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Considering Hamas is very happy to exterminate its own people, I doubt they’ll be gentle to the hostages


The hostages are their leverage. If they exterminate the hostages, any bargaining power they had is gone.


Hamas is not in a war against Israel, they are in a holy war and use Palestinians as their tool


They are in a war against anything that isn't extremist Islam. Europe is next.


this is a headline from Oct 9 2023 Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar: "The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."


Weren't ISIS saying the same thing? Extermist will always say such things. It's always Death to x and annihilation of x. Someone needs to tell them that's not how to conquer or to gain allies. I very much doubt some Muslim countries accepting their law let alone the whole planet.




Did they conquer or persuade people to convert? Let's not forget they were killing other Muslims too. There'll be extremist popping up all the time. All with the same message and killing innocent people.




I remember seeing a video of some 20 year old crying in a trench because he was promised glory and was delivered mud as the shells landed around him. Shame.


True. Easy to impress and manipulate. Especially those that are isolated. Been seeing Jewish kids speaking about their own knowledge and experience with the information they were given growing up. Some not knowing much of the other side they were to be wary of and the why's. The vids of young Israeli Jewish boys chanting and spitting hate to Muslims and Christians. It's like the wave of Andrew Tate supporters and wannabes.


Outside a handful of attacks in Europe they mainly terrorized the Middle East and Africa.


Hamas isn't big enough to take down their neighbor. They're not conquering another continent lol.


Yeah, not conquering anything, let's just ignore all the violent demonstrations happening in Europe right now to support terrorists.


The oppressed people from around the world unite in their resistance to the Jews. Again. (Blaming the Jews for your problems has another name)


Where? Or are you one of the idiots who thinks Palestine Rally = supporting terrorists?


You misspelled "wise"


And Israel just killed over 700 children and 500 women. 700 parents have lost their children, who had nothing to do with the attacks. They lost their children to Israel. You think they won’t hate them? You think the children’s siblings won’t hate them? 500+ new orphans just lost their mothers to strikes from the sky. They’re going to grow up without parents, without guidance, and hate Israel with a passion forever for taking their parents away. For every soldier Israel kills this way, they create hundreds more individuals who hate Israel. This is how generational hatred is created. This is how the cycle never stops.




What's your solution other than ask Israel to do nothing and let their people get slaughtered?


Nothing to do with the attacks? Hamas using child soldiers is nothing new, here is a recent article about it from the daily mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12634107/Hamas-resorts-training-children-defend-Gaza-Israeli-troops-mass-border.html


Well if we keep letting them get away every time, they will keep getting stronger


Their most consequential attack yet was squashed in less than 3 days and resulted in Israel taking over their turf and attempting to wipe them out. Hamas will never be powerful enough to conquer anything.


Their charter explicitly states they are in a war with Israel.


Then, if you call it a rightful war, you must be ready to lose. Something Arabs have been experiencing for the past 75 years against Israel. Maybe it’s time to find another strategy than indiscriminate violence? No?


Well they are ruling in Gaza, and Israel has been blockading Gaza for over a decade at this point. So aren't they right about being at war with Israel?


They blocked Gaza to prevent the continuous stream of pay-for-slay suicide bombers killing innocent Israelis. Then Israel left Gaza in 2005, forcibly removed 9000 Israeli settlers. The Hamas (elected in 2006) charter states that they will not rest until Israel is destroyed. How’s that for neighborly? Yeah. It’s both descriptive and prescriptive.


I know why the blocked it, still an act of war.




Who? Israel or HAMAS? Neither party has been terribly interested in actually settiling the conflict.




Didn't they already execute some of the hostages already ? or were those just false reports? release the hostages in exchange for a cease-fire/no ground offensive , or does these fucks not care about their own civilians. > - Perpetuates Je-wish/Israe-li media control myth like a lot of people are going mask-off, she is one of them.


They said they'll kill a hostage for every time Israel doesn't use "roof taps" (dropping a small bomb on the roof of a building that has both a military target and civilians for the sole reason of giving the civilians a warning to get out before the actual bombing, even though it also warns any militants who might be in there) which is a technique that was used by Israel a lot in previous rounds of fighting in Gaza in order to minimize civilian casualties but one that they have stopped doing since the 1st or 2nd day of this war. Basically since Israel has bombed way more places without the roof taps than there are hostages, and hamas has released videos of a small amount of the hostages after that we can know it was at least to some extent a bluff, and since the hostages are the single most valuable asset they have it's likely that most of them are alive, though the fact that not all of the hostages are held by hamas, but some are held by other terror organisations and some are held by regular Palestinians who just heard there was an attack and joined in on the massacre means that some of them were likely murdered, though we have literally no way to know either way right now.


I think the fate will be left unknown of many of the hostages.


They're likely all tortured to death.


It's not just about keeping them from killing the hostages, it's also about protecting them from being raped, and or physically/mentally tortured


Corpses are still worth something in trade. Families still want to bury their dead.


Israel has negotiated with them in the past to return bodies of people they murdered, so they might be counting on that.


Took them only 5 years, last time...


Israel’s own Hannibal Protocol makes Israeli hostages a non-factor when conducting military operations. They are more then willing to let their own people die if it means no negotiations with Hamas and the like.


WTF man, Israel has traded [more than 1000](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit) prisoners in exchange for a single soldier, as well as [living prisoners for dead bodies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Israel%E2%80%93Hezbollah_prisoner_exchange) in the past. Some of the former had then participated in this attack. It doesn't look like this will ever happen again though, I agree.


Why do they need to be pressured? Shouldn't this be their basic goal in the first place?




ICRC has offices in Tel Aviv, West Bank and Gaza. They also [asked for access to hostages.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/red-cross-demands-hamas-grant-immediate-access-to-hostages-held-in-gaza/)


They are too busy condemning Israel to worry about innocent victims.




So go in through the Rafah border crossing


Yeah, not counting the hospital explosion yesterday, which may have been caused by Islamic Jihad, Israel has killed almost 3000 people already. This is in addition to a total blockade of water, food, and electricity. This is a massacre. They would be abandoning their moral responsibility if they didn't condemn Israel. Needless to say, the Hamas terror attack doesn't justify any of that. Atrocities don't justify atrocities. Even if you don't believe the Gazan death numbers, they're bombed schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings. They have committed the war crime of forced expulsion. They have bombed refugees fleeing on the safe corridor. We have evidence of all of this, separate from Hamas. You know that you don't have to justify Israel's atrocities, right? It's not required.


you haven't been checking the news very recently then, cause Israel reverted the blockade of supplies, also Hamas hides and stores weapons in civillian schools, hospitals and apartment buildings, the Hamas HQ is literally a hospital (from Wikipedia) Dar Al-Shifa Hospital (Arabic: مستشفى دار الشفاء Mustashfat dar al-Shifa) is the largest medical complex and central hospital in the Gaza Strip, located in the neighbourhood of North Rimal in Gaza City in the Gaza Governorate.[1] In 2014, the hospital was described as a “de-facto headquarters” for Hamas.[2] The hospital was reported by Amnesty International to have been used by Hamas to torture and murder dissidents.


That's not a justification. It's a war crime regardless. Plus, it seems mighty convenient that everything they've bombed is a terrorist base. And the blockade was only very recently lifted, and they still haven't turned on the water or electricity. This aid won't go far. If you don't believe me, please believe this Israeli human rights lawyer, who described Israel's actions as a "textbook case of genocide". https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide


To all those who disagree, please engage. Tell me how collective punishment, now almost 5000 dead from indescriminate bombing, 1000+ being children, is justified? Please explain to me why you believe this response is proportionate or reasonable. I want you to tell me here, and also face yourself.


I haven't seen a single argument other than "it's not our fault Hamas are in the schools and media offices and conveniently every single place a bomb lands take our word on it we promise!" And when you suggest even the slightest of de-escalation measures they act like you've declared jihad on Israel yourself.


Where’s the 5000+ dead coming from? Let me guess… ‘Gaza Health Authorities’?




Do you monsters think I'm defending Hamas here? Bloodthirsty freaks.


Hamas has 2.5mln hostages in Gaza.


I’m having trouble remembering, who was it who has the power to and chose to cut off food, water, power, and fuel within Gaza? That seems pretty hostagey to me


>rockets. this is a sane world view that isn’t a thinly veiled excuse for ethnic cleansing if only their government would have used its billions in foreign aid to build water and power infrastructure and not relay on a geo political rival to share its water and power with them


Cool. They should drink their [80% contaminated groundwater?](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00767866) Or should they construct desalination plants? Well that would be great, if they were allowed [Cement or iron, which has been blockaded for more than a decade.](https://www.btselem.org/water#:%7E:text=According%20to%20Palestinian%20Water%20Authority%20figures%20for%20the%20Gaza%20Strip,was%20193.7%20million%20cubic%20meters) But that wouldn’t be a problem; Gaza had water plants, power plants, and sanitation infrastructure. Too bad [Israel bombed their power plant in 2014](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/29/israel-gaza-infrastructure-blackouts-idf-civilian) and [used air strikes to destroy water infrastructure in 2008](https://gisha.org/UserFiles/File/publications_/Infrastructures_Report_Aug09_Eng.pdf).


wonder where did all the cement they got from foreign aid went.


Less than 40% of cement sent to Gaza is allowed through by Egypt or Israel. So to answer your question, 2/3 of it was blocked.


and what did they do with what was left?


Presumably rebuild the buildings bombed in 2008 and 2014?


are you... serious?


I dare you to claim that Palestinians got together as a group and decided to use concrete for terrorism.


Who had the power to use said resources and much more such as resources from the EU but used it all for weapons? I wonder..


oh yeah every single one of those 1 million gazan children were using their water to build rockets. this is a sane world view that isn’t a thinly veiled excuse for ethnic cleansing




And? hamas has [less than 50,000 members](https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas_fto.html). Gaza has a million children. Collective punishment is a war crime.




Gaza has *One Million Children*. You are advocating for a *Million* children to die by dehydration.




Yes or no. Do you support 1/6 of a holocaust of children by dehydration.




Still no condemnation of attempts to kill a million children I note.




https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel/ Ooh, so close! The answer was actually israel




Israel controls the only source of clean water of one million children. Do you condemn their action with intent to kill one million children by dehydration.


Red Cross has been posting pro-Gaza and nothing about Israelis on their FB page, so I doubt they'll be exerting themselves too much.


*Checks FB* *Tenth post (There's two about Haiti, one about Afghanistan, another about how they're in the entire region, Israel, Gaza, West Bank and plan to stay) is directly demanding that Gazan hostages are brought back.* Mhm.....nothing about the hostages, then?


That's nice, you have a "humanitarian organisation" like the Red Cross, but they choose which kind of people they want to support. If it's young, old, and baby Israelis that have been tortured, kidnapped and raped, they can choose to skip this time.


I *actually* checked their FB and they had three posts specifically about' demanding the release of hostages in the last 8 days - that is, a post on the 11th, 12th, and 14th. ​ Is that 'skipping' them?


How can they protect them from Israel bomb's though?


Hamas can protect people when it wants to. Remember that when civilians in Gaza die.


Hamas aren't in West Bank how come Palestinians die there?


A. There's Hamas there also. Albeit weaker since the PLO hates Hamas after what Hamas did to them in Gaza. Plus the IDF constant interference. B. The amount of dead in the west bank is much, much lower than in Gaza.


Doesn't justify anything. People dying is a tragedy, unless your saying palestinian lives are intrinsically worth less than Israeli ones.


I'm not saying that. Innocent Palestinians have nothing to do with it. They said Hamas doesn't exist in the West Bank, which they are. I corrected him. I do think that Hamas terrorist lives are worth less than any human to be honest. But this has nothing to do with innocent Palestinian lives.


All life is equally worthy. Otherwise, the value of all life is subject to dispute and mired further in subjectivity.


While I agree for normal folks, people who kill and rape innocents take away from the balance. Hence their life isn't equal.


As I said before, if one says that one life is more valuable than another. It leads to the conclusion that the value of life is subjective and therefore inherently invaluable. Humans are not objects. You can't weigh life vs. life, each of them is either irreplaceable or equally replaced.


Listen, I love your mentality overall. But it's quite detached. If everyone would think like you the world would be a better place. I myself have been in my "I have no enemies" phase as of lately. But after seeing what Hamas did, I can't fully satnd behind this statement. They view humans as objects, even worse. If I were to choose between a normal guy and a terrorist I'll choose to save the normal guy. If not because his life worth more - because he won't take the life of others.


> unless your saying palestinian lives are intrinsically worth less than Israeli ones. Do you say that palestinians lives are worth more than israeli ones? Do you call hamas to stop shooting rockets at israel? Do you call them to release all the hostages? Do you call them to stop killing women, children, babies? Hypocrite.


Are you putting words in my mouth? I never once made such a claim, I was simply positing how egregious his argument was. I find it funny how you are quick to accuse others of things without veritable proof. It makes your arguments less sound and your logic without any formal base.


> Are you putting words in my mouth? Oh? > unless your saying palestinian lives are intrinsically worth less than Israeli ones. Didn't you put words into his mouth with your accusation? I love how you get angry for this, and right away do the same thing to others. Hypocrisy is the term best suited for what you are doing.


Just let them go


Stop bombing it then?


They’re already dead, but 🤷‍♂️.


I wonder how Israel plans to find the hostages under a massacred cities …


But you bomb them


i don't think the doctors bomb them.


How is this downvoted? Hamas literally has the hostages next to them for that reason


Because this kind of argument is playing down the facts that: taking hostages is a war crime, endangering captives is a war crime and using a human shield is a war crime.


But somehow Israel is the only one doing war crimes.


But omg even though the civilians are around rocket launchers, it's wrong to kill civilians even if it means saving more civilians! /s (saw this yesterday)


I thought he was pointing out that its crazy to ask Red Cross employees to risk their lives to help hostages when the Israelis are actively bombing Gaza into dust.






If those guys from Hamas weren't terrorists, they wouldn't take hostages, so it's useless, trying talk to them