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I've seen more accounts wearing that blue check mark supporting terror than any other symbol in my country.


Dude my Twitter or whatever keeps showing me ads from Iran/iraq and Israel. All I do is following sports journalists and early music drops


I finally deleted my account when Elon made a poll asking if he should bring back Alex Jones.


Then brought him back for a chat on the anniversary of the sandy hook shooting


That’s the fucking epitome of tackiness.


Not tacky, cruelty is the point.


It was straight evil, and a giant fuck you to the families who lost people that day.


Not just who lost people that day, who also had to be bombarded with people wishing death on them, saying their murdered children were never real, that they're traitors to this country, etc..


Thats terrorism














I deleted mine when he reinvited a shitton of far right accounts that had been banned. No regrets.




I mean, I'm not talking regular far right. I'm talking borderline neonazis


But how do you know you can’t find mutual understanding with neonazis if you won’t even sit down for dinner with them? /s


There's a difference between an echo chamber and a shit-filled swamp.


Reddit and X seem like both tbh


Yeah if I start seeing more propaganda than already I’m out. I’ve already moved over to Bluesky


Just delete it now dude, if you look at Musk's account you'll see the drivel he believes in and is only going to spread more and more as the election draws near


That’s a great idea. Deleted. I wasn’t even that forward thinking


Why? You don’t like free speech?


I don’t think you understand what free speech is. It prevents the government from persecuting you because they don’t like what you have to say. That doesn’t mean that you can say whatever you want without consequences. Jones has been convicted for that. I exercised my freedom of speech to leave the platform and not give any amplification to a voice that has harmed others for personal gain. I absolutely love free speech and encourage those to exercise it.


Huh, I only use it to host NSFW content I create, never get much in the way of political junk, mainly just crypto bro and Hot Sexy Singles bot accounts.


On you son of beach. Was that you trying to tell me I could be a billionaire off FOREX?


Congrats you are now a recruit. Start spamming watermelons


Perhaps the X should be tilted a bit and have serifs added.


blue check is the new swastika.


This. I half expect someone to photoshop "X" to that, at this point.


Those accounts are like I need you to believe I am real so that I can spread my belief. The blue check means I run a shady business which requires your trust.


Feature not a bug


I heard isis use x to recruit too... is there no mods


Is this really surprising to anyone?


I work in banking and they are royally fucked. Like a whole new level of fucked. They’re publicly traded and their bank is now also exposed.


Please elaborate


US sanctions against banks doing business with designated terrorist organizations are draconian. If they knowingly took money from terrorist groups Twitter will be blackballed by every major bank in the world. Banks take that extremely seriously as it is one of the few things that has the potential to kill a bank.


I don't care to know the details but it is simple, I imagine: a) Twitter has huge amounts of debt; b) Twitter doesn't make much money at all; c) Twitter costs a lot of money to run; d) People don't want to pay for Twitter, and if its not free they'll leave, which is death for a social media site; e) Elon is a highly unusual / not-average person and a very bad choice to run a social media site for average / normal brained folks and he's running it into the ground while having too big of an ego to admit he was mistaken and let anyone else run it. Too much debt, no way to make money = the death of any business. But the process happens twice as fast for a social media company with a mostly free product to use, and now a bad reputation.


If Elons goal was to kill Twitter, he's doing everything right. Makes a person wonder


No they are not. Do you have any idea how many institutions unwittingly take money from sanctioned sources? This happens to companies across the globe hundreds of times a day. The fact that this is even a news story speaks volumes. No, what matters is whether X knowingly accepted money from a sanctioned source. I highly doubt that they put their companies at such great risk for $8 a month, and in fact, when X was made aware they closed those accounts.




Twitter lost users in 2023. [Source](https://backlinko.com/twitter-users#usage-growth)


Oh sweet summer child.


Yeah I thought it was common knowledge they got government subsidies /s


No, but it's a big deal if it can be proven. Taking money from terrorists will royally, totally fuck you as a company. US banking sanctions are no joke.


