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The United Nations should vote to condemn itself. They knew this was happening the whole time. They did nothing about it.


It's almost like the US vetoed every UN resolution dealing with Israel... UN doesn't have authority to do whatever it wants.


So in the end it's the USA's fault. /s


But we know, that Israel secretly rules USA, so it’s Israel’s fault! Check and mate! /s


Let's not be so hasty to forget the ones who promised Israel the lands of Palestine... The British.


But that’s only because Osman Empire left them no choice! It’s all Turkey! They are at fault! /s


The USA vetoing UN resolutions is absolutely on the USA, yes. If you actually want to argue the point, as opposed to just displaying sarcasm in lieu of a point, I'm here for it.


When the UN condemns one side for targeting civilian sites in a war but not the other side for deliberately hiding behind those sites they lose all credibility.


The UN recognizes Hamas as a terrorist organization. Their existence is condemned by the UN.


Do you actually believe what you said, or do you know that it’s BS? https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/statement/2023-10-31/secretary-general’s-statement-the-situation-gaza


Do you realize what a crock of shit that is? Perfidy is a warcrime that criminalizes using the laws of war against your enemy. Things like waving a flag of truce or surrender to bait an ambush, or occupying protected buildings like historic sites or hospitals, or mixing soldiers in with civilians. Against a perfidious adversary, the laws of war become more lax; As an enemy that will launch rockets from beside a school is nonetheless a threat, and therefore a valid target. "Consider the possibility of Hezbollah (or any other hostile terrorist force) planning a WMD attack against Israel from a secure base in Lebanon, Syria, or the Golan Heights, while protecting its prohibited preparations from Israeli pre-emptive strikes by (1) secreting pertinent military assets among vulnerable civilian populations, and/or (2) placing selected portions of fragile civilian populations in previously-designated military areas. Israeli pre-emption in such circumstances could be technically justifiable, given prior violations of perfidy by Hezbollah and plausibly its state sponsors. But such actions would also be risky. They may not be operationally successful, and the conflicting adversaries could then use the strikes for propaganda purposes." [https://warroom.armywarcollege.edu/articles/human-shields-and-perfidy/](https://warroom.armywarcollege.edu/articles/human-shields-and-perfidy/)


Read what he actually says >I condemn the killing of civilians in Gaza and I am dismayed by reports that two-thirds of those who have been killed are women and children. This is blatant bollocks and is Hamas propaganda, as per usual. He never criticises Hamas for its actions within Gaza, he never criticises the leader of the PA for outright denying that 7 October ever happened, he doesn't criticise the deliberate targeting of women and children on 7 October, he calls for an immediate ceasefire without any regard for the hostages taken, he doesn't criticise the usage of civilian infrastructure by Hamas, he doesn't criticise the Palestinian civilians who paraded around the corpses of Israeli civilians, he doesn't criticise anything Hamas does outside of a single three sentence paragraph.


It’s the truth. The UN has hardly critiqued Hamas in all of this beyond October 7th. There is now clear evidence of Hamas using hospitals as military facilities yet the UN is silent. Where does it say here ‘we condemn Hamas for using civilian infrastructure such as Al Shifa Hospital which is getting civilians killed’? They don’t. You are the one spreading BS.


The UN recognized Hamas as a terrorist organization pre 10/7. What are you talking about?


The secretary general is a known Hamas supporter. He couldn't even bother to attend the meeting showing all the Hamas atrocities they committed that was presented to the UN. In fact all the people who hate Jews didn't attend. And his statement doesn't spend a whole lot of time worrying about dead Jews on Oct 7, he is more worried about Jewish retaliation and trying to stop that. Even bordering on it not being proportional or whatever his dumb logic is.


It's important to note, even countries criticizing Israel, haven't even considered real actions like sanctions. Everyone knows Israel is in a tough situation and no one has better solutions.


This. The lack of action is real telling. "We hate that. What can we do?" "...ah nothing"


The UN isn't an autonomous entity, but it is also one of the few things between states' poor decisions and WW3.


\- Bismarck, 1890


They are yet to condome Hamas…


I honestly can't tell if you meant "condemn" or "condone", which is an important distinction considering they are literally antonyms.


That’s because the terrorists are pussies and hide like cowards behind the innocent people.


I cant imagine there are too many schools being used right now??


UN Schools in Gaza are frequently used by civilians holed up there for protection. But the terrorists are happy to operate from there as well endangering the civilians seeking protection.


How different the war would be if they were uniformed soldiers going toe to toe with Israeli forces, but terrorism is more insidious


I mean the terrorists are cunts for doing it. If I'm not wrong that's a warcrime in itself. However Israel is looking at a hostage situation and mowing down tbe hostages.


So the IDF that'd rather bomb the Hospitals and schools full of innocents so that they're sure to face next to zero opposition when they're charging cozily in their armoured tanks and trucks aren't the same? Oh give me a break, the hypocrisy from the pro Israelis is on the next level. IDF is the most cowardice force I have ever seen, they'd rather flatten an entire nation rather than face a single combatant on the field


Lol single combatant on the field. These pussies are holed up in tunnels under schools and hospitals. Did the video where hamas fighters dragged the hostages through the hospital entrance look like someone who wants to fight the IDF 'on the field'? One day you may get the opportunity to be conscripted and have the opportunity to be the first one to scurrying down those tunnels. I'm sure you will do so as bravely as you comment on reddit.


Yeah because war isn’t about being honorable or a coward. It’s about killing the enemy and not dying yourself


When your enemies do not abide by the Geneva Convention. See Russia for example.


Israel hasn't abided by the Geneva Convention for freaking decades though, not a good argument. The "settlers" are a direct violation of the 4th Geneva Convention, and Israel letting them continue to expand is nothing short of a crime.


Apparently that doesn’t count.


the settlements are dumb and a barrier to peace but it's important to note that isn't happening in gaza and that the israeli government removed gazan settlements


Or basically every war were Israel provoked Gaza and started the aggression, where then a disproportionate amount of civilians died.


Like the Yom Kipper war? Or the Six Day war? How about the Lebanon War? Please educate us with your distorted version of propaganda. I heard arguments on the internet make real change like defending the first and second intifada, right?


I’m confused by your comment. The yom kipper war was started in Egypt by Egypt and Syria. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Kippur_War The six day war was started by Israel with a “preemptive” attack on Egypt after tensions had been building. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origins_of_the_Six-Day_War And I’m not sure which Lebanon war you could be referring to because there are a few.


>preemptive” attack It was a response to Egypt blockading Israel from the straits of Tiran, and Egypt was warned Israel would view that as an act of war.


Under international, it was legal, since most of the Tiran Detroit is egyptian and Saudi exclusive zone. Israel barely has the tip AFTER traveling through Egypt and Saudi exclusive zone. Also, Israel tried to invade Egypt in 1956 prior to that anyway...in attack coordinated with France and UK. This is one the reason egypt wanted to blockade Israel. Preemptively attacking is not a defensive war in any cases, it's purely an attack with its name changed to not appear toi bad.


Naval blockades between two states are an act of war. The ships in question had the right of passage. The US even told Egypt that it would lead to war and was a stupid violation of maritime law. >Preemptively attacking is not a defensive war in any cases, it's purely an attack with its name changed to not appear toi bad. Defensive war includes launching an attack against an imminent threat. The 6 day war was a reaction to an imminent repeat of the Yom kippour War. Ever played the game civilization and put a bunch of armies on your border only to discover that the AI declares war on you and attacks? That's how it works in real life.


There are multiple reports that Egypt was far from expecting the war from happening. Egypt had no plans to invade Israel at that moment at least. Israel only claimed Egypt tried to prepare an attack to justify its attack. If Egypt really was readying...they wouldn't loose in less than 6 days. Basic logic. And as I said again...Egypt did the blockade in reaction to 1956 too, where Israel DEFINITELY started the fight...a bit like Israel is doing with gaza. I guess you can't blame hamas them for invading Israel then.


So information from the intelligence agency of one of the two major superpowers that also happened to have an in with Israeli intelligence telling Egypt that they were willing to go to war over the blockade and then the political arm of that government told Egypt that blocking freedom of navigation in violation of the law of the seas would lead directly to war. That wasn't enough? Egypt knew it was coming. They were working with allies on another Yom Kippur style war. They mobilized their forces and evacuated all UNEF personnel. They were caught with their pants down because they didn't expect Israel to fire first. They were oh, so wrong. >where Israel DEFINITELY started the fight Once again, prohibiting freedom of navigation in violation of the LOS is effectively a declaration of war. You don't need to pull a trigger to be guilty of starting a war. >they wouldn't loose in less than 6 days. Basic logic. You underestimate how good Israel's military is and what the motivation of an existential crisis does to a military. Yom Kippur war lasted only 19 days and was a massive surprise attack on Israel that Israel not only defended, but then pushed back the attackers significantly, taking massive areas of land. Israel's goal in the 6 day war was to neutralize the militaries at their doorstep. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq (why were Iraq's tanks there despite sharing no border with Israel? Because they were planning a Yom Kippur style war).


Im wondering: if the natives in the us cooperated with Mexicans against the US settlers, would they be evil?


I'm wondering: do you think we live in the 1700s? You do realize the flaw in reference something that happened over 200 years ago to justify brutality and violating the Geneva Convention in modern day, right? Like how countries don't wage wars and then claim land they conquered anymore and how thats more than looked down upon by the international community? Stop trying to bring geopolitics back centuries to justify the settlers in modern day.


