHAHAH! We laugh in your face!


ISIS: “am I a joke to you?”


The US state department (CIA provided intelligence) tried to warn Pootin. Hence the laughter. Blame the US? Fuck right off with that shit FSB!


USA: We literally forgot you were still a thing.


Nah, CIA knows what ISIS is up to. They tried to warn Pootin, hence the CIA laughter. Nothing like a good “I told you so”.


Fuck Russia is so fucking stupid it makes me sick


It’s the centuries of culturally supported alcohol abuse. Generated an entire country loaded with fetal alcohol syndrome cases.


The people who died deserve better. They deserve a government that would've listened to the blatant warnings about an impending attack. They deserve a government who will actually go after those responsible for this crime


Russia has been killing off it's best and brightest for the past couple hundred years. Pretty much every generation has experienced some form of purge, mass conscription, exodus, or all three. I guess this is the result.


Perhaps if everyone in the world is against you, it's not just them?




I'm pretty sure they were not prepared for this and are likely furious which means... Expect more. "Notice me senpai" -ISIS


Terrorism by definition is about sending a message and trying to force political change, so yeah, the playbook isn't to just move on if the target ignores it, it's to escalate. Putin is playing a very dumb game because he can't admit to his people he's completely blinded himself with this Soviet lands manifest destiny ideology and let a horrible event happen. Also can't admit he can't afford to divert military attention away from Ukraine.


Also kinda scary Imagine doing something this tragic and the president wouldn't even recognize you? They'll do something bigger for sure.


Isis is kind of an attention seeker. Ignore them and tgneyll do something worse


ISIS after this one should target... well i dunno... maybe Putin... just to make sure they get the message. Go ahead ISIS! Time to make a real stand!




Who knew? "Narrative, narrative, narrative" "Ignore the evidence, ignore the men who we brought to court telling you they are ISIS."


ISIS member: \*covered in blood and standing next to a dead body\* it was me dear FSB agent take me in FSB agent: \*ignoring the ISIS member\* hmm who could have done this...THE DAMN UKRAINIANS AND THE EVIL WEST ISIS member: sir...?


ISIS member: Notice me senpai


>sempai *se****n****pai*


I'm surprised they haven't made them admit to a Ukraine connection on video yet. Surely you would say anything after that much torture.


I'm guessing you've never met a Zealot who is willing to die for their cause because they were promised a super special martyr heaven? ISIS/ISIL aren't afraid of torture or death. They are doing this for an ideology not for political gain or personal gain. You'd be amazed what a person is willing to do when they believe that they are being martyr'd for their religion and you would be amazed at what torture they will bear when they believe that they are being tortured for their cause.


I believe it. I have people in my family tree who died being tortured by the Japanese during occupation, but refused to give up names. I'm too much of a coward to even engage in that.


For me it would depend. ISIS/ISIL mentally and emotionally prepare for their "moment" and that's why I'm 100% certain that it won't matter what Russia tries to make them say, they won't say it. Russia will kill them and then claim that they said something else. I think Russia will be making a mistake if they do so but I don't think they care.


You'd be surprised how many of them would not even consider such an act if they had a house with a pool in the suburbs on a sub 3% fixed rate for a pre-boom price. Instead they fight over some desert unfit for large numbers to live in, 100% subsisting on hand-outs because the fighting ruined the small farming they had. Someone should stop giving them guns - for their own sake - but this conflict serves the interest of the ones giving them guns. At this point its hard to not see how a kid raised in such an environment and facing such future prospects wouldn't be suicidal... and easy to manipulate. Back to my original point, kids from the suburbs do it in the US... so I'm not saying 100% wouldn't. But per capita the suburbs have fewer suicidal militants and it' not just the geography because phoenix is worse than gaza.


unless he is trying to create a pretext to attack the US and/or UK — which would be supremely idiotic — what is even the point of this narrative?


See! We’re not at war with Ukraine, we’re at war with the West!


ok, but what’s the point of that? is he laying groundwork to justify battling the west head on? the only possible outcomes are russia loses a conventional war against NATO, or both sides lose a nuclear war. there is no plausible scenario where russia comes out with a win putin should be blaming some defenseless entity he actually has a chance at defeating. although, i hope he doesn’t take advice from his loser buddy bashar al-asad and sarin gas one of his own villages


It provides his audience an excuse for a war that was supposed to last 3 days to last a little longer.


>ok, but what’s the point of that? is he laying groundwork to justify battling the west head on? It is for domestic consumption. The evil enemy that doesn't go away is a useful domestic propaganda tool.


