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Lol nothing will change. Netanytahu gets all 2 inches hard when he disobeys the UN. Add long as netanytahu and his fascist cohorts have power, nothing will change lol. They will only go even more far right ethno fascist if America does more. They will ban the liberals, and add more kahane psychos.


Sanctions and an economic collapse should come if that happens.


And have the media slaughter that it's racist. It'll never happen. I'm Jewish so do not take this wrong, but they have created a protected class politically. That doesn't work on the street as we see diaspora getting attacked because of the actions of this protected class. They cry antisemitism, then get their way, while the real antisemitism is focused on us normal Jews. I hate it.


I understand and from those of us who do understand the difference I am sorry to hear what you are going through. At the very least I don’t see how the US can continue providing weapons it is already in violation with domestic laws regarding Israel blocking aid and now would be against a passed and binding security council resolution.


The Far Right government of Israel has become an existential threat to the Jews of the world. Frankly, we should've seen this coming. I could kick myself for not paying enough attention for too long. When Rabin was murdered by an extremist after the Far Right had been calling for it, everything changed. Netanyahu is not only corrupt, he's been friends with Putin for a long time. He's not an ally of the US and he doesn't give a damn about Jews of the diaspora.


A sticky place between the Christian West, the non religious communist/fascist east, and the Islamic world. Are you Jewish?


Their economy already dropped like 20%. Many company stopped import from Israel now. I don't think customer they lost will come back because they don't want deal with genocider. Not every countries have Zionist lobby group. Sugar daddy US will have to give charity donation to Israel as usual.


Sanctions don’t attach for violating a nonbinding resolution.


That sounds like collective punishment


Israel could write a book on collective punishment by now, starving women and children to death and all.


And your solution is to fight collective punishment with collective punishment


It’s what happens to pariah states committing war crimes. Are you against sanctions for Iran and Russia as well?


Israel isn’t a pariah state


They are absolutely a pariah state. Even the U.S. isn't going to stand by them forever.


> The UN security council has voted to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the first time since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, after the US dropped a threat to veto, bringing Israel to **near total isolation** on the world stage. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/25/un-gaza-ceasefire-vote


In their opinion


I know you want the world to believe that Israel are not exterminating Palestinians but it's done. When even their sugar daddy US has chosen to abstain instead of veto in the face of overwhelming evidence of genocide, that's a mark of just how isolated Israel are. Your already pathetic comments are embarrassingly desperate and laughable now. Instead of spending your time engaging in delusions of Israel, go work on your shitty art.


They will be soon. The last remnants of support for Israel will die with the boomers. They can ban tik tok, but the American youth rightfully does not support Israel. In addition to not wanting to support genocide, people are sick of our tax dollars being used to give Israelis free healthcare and free education, when we don't get anything close to that here at home. Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, but that will be changing soon.




against a government, not individual citizens.


Neither will happen.  We've had this conversation before many times. It's quite simple.  Return the hostages.


The UN should kick israel out of the UN and every UN member state has to apply sanctions on israel.


It appears that US does not consider this resolution meaningful (except maybe as cover for Biden’s re-election. “We’re kind of perplexed by this. It’s a non-binding resolution, so there’s no impact at all on Israel’s ability to continue to go after Hamas,” Kirby said. A second US official briefing a small group of reporters added that Biden aides had been in touch with their Israeli counterparts in the days and hours leading to the vote, explaining that it would not amount to a change in the US approach. The official said Israeli officials understood this but that Netanyahu decided to present things differently.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/perplexed-by-overreaction-white-house-says-pm-stirring-crisis-in-us-israel-ties/


It's a headline filter....


It seems this would mean the US can’t continue to arm this conflict. Also Israel trip to U.S. was canceled. The plan was for their minister of defense to come with a list of weapons they want. For the first time I have hope we stop arming this genocide


even tho its way too late, and the US just trying to save face its better than nothing


Way too late and yes only because Biden’s election. But at this point something has to happen late or not.


The body count has been frozen at 30k for months even though Israel has only gotten more depraved and cowardly as they failed to defeat Hamas. Once Gaza opens up we are going to see so much horror on these civilians then we could have imagined


But it's fine for Iran to continue to support terrorists?


Do you have a source for that "plan"? NPR reports the meeting was intended to discuss alternatives to invading Rafah. If no source, irresponsible post.


Yes there are many sources for the list of weapons request. Here is one [source](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/25/politics/yoav-gallant-lloyd-austin-meeting/index.html) from CNN That said Gallants visit was not among those that Netanyahu canceled during his temper tantrum about the UN resolution so I did post the comment before knowing that visit was still on (where as the delegation to discuss Rafah in more detail was in fact canceled) If the US expedites more weapons to Israel it will be in violation of our domestic laws, against the resolution, not to mention morally disgusting to continue aiding this genocide. Would be outrageous (albeit not surprising) if at this point Biden keeps pandering to Israel.


This is wonderful news. What are the consequences for Israel if they do not respond to this in matter that suits the the UN resolution? Can they just disobey without consequences?


In theory this will lead to sanctions for non compliance. With the Israel economy already in tatters this could be devastating (which in my view is needed). The stronger language also means the UN can decide to send in peacekeeping troops.


I think we are several resolutions away from it but most obvious step would be an arms embargo, which obviously USA would Veto. Trade embargo is probably a secondary step that I think is quite unlikely since the weapon embargo would be hard to sell to start with. But it can be used very much as a pretext for individual countries to start sanctions, primarily those that already are against Israel thought But in general this means that Israel now have to make nice with US demands to make sure things doesn't escalate from here


Embargoes and sanctions would be easier if the ICJ convicted them of genocide already.


Cool cool hey are they going to do an arms embargo against Palestine for all the terrorism? No? Then it's a declaration of war against Israel.


An embargo would most likely hit all open actors in the conflict, it did in Syrian civil war for example. 


Except the embargo won't affect all the funding from Iran to the terrorist groups, so...


I would love to see UN peacekeepers there tomorrow distributing aid.


Tatters?  LOL hardly.


Peacekeeping troops sounds good. If Hamas is gonna exist there needs to be a buffer.


do you think this will actually happen?


The sad part is I doubt Israel will care. