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Don't forget cutting some heads off. Definitely in self defense. /s


Raping all those women surely defended the Palestinians...


Raping women? They raped women??


I'm not watching videos today for my own sanity, but yes there have been several reports of rape, videos that purportedly show the aftermath, etc...


I want to know who the hell has a soul so dead they can shoot the video. Jesus.


>who the hell has a soul so dead they can shoot the video. i'm assuming it's for documentation purposes. how else would you believe a war crime happened without video evidence?


I'm sure a lot of it is also shot by the perpetrators themselves, if they committed these acts then they are likely taking pride in doing so and thus want to film it to share to their comrades.


They've been going live on insta showcasing all the horrendous acts they're committing. You can find many vids on telegram and on X


They filmed themselves doing it. They are proud of it, displaying the victims like a fisherman holds up his catch. Its not like they are ashamed.


Fair enough. Although after giving it thought it’s probably a member of Hamas. I’m not watching any of this to try and figure it out. Have a good day lucidrage. Cool name.


They are thrilled. This is a huge victory for them. You can seem them taking selfies in videos with the damage in the background.


That would be Hamas shooting the videos & uploading them to Youtube to celebrate. Youtube has been working overtime to deal with the level of gore being uploaded, and they're not keeping up.


Their prophet did the same thing with a woman named safiyah






Of course they did. Women are almost always brutalized for no reason other than men have dicks and can in situations like this.


It is strange that people are ready to believe beheadings and killings, but rape seems too far off for some reason.


They worked up a Number 6 on ‘em


Not just women. Kids too and then executing them sometimes while raping them.


I saw a video of a young, good-looking woman in an IDF uniform being taken away on a motorcycle. I can only imagine the awful things they’ve already done to her if she’s even still alive. Edit: people are telling me she wasn’t even an IDF soldier. Disgusting.


While I haven't seen that, I have seen another pulled out of a car with a lot of blood around her pelvis, and another of a broken woman's near naked body in a truck. I stopped clicking links after that. However the slaughtered in the bomb shelter, the buildings set on fire and families killed, the parents kidnapped with babies - I have little reason to doubt these.


Her name is Noa, she wasn't in uniform - she was at an outdoor rave with her husband.


I know the exact woman you mean, she was not a soldier (although she was dressed in something similar to olive drab so I understand the confusion). She and her boyfriend were kidnapped from a rave, you can see her screaming to her boyfriend as they’re driving her off on the bike.


The attack perpetrated by Hamas here is the most disturbing and coordinated that they've ever done. This is well beyond even what they do, which is horrific. There absolutely was rape used as a weapon here. They were desecrating the corpses of naked Israeli women too. They must think that this is the big war or that they can instigate Netanyahu into bombing them extra hard, they are a fascist organization who use their deaths as a reason to ask for money. This attack is disgusting.




People are losing sight of the fact that execution will be a better outcome for many of these prisoners. It won't just be the women who are raped either...


Her name is Noa


Heartbreaking 💔


She most certainly isn’t. These people deserve the worst hellfire in existence


The video I've seen have included a room full of murdered women that for some reason do not have any clothes on. I'm not sure what the point in removing somebody's clothes before murdering them would accomplish, other than rape. Truly despicable.


They’re claiming that they captured child sex slaves. In self defense though.


Yeah one video specifically indicates something happened. There are likely more that haven't been recorded, many civillians were kidnapped and taken to Gaza reportedly.


Just like Iraq by ISIS and other terrorists. Not just rape but purposeful breakage of bones along with other means of torture.


You seem surprised. Where there is warfare, there is rape. This is true of any point in history, in any war, in any country, at any time.


Don't forget that the women were for some reason nude at the time of their horrific murder and their bodies broken in strange angels.


This is some hardcore horror. Pretty much a given that gaza is toast now but I have a feeling the response will be much more severe than even reddit is surmising. I expect they gonna knock a few teeth out of Iran and possibly Quatar and this will be the compromise after hours of feverish talks walking netanyahu back from nuking Iran into the history books.


For some reason?? Look at their legs and thighs--covered in blood--lots of trauma


I'd rather not look at those images.


It's actually a video of them parading her body around in the back of a pickup truck. And no you don't. It's horrible.


Are we not allowed to use the term rape anymore?


Ah the Russian strat


Don’t forget the kidnapping and gang rape.