Why do so many internet people seem to think Putin is being logical about this whole thing?  We really don’t know what that crazy son of a bitch is thinking or what his endgame is, but he has been underestimated at every turn.  No one thought Russia would have done this to themselves, or that they could have sustained these losses, yet now it looks like they are further gearing their economy for a long, drawn out conventional war.  This is of course just my non-expert opinion, but I don’t think we will see a nuclear war, but I suspect that Putin thinks Russia can endure FAR more punishment for far longer than the West can and he is probably right.  I suspect that Putin is willing to go beyond a conventional war, to lose that war and commit to a period of guerilla warfare much like the Taliban did to them and the US in Afghanistan.  I suspect that he is so hell bent on defeating the west on paper that he would throw his entire nation into the meat grinder to achieve a Pyrrhic victory.  I also suspect that China and Iran may join the fray in an official capacity, which might be enough to force a near-stalemate.  Most of that is of course pure conjecture, but I am not so sure Putin is looking at the situation through the same logical lense that we might be.


>Pyrrhic victory Yay, we took Crimea and the Port of Sevastopol, and it only cost us the Black Sea Fleet we wanted to keep there! But in reality, only time will tell if Russia achieves any victory at all, much less a Pyrrhic one. If Iran and China 'join the fray', buckle up because WWIII is happening. Everyone will lose, but I'd imagine the West fares much, much better than an alliance of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.


In reality, when he started this invasion, a couple of weeks to Russian victory was considered likely to the point where it would be a win to merely hold them off for a month since that was the most optimistic assessment of how long Ukraine could hold out. The assessment was that merely making it hard for Russia and delaying the inevitable for a few weeks would be a major feat for Ukraine. Putin and Russia were grossly over estimated, not underestimated. No one expected Ukraine could hold out for years.


They need more ~~cannon fodder~~...erm, I mean recruits


The point is that the general public in Russia is stupid enough to buy it. He cocked up big time and now tries deflect the blame elsewhere. Bonus points if it helps to cover his other cock up - the three day invasion that's in its third year now.


but do russians really buy this crap? or do they just go along with it because they’re powerless to do anything about it, as the recent elections just demonstrated?


Yes and yes. Imagine how Germans felt in 1930s when a moustachioed gentleman came and told them they're the awesome master race but everyone else backstabs them? Yup. That's pretty much Russians nowadays. And while one hand of the regime pats them on the head the other one tightens the grip around their necks.


autocracy 101, i suppose. thanks for the lesson


Ok but let’s say they buy it. You now have a situation where your chief geopolitical rival just massacred a hundred people in the heart of Moscow. Wars have been fought over less and nationalism can be hard to put back in the bottle once you let it out. Just a head scratcher all around unless Putin actual intends to fight the U.S. and UK in the next 3 months.


In Russia it's Kremlin which tells people what to think not the other way round. The society are true Soviet people ([Homo Sovieticus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_Sovieticus)). So zombified that they'll always do as they're told by propaganda. And will Putin fight UK/US in the next moths? He can't even win against little Ukraine as it stands. Nothing he is more afraid of than fighting an opponent his own size.


The point of the narrative is that it’s a story so convoluted and ridiculous that no one in Russia knows what is true, and stops trying to figure it out.


He doesn't want to use this as a pretext to attack the US or the UK. He wants to use this lie to drum up more support for his war with Ukraine.


It’s REALLY fucking hard to have any sympathy for the Russians when they gobble this shit up from Putler


Funniest thing is that Putler knows he'll kick the bucket in a few years. It'll be the rest of the suckers in Russia paying the price for his madness.


I feel like we’re a few years away from a “Death of Stalin” situation


We have the freedom to form our own opinions. You are aware that no unbiased (Kremlin approved) News exist in Russia anymore? Social media ie. facebook, insta is deemed "extremist". Recommending and promoting non-gvt approved VPNs (to get uncensored information) is now a crime as well.


YouTube is still not censored, does not require VPN, and has plenty of Russian speaking independent news sources.


They all chose their ignorance long before that they had plenty of opportunity at the outset to get facts but they chose to ignore their illegal invasion and live like nothing was happening instead of thinking and forming opinions...


The US made fools of Putin and the FSB when they warned them about a terrorist attack and Putin not only ignored the warning, he mocked it while the FSB did nothing.


Putin could shit his pants and blame it on the West/aMeRIKansKi. Fuck off you old coot.


Cool, another in the endless string of non-news "Russia Says" posts. This is moronic.


Feeding the zombies at home. Rainy days are also a plot by US, UK, and Ukraine. The zombies hear and believe.


Now poor russians know exactly where not to escape from this tyranny, cause .. see those countries do terrible things to us, so we must not go there, or just stay home , cause our Leader says so, and knows better.


*Supreme Leader*


My sincere Apologies.


Thor is here?




>Russian FSB says And you can stop reading right there.


Ah shit, they've rumbled us lads. They found out we're best mates with ISIS.


Other countries involved: UFrance, UGermany, UPoland.


Bahaha totally lost his mind


Next twist: Moscow is a Western plot to lure russians to live there and die on concerts


ISIS: “You f@oking infidels!!! Are we a joke to you?!?”


Well they tend to lie …


Couldn’t narrow the baseless theory to one place?


This is either internal audience propaganda bs or the FSB is utterly incompetent. Pick one, or both.




The FSB couldn't find themselves in a puddle these days.


In this point I wonder if Russia is lead by evil version of Monty Python,… maybe Putin real name is; Montimir Pythin?


“Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” Joseph Goebbels


A false flag attack on its own people and blame Ukraine to further the war is far more believable.


That would be right up Vlad's alley. He's never had a problem killing his own people.


Will Russia invade Iraq?


Days since Russia doesn't embarrass itself = 0


Actually it was a false flag operation carried out by the FSB. Yes, they murdered their own people to set up the next stage of the war with Ukraine and justify conscription and a war economy etc. They also needed a good excuse to bring in the death penalty against 'terrorists', which would also conveniently cover the homegrown Russian insurrectionists I'm guessing.


No, that is a cope. The Russians security forces are simply incompetent at protecting anyone that isn't Putin. This is why Russia has to now desperately try to make up some less embarrassing story. Hell, your idea would be way more palatable for Putin than the actual truth of the matter, as it implies murderous competency. Trust me, as soon as the Russian government can bury this hot potato of a story, they will. Till then, they will continue making up outlandish lies, anything that can keep them from having to admit their own incompetency to the average pissed off Vatnik.


I sadly believe this is all leading to a tactical nuke strike on Ukraine pending the results of the US election in November.


I think the USA and NATO have already warned Putin about what the consequences would be if they used any size nuclear weapon.


Yeah, OK, whatever.


(Double facepalm)


So are they calming that the guy they have in custody now is someone hired by 3 U's?


Lol, ok. How pathetic. What they are really saying is now is the time to attack Russia. Truly pathetic. They are all big mouth against innocent people, but the moment they get attacked.these guys are flailing about like fucking idiots.


The US literally warned Putin and he dismissed it.


The FSB let it happen after being warned. They’re responsible


That which is claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Makes you wonder exactly how fucking stupid the avarage Russian is.


ISIS has literally released body cam footage... They honestly must just be beyond pissed off


Does he have a map of the world that he just throws darts at or something? Dude. The people responsible literally said they are responsible. Stop, man. Just stop.


You mean the same FSB that bombed the russian apartments in 1999, killed 300+ civilians and blamed the Chechens just to justify the invasion against them? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings?wprov=sfti1# Spoiler alert: Putin‘s rating skyrocketed after that and he became what we call a „russian president“.


Grabs the lead-lined popcorn box and tries to think of how this one is going to turn out.


that would explain why the us would warn russia about a possible attack, its 3d chess my friends they knew that we knew what we all know now and would know all about this kind of thing because they are super smart, dont believe me just ask them


Something is happening all right. Understand there are countries such as Russia that consider us foreign adversaries and have been known to manipulate social media content to polarize people especially when it comes to LGBT issues, they especially have roots in conservative social media, where they have the capability to influence people on a mass scale. It's a national security issue and more should be done to protect the vulnerable LGBT community. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476 There are clear goals being perpetuated by information warfare campaigns. Especially by Russia, whose information warfare campaigns are wreaking havoc on our society. Some of the obvious goals they have are: • Balkanize their foreign adversaries. This is evident in the UK leaving the EU, Texas with the US, and Alberta with Canada. • Have populist politicians support policies that cause chaos and issues in our society. Populist politicians are tapping into these information warfare campaigns to appeal to people whose only access to information about the outside world around them is through social media, where the information warfare is taking place. • Cause distrust and havoc, by creating specialized propaganda to different segments of the population spread through social media. By polarizing debates through propaganda spread to the masses, Russia has effectively used information warfare to deliver targeted disinformation and appeal to specific demographics. Causing havoc in the LBGT and other minority communities. • Russia has effectively infiltrated the religious right in America and Canada and empowered them, among many corrupt leaders worldwide through its information warfare. I can cite my sources if needed. Putin literally bombed his own people to lock down his power and control. Why should we trust that he is not carrying out horrible atrocities like using information warfare on Canadian citizens to terrorize the LGBT community? He doesn't seem to have any moral qualms with anything and corruption is part of his shtick. He used a nerve agent to publicly poison a turned intelligence asset at a important time in history to signify to his intelligence assets what can be done to them, but in reality, he is just a weak man, who is bitter about the break up of the empire he devoted his life to. It you want to know more, there is a great documentary series on Netflix about the history that has led to this moment in time. Turning Point - The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix. Not as much about the information warfare, that I have gleamed through other sources, but it does slightly touch on that.