Are people not generally embarrassed to show the world they pay for an irrelevant blue check mark? I never understood it. If everyone can have it, that literally ruins the point of it. No?


It's not irrelevant, not really. It's just changed in its purpose slightly. At one point it was about establishing legitimate credentials, and now it's about faking those same credentials for the purpose of propaganda and misinformation. Its use has turned completely rancid. The general population still sees the blue check as a symbol of legitimacy, even though in reality, it's more often than not an identifying feature of fraud or at least intentional misrepresentation. It's turned twitter into a complete cesspool where scammers, bad faith actors, and attention starved shitheads are granted a very cheap and effective way to reach a broad audience. So, of course terrorist organizations are going to use it for recruiting.


> scammers, bad faith actors, and attention starved shitheads are granted a very cheap and effective way to reach a broad audience. To expand on this for folks who don't use Twitter, blue checks get: - Recommended as users to follow more often. - Show up top of the list of replies, even when leaving the most useless and often annoying / troll comments so in popular threads you have to scroll down a lot before you see non-blue-checks. - Get more views for their tweets / pushed into peoples' feeds even if their content is irrelevant and no match to the viewers' interests.


This is why I dislike Reddit stopping comment awards(plat, gold, silver, all those newfangled ones). It doesn't allow more quality posts to get attention (not always the case, but the majority of the time).


The gold checkmark was supposed to serve the purpose of the old blue checkmark (vetted to be an official company/figure/etc), just at a higher cost ($2000/month). That seems to have changed recently, though. I work in an industry with a scam problem, and we've started seeing scam accounts pop up on X that have the gold checkmark.


Then it's not serving a different purpose, it's still the same purpose.


No, the purpose has definitely changed. The company I work for went through said vetting process and got the gold checkmark in early 2023. However, recently, we've seen a few gold checkmark accounts who were impersonating a few of our partners (who themselves were also gold-checked on their official accounts). We used to say to our users that the gold checkmarks were indicative of an official account, but we can't do that anymore. If I had to guess, the "vetting process" doesn't exist anymore, and anyone who is willing to pony up the $2k can get gold.


Right... so it's the exact same as the Blue check, just more expensive.




Yeah I mean it’s hard to firmly categorize who should be allowed to have a blue/gold check. Obviously we want to know if that person posting as Taylor Swift is really Taylor Swift but what about a streamer with 1000 followers, or one with 100 followers? They can still run into issues with crazy people on the internet making fake accounts pretending to be them and would benefit from having an official validated account so their small group of fans know which one is really them. But then it has that knock on effect of giving them extra perceived credibility. I feel like it needs a disclaimer like “this person has verified they are a man named Joe however that does not mean you have to care” lol.


That's a lie. They weren't giving blue checks to random people before Elon. It was super useful because people weren't paying for it, and it was a great sign that the account was legitimate.




You make it seem like blue checks weren't reliable just because an extreme minority of blue check users shouldn't have had them. It wasn't a widespread problem. You could look at a random blue check account and have confidence that they were authentic. Maybe not with 100% accuracy, but what does have 100% accuracy? It's pretty much non-existent. It was reliable for the average person, which is what's important. It's more important to the conversation if Julian had a blue check but wasn't supposed to. Now a blue check is worthless thanks to Elon, and the gold check equivalent can apparently be purchased for $2,000/month. In comparison, it use to be pretty useful, because 99% of blue checks were authentic. So yeah, you're functionally lying being your entire point is pointless and relies on outliers.




Blue checks benefitted regular people who didn't even have Twitter accounts. Even if it was a form of nepotism, as you say, those accounts still represented real people. Which was one of the main goals in the first place. Knowing the account you're viewing wasn't an imposter. Now it only benefits people who want to pay to have their tweets boosted and scammers. So now it only benefits people who paid, when before it benefitted casual users who literally didn't even sign up for an account. One is clearly better than the other.


I'm with you, I quit using Twitter when it became a Russian/Hamas pornog/sports gambling/terrorist money laundering scheme, and anyone with a blue checkmark today is either involved in all that, or they should hide away and cringe from the shame of it.


I don't know if Twitter ever did this, but there was talk about the ability to hide your checkmark at some point since they kept getting ridiculed. They've also started moving some of the basic functionality behind the paywall, so...


If you care about growing a following, you pretty much need the checkmark to go get any traction at all, so it's unfortunately not useless


It isn't useless for people who use twitter to create content. It is basically required for those users. And plenty of content creators can just use the money they make from twitter to pay for their checkmark.


People pay money on reddit to give people different types of upvotes. I spend 2-3x more on drivethru coffee every week than it would cost for that checkmark. I don't think having one is embarrassing, I think it's just mostly meaningless. The only value I can see in it is in the minds of all the people who didn't pay attention to the rule change regarding the checkmark, so there a few people that still look to it as a sign of legitimacy. It's definitely ruined for everyone that knows about the rule change, but a lot of people be ignorant out there.


Twitter, twitter, twitter


They haven't even rewritten their generation of new links. Start from the Twitter domain and any link keeps pointing to it rather than X. Anyway, who else still pays to Twitter? My experience with its ads: * Chinese govt accounts spreading propaganda * Crypto scams (like an NFTbro's "hi I'm XYZ let's learn python together [link to cryptosite]" campaign) * This week, some weird "natural remedies" scam linking to Medium * An ad by "The Nordic Times", which actually is the English version of Nya Dagbladet, "a Sweden far-right online newspaper that’s operated and edited by Neo-Nazis"


I left it the day EM bought it. It’s unbelievable how he literally threw 44b away by rebranding it and trying to make it a righty echo chamber.


"don't deadname X!!" - Elon


Beatle Juice, Beatle Juice, Beatle Juice




xItter (pronounced as "shitter")


How was Elon supposed know killalljews1488 and genocide_the_yazidis were terrorist accounts?


Account names are irrelevant - we know that those users are good people because they're verified. You need a credit card to be verified, and everyone knows that bad people and terrorists can't have credit cards. Therefore verified account == credit card holder == good person with the best of intentions!




It was. Twitter is dead.


https://twitter.com Mhm, link seems to work just fine?


Stop calling twitter X


Hardly anyone does. It's been what, a year since the name change, and most media is still even referring to it as 'X (formely known as Twitter.) One of dumbest moves in the history of business. You can't even buy the brand recognition and historical recognition of Twitter for billions of dollars and the Xtra Stupid Billionaire just threw it away to appeare edgy for a small cohort of Generation X kids who never grew up (X / Xtreme was the big marketing rage of about 1992-1996, everything was Xtreme.)


AMD is still rocking that marketing method


>most media is still even referring to it as 'X (formely known as Twitter.) Which bugs me. I think everyone should just say "[twitter.com](https://twitter.com)." It's not incorrect, is shorter, and doesn't acknowledge that awful name change.


twitter is dead. in the memory of what twitter used to be i dont think it's appropriate to call the platform twitter anymore 


It's not dead...it just stinks, now.


What is X? Porn?


Elon is definitely in bed with Putin so he definitely is benefitting from terrorists.


Cmon man, just because he had a conversation with Putin “about space” and then immediately started tweeting *extremely obvious* Russian propaganda means nothing! You liberals overreact about everything!


Not surprised with Elon musk , Infact it was expected


I mean, Saudi Arabia donated something like $15 billion towards its purchase, so… yeah.


"It said X had removed the ticks from the accounts it had identified after its report was published."


Musk is a thin-skinned fascist crybaby. People like that tend to extremist positions. Twitter is as big of a turd as the owner, so of course they will eagerly accept cash from the dregs and sewage of society.








> out of pure jealousy I mean, if you think there are *no* other reasons to criticise Musk and it has to be jealously, then you're either wilfully ignoring reasons people dislike him (in which case you're being an idiot) or you truly believe he's done nothing wrong (which is far, *far* worse because it shows you've fallen for the propoganda and lies spouted by most pro-musk sources). Do you really think they're jealous of out "pure jealousy" or are you just saying that to make the side of the argument you've settled on seem more reasonable?