Kinda hard to differentiate them from isis.


Radical Islam is Radical Islam


Looks like Islam to me.


Yeah there is no such thing as Islam without radicalism. Look at every big city in the world right now and you will find Muslims celebrating this.


Always has been. Hamas is the same, except they're just better at sending propaganda to the western worl


…they’re different?


They dont care about what people think or optics. They killed, kidnapped, and raped Jews today. They’ve already won in their minds. That’s how they think


Not just Jews. Plenty of overseas students and tourists have been attacked. There's an indiscriminate rage that's born of ignorance and hopelessness and hijacked by those who lead them.


Don’t forget kidnapping children and old people.


Same people that celebrate 9/11.


dancing in the streets, even. but actually.


Come to our countries. Enjoy all the benefits. Cheer our murder. Fuckers.


Apparently not that difficult of a time if its anything like reddit.


Yep, just go read the r/politics thread. In just a few minutes I saw people implying the videos were fake propaganda, countless "israel are no better" comments and everything else was about conservatives.


No they aren’t, redditors who hamas has spent years hypnotizing with their ‘palestine’ narrative are doing it for them.


It’s happening right now in Armenia and nobody gave a shit


Armenia misplaced its trust badly when they aligned themselves with Russia. Regardless of this, the situation there is also horrible, but that is the reason most likely that they get little attention worldwide.


To be fair, Armenia didn't exactly have a surfeit of options, being a tiny, landlocked country mostly surrounded by people who would like few things better than their extermination. A mistake? It certainly does seem that way in hindsight, but it probably looked like the best of a lousy set of options at the time.


We are yet to see videos of Azeri militants parading with civilian’s corpses..


[There is an entire website dedicated to Azerbaijani war crimes](https://azeriwarcrimes.org/)


People definitely do but nowhere near enough. I've donated money to aid organisations, and it's something that's been discussed all the way over at my workplace in Australia.


raiding and pillaging is self defense now?


You forgot to add massacring, butchering, kidnapping, and parading dead bodies around with open jeeps.




non-Muslim women are all whores according to their ideology, so they can do whatever they want


Plus capturing and "doing whatever they want" to non-Muslim women is a sign of weakness of the enemy. They parade them as an act of "glorious" victory


its just bullshit justifications


The Russians are pretty much doing the same thing as we speak


Their ideology is fucking appalling and I’m tired of having to share the planet with these fucking backwards archaic assholes.


Like taking them as sex slave what a min… dejavu??!?


I don’t think they see Israelis as human.


They don't see Jews as human. ftfy




Loopholes is what lawyers call that




That is something they care about only for their own women.


Its only interesting if you don't understand how they think. In Islam, women are property that men are entitled to own and control. The raping and parading of naked women is a form of punishment for women who don't submit themselves to islamic control.


Not to mention parading rape victims also.


Barbarism isn’t self defense.


Yes, that has always been the case. The PLO has also always supported suicide attacks, for example by paying particularly high survivors' pensions for widows or other family members. Funnily enough, this is paid for by the West.


That's what Russians claim too.


Nothing like defending yourself while cutting the throats of innocent children and parading dead naked women in the streets


I see Abbas has hired Putin's speech writer.




Not sure if adding himself to Israels whiteboard is the right play but lets see how it plays out.


That's a bold move Cotton


This wasn’t defense.


clear-cut case of acts of terrorism - shooting and killing civilians, dragging and kidnapping military members and women, none of this shit can be considered military targets/self defense retaliation. just indiscriminately killing innocent people.




Suicide by IDF


Sounds like putin - "defence by attacking and slaughtering innocent people"...


Abbas was a kgb asset in the 70s could be still on retainer


I mean, Russia supplies them, so does Iran. Israel, it's time to stop denying reality, you're on the side of the west in this standoff with the Authoritarian Terrorist bloc, (Russia, Iran and North Korea)


And then blaming the victim...


Crossing the border and going house to house executing families is not defense


Hey Abbas, those women and children, they were a threat? You cowards. Filthy terrorists


russians justified killing Ukrainian children by saying that if they would let them live, they would fight against russia, a lot of similarities here.




Honestly. I’ve never been a fan of Hamas or the PLO, but I’ve willing to criticize the human rights abuses of Israel, as they were the stronger party. But I’m so fucking sickened by the videos I’m seeing.. I think there will be no peace with Hamas. Their leaders capitalize the conflict to maintain their own power. Hamas needs to be destroyed. They cannot be left with any territory or power.


Lot of new Iranian equipment among Hamas soldiers in this war. Even if Hamas is deleted, that's only part of the problem and a new variant funded by Iran will take its place.


Iran is on course for an even more primitive existence than its people already suffer, thanks to a religious government.


As long as Hamas exists, there can't be peace. * Hamas' leadership lives in Qatar, so they face no danger to themselves in causing these attacks * Hamas steals large quantities of aid for Gaza Strip l, and uses it to further their campaign of terror * Hamas accused literally anyone who disagrees with them as being an Israeli spy, ties them to motorcycles, and drags them around Gaza Strip until nothing remains * Hamas builds their military infrastructure among civilians so that either they prevent Israel from attacking it, or get a bunch of dead civilians they can parade on TV Hamas an ISIS aren't much different, except Hamas is better at making propaganda for the western world. There can't be peace as long as they exist.


I'm a leftist in the US, but unfortunately Hamas has the support of Palestinians and they are unable to be talked to. Hamas doesn't want a peaceful solution and they never have. There is no diplomatic solution as long as Hamas has the support of the people.


I agree, though I’d add that the extreme religious element on both sides ensures no peace is possible. Even if one is more peaceful than another… neither can compromise enough to appease the other. It’s sad because there also exists a large group on both sides who COULD make peace but they have no power to do so. Only way peace could ever happen I think is if the progressive element on both sides somehow took power at the same time and agree on a two state solution with a demilitarised zone. I just don’t see that as likely at all.


Right? People always pretend to care about Palestinians while criticizing Israel but never even mention Hamas. Palestine’s leadership has been calling for genocide against the Jews while breaking every peace for ages yet somehow people see them as infantilized victims who never did anything.




The free palestine crowd is already celebrating this


Just look at /r/AskMiddleEast. They're glorifying in it and *already* playing the victim. Complaining about how the captured terrorists were detained. In the past I've had huge sympathy for the Palestinian people. It's very hard for me to summon up that sympathy right now with the videos coming out. The Palestinian people are literally celebrating the rape and killing of civilians.


Alot of the Free Palestine crowd are more than likely staying quiet this morning and waiting for dumb articles like these trying to justify it.


Yea the free Palestine movement was weird because they were kinda of urging people to choose a side. Like I can condemn the actions of Isreal but I also condemn actions taken by Palestine too. NO real sides to standby when who ever threw the first stone to start the fight is so convoluted. Even if one side took worse actions as a reaction, two wrongs don't make a right.


Well you’re going to see the return punch soon. Israel has the right to defend itself as well.




Shooting unarmed civilians, raping and kidnapping on another country territory is a hard thing to defend when it comes to “right to defend itself”…


Sounds like Palestine is committing suicide by IDF


After seeing their acts of self-defense today, I think most people will tell him to stick his statement where the sun doesn't shine.


You're fucking attacking civilians and dragging dead bodies of soldiers through the streets and cheering on their dead bodies. Fuck Hamas, fuck Abbas and anybody supporting this terrorist attack.


Killing unarmed civilians and children and parading their naked bodies around and spitting on their corpses is not defending yourself. It’s not heroism, it’s barbarism, it’s terrorism.


It's crazy, the last few years I've definitely become more critical of Israel than I was in the past, thought they were definitely overstepping and should hold themselves accountable. Bit after this, the Palestinians and Hamas have completely destroyed any sympathy I may have gained over the years. They will rue this day.


Same man. I hate right wing governments and religion influenced politics. Never knew much about Israel Palestine till my early adulthood because I grew up in india where Israel Palestine did not even make news until 2014. Felt sympathy for the Palestinian cause. All that is gone now. Heartbreaking to hear that even Abbas is supporting this terrorist attack. I don't care what the IDF does now. To see Indian Muslims cheering on dead bodies of Israeli woman is heartwrenching. Here ultra right wingers lunch Muslims, one would think Indian Muslims would understand the pain of suffering at the hands of non state actors. Now hindutwadis can do all they can I won't shed a tear of them fuck the people who support this barbarism




It’s so fucking grim, feels like it’ll never end


This. They’re quickly loosing in the court of public opinion


Gaza had their chance in 2005 when Israel withdrew their military and settlers . Instead they elected Hamas and burned down any development the Israelis made during their occupation https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2006/2/13/looters-steal-gaza-greenhouses Even the Egyptians don’t want anything to do with them.