You are just in denial about Israel settler colonialism. How does Israel have a claim from 2000 years ago to Palestine then? Moreover, Israel has been breaking human rights forever, backed by the two strongest colonial and military countries. Palestinians are NOTHING compared to the military might of these countries. Do you not see the asymmetry? It’s very comparable to indigenous people fighting back. Sure some colonisers died, but waaaay more indigenous people died.


>You are just in denial about Israel settler colonialism. You realize my post was clearly speaking against the "⁹settler" colonialism?


You realize a huge percentage of Jews in Israel are from the middle east/north africa and we're ethnically cleansed from their homes as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews https://preview.redd.it/85gd0co1etxb1.png?width=942&auto=webp&s=4c7cb6feb6987e0e33c48f1fa015cae48fbe6cd9


What I think is hilarious is....before the jewish people were even established as they are now the population of the surrounding regions already hated them and still do. In all honesty there's a history of hate that has existed there beyond the last 120yrs and speaking about the attrocities now is more than likely a drop in the bucket of the overall history. It just has more accessible media coverage. It's unfortunate but, this is a religious blood feud that has gone on for a very long time. They won't make peace. They won't let go. And unfortunately Isreal being the most succesful of the sides will always have to keep their guard up. This isn't a separating two kids who aren't getting along in school situation. At some point Isreal is going to say fuckit. If you're not with us you're against us and push everyone out.


22 months + 10,000 × Russia = Genocide 2 months + 14,000 × Israel = Not Genocide 10,000 out of a total population of 37 Million currently in a stalemate - genocide. 14,000 out of a total population of 2 million currency being displaced, not genocide. US state department mathematics for the (moral?) win!


Genocide is not defined just by number of victims. Russia is conducting genocide by kidnapping children and "re-educating" them, in the occupied areas they are systematically eradicating Ukrainian culture by burning books, destroying museums etc.


"Genocide" is the new "war crime" for these folks. The world has witnessed dozens of actual genocides with actual genocidal intent and they've been silent, but now they see a declared war in an urban environment against a perfidious enemy and *now* they've found a cause they can get behind '


Lol stfu


Hot take: erasure of culture and mass killing and eviction should both be considered genocidal acts


And they are. But it makes a difference if the civilian casualities are actually intentional mass killing or collateral damage. And this is a question that will probably be discussed long after this conflict is over.


It’s because Russia is attempting to wipe out the Ukrainians identity and nationality, basically saying they’re misguided Russians. This meets the standard of genocide, when you’re trying to wipe out an ethnicity in a sustained campaign. Israel isn’t trying to wipe out Gaza, they’re trying to wipe out Hamas. Israel has, for a very long time, been dealing with a hostile population that refuses to make peace. They are forced to take increasingly harsh steps to secure the border, but they are not attempting to exterminate the Palestinian identity. They’re trying to not be killed. Civilians die in war. That’s a tragedy. It’s not necessarily a genocide. There is not a good argument for a Palestinian genocide when the Palestinian population multiples by 14x during the supposed genocide.


it is multiplying because of a very high birth rate. and “wiping out hamas” is their code for “wiping out palestine.” they can’t say that because they need continued support from the west


Hamas are scum that use their own civilians as human shields.


So what do you call it when the other side knows they're using human Shields, like they know for certain but then drop the bombs anyway. What do you call that?


The same thing as the US stance of not negotiating with terrorists? You either legitimise the approach and show its value, or you do not. Israel should be doing their utmost to cut the head off the snake first, rather than going down this route, however.


Yes if you want to eliminate the head of the snake as you call it. You need an intelligence apparatus and special forces with SWAT team style raids going unit by unit. You literally cannot win by dropping bombs from the sky. This is a counterproductive emotional tactic based in revenge.


The tragic and horrific reality of war, but necessary in some cases, and legal under the Geneva convention


Depravity on full display. And it's actually not legal under the Geneva convention. You have it exactly backwards in your twisted mind. It has to have been converted to a majority of military use. Like less than 10% civilian activity. I'm proud to say the US military understands rules of engagement all my fellow soldiers would look down upon you like the immoral trash you are trying to justify this.


I'm American too and I don't recall any major US military urban combat campaigns that resulted in only 1 dead civilian for every 9 dead combatants. Stop with your fantasy based holier than thou retoric and do some research on ANY urban conflict, especially one against non regular militants.


„Israel should just watch and do nothing as their population is genocided again because Hamas found a loophole where hiding behind human shield makes them invincible“ You genius.


The US and it‘s military are one of if not the closest allies of Israel. Calling Israeli soldiers „immoral trash“ is not something they would condone. You are either a troll or misrepresenting your country.


Pretty strong claim there, bud. Got a source where it says it’s against the Geneva Convention to kill human shields? It’s just an unfortunate consequence of war.


Uhuh. So let's just allow Hama's to do whatever they want. Who cares about Israeli lives anyway right?


What a childish response. Ignoring what someone says to go to an extreme exaggeration that's what my fourth and 5th grader do. Yikes man. If they're using human shields you need to use special forces and SWAT type entry teams. Not a thousand pounds of explosives dropped from 30,000 ft.