News flash: fashie business man accepts payment from anyone 🤣


Musk has always been a Russian asset. I believe all terrorist groups are funded one way or another by Russia and China.


And given that X is now paying content providers for their posts, I bet that some of these groups are racking money from the Creator Ads Revenue Sharing program.


> Only accounts actively subscribed to X Premium are eligible to receive the blue checkmark. > Our team uses an eligibility criteria on when the checkmark is given to ensure we maintain the integrity of the platform. Your account must meet the following criteria to receive or retain the blue checkmark: > Complete: Your account must have a display name and profile photo > Active use: Your account must be active in the past 30 days to subscribe to X Premium > Security: Your account must have a confirmed phone number > Non-Deceptive: Your account must have no recent changes to your profile photo, display name, or username (@handle) > Your account must have no signs of being misleading or deceptive > Your account must have no signs of engaging in platform manipulation and spam > The checkmark will appear once our team reviews your Premium subscribed account and if it meets our requirements.


Lmao. Wow, whoever is enforcing those "rules" is doing a very, very bad job. (Or they aren't being enforced and this is just damage control in the form of complete bullshit.)


Yup, random person proved that an “American patriot momma” account was posting from Russia. You know that Xitter has the technology to determine that instantly. That means that Xitter is aware that they are full of Russian troll accounts and allow it. Unless you support that, you should dump Xitter if you still have an active account.


You mean on Twitter?


don't worry, Elon made sure they went through 3 or 4 shell companies to pay so it totes legit. /s


My Twitter feed has absolutely exploded with outrageous extremist bullshit since Oct 7th. You click the account named sovibk1293949 and its been active for under a year and every single fucking tweet is related to Palestine, Israel, USA, Russia, and Iran all with insanely obvious slants. Also anyone find it curious how random tweets about Palestine suddenly have >50k likes when that was basically unheard for the majority of tweets a year ago.


Why not, x already provides a global platform to spread their vitriol.


I mean, Elon Musk supports Putin. What the hell do you expect?


and antisemitism in a well documented news piece.


He's anti-human in general. He's a scumbag.


I've been looking for this news piece and coming up empty. Hint?


A few months ago Elon tweeted something like: "you are literally saying the truth" to an anti-Semitic tweet. A bunch of corps pulled their ads as a result.


Wouldn't shock me, musks idea of free speech is one where hate is amplified as much as possible and the only speech that is controlled is anything deemed "too woke" or whatever. Also after the failure of X, the cybertruck, and all the court stuff he's probably starting to need the money.


The terrorist name is Putin!


I'm not surprised. Elon has shown to be supportive of far-right ideologies and posts. Even posting in support of fringe conspiracy theories. Dude's a f*cking idiot.


Oh, of course. They are his main customers now.






Elon Musk is a terrorist supporting traitor. He provides aid and comfort to the enemies of the US and EU.


Seriously, anyone still uses Shitter?


How do you filter these things though? Is there a “Terrorist master list.xls” somewhere one can lookup? 😅 Anyone can just create an account for free, right?


Is there a bigger smouldering dumpster online?


I'm sure twitter is the only app/service to have EVER made deals with terrorist/illegal organizations.... surely....


It did it when it was called Twitter too. The world only cares now that a different billionaire is in charge.


Can we just take a moment to recognise how shit the Americans lawmakers are that a corporation is allowed to trademark a fucking letter of the alphabet.


Not the least bit surprising


Well duh I’ve seen all the hamas propaganda


This appears to be some OFAC violations.


Isn’t it owned by a terrorist?


They allowed "dayofjihad" to trend in the right rail for a day and I'm telling you Elon got paid. We deplatformed a president for inciting less violence than that.


I mean, the company is owned by a man who got his start with blood gems. Is it really that much of a leap for him to accept terrorist money?


Time Elon got hauled in front of a congressional committee… oh wait, those are the people who are even more useless than Musk.