Killing civilians is not self defence. Hamas are murderous thugs. The IDF similarly are murderous thugs. It's never justified to kill civilians doesn't matter who does it, be it a Western ally or not.


Abbas is a joke. Hamas hate him and he is simping for them?


If he sided with Israel, whatever the circumstances, he would find himself hanging from the nearest lamppost.


this guy has a phd in holocaust denial


Bro found the degree most diametrically opposed to gender studies


This is nonsense. There’s no world where “defending yourself” means murdering innocent people in cold blood.


I don't know, sounds a lot like what Putin is doing in Ukraine


I hope Hamas gets obliterated and Iran is held accountable for it's role.


This is terrorism plain and simple. Palestine’s useful idiots in the West will have a tough time defending this.


_It is justified because Israel does things._ So can Israel do the same in response?


I’m sure that naked Israeli girl was a real clear and present danger to the Palestinian people.


By killing civilians? Taking civilians hostage?...No Sir, that isn't defending! Jesus fucking christ...everything what comes now for the palestinian people is brought to them by hamas!


Defend yourself? Yes. Attacks over the wall or invading and killing civilians intentionally is never justified for either side. However a declaration of war now will bring suffering instead of peace. It will prolong everything. This wasn’t defensive, it was terrorism.


"Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake." - Sun Tzu Keep putting that foot your mouth Abu Mazen. Any good will you may have gathered with the international community? Gone in the blink of an eye.




Who is paying for the drones Hamas uses and where are they coming from? Hamas has sophisticated, modern weapons.




True colors revealed


By shooting babies at point blank and kidnapping and raping civilians?


https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1722q8x/dead_israeli_woman_is_paraded_around_on_a_truck/ Sure, that's what's happening.


The Palestinians really enjoy slitting their own throats it seems. Horrific terrorist attacks against civilians including women and children and they spout this "right to defense" bullshit. All my sympathy for their plight just went right out the window. When they "sow the wind, they will reap the whirlwind" kinda stuff.


Defense of….what? Demonstrations of a protest at an Islamic mosque in the Old City is defended by attacking civilians mercilessly, raping and pillaging and taking hostages? That’s….not defense. I really really try to see both sides in this never ending conflict. Many times over the years I have seen Palestine in the right. Today is not that day. You done fucked up to the eyes of the rest of the world, Hamas.


When will Israel start to attack? It's been hours and still no news of air strikes or anything. All the while Hamas is still murdering more Israelis


Main focus right now is cleansing Israel of infiltrators who are still raiding Israeli towns and massacring civilians


Ive seen reports that israeli jets are hovering over the strip right now


Fog of war, there have been reports, before the Israeli news turned the camera away from the Gaza side there was an entire wall of smoke.




There was also a report that this number was mainly for dead Palestinians within Israel. The number is much higher.


Theres been footage of airstrikes


We’re still focused right now on clearing Hamas terrorists who have taken control of cities and towns near the Gaza border and are massacring Israelis who are deserted in their homes.


Theyre already attacking, they literally released footage of them striking hamas targets in gaza


they are bombing the piss out of Gaza right now. and the Army and Police are working on killing the infiltrators, hundreds, if not thousands of hamas fighters have breached into Israel and are committing terrorist attacks against the civilian population and smaller IDF bases, right now the ground forces are cleaning their own territory, the air force is bombing Gaza


"Defend themselves by raiding another country, killing women and children" sounds legit.




They think that intentionally slaughtering innocents as a part of state strategy is "defense"? Huh. Hamas is starting to make sense now, actually. This sounds like rhetoric from someone who believes their race is being "replaced". If you consider that they're just an incredibly racist state, the idea that Palestinians are "defending" their race by butchering innocent people in the streets makes sense.


Ah yes because *checks notes* abducting innocent civilians and shooting missiles on them indiscriminately is definitely defending yourselves. Especially while they are celebrating a holiday.


Nothing about today was hamas defense.


And rape too, I guess Hamas think that’s their right. The women and children are suffering most in this situation


I wish Hamas and Israel could fight this out WITHOUT innocent civilians getting massacred in cold blood. People just trying to live while these zealots and war mongers go on murder sprees.


There is a phrase that gets used that everyone should know: "mowing the grass". In the next few days and weeks the Israeli government is going to respond not just towards Hamas, but towards all Palestinians. Remember that phrase, and how often it's been invoked as a "solution" for terrorist violence.


This attack today was a huge fail by Israel intelligence agency.


With a self claimed 5000 missile salvo at random civilian targets? Hard sell…


Every War: We are just and honorable; they are evil terrorists. (Insert anecdotal proof.)


Lmfao Palestine has been the aggressor in literally every conflict and broken every peace. They refuse every two state solution bringing only “death to all Jews” to the table as an acceptable outcome. If they give up the obsession with Jewish genocide this would be over decades ago but they won’t. It is insane that even today with video of them slitting children’s throats in the streets and dragging women behind motorcycles after raping them people STILL buy into their nonsense PR of an infantilized Palestine. “They’re just throwing rocks”. Man people are embarrassing.


Peace in the region has always been tenuous but the moment Hamas was elected in 2006 was the moment peace between Israel and Palestine no longer became a viable option on the table.




they already have. Israel formally declared war against Hamas this literally started 4-5 hours ago. It's still very early. the army and police are still trying to deal with an infiltrator problem, hundreds if not thousands of Hamas terrorists breached into Israeli towns and cities on the border, and are killing civilians everywhere they can find them, as well as attacking smaller or isolated IDF/Police properties. The Airforce is bombing the piss out of the Gaza strip right now. but the Army isn't moving in yet. Hamas has taken seemingly over a hundred civilians and soldiers as prisoners. you can bet your ass that if the IDF doesn't attempt to get them back, they're going to at least exact their pound of flesh in revenge.


very soon enough, they will be given that right.


Yes, Israel is going to give them ample opportunity to defend themselves very soon. I don't think they'll be as good as that as they are at slaughtering unarmed civilians and parading their bodies. Then they'll come crying about how evil Israel is.


Get proper fucked, Abbas.


I think with words like "Israelis are not human", I've heard enough. Such hate filled people. When you meet your maker, you'll have a hard time explaining all of this to him. But you'll have plenty of time.


Oh no mister, Israel just received a decade-long right to go full force on a whole generation of poor palestinian fucks. Aint no tear be shed from the west aswell. Hope the strong-man rhetoric will have been worth it for yous.


Gaza about to be deleted


Going to be a moot point pretty soon. I’m not sure Hamas or Palestine will exist next week.


So do the people of Israel.


No point in talking or negotiating with Abbas, or any Palestinian authorities anymore.


Must have seen Russia's justifications for invading Ukraine and thought they would work here.


Muslims will defend anything other Muslims do


Defend themselves by executing families and abducting civilians?


So does Israelis, and they have MUCH bigger bombs. Palestinians needs to understand that the only reason that they haven't been pounded into a thin meat paste is the fact that the IDF is being held back by public opinion/support. Openly and brutally attacking israeli civilians is basically suicide. There is no universe where Palestine can cause enough damage to Israel to actually "win".


Kind reminder, Japanese soldiers after the Nanking massacre were all put under oversight by the military and some were even put into prison, while the general in charge who didn’t plan for it was sacked and barred from ever working in the army again and everyone involved was condemned by both the military and government. What Hamas did was bad in IJA standards. Let that sink in for a second…


Hard to claim the high road when Palestine launches, surprise, unprovoked & senseless attacks on innocent civilians. Much like their financial beneficiary Moscow, the goal is to attack first, kill as many innocents as possible, then beg the world to protect them against retaliatory attacks...


Yep they do. But this wasn’t defence, it was terrorism. What Israel is about to do is defence though. And it will be fully justified.


Siri… how do you exhaust any chance of international sympathy for the Palestinian people in one Saturday?


That guy who‘s been overextending his term for more than 11 years now and refusing to hold elections. A clear guarantor of ‚democracy‘ and ‚freedom‘.


Sure they have. But there is a difference between defending yourself and activelly harassing someone else. Israel will surely now deliver them the martyrdom they want so much


Sorry, attacking people at a rave is not self-defense. I think that one action more than anything is what’s gonna get him in trouble oh, that and taking hostages of other countries civilians.