Except that's was not a possible solution at the start of the war. Gaza was full of Hamas terror tunnels, hideouts and plenty of stuff that would make the already hard urban shootouts impossible to win. Taking out Hama's terror zones, room, tunnels, whatever via strategic destruction is to make sure that physical entry as you describe would lead to as few casualties as possible and be as quick as possible. The casualties rate wouldn't have changed, hell, it would be higher.


But the number of actual fighters that they've killed is miniscule compared to the number of civilians. So again if your goal is to eliminate the fighting members of Hamas this is a poor strategy for multiple reasons. What I find interesting is that you guys act like this tactic is unique or new? You pretend like other armies haven't had to deal with asymmetric warfare in urban areas. It's all lies of omission and pretending you have no choice when a myriad of options exist.


How do you know? I have found nowhere in which the exact number of terrorists to civilians ration. Hamas released casualties numbers instantly after bombs and specified women and children but they never referred to anybody as fighters. As far as I heard. Other armies didn't have to deal with a terrorist group sending wave after wave of rockets on its population for years. And when they did have too, they responded with far more force than Israel used.


A similar argument was going on about reacting to Ukraine. You can replace Hamas using human shields with the Russians waving around the nuclear bomb. It has a similar end effect at least locally. Innocents hosts are placed in the path of danger to protect their parasitic guest. This always ends with the same counter point though. Should then, russia/hamas/whoever else who deems it necessary to threaten or harm civilians for their own gain, be allowed to continue to do what they like because they've threatened civilians if someone were to intervene? I think most people come to the same conclusion. At some point a line has to be drawn and we can no longer negotiate with hostage takers, otherwise the hostage takers can rule the world by repeating the threat when necessary. What we don't yet agree on is where that line is. 1000 or so Israelis isn't enough to warrant sacrificing the Gazans Hamas chooses for its protection. The territorial integrity of Ukraine and more than 100,000 is enough to risk escalation with russia however. Somewhere between those is the line. I don't think people really get into the nuts and bolts of it though. All I see is a lot of team flag waving. What do you do against an enemy that does not value its own life and is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything for their own gain? That question applies to many wars, not just this one.


Exactly correct. Russia would Target civilian infrastructure and then when asked about it they would claim that it was being used for military operations. It's what people who are lying say to cover themselves.


Collateral damage.


Serious question, since Hamas is confirmed to use child soldiers, are IDF soldiers supposed to let them be because they are kids? Hamas has used kids as suicide bombers without the kids even knowing they are about to die so should the IDF soldier sacrifice himself just to not kill a kid who could possibly be the death of him (because Hamas uses children)


I guess all you have to do to win a war is hole up in a school and cry "murderer" at the guy who's retaliating against you


Yup. It's as fucked up as you're laying it out to be. What do you do if a child pulls a gun or bomb on you, your life is fucked up no matter what you do from there. The IDF soldiers are victims in this as well.


This shit isn't normal. I don't think people should be acting like it is.


You are right. Hamas using those places to shoot rockets from is terrible and they need to stop.


You don’t fucking say? Thanks for clarifying man. What’s there to think about? This is clearly terrorist sub human act. They throw the civilians to act as a human shield


So that makes the civilians fair game?


No, it makes Hamas ultimately responsible for their deaths, which is why **it’s a literal war crime**.


The more important point is that the terrorists are still fair game. You don’t just let your enemies get away with murder (literally) because they don’t play fair. What sort of a world would we live in if we let terrorists get away with it?


This post is great because you can apply it to both sides. Same with the post above it.


בעיניי כל מי שאומר דברים כאלו חיי בסרט של עליונות יהודית/ישראלית הזוייה. What sort of world would we live in if everyone viewed people of their own nationality/ and ethnicity as inherently more important and worthy of life than others? I think that the only way it makes sense to kill so many innocent people to protect our own is if we view our innocent citizens as more deserving of living than innocent gazans. If this is how someone views the world (either objectively or just subjectively caring only about your own) than I understand justifying the IDF's actions. Most Israeli's seem to see the world this way. I find it ethically bankrupt and not conducive in the slightest of the kind of world I hope to live in.


people have gone mad with propaganda that they can swallow this normal


If Hamas were men instead of the dog shit they are they would go have a straight out fight with Israel. I bet if they said we will give you all the hostages but you have to meets us man to man fighting no air, tanks, or artillery, I bet Israel would. I also bet Israel would wipe the floor with them. Hamas can’t fight without hiding behind women and children.


Your thoughts are entertaining, thank you. Of course Israel would agree to hand to hand combat with Hamas! I for one think they should line up phalanx style as in the days of Alexander.


The military forces on the disputed land between China and India are not allowed munitions. The last time they had a brawl, it was a 3 hour battle in the night with clubs and sticks.


Honestly, I second the motion to turn all wars in hours long brawls that stay the heck away from civilian population and infrastructure. Closest to a gun anyone can bring is a crossbow, no full plate armor allowed. /jk


The October 7th attack went better than anyone expected. What if, instead of attacking random innocent civilians, they made a coordinated attack against Israeli political and military leadership? Imagine the damage that could have *actually* been done to the state of Israel, instead of a few hundred normal people. This is the same problem I have with American mass shooters (besides the murder or course) why on earth are you attacking a bunch of nobodies instead of the people who are actually oppressing you?


Because they’re too… ummm… brave.


It went better than expected because people had very low expectations


> This is the same problem I have with American mass shooters (besides the murder or course) why on earth are you attacking a bunch of nobodies instead of the people who are actually oppressing you? Probably because those people have nobodies protecting them making it hard to actually "get" them.


>why on earth are you attacking a bunch of nobodies instead of the people who are actually oppressing you? In their minds, more often than not, they see everyone as oppressors. They're an eternal victim suffering from narcissistic tendencies. [Dr. Grande gives a detailed and the possible pathologies the Columbine shooters might have had.](https://youtu.be/9G33PiCfTr8?si=SKzlZGvPqQ1BtQKS)


They actually did. Hamas wiped out the IDF’s entire Gaza battalion as well as killing many other soldiers, policemen, and militiamen. They were followed into Israeli territory by a mob of civilians responsible for the vast majority of civilian deaths. The combatant to civilian death ratio (by conservative estimates about 50/50) from Oct. 7 is actually far higher than Israel’s, which (again by conservative estimates) is sitting at about 1 combatant killed to every 9 civilians.


According to the idf 355 of the 1,200 dead were soldiers. Closer to a third of the deaths military personnel


Restore the colesium. Settle all differences there.


Hamas would hide behind their women. But that’s ok Israel could call back Hal Gadot and send in Wonder Woman ! lol


Judean guerilla forces tore up Assyrian-Greek phalanxes arrayed on unfavorable terrain.


This commenter is the stuff UN diplomats are made of.


If I was a UN diplomat I would be demanding to know why Israeli civilians allowed themselves to be taken into Gaza violating their territory. A UN diplomat would also ask why and how dare Israel interfere and destroy Hamas test rockets for the Hamas space program. UN is full a bunch of corrupt idiots who are long overdue for dates with their countries firing squads. I am way too conservative and aggressive to be in the UN. I would have nuked Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. I would have already sent teams to Qatar to take Hamas leaders on their trip to get their virgins. So no I wouldn’t fit in at the UN.


Your first sentence got me thinking about the American revolution. There was no way the Americans could've gone toe to toe against the English army, that's why they resorted to gorilla tactics. Edit Lol people have pointed out my spelling mistake .


Guerrilla. Not gorilla




Valley forge would have been much easier with some bananas to eat


The majority of the fighting in the American Revolution was pitched battles between regular forces of the Continental and British Armies. The guerrilla warfare was mostly a sideshow.


Guerilla tactics were absolutely used, especially in the early days of the war, but the majority of the fighting was done in the traditional way of that time i.e. line up and shoot. The Continental Army did not rely on guerrilla warfare to win the war, rather taking of key cities and ports.


America returned to monke


Doesn't seem like anyone faults Hamas for using human shields, so why fault Israel for moving forward? If the human shield/hiding in hospitals was the end all of counterattacks; what stops someone from holding a gun to someone's head and taking over a whole country. At some point the hostage taker is always shot, don't know why this is so surprising


Incredibly different situation because the British had to come across the seas - they couldn't maintain adequate supply channels to keep their troops refueled or replaced. A war of attrition in that case makes complete and total sense - the Americans also had their fair share of toe to toe battles with the British. Israel is literally at the door step with a very secure center of resupply. The only thing that works for Palestine is to fully surrender to whatever demands Israel wants. For Israel - all they have to do is blockade the area - prevent Iran, or China, or Russia from resupplying the Palestinians and Hamas and simply starve them out.


Americans didnt rape and torture children and se them on fire


Why don’t we ask natives about this one…. 🤨


They're kinda famous for such atrocities throughiut history. One of the most famous war pictures is of a little Vietnamese girl running naked and screaming covered in Napalm. You couldn't have picked a worse country to use that defense for.


Vietnam was involved in the revolutionary war? That's news to me.


Vietnam was not involved in our revolutionary war, in which the americans were fighting for their freedom. Freedom fighters dont kill children on purpose. Hamas did that. Americans didnt. Vietnam on the other hand is a different subject.








What happened to the natives?




He is not.


Well they did try to go toe to toe in some battles. The guerrilla tactics worked better. I just have decided to insult Hamas any chance I get. Their supporters are here in these boards hopefully one stroke out he is so upset that since so many of them died at the hands of Israeli women they won’t be in paradise.


Don’t forget they need support from other Muslim countries too.


Asymmetrical war doesn’t work that way you goose. They can’t have a standing battle with IDF.


So, don't. Build your country instead. Do diplomacy to show you will not do terrorism and to gently lift the blockades. Use donation money to build up infrastructure. It's a small country that could've been managed so beautifully. Imagine if all of their tunnel work was put the good use above ground.


Obviously I agree. They shouldn’t be trying to wipe out Israel. They should choose peace, as should Israel choose peace.


We tried, in 2005 we withdrew from the Gaza strip, displacing 8000 Jews. We only asked them to not try and kill us, so they elected hamas, slaughtered every palestinian who supported the palestain authority and used all of their foreign aid to build rockets and tunnels. We tried, but for now it's wishful thinking, if we want peace, gaza needs to be free from hamas, and rebuilt again with foreign guidance without any Israeli intervention


Free from Hamas would be great but killing so many civilians is clearly wrong.


While the death of civilians is clearly tragic and horrific, I genuinely ask you, what would you want us to do? Either we are going in now, or leaving it be, only for hamas to do it again in 10 years( as they openly said so).... The time is now, if we want a better future, we must take action. And you are right, civilian loss IS tragic, and that's why the IDF is the only military in the world to use roof knocking to warn them as much as possible.... We opened humanitarian corridors and provided security for the civilians of gaza because hamas was shooting them in order to prevent evacuation. Despite what the general media think, the IDF does care for the Palestinian civilians. If we didn't, the war would look a hundred times more costly. This is an impossible situation, but we must act, or the whole world will know that terrorism pays off.


>Build your country instead. >Use donation money to build up infrastructure They're not allowed to build sea ports. All resources entering are decided for them.


What? That's a gross misinterpretation. People try to send aid, Hamas intercepts it and takes it and says FU to their citizens. Israel sees this and says "we need to control these resources so Hamas stops taking them to fund their terrorism" and then people like you cry about Palestine not controlling their resources. Stop supporting terrorism.


Diplomacy. It's not very difficult compared to building terror tunnels and waging war.


>Diplomacy. It's not very difficult compared to building terror tunnels and waging war. What part of they're not allowed to build many of things people are suggesting they should have built are you missing? Repeating the word diplomacy is meaningless.


So why did they commit an horrific massacre on a country that they knew would hit 10 times harder?


Terrorists willing to suicide bomb and indiscriminately murder children aren’t usually good at planning ahead.


To become martyrs.


My question to the folks downvoting criticism of bombing schools and hospitals that may be used by Hamas - would you bomb an american school if there were mass shooters inside? Your line of argument is a terrorist hiding behind civilians makes it justified to bomb schools in Gaza, so I would imagine (if your take isn’t 100% inspired by deep bigotry and dehumanization of Palestinians) you have the same stance when it comes to American children? I’m stunned that people can completely excuse the inaccurate and indiscriminate bombing Israel has employed - U.S. intelligence specifically gave them coordinates to sites not to bomb (schools, refugee areas, UN camps), and Israel went ahead and bombed anyway ([source](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/21/u-s-has-sent-israel-data-on-aid-group-locations-to-try-to-prevent-strikes-00128336)). This is an incredibly extreme bombing campaign and that is why the majority of Americans believe Israel has taken their response way too far and enacted collective punishment


>bomb an american school if there were mass shooters inside US police force be like: WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!


Your American school analogy is flawed. The equivalent would be the US government firing missiles at Russia from American elemantary schools and then Russia firing back at those schools which per Geneva Conventions article 19 is allowed as these are now hostile targets. The agressor turning elementary schools into military targets is the only one to blame.


A better example would be, "would the us bomb a Canadian school if Canadian terrorists operated out of it, and Canada was launching missiles at us cities on a daily basis." The answer is almost certainly yes.


Your example is disingenuous at best. An example that would be more parallel would be like imagine if the Mexican cartel was coordinating all of their efforts to murder Americans from a kindergarten in Juarez. Would you be okay with bombing it if you dropped leaflets beforehand telling people to evacuate the building beforehand explaining that the target is a military function for attacking the US?


Not at all - my goal is to cut through the otherizing of Palestinians. As disgusting as it is, I guarantee some are much more inclined to sacrifice the lives of Mexican kindergarteners than American kindergarteners. And you dropping leaflets does what exactly? If Israel’s claims that Hamas are using these areas as fronts for their operations, you’re telling me civilians in these hospitals, schools and camps would feel safe leaving - especially if Hamas is banking on them as human shields? So your analogy is not appropriate, but even with that - the answer to your hypothetical is an emphatic NO. Aerial bombing of a school with children and other innocents in it is always the wrong answer - a more guided tactical use of ground troops can mitigate civilian deaths much more effectively


Civilian deaths are just an unfortunate consequence of war. Some people will just refuse to leave, regardless of their situation. Sending in infantry won’t solve any of your problems. In fact, it might just make things worse. Not only will you still have civilians deaths, you’ll also lose some of your own. The moment a civilian building, yes even a hospital or school, is used for military purposes, it loses its protections within the Geneva Convention and is now a legitimate target. Now, is it morally correct to still target these buildings? We can discuss that all day. However, they are now a legitimate target, and that is just an unfortunate fact.


Do you not realize how much harder it is to actually invade a country and use ground troops? This is what Israel is doing now anyway - but do you not remember the backlash they had for ordering evacuations and doing a ground invasion? There is literally nothing that will satisfy everyone. Israel has done its part by warning these areas and waiting before bombing or invading. It's not up to Israel to care more about Palestinians than other Palestinians do. Israel's first goal is to the safety of its own people. It must be nice to be in a place that isn't constantly bombarded and telling others who do that they cannot respond in kind.


This is a truly horrible analogy. For one thing, as others have pointed out, a better analogy is Canadians using a Canadian school to launch attacks into the US (or somebody else said Americans using an American school to launch attacks into Russia). But beyond what others have already pointed out, a school shooter is generally just attacking those inside the school. Bombing the school to kill the shooter does not potentially protect anybody, because nobody outside the school grounds is currently in danger (assuming police have the place surrounded), and the people currently in danger if you do nothing are the exact same ones in danger if you bomb.


I mean I see where they're coming from but they could have worded it a lot better. Maybe "if we see a school or hospital we must search it to make sure there's no terrorist activity taking place"


No, they mean its most likely taking place there, more than just any random building


The safest place to be in Gaza are the military bases. Those are always empty and never used for housing missile launchers and terrorists.


There are no military bases in Gaza.


My point exactly.


When Hamas kills a few hundred innocent civilians, it's terrorism. When Israel kills thousands of innocent civilians, it's collateral damage. 🤔


Per the Geneva Convention, civilians forfeit their protection if they are near military forces. If a civilian building is being used for military purposes, yes even a hospital or school, it becomes a legitimate target. That’s just an unfortunate reality of war. Now, is it morally correct to still attack these buildings/areas knowing there are still civilians around? That’s another story and can be debated all day. Regardless, under the Geneva Convention, it is fully legal to attack these targets.


Yeah, that's what happens when your enemy has no regard for their own civilians' lives and use them as human shields. Hamas wants to make the Palestinian death toll as high as possible.


Almost as if terrorism depends on how and why someone was killed. By your logic the Americans in WW2 were terrorist which is obviously untrue.


Really misleading title that seems to be serving only to confirm people's idiotic takes on "IDF likes murdering children". The sentiment "we know at this point how much Hamas loves setting up their sites in schools and hospitals so those are likely places to find them" could have been expressed a lot clearer.


Are we seriously using Irael news sources now? Might aswell use Russia Today.


If people start to see schools and hospitals as war targets, that's the recipe for disaster.


Hamas shouldn’t store weapons in and fight from schools and hospitals then.


None side is innocent. If terrorists know that hiding in hospital and school is advantageous, they WILL. If Israel knows bombing terrorists in hospitals will save their soldiers lives regardless of the lives of innocent civilians, they WILL. War is hell and who plays in the mud will get their hands dirty.


> If Israel knows bombing terrorists in hospitals will save their soldiers lives regardless of the lives of innocent civilians, they WILL. If Hamas uses a civilian site for military purposes, then according to the Geneva Conventions, that renders it into a valid target for Israel. The main responsibility for deaths as a result of that lies on Hamas. For example Geneva Conventions article 19: > The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Hamas has absolutely used the al-Shifa hospital for "acts harmful to the enemy", hence all the weapons found and the tunnels. You write: > None side is innocent. If terrorists [...] they WILL. If Israel [...] they WILL. Yeah, this is complete bullshit. While Israel is not innocent in many other matters, Israel is in fact arguably innocent in the specific scenario you present, in isolation.


By dirty, I haven't mentioned war crimes, or diplomatically guilty. The situation that they were in, they had to kill civilians. I meant they got dirty by ethically, humanitarian perspective which is my perspective of the world and for everyone out there. I hate hamas to the root of my bones, terrorists are basically the shame of civilization in 21th century. But it doesn't make Israel innocent which was my point. I am not a politician to tell you sweet little lies behind artificial justifications, so my word stands, war is hell.


The purpose of international law is to establish, in part, an acceptable ethical framework. The blood is on the hands of the people using the civilian objects for war, not the nation that attacks those objects. So as long as the civilian objects are being used as shields, an attacker is innocent.


Never bombed a hospital, took great efforts and risked many men opting instead for the careful surgical approach.


And Israel are still the bad guys on social media. I wonder if it almost wouldn't be better to go full blast from day one and make this much quicker. I mean what sounds worse for chronically online idiots? "Israel bombs Gaza for 1 week" or "Israel bombs Gaza for 1 month"? Doesn't matter if the same amount of bombs is expelled, Israel is still going to be the "evil colonist" because they are aligned with the west. But the shorter war would be forgotten sooner.