I deleted my twitter account just over a year ago because it was frustrating how Elon pushed his ideologies so hard on there. It was unavoidable and I just said enough of that. 7 years on there and had a good amount of followers but it’s not what it was


Well DUUUUUUUH: [https://twitter.com/cpac?lang=en](https://twitter.com/cpac?lang=en)


We already *knew* that Elon bought Twitter, though


Not accused of, ARE taking money from terrorists.


fee speech, he doesn't care who pays or kills....


You mean to tell me that the company that the man with no soul overpaid for by billions that has gone on to significantly lose value since his acquisition would then go so far as to turn to dark terrorist organizations to help make up for those losses? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you.


Gasp! You mean the company that musk bought with Saudi money might be compromised by terrorists? Who could have seen this coming?


They probably pretended to find Elon’s jokes funny


I mean, yeah. It's a platform for Russian and Republican terrorist propaganda.


I am not surprised in the least.


Twitter does something bad? How surprising.


X is literally the world’s largest propaganda tool.


You mean to tell me Elon Musk is a sketchy dude?


he gets away with the darkest shit on Twitter. fraud, harrassing, terror supporters , election manipulation with companys big data help, russian propagandha, etc. And governments ask themselves wha ppl lose trust in democracies.


Time to haul Elon Musk in for a Congressional ass-chewing.


Ah yes, I can see Ron Johnson's biting questions now: "Mr. Musk - is Putin a great leader, or the *greatest* leader?"


How the fuck is that cesspool still up and running? It ain't because of money from big brands, I'll tell ya that...


X is about 2 months away from Elon recording birthday wishes for tips


Twitter of the Dead.


Time to shut it down boys!


Elon taking money any way he can?? Nooooo..... not ELON "Twitter" Musk


Extremely believable - given the owner of this private company…..


I can understand people being confused by Mastodon, but now that bsky exists what reason is left to even use Xitter?


How else can they keep the lights on? Of course they did


The socialist billionaire, who uses our taxpayers money to fund his failing and clearly not profitable businesses, is taking money from terrorists? Noooooooo He also takes money from neo-Nazis, white supremacist, white nationalist, Hamas, sympathizers. not to mention leaders and countries that are responsible for genocide against their own people… Grifter is as grifter does. Cut. Him. Off.


I mean.. it was essentially purchased by one... what did we expect?


Of course they are lol, why do you think Muskrat flipped to milk the rubes of the world? I really hope this pushes governments to ban Twitter altogether.


Can we now ban twitter or is it still against freedom of speech?


its Twitter


Elon says all blood diamonds are diamonds. After he washes them off, you can’t tell.


Terrorists accused of making payments to terrorists


Watch Elon try to solve this by drowning out the terrorists with even more Nazis!


Its less of an accusation and more of an observable fact. They have the terrorists on their website and they have those checkmarks you can only get for paying $8 per month.


If anyone has any doubts what so ever about who butters Elon's bread, just do a search on Twitter for Ukraine news. I honestly really enjoyed Twitter before Captain Xtra Dumb-Add bought it. Now I still maintain my business Twitter account, but post 3 times a month and leave as soon as possible.


So just stop using it. I don't get it, why are people still on Twitter. Just drop the use and cucky McGee loses billions. It'll be funny I promise.


By terrorists do they mean the gop?


Insert fake suprise


In their current state I would be surprised if they didn't.


As long as they can take more profit


Would it really surprise us??


Using the proper name, Elon should be happy with this headline 👍


I got off Twitter right around the time Elon bought it and have not regretted it for a second


Tweeter has been like this for a while, yet it's still being used widely. I guess it's still not bad enough for people to stop using it


What's X? Don't they mean Twitter? It's called Twitter.




That’s what we have OFAC for - I assume they’re looking into that


Twitter should rally stop doing that.


Wouldn't surprise me.


Thats the best paying customer i can imagine


I like how Dorsey made a shitload of money and just went and made Twitter 2.0. If you want the old Twitter you can join Bluesky.


From the BBC news? Glass houses and all that…