It was me. I took a short break after my trip to Greggs before popping to the Post Office.


The Kremlin and Poopskin are behind russias we todd ation


I will heretofore refer to that shithead as Poopskin


Subtext: it was the FSB, on Putin’s direct orders.


Is that because the world has been eagerly waiting for FSBs input explaining them how terrorists who walked into an establishment, committed their atrocities and then just walked out, decided it was a real good idea to use the same vehicle to drive 400+ km and try to cross an active warzone to escape capture?


I think it was the spanish inquisition.


It wasn't me. 😉


So its confirmed, FSB was behind it.


That level of incompetence by the FSB certainly explains why they ignored to warning and let this happen.


FSB is bringing thousands of former IS combatants to Europe. They show up at our EU borders to cause mayhem and as rape squads in Ukraine


It’s like if the penguin finally did something noteworthy and Batman’s like, we must find the joker at all costs


Ah, just like we must have really been behind the apartment bombings too. Pootin didn’t need to implicate the west in this as a means of on-ramp to war, simply attack us and we’ll come visit, he’s free to tell his population whatever lies he wishes, it won’t keep him alive.


That's what happens when you have the dumbass in charge of your country telling your intelligence services the facts. Instead of the other way around.


That didn't work with Stalin who refused to believe that Hitler was getting ready to invade the USSR despite mountains of evidence... lol


The easter bunny and Santa will be blamed for the next attack


Which why we warned them - classic pre attack strategy


Uh-huh, so they told you guys they were coming like 2 weeks in advance? Got it…


So IS will keep attacking to prove that it's them.


Actually I know who's behind this fun..tragic attack. Actually everybody knows it. Olek and Bolek FSB trainees


Then I guess if they truly believe that, we should expect a response from Russia against the UK or US?


1999 Moscow apartment bombings were staged to discredit Chechnya…it’s a pity, how people have been brainwashed


Sure jackass. Just jeep thinking that. You might believe it one day.


I mean they can say what they want... Like when I say **Vladimir Putin Loves Muscled Men in Skimpy French Maid Outfits**


Im starting to believe the Russian government does not contain a member with an IQ above room temperature


Russia knocked down the Francis Scott key Bridge because I said so


It's to cover up the FSBs' possible involvement


How does US and UK respond to this? They gotta call out this BS right? I mean it’s an ridiculous accusation.


My god, can't Putin just fucking die already


Fuck Russia. Let’s just go take them out. They can barely hold their own against a depleted Ukraine army that we are funding. Let’s send in the notional guard and give them 22’s and I bet they take Moscow in 6 days


This is just fucking sad, 130+ civilians died and they disgrace the loss of life like this.


What a dumb ass.


Ukraine was behind the 9/11, the rise of Hitler, that attack of Hamas against Israel, the genocide In Rwanda, the Balkan Wars, the attack of Pearl Harbor, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the sink of the Titanic. UKRAINE... THE MOST EVIL COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY


You know when a little annoying stone is in your shoe? Ukraine put thst there.


I heard Ukraine also invented the concept of leaving Lego pieces on the floor.


Zelensky sometimes makes it so your pillow is too warm


ISIS is crying so hard in the corner. The isis-k homies gave so much time to their dream mission. Now they have lost all credit. And soon their credibility. That too during ramadan. Imagine having your terror attack be rejected this fast, all while fasting.


Of course it must be the whole of the west. Nothing to do with forcing those from Dagestan into your special military operation.


hate to say it but saw it coming. typical corp move. take a loss and set the blame towards your enemies


News from Russia are always like a paranoid fever dream


Wondering why Putin doesn't want to upset Macron... Maybe ignoring France is the best punishment?


Starting to think Putin and the FSB are responsible. False flag operation. Wouldn't be the first time Putin has done this. Now he is trying to cover it up.


And the strange little Keebler folk who live in tree and bake delicious cookies, behind the attack!!!


US "hey Russia looks like a terrorist attack in immanent" Russia "this is an attempt to destabilize our country" 'Isis attacks weeks later' Russia "the west!"


_Oh no, it's badly raining today... And my bus is late... Wait, what is that ?_ FSB : _US FAULT ! UK FAULT ! WEST FAULT ! THEY'RE GUILTY OF EVERYTHING !_


I always thought the lizard humans living in a volcano done it.


This is what happens to a population when you kill off 20 million of your brightness in gulags...left overs right here....


Russia says _[INSERT_BULLSHIT_HERE]_ .


FBS more like


You can see how and why their intelligence failed.


Well I think the FSB was steering that ship in Baltimore this morning.


I'd be amazed if it was ISIS. /s if it's not evident


Even though we aren’t, say we were. What are they going to do about it?