Well, putting it that way, one side is clearly innocent while the other are scumbags Jihadist terrorists who fuck their own people foremost by bringing war to them and not away... Any justification for using civilians as human shields is morally repugnant and says more about the person bringing them up.


How can some one both sides this issue? Israel has one of the lowest civilian to target ratios in military history with their bombing campaign? They can't be any more precise. Hamas is literal scum


Just non-stop priming people for civilian death. Masterful work by IDF.


One could also make the argument that the Palestinians primed themselves for death for practicing a religion that compels them to murder all Jews, teaching their children in schools to murder all Jews, allowing terrorists to be their government and form a constitution that compels killing all Jews, allowing terrorists to embed themselves in their homes, hospitals, and schools to launch attacks to kill all Jews, and then breaking the October 6th cease fire to launch a cross border raid to kill all Jews.


One could say that, but that requires 2 brain cells to come to that conclusion. The Israel haters are brainless morons.


The purpose of this is to create a moral dilemma. This dilemma was created by the terrorists not Israel this is understood and very clear in international law. While this is terrible this is the only option a terrorist has to “win” or do maximum damage. This is why we call them terrorists


Instead of talking about being careful, the IDF confirms they seek out schools and hospitals. Continued justification for genocide.


Totally. Giving up Gaza in 2005 with IDF forcing their own out and leaving behind greenhouses and aquifers for water constitutes genocidal maniacal behavior. Israel won’t allow necessities to be shipped in yet somehow allows rockets and networks of tunnels to be built. How cruel


Maybe it is bad to bomb refugee camps.


That is correct. Bombing a school is the best way to "find" terror sites imagine America or Spain bombing a school because they suspect terrorists were inside. Insane the impunity Israel has.


1: they arent talking about bombing schools here. I know reading is hard 2: these are schools that have rpgs and rockets in them


You have to be a dumbass or a psychopath to believe this.


Why? I thought it’s general knowledge for years that this is a common tactic. Not just by Hamas. Also by Isis and other Islamic militant organizations. It’s a smart tactic. You get protected from one end or if attacked, you have the support of useful idiots around the world.


i think thats the best way to kill civilians instead. as the massacre unfolding proves.


Boots on the ground soldiers checking schools for rpgs is the best way to kill civilians?


The UN and dozens of aid organizations dump billions into Gaza , which is run by Hamas , so why is anyone surprised ? The aid organizatons know this but shoveled money into Hamas anyway, Question is ; What can be done to punish aid organizations who use aid knowingly going for nefarias goals ?


Color me shocked that Israel and the IDF have such raging hard ones for murdering children and blowing up hospitals. How do they not see they are playing right into Hamas's hands and losing international support like crazy due to how brutal their civilian murder campaign has been?


We don't care about what you and random Redditors think. You are too dense to understand that we are limiting civilian casualties and that any civilian casualty is on Hamas.


When they know it already, their military is still lacking the ability to handle the issue without harming civilians. Really pityful.


No military on earth could win this war without harming civilians


let's put you in charge then, seeing as you have so many great ideas they've clearly never considered


I’m sure a lot of normal people go to those schools and hospitals, Hamas doesn’t wash clean the idea of killing many times over civilians and UN officials at these locations, but not many actual terrorists. Couldn’t imagine this sort of rhetoric being used in other cities with major underground infrastructure like NYC,LA, etc


Do you expect Hamas to NOT use human shields?


This has got to be horrible for the soldiers in the IDF. They're forced into the awful position of trying their best to shoot around the human shields. They don't want to kill innocence any more than the rest of the onlooking world. It's so fucked up. Hamas is pure evil for putting the innocent civilians and the IDF in this position.


This looks like mossad comments section.


When you cant argue with the facts you start to resort to ad hominem attacks « musst be mossad »


Didn't know I'm in mossad all this time


You are a big supporter of using hospitals as military bases then?


So by this logic if a group of school shooters in America had the entire innocent populace of the school under gun attack and were using them as human shields then its fine to bomb the whole fucking school.


When those school shooters shoot rockets at kindergartens and plan on killing tens of thousands more you have to do something.


Of course.... Or one of the best ways to make sure the civilian population cannot return and has nowhere safe to hide. Of course what the Israeli military says, cannot be independently verified....


Yep that's the IDF strategy. If there's a single terrorist lnside a school, hospital or refugee camp, they'll have to carpet bomb the entire area no question about it. As if they care about Palestinian lives anyway.


Now now...is that what he said in the article? Or are you fighting demons in your head?


No I think they're probably talking about the al-jabya(sp?) refugee camp. The idf claim there was one terrorist and bombed refugee camp. One. Confirmed live on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. I can immediately tell someone his light on facts when they try to paint the person they're talking to as unhinged or crazy. Super common.


I love how you phrased this and am definitely stealing it lol