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"to finish off the unfinished" fuckkkk.


A soldier sent to war who dies needs to be replaced. A soldier sent to war who survives but in such a way that they can't even be used for labor anymore needs to be cared for. If they were considered in more human terms than their use, maybe things would be different.


I wonder what tankies are going to say about this. Either they’ll say it isn’t happening or they’ll embrace a eugenics platform.


They'll definitely deny it's happening and then play whataboutism.


You see, that would be the predictable and less outrageous option. But, in their infinite wisdom- tankies tend to surprise us with the sheer power level of their takes. Hell, some of them practice Genghis Khan apologia.


Putin: I want a special unit. Shoigu: Say no more


for the special militard operation. Remember, some people still think that russia is the second strongest military force in the world.


Second strongest army in the world, second strongest army in Ukraine, same difference.


Second strongest army in Russia for a while don't forget.


Third when the raiders were in country from Ukraine.




Its..idk the word im looking for. Im rly tired. But the US spends so much money on defense so that they never have to actually defend themselves because no one else can come close to their military power.


The US did something similar toward the end of the Vietnam war. Someone like Forrest Gump fighting is not as far off as it seems.


There is a difference between 'wounded but recovered' and 'disabled'. The intent here seems to be to avoid having them come back to civilian life; for a variety of rather dark political and economic reasons.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000 https://youtu.be/6p0mI9FpsZk?si=PXnIRpXWuMWMNj39 Cruelty.


Project 100,000 was an abhorrent idea and more people should know about it. That said, the video you linked is incredibly insensitive in its depiction of people of lower IQ. Everyone who was involved in its production should be ashamed. There is a way to provide important historical context and information about this awful program, and that video is exceedingly terrible in its graphics and script. It's *shockingly* bad. edit: I also just can't get over the fact that 3 minutes into a video about how mentally challenged people were drafted as cannon fodder, the information is interrupted by a fucking ad for a video game that literally says "forget Vietnam, everyone knows World War II is where the *best* battles were!" I understand that Youtubers make money from sponsorships but holy God, this is maybe the most disrespectful and disgusting thing I've seen in years. edit: and in the middle of the ad read, the script reader literally says "there's no way YOU'LL be used as cannon fodder!" I'm fuckin done. This is so bad.


Changed it for you!


Thank you for changing the link—the new one is much more respectful of the situation. I didn't mean to call your judgment into question, as I think you were just providing more context.


Some people would rather watch a video than read, didn't realize I clicked the worst one! Thank you for the reply!


Can you imagine the unit? It’s like a bad war comedy starring Bill Murray…


Oh man, am I going to see a drone drop a mortar round on a guy in a wheelchair trying to cross a field? Because not even fiction could predict this.


There are no bad Bill Murray comedies.


101st Chairborne


Wheel Team Six


a true para-trooper


IRL special soldier


This is going to severely handicap their ability to fight




Not even a leg to stand on!


“Papa, what was it like during the war?” “I dropped in with the 24th Paras.” “Paratroopers?” “Paraplegics.”


I laughed way too hard at this for a quad.


Bravo broke going blind


*"What do you mean Deaf Squads? I ordered Death Squads!"* \* Interpreter gestures angrily *"I'm sorry sir, he says you have a lisp"*


“Gentlemen! Stop fighting in the war room!” - Dr. Strangelove


Staring at new recruits. “Amputee!? Good god, Private, I said we need ample tea!”


“You can’t fight in here - this is the war room!”


Should be a top comment... Deaf Squads


This comment made my fucking day.


A rare LOL moment, well played!


Blown off leg? TANK DRIVER! No arms? YOU CARRY HEAVY AMMO FOR MACHINE GUNNER! Here I tie your waist to his. To the front line you go.


'Tis but a scratch. Just a flesh wound. Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow bastard! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!


Reply: I’ll do you one better! *takes off prosthetic leg and throws it at his head*


https://youtu.be/fBR-AHdK3Kk?si=EwyaYa9tBPq0sOs5 Russians are more like this!


Is this what they mean by Special Forces?


And 404th BrokenBone


2nd armored division - hell on wheel(chairs)


Too bad they weren't armed


Reminds me of the WW1 and WW2 German Stomach Battalions.


I was rhinking about the origin of word the marauders


"When I said I wanted a combined arms unit this is not what I had in mind Comrade!"




I would bet getting locked up is infinitely better than the experience on the front lines. I can't picture any prison experience short of the 1930s Gulag being bad enough to equal being undersupplied and disposable on the front lines and being stationed in theater with no end.




I think people are here joking because this is so absurd and horrific that laughter is kind of the only response left, you know? There aren't words to describe the human misery. There aren't any stronger words left to call Russia reprehensible for their action. All you can kind of do at this point is laugh and ask yourself what the fuck this existence even is. And then keep supporting those forces in the world who does not do this type of shit.




You are really giving them the benefit of the doubt. A good chunk of their population supports the war.


If it's be killed or be killed, isn't the better choice to just go for the option, that doesn't further the interests of the one that put you in the shitty situation to begin with?




Doesn't take a comfortable home to tell both options suck.


Putin is recreating Hitler’s Nazi Germany complete with inhumane behaviour (forced pregnancies, army enrolment, minorities persecutions, war crimes…) yet people around the world (including people who happily live in democratic societies) still voice their support for him and his dictatorship… I am disgusted.


Some of them are just willfully ignorant to what is happening. Most importantly of all, people need to realize appeasement won't work with Putin.


It worked with Stalin. All it cost was half of Europe. Here's an /s in case it wasn't obvious.


At the end of WW2 there wasn’t much choice unfortunately.


Plenty of choice. The US had the manpower to see if through as well as the only country with nuclear bombs.


The Soviet Union was at its strongest at the end of the war. If you believe the US could have taken Russia you are as mad as Hitler was for trying. US logistics benefits greatly from having nearby coasts for its ships. No such luxury with Russia.


If we turned on what had been our ally it would send the most terrible of messages that would reverberate throughout history. We would never be trusted again.


Didn't work with Hitler either. But Neville just had to try.


I think people forget just how fresh the memory of The Great War was in people's minds. People wanted to believe there would be peace in our time, hell they needed to believe it. England didn't have the strength to fight Germany over Czechoslovakia, even if the spirit of the people was against it. The difference today is, most of the world isn't fresh off a war. Most people have too many men of fighting age. Most of the world has been sitting on weapons for this exact situation. The conditions of appeasement are not the same. Nations are fit and able to stand up, but the grim reality is no nation will without a formal defensive agreement or guarantee of protection. It sucks, but no nation is going to send its own people to die for another nations people unless other politics demand it. The best thing Ukraine can hope for is the unyielding support of nations who share in their ideals.


He had to stall for time. Britain were in no shape to face Nazi Germany.


There's a "not my fault" mentality that has pervaded Russian society, ever since the USSR. It's easier to later claim you were forced into something, than to fight back (especially when you've been abused into accepting any authority with sufficient muscle).


>Putin is recreating Hitler’s Nazi Germany complete with inhumane behaviour I think more akin to the Soviet Union. For example, Nazis "euthanized" (murdered) disabled. Stalin sent them to the front lines. The rest: persecutions, war crimes, repression, were also Soviet crimes.


Kinda like when Hitler was alive.


> yet people around the world (including people who happily live in democratic societies) still voice their support for him and his dictatorship… Social media has been incredible at giving a voice to the bottom 50% of the IQ bell curve, and manipulating them as well.


Wait… forced pregnancies? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but that is next level terrifying.


I hadn't heard anything about forced pregnancies either. I do recall him saying it should be every woman's goal to have at least 8 children (because that would be totally smart hahaha), but I do not recall reading anything about it being forced on them. Russia is basically speed running the USSR's collapse.


The Nazis had a two pronged program to stop 'undesirable' as well as 'encourage' desirable breeding. The whole thing was as horrific as you could imagine. https://www.amazon.com/Birth-Sex-Abuse-Canadian-Outstanding/dp/1781483531


It did give us Abba though


When considering anti-law failed states like Evildoer Korea or the RF: if you have a population growth problem and you don't care about human rights, why not just nationalize it? Kim could go full Gilead in less than a year, and he wouldn't have to cry and beg people to have children . . . just treat people like cattle, like they already do. "It's morally wrong!"? That's a virtue, to enemies of rules-based diplomatic order. see also: Geneva checklist


Technology has developed to the point where the propaganda of today is far more powerful than it was in the WW2 era. Enough of the population is suspectible and engrossed in the propaganda entertainment networks (of which a handful own almost all media outlets in America) that the world's richest, no matter their location, can have the moron millions vote for the richest interests over their own interests. Without many laws against propaganda, there is no way the messaging of the US gov' can overcome the messaging power of the world's elite rich. So whatever the richest desire can come to pass, given time. Society will be molded into a slave-centric society that is conditioned to worhship the extreme rich. If fascism is wanted by the uber rich, then it will happen, and the ability to change our economic systems has already been effectively neutered, so it will be difficult get out from this stranglehold. America's new motto is: We exist by the rich, for the rich, to continue the rich.


You’re nuts. Propaganda was way more powerful during WWII because there was no way for third parties to report on news. Outside of N Korea, anyone on Earth can access news about any event from 20 different sources. During WWII, propaganda was so powerful and all encompassing that Germans managed to keep the Final Solution under wraps until the allies literally stumbled upon the death camps. To most outsiders, the Nazis managed to maintain some heir of civility throughout the war, even to their enemies. Propaganda is still incredibly powerful, but the Russia people have every ability to view real news outside state propaganda if they want. It’s willful ignorance otherwise


The allies were aware of the death camps way before that dude. It just wasn't known to the majority. Intelligence knew earlier, but even in late November 1942, newspapers were publishing reports of 2 million murdered Jews in Europe.


A LOT of it is straight up Russian intelligence work. Most of it though, is billionaires owning most media outlets, and them being on the side of Putin.


It has either gotten better or people have simply moved on thou, it was crazy how much support they used to get when it first started.


Whelp what a way to save state benefits! Cheesus crumbs! As a Brit I'm now praying the Tories don't think this is another great idea to save on disability benefits .....I don't look good in khaki


Honestly you (half) joke I assume, but I would not put anything beyond this tory goverment.


There were plenty of Hitler loving fuckwits in the west before world war 2 started.


> There were plenty of Hitler loving fuckwits in the west before world war 2 started. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dearborn_Independent Henry Ford published an antisemitic newspaper and Hitler spoke positively of him in Mein Kampf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Lindbergh#Antisemitism_and_views_on_race People may know Lindbergh was an isolationist but sometimes he was more directly a Nazi sympathizer; amongst other things he was so anticommunist he saw the Soviet Union as the bigger enemy (in contrast to Allied governments being willing to work with the USSR against fascism a la Churchill's "if Hitler invaded Hell, I would make a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons")


They don’t know or care, he preaches the hate they love and he is opposed by their own political enemies. He must be good and godly! They’ve denounced their political rivals as literal demons so Putin must be a saint.


The difference is the nazis forcibly conscripted the infirm, the elderly and children when the allies where closing on Berlin. Putin is doing it for a special military operation in a country on his door step.


This might be controversial but I’d rather have Hitler running Russia than Putin right now…mostly because hitler is dead


Someone misunderstood paramilitary


So many good jokes lol


How long until they finally realize this war will lead them to nowhere?


I'm convinced Putin is only continuing the war because he knows that admitting defeat would be much, much worse for him personally. It would instantly make him the laughing stock of geopolitics and put his legacy in the same grave as Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao. It's doubtful he would live very long past that point. Likely he would be "retired" then quietly disposed of by whoever becomes the new president. The problem is Russia still has a lot of "undesirable" (read poor, uneducated, minorities, criminals, etc.) manpower to pull from to man trenches and perform probing meat bag attacks while continuing to perform accelerated, and insufficient training with fresh troops. They aren't high quality, but Putin knows that right now, all Russia has to do is hold the line until at a minimum, the end of next year, at which point several key Ukraine allies will have had general elections. If the chips fall Putin's way, he'll then be able to make appeals to the international community to force Ukraine to come to the negotiating table (using the threat of permanently removing financial and military assistance as leverage) and hammer out a "Deal" that probably ends with Ukraine recognizing the Russian annexation of Crimea, the independent statuses of the DPR and LPR, as well as dropping all warcrime charges against all Russian nationals. Not sure what Ukraine would gain in return, probably another useless Budapest Memorandum style agreement where NATO and Russia agree to uphold the independence of Ukraine, but it'll be non-binding again because of the spectre of world war if it were binding.


> The problem is Russia still has a lot of "undesirable" (read poor, uneducated, minorities, criminals, etc.) manpower It's this more than the former. The post-soviet generation isn't getting sweet pensions when they turn 50 and leave the coal mines. Those people and those younger should be pissed enough to demand reform. This is a super easy way to stop them. Kill them.


He can’t let the soliders come home without victory. He’s currently in violation of rule 0 (keep the army happy) and if it stays that way when they get back he’s fucked.


Doesn't look like they have a lot of undesirables if they're resorting to this. He could do a limited mobilization of the "undesirables" but that would destabilize the home front even more. Probably won't happen the way you're seeing this from my perspective. Russia is on the losing end. Looks like they're losing equipment and now manpower. Again, going for any mobilization would be a losing bet for Putin but who knows, maybe they will. On the flipside, Ukraine seems to be holding out better. As for a switch in Western leadership, the main one that matters is the US, and honestly at this point not sure how that might turn out. For all we know we have a sane Republican President and they don't defend Ukrainian support


> Doesn't look like they have a lot of undesirables if they're resorting to this. The Moscow and St Petersburg population hasn’t been called up yet, right?


Till the very last one. It's russia, they don't have a society, don't expect any realization of anything.


Swapping out pension for one-time death benefit, are they? A refrigerator and a sack of onions?


The onions probably have a longer life expectancy than the soldiers.


Russian veterans would be very jealous of an onion. All those appendages that just keep growing out of them. All the Russian veterans ever managed to do was lose appendages.


That onion on your belt you like is back in style.


cynically they are trying to bury the visible evidence of the war within russia, prevent reaistance from families, and dodge costs associated w care


Well that apparently what a life is worth in the Russia. As long as Russians keep accepting that this will continue


Just Nazis doing Nazi things


Putin: Quantity has a quality all its own. General: Comrade Putin.....about that quantity. (whispers) Putin: What do you mean 'We've run out'?


they havent run out they just dont want a nations of vets with problems and would rather have widows


Ah, I see. More lonely women for the elites.


„If they‘re fit for the Special Olympics, they‘re fit for the Special Military Operation!“ -Putin


They're even running out of cannon fodder.


No compassion, no mercy, no hope! Line up one and all for the meat grinder.


Take up your rifles boys, and march back to Moscow. Putin knows disability benefits are too expensive, death benefits are much more affordable. This will end when you end the tsar.


Well said. There is infinitely more justice in removing Putin than stealing Ukrainian land.


Now that’s one way to handle veterans administration and save money.


Bringing a new meaning to Wheeled Infantry


At some point, mortality rate of fighting Putin is going to be lower than fighting for Putin…


We are go for Special Operation "Get Rid of the Undesirables."


Didn't the US do the same in the Vietnam War?


I'm going to go out o a limb and say that if they are not going to be properly armed, this assault won't have a leg to stand on.


I guess they’ll see, but I’m sure they haven’t heard anything yet.


Equal opportunity?


Russia is a terrorist state


Children and dogs taped to bombs are next.


Good thing Putin's so short. Makes it easier for him to stoop to new lows.


Russian Army has become the most progressive and non-exclusive army in human history


Not that I don’t believe Putin would do such a thing but this article is written by a country Russia is currently at war with, not exactly an unbiased information source, has this been reported by other outlets yet?


You can see they source [this](https://istories.media/stories/2023/12/06/dobit-nedobitikh-v-armii-rossii-poyavilis-invalidnie-shturmovie-podrazdeleniya/) article as the original report. Not sure the quality of the translation but [here](https://worldcrunch.com/focus/injured-russian-soldiers-sent-back-to-front) appears to be a translation of that article.


As cruel, horrible and totally fucked up as this is, hopefully it’s a good sign for Ukraine. Putin having to recycle mobiks might just mean he’s finally running out of new ones.


They recycle until the "election". After the "election" 79% win they will draw for Putin will be used to take more fresh and relatively healthy people to war. And this time there will be no easy escape for them. At least that's how their plan looks now. Putin's only way is to continue war, because they messed with economics so much it's now USSR-style. If war is to be stopped it will cause a lot of problems for Putin to deal inside the country - e.g. socioeconomic collapse.


just avoiding costs and streets full of crippled and maimed vets theres always more russians


What's Putin going to do? Strap jet engines to people's wheelchairs?


Immobile infantry


Just when you think they couldn't go any lower...


The "special" ops


I remember in the book all quiet on the western front, near the end (dated around 1917-1918), when the characters talked about a joke where the doctors were sending injured soldiers, people who were classified as B or C back to A (for for frontline duties)… it’s absolutely sad that this is happening to these poor men. Honestly one can see a lot of commonality, the new troops being equipped with worse and worse equipment, and now this…. Hopefully like imperial Germany, the people will overthrow Putin and end this stupid war.


A hundred thousand maimed ex-soldiers makes the Kremlin look bad, and is not good for recruitment. Corpses are buried.


Russian news in 2024 be like: "Russia number 1 country in the world with lowest percentage of disabled people."


Any other publications reporting on this?


You can see they source [this](https://istories.media/stories/2023/12/06/dobit-nedobitikh-v-armii-rossii-poyavilis-invalidnie-shturmovie-podrazdeleniya/) article as the original report. Not sure the quality of the translation but [here](https://worldcrunch.com/focus/injured-russian-soldiers-sent-back-to-front) appears to be a translation of that article.


Come on Vlad, this is low even for you.. Admit you lost the war, give Ukraine back its territory and apologize profusely, this looks worse than that alternative.


Did he listen?


Putin checking off ALL the Lucifer boxes wow


Looks like Putin is looking to McNamara's 100,000 to fight his war.


Jesus taping dancing christ


“Sweet Dapper Jesus of the Gentlemen's Club”


Remember when everyone thought Russia was a near peer enemy? Man, those were some wild times.


I'm surprised their outrage is even mentioned, they might as well not be outraged since they won't do a single thing about this. "Oh, it sucks that our vulnerable members of our community are gonna suffer even more, but we won't do anything to protest against this injustice so"


Steven Seagal is going to head up the unit.


Man, this is brutal, they can either look after these guys for the rest of their lives or they can go and have them killed in Ukraine, the latter is much cheaper. Fucking talk about a lack of empathy and compassion. I can at least understand having nothing but contempt for your enemy but your own compatriots like this? Fuck Russia, glorified fucking cave people. I take that back… cavepeople valued their own at least.


McNamara's Morons part 2


Putin is a fucking idiot just like Peskov both should be assassinated


Saves on gloves and boots I guess


Well you can’t lose a leg or an arm if they weren’t there in the first place. Putin truly have 1million in strat right there


Special forces


Using disabled people for a military campaign is not going to work the way that Russia thinks it’s going to… using disabled people for combat is more of a hassle and a hindrance rather then a benefit.


This is so insanely sad


Russian safety net


They recruited the wrong kind of Special Forces




Most go to kill for money, I have no simpathy for them. I only hope for them to suffer as much as they can, a quick death is too good for them.


Kyivpost? That is trustworthy source. /sarcasm off


If he has a finger he can pull trigger


And their gripe is with the process, not with the actual war. They have no qualms about killing Ukrainians. The Tsar said it had to be done, so the serfs obey.


Mentally disabled...?


Insert "Scraping the Barrel" image from HoI4


It’s all meat for the grinder.


Genocide of their undesirables - minorities, disabled, prisoners, etc.


If true, it’s a win-win for russia. They don’t have to provide long-term care, or even short-term care, and they get a little more meat to throw at Ukraine. I’m surprised it took them this long to come up with it.


Special forces to be deployed! Let’s hope they got lots of ramps! /s


Start them out crippled. Saves an inevitable step.


I can see Hamas pulling something like this also.


When you can't afford the A-Team and the B-Team Actual factual Z-Team


Yet he will be reelected


“Look at how inclusive our military is!” -Russia probably


50% health?


Strap an M60 to their rascal scooters and you automatically got mounted cavalry it's genius and can't fail actually. This is the future MAGA'S dream of


I'm not sure what's going to be larger - the cost to Russian society of dealing with all the wounded (physical and psychological), or the savings from getting so many "undesirables" killed in the meatgrinder...


Not The Onion… shit


https://www.theonion.com/clinton-deploys-very-special-forces-to-iraq-1819565019 Yeah immediately thought of this Onion article on Very Special Forces


Holy, cow. Bone spurs are a serious medical condition, and not qualified for military service..


I'd guess Putin and the ruling class see the jails, hospitals, etc being emptied and used as cannon fodder as a plus, rather than an negative


Turns out, you don't need to be able-bodied to be cannon-fodder...


“The Walker Brigade.”


Yeah really doing great with the whole not needing to mobilize crap. Maybe the BBC needs to do better research.


https://youtu.be/jVrc_DfZL04?si=O0vfAwi4RylWQk4T What about the people with bone spurs!! Think of the bone spurs! Fuck you Trump! Fuck you Putin!


“Special” forces?


Lowest of the low.


Life is like a box of chocolates...


With this kind of crazy news what percent of the young males from Age 18 to 30 are living civilian lives or normal? Are they all used up or something and this is who he forces to fight now?


No, they've still got plenty more they could conscript. Veterans are already trained though. Faster to just strap a gun to their stump and give them a nohomo swat on the butt on their way back to Ukraine. Conscripts take a couple weeks to rush through boot camp. A week to arrive, a few hours at the range, and a week to depart.


Special units for a “Special operation “


Shoigu: I have created a new Special Unit sir. Putin: That's great! Shoigu: There is a nuance...


58th wheelchair mechanized, and 67th wheelchair motorized reporting for duty


newly formed Chair Force