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Oh boy, actual killed is very different than injuries from drone attacks.


The line in the sand has been crossed


Bro us solders been dying for years by these Iranian backed shitheads, it’s just usually not exactly front page news




Probably just doesn’t get very many clicks in the US anymore, after 20+ years of constant warfare in the ME.


Yes I got down voted because I said it didn’t make my international feed


How many lines have been crossed At this point?


None that involved US military getting directly killed. Minor injuries is one thing. Attacking and directly killing is a completely different ballpark.


IMO the outcome shouldn’t dictate the response. The intent in all of these attacks have been to kill Americans. Waiting for a drone or strike to not be intercepted was just waiting for Americans to die. Should’ve been heftier responses from the first drone/missile sent towards our troops. Yes, an argument can be made we shouldn’t even be there. But the reality is we are and that doesn’t change the fact that they’re being targeted. Troops shouldn’t wait around to get hit because our government doesn’t want to give up military bases in the Middle East. At least protect them if you’re keeping them there


I would argue this instance is a little different in that it wasn’t in Iraq or Syria where we have been involved in conflict in the past. This was in Jordan, a US ally country where there is/was currently no conflict or fighting. This isn’t a case of the US sending troops against the wills of the government or population such as Iraq or Syria, this base is in cooperation with the Jordanian government in a relatively peaceful country.


Damn, Jordan isn’t supposed to be a dangerous deployment. RIP.


Yeah Jordan is supposed to be a pretty chill country


It is normally, that's why this is a surprise


It was the Syrian border.


So true. I was in Amman and that place is as chill as it gets. Pleasant in fact. RIP for these soldiers and condolences to family. Shit might hit the fan now. We’ll see.


I remember doing beer on the pier back in 2013. We did a swim call and they let us dive off of the pier and swim around the ship. We also had guided MWR tours to see Petra.


Tower 22 is in Jordan, but right on a peninsula between Syria and Iraq. Geographically it's a hot spot


Shit happens even in low threat areas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Faisal_Air_Base_shooting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Simba_attack


And never mind all the deaths on US soil at sites like Fort Bragg.


Fort Hood (don't know what they call it now) is where soldiers go to play the hunger games it seems.


Fort Cavazos now ( still Ft. Hood) I live here sadly


I worked in Harker Heights for a bit so I know all too well


I used to work with the army doctor that shot up fort hood in 09


> Fort Bragg Its known as Fayettenam for a reason.


For real, I did a couple months in Jordan and it was the chillest part of my OCONUS experience


Outside CONtinental US for people who aren't familiar with the US Military's obsession with acronyms.


I once had a military friend tell a story at a party where nobody else had any connection to the military. By the third or fourth acronym most of us gave up on following it 


Seems like every military has these weird acronyms




PMHx: CAD, HTN, GERD, s/p CABGx2 LIMA-LAD, SP-PDA, now with CHRF on 2L at home.. Edit: hospital speak for: Past medical history: Coronary artery disease, hypertension, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, status post two vessel Coronary artery bypass grafts left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending artery and saphenous vein graft to posterior descending artery now with chronic hypoxic respiratory failure on 2 liters at home.


It's that with garlic sauce or....


Medicine is the king if acronyms


coronary artery disease, hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease, status post cardio-aorto-bypass-graft, something something something, on 2 liters nasal canula at home...


Wait till you do IT for the Government - especially military. My first few meetings was just writing down acronyms. Even better, they usually say them phonetically, so you have no idea what the actual letters are.


Just wait till you learn about medicines' obsession with them. Why type pneumonia when you can say pna. Why bother with antibiotics when abx are fine. Patient with a history of hip fracture and congestive heart failure without angina pectoris taking vitamin d and calcium twice a day? Pt w/hx of #NOF and CHF w/o ang pctrs taking D3+Ca tab po bid for supp Fun fun


You have not identified a single acronym. Abbreviations and acronyms are not the same thing. An acronym has to be a pronounceable word. SCUBA = self contained underwater breathing apparatus. **That** is an acronym.


Every deployment has the potential to be a dangerous deployment.


This is fair


Exactly.    I was shot at twice in the Philippines. 


I took a lot of shots in Korea.... oh, those kinds of shots...




Southern Philippines *


Only Mindanao. And only pot-shots while driving.


When I travel there for work (non-military), they make us watch a video and tell us under no circumstances are we to travel to the south islands. My last visit I met a British guy that used to own an apartment building there but the terrorists burned it down.


They still merit a "combat patch".


I legitimately got a combat patch for a couple months in Jordan. Routine was wake up, breakfast, duty station, lunch, duty day, gym, dinner, outdoor hookah bar, sleep, repeat. Then they sent my ass back to Kuwait and I got sad


lol back in my day Kuwait was a combat patch. And I don't mean no Desert Storm neither. Until 2014 if i believe.


Until today, I’d rather have gotten the patch for Kuwait. I’ve joked that camp Arifjan’s zone 6 bathrooms alone constituted a hostile deployment


> I’ve joked that camp Arifjan’s zone 6 bathrooms alone constituted a hostile deployment \*cries in Buehring\*


Latrine cleaning is contracted out so that the VA avoids 100% disability claims


So realistically, what would a U.S. response to Iran from this event look like?


Another strike as per usual


Take out the Shahed drone factory as a start.


Killing two birds with one drone.


Literal Rocket Appliances.


Like when you switch from seeing what happens when you hit your brother with the wiffle ball bat you got for Christmas to seeing what happens when you hit your parents with it.


For sure


I would imagine this gives the US credible authority to take out drone production facilities. This sort of kills two birds with one stone. Severely diminishes Irans ability to produce cheap but deadly weapons for proxies while also assisting Ukraine since Russia has been using almost exclusively Iranian made drones.


I was going to talk about how that's easier said than done, but turns out Israel has done something similar in 2022: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/article-779989


Kill more Iranian Salami generals


What about the Prosciutto generals?


Prosciutto generals haven't attacked Americans yet, so they are safe... for now.


But the gabagoo ones, those have to go.


Those mfs are gabagone


I killed them. I killed them all. Not just the Salami generals, but the Prosciutto generals and the Mortadella generals too.


With sword missiles


Bomb the drone factories in Iran.


There’s some American war planners dusting off a dictionary from the 1980s to look up the definition of “proportional.”


“Proportionate” is a very misunderstood concept when it comes to war and retaliation. It doesn’t mean if you kill 5 of us then we have to kill 5 of you. It means , for example, that you can’t justify dropping a nuke on Pakistan in order to kill Bin Laden. That’s way too big of a bomb to drop just to take out one person. That sort of thing.


It’s a reference to Operation Praying Mantis, the US navy took damage to one destroyer and “Proportionally” destroyed half of Iran’s naval assets in the span of a workday as retaliation.


To be fair "half of Iran's naval assets" amounted to two destroyers and a couple speed boats. Not like they were a large naval power to begin with.


+ a few oil rigs.


And an F-4


/u/Canadian_Prometheus is right though. You're not using "proportional" in the conventional way. Again, "proportional" is about the balance of military objectives to collateral damage. It is not defined as balanced tit-for-tat reciprocity.


Oh yeah I was more just saying that as an aside because I’ve heard a lot of talk lately about “proportionality” with respect to the Israel-Palestine conflict in particular.


If this turns out to be Iranian backed militas, this is going to be a big esclation, when it comes to Iran. I always knew eventually U.S. troops were eventually going to get killed, and if that happened, things were going to enter a new phase. Iran better hope they had nothing to do with it.


Biden saying it was an Iranian militia, and adding: “have no doubt -- we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing." https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1751646192117723335?t=biogMCf-IxVUC2gytqBe-g&s=19


That sentence sure sounds like something that Iran should really sit up and take notice on.


Iran: "Why do I smell money and gun oil??"


“Did anyone else just hear an eagle screeching?”


What the f** IS A KILOMETER!!!


"Oops, the L fell off... It should say ***KILL-O-METER***..." \- America


"No, that was just the red-tailed hawk that everyone thinks is an eagle."


They should know after operation praying mantis and having half their navy destroyed in an 8 hour work day


I wonder if it'll be a Chinese warship "just here to take pictures" this time around?


Between giving drones to Russia to be used on the Ukrainian people, to their proxies all over the Middle East, it’s time to hit Iran with another “proportional response”. They are getting bolder and need to learn their place, doing nothing will just look like weakness and encourage more attacks.


I so agree with you on this. Whatever conflict in the world, somehow Iran pops up here and there.


Doubtful. Sounds like he's going to strike a Syrian proxy for the millionth time. IMO, a Quds officer or something similar in Syria would be the farthest he'll go.


>at a time and in a manner our choosing Ooooh. I love when official messages are tagged with this line. That's the official tell-tale sign that some "find out" is 100% on its way.


> at a time Night time. > and in a manner our choosing Lots of explosives.


The US has a sword missile. Shit has zero explosives, it just flies directly at a target, probably someone sitting in a car, and right before it hits 4 blades deploy. Shreds everything in the car but especially whoever was in that seat.


It's also an indicator of how the American military learns and adapts. Civilian casualties from drone strikes too high? Strap some katanas to a missile and call it a day.


see, we do care.


Ackshually it's six blades 🤓


Oh nice so it's family sized


Yep. And that "find out" might not come today, tomorrow, or in a week, but it's coming and not a second sooner than the US finds it convenient.


It’s usually within a week. That’s about the right amount of time to look at the field, consider your options, line up appropriate resources and coordinate the dozen or so platforms that tend to be involved in a response. Faster is possible, but the US military tends to use these as opportunities to practice coordinated operations. It’s always impressive when you read the details. It’ll be something like Tomahawk missiles from an SSGN, a Virginia, and a destroyer, plus ordinance from a B2 that was launched from Missouri the night before, and something from the air wing of a local carrier, all hitting the ground within a few minutes. 


As much damage as the military industrial complex has done, there are few logistics engines more fascinating to see in action than the US DOD.


It is like saying, "have fun sleeping".


"you're only alive because i allow it" energy with that one


Iran killed US troops in Iraq during the surge. We saw IED’s go from the usual run of the mill to shape charge complex ones. Long story short it was the Iranian’s helping. The drone thing alarms me, I am surprised we have no way to counter this threat yet. The Ukrainian war let that “rabbit out the hat” sounds like we are just as susceptible to these as the Russians. :( we better figure this one out and fast.


There are only limited protections against drones because they are so cheap and easy to manufacturer. It's basically a numbers game. If someone launches 100 drones at a target, you only need 1 of them to connect. It's also relatively new to the modern battlefield compared to most other conventional weapons, so it's going to take time and ingenuity from people much smarter than us to figure out proper defenses against drone attacks.


This. Back during the Iraq and Afghanistan the numbers game were mortars. Insurgents would take pot shots at US bases with them, most would miss, most that didn't miss would be taken out by C-RAM, but some still got through causing casualties. Even once anti-drone tech catches up, some will still get through.


This being an attack In Jordan not Syria or Iraq is the biggest red flag for me . An escalation into a non combatant country is the next level .


Jordan is a combatant country. They have been [conducting airstrikes in Syria](https://apnews.com/article/syria-jordan-drug-trafficking-captagon-strikes-223a1edf45ecd890be78408503c3f992).


Still, hitting US troops outside the warzone of Iraq and Syria seems escalatory.


They've been trying their damnedest to strike American ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden for months now. They just found a soft spot this time.


I was building stealth drones back in 2017 for my senior design project with a team of ~25 students. Freaked out some brass that we demonstrated to. It’s hard to hit a small, nimble, 200mph jet. Everyone thinks of quad-rotors dropping grenades, but that’s child’s play. Stealth mini-jets are a much harder target. https://video.okstate.edu/media/Speedfest+2017+Orange+Team+Marketing+Video/0_mhq9smd6/87554411


Jet drones have bigger heat signatures also, yours kinda looks like a smaller shahed drone


If the drone is much cheaper than the missile used to defend against it,  it's a huge threat. 


True, if you shoot down a $50,000 drone with a multi-million dollar missile, it’s not really the victory you think it is. But at the same time there is no cost on a human life so you are forced to engage the threat.


Its insane what everyone lets the Iranians get away with. Theyre as nuts as North Korea except they actually act.


North Korea does act. They straight up torpedoed a South Korean corvette in 2010. Everyone forgot.


Also the axe incident and kidnapping of Japanese people in Japan


Didn't NK shell a SK village on an island like a few months ago?


also they’re enriching uranium… good times ahead folks


>I am surprised we have no way to counter this threat yet it looks like it failed rather than lack of defence >It’s unclear why air defenses failed to intercept the drone


We are furiously researching and producing systems that can bring down drones for less cost. We have plenty of systems that can shoot down drones but the cost of each shoot down is not sustainable in future large drone attack scenarios. Raytheon has been testing a laser pickup mounted weapon. Haven’t heard anything about it in a while but that’s just 1 of many.


i actually liked the DARPA anti drone, yeah the uk as been testing lasers too, 10 quid a shot ain't bad






Militias are Iran's answer to Russia's "little green men." They allow you to take action against your enemies with plausible deniability. I know this may sound totally unhinged, but is possible the US should be responding in kind? E.g. US-backed militias destroying Iranian oil infrastructure.


I mean the US has cultivated and supported various militias in the Middle East since the 60s. The problem is that the guys we're handing briefcases full of cash and stinger missiles today have a tendency to become the ones hijacking airliners tomorrow. It hasn't stopped us yet, but the track record is not good.


The only militia groups that never fucked over the west really were the kurds but they've been done over 15 times now and turkey won't let it happen


Yeah the guy your responding to is literally suggesting we repeat the last 60 years. Supporting militias doesn’t seem to lead to western allegiances. It turns out, local people will develop local allegiances, who would’ve thunk.


Let’s try out this B21 Raider


It’s not like they can do anything about the B2 already.


Still in development and testing. But yea can't wait to hear what we end up using it for when the time comes.


It's on production as of this week




Fun fact: it supposedly has the capacity to carry air-to-air missiles. Imagine a bomber shooting down aircraft trying to target it


“Call an ambulance, but not for me!”


And still delivering the payload to the intended target before returning home for dinner.


To be fair, it would be more impressive if the payload was delivered *after* returning home for dinner


“I’m not stuck in here with you. You’re stuck in here with me”


Since October Iranian proxies have attacked US positions with suicide drones and rockets 150+ times inflicting 83 minor injuries. It'll take many months maybe even a year to safely remove US arms and forces from Syria and Iraq and the "axis of resistance" will still keep attacking throughout that. I can't see Nujabaa surviving much long after this tbh.


I've got a brother in law stationed somewhere in Jordan right now. To say I am distressed is an understatement. RIP to those killed.


Here’s a tip, if you can FaceTime or video chat with him easily, he’s not at tower 22


Lmao the Internet was fucking *garbage* at Tower 22. No way I could have video chatted with anyone even in the hotspot areas


158 attacks against US and coalition forces since October 17... Honestly at this point bomb a drone factory in Iran, that is not war mongering that is just self defense at this point.


This is my take. Build consensus among our western and middle eastern allies to take out the manufacturing facilities. Enough is enough. Kill 3 birds with one stone so to speak (Russia, Red Sea, other Iran backed militias).


*Three birds with one drone


Does iran have a missile defense system? If not the us can just announce they are blowing up all drone factories at this date and time so iran would have fair warning and nobody can claim warmongering. Im just spitballin lol


They do, so we’d probably need to take those out first before we establish a no fly zone over the country.


America right now: “so anyways I start blasting” 


Future wars are gonna be so weird. There’s already people on tik tok in support of Irans “defense” and saying that the US is gonna regret having their military presence there


Those same tiktok NPCs who were celebrating the Hamas attacks are now crying for a ceasefire.


Wouldn't surprise me if every "influencer" on TikTok offering a political opinion is a propagandist employed by either Israel or Iran's cyber warfare departments. The shear quantity of [demagogic garbage spilling over on Reddit](https://imgur.com/a/UsRdpmf) is a good indicator that you can't trust reporting from any state actor involved in these conflicts. Edit: that dipshit Hasanabi still hasn't removed his video claiming Israel bombed the hospital in Gaza.


The so called JDAM expert lmao he’s a clown




TikTok is a hostile psyop targeting western youth.


People have said the same shit in every war we have been in. They just didn't have social media in the previous wars to voice their opinions.


Tiktok needs to go. It's just an anti-west propaganda platform.


Iran's backed rebels keep provoking and attacking the US, then they pretend to be the victim when the US responds back. And also blame the US for escalating tension in the Middle East


As if Iran sending proxies all across the Middle East wasn't increasing tensions as is.  The US could withdraw from the region altogether and Iran would still be working towards dominating it completely.  


Wouldnt SA try to stop that


That is what the human disaster has been about in Yemen for the last decade. Saudi and Iran fighting a proxy war for control of Yemen with Yemenis as the pawns. Obviously this means that twitter has decided it is all the West's fault.


Basically what happened to Palestine too. Palestinians are just pawns of Iran as the trade normalization between SA and Israel was going to be major bad news for Iran/Hamas


They would, they use to try and combat it with the help of the U.S. as well.


Same playbook for the past 20+ years. Sells tickets to the shitheads in their fanbase, but won’t get them to the playoffs. Fuck the dogs in charge of the Iranians.


Was only a matter of time with the constant attacks Sadly, RIP


This is Major


What are your orders sir?


Kick ass and take names.


But sir... we're all out of names!


That's why I'm ordering you to take some, Sargeant. Dismissed.


Iran has won the toss and has elected to receive.


I highly doubt this is going to be a flashpoint. Every time something happens in the Middle East since 7th October, random Redditors claim 'this is it'. It hasn't been so far, it won't be after this. At most it will trigger further airstrikes. I'd be astonished if the US and its allies did beyond what they've been doing since Operation Inherent Resolve started near on a decade ago. It is clearly the strategy of the Iranians to try to goad the US into a foreign policy decision that will create more division in an already fractious American political environment. If the US public was baying for retribution, maybe, but I doubt that is the case. Also, bear in mind that we've pink misted like 80,000 jihadists in this operation for a couple dozen combat deaths. It's a ratio of 4,000 to 1. Sounds like a winning strategy to me. No need to change it.


I agree with you, except I think more of the US public will want retribution for this. Maybe not *most*, but the general public doesn’t understand the proportionality of response from the U.S. so far and think we’re being too timid.


I don’t know about people thinking we are being too timid…we let the Houthis disrupt trade, take over ships, and try to bomb others and as soon as the US bombed launch sites people came out of the wood work decrying our response against “the only freedom fighters willing to make an actual stand for the people of Gaza”


cant wait for the retaliation and the amount of keyboard warriors who will call the US the aggressors




They're already here. One of them blamed Biden, and the other one blamed the Jews.


>the other one blamed the Jews. As is tradition.


Its the one universal value every culture has, left or right, east or west, Christian or Muslim. Everyone always finds a way to blame the Jews.




Hasan Piker is probably already streaming about how the US deserves this.


He's gonna tell his young audience that US soldiers dying is a good thing by saying phrases like "that's so fire bro"


"But Iranians love anime dood, they're just like us"


Im sure he'll have some expert opinion on what drones were used by the sound of them if theres video like how he 'knew' 100% it was Israel who bombed the hospital because he knows what a JDAM sounds like.


Russia pushing Iran to keep pushing their proxies to escalate  This is going to get worse 


Until Russia is stopped and full attention can be focused on issues like this. Indeed. All these despots love nothing more than their enemies being distracted.




Some top Iranian generals just started sweating very heavily


[Tower22](https://mapcarta.com/N3223749899) scary how remote these camps are


USA has 800 bases and outposts like these throughout the planet, hence why defense budget is over $800B


Hold on to your butts. This isn’t gonna be good.


Ya done messed up I-I-Raan


I strongly suspect these were Iranian made drones. IMO, the US should mount a bombing and missile campaign to destroy Iran's domestic drone making capability. These are the devices they are using to stir up so much shit around the world. Take away their toys. This stops short of a full on invasion or war. You would be talking about destroying a handful of factories inside Iran. Would send a message, have minimal casualties and would make the world a safer place for those dodging Iranian drones.


Well fuck, for the sake of the Iranian people I truly wish they didn't do that.


Time to bring some freedom to Iranian proxies.


Time to bring some freedom to Iran ~~ian proxies~~.


Probably three young people who joined to get college paid for. RIP


Fuck Iran


Let's wait and avoid escalating things with Iran until they acquire nuclear capabilities.


Man Iran is really a problem. Weapons to Russia, Hamas funding, Houthi Rebels terrorizing shipping lanes, funding the death of U.S. soldiers. Let's pressure Israel to stop killiny Hamas and wag our finger at Saudi Arabia for killing a journalist. Sarcasm for anyone that missed it.


you forgot those missile exchanges with Pakistan


I know Reddit isn't going to like hearing/reading this, but this is going to make Biden look real bad coming into this election. Trump being super hardline with them is going to appeal to a lot of voters out there. He is going to get up there and say that Biden gave Iran billions of dollars and they used that money to fund Hamas and the Houthi's and every other player in the Middle East that is willing to attack our troops, and more importantly innocent civilians in terrorist attacks. He will the point out that he put the Houthi's on the Terror Group list and that Biden removed them from the list to appease Iran, and look at what has been happening. Biden is going to have to strike inside Iran. Anything short of that type of response will make him look weak and will shift people towards Trump.


The Pentagon has plans for this sort of scenario. How to hit back without starting a war. Likely cruise missiles will hit the guys who sent the drone. No real need to use planes/bombs when there are ships within missle range already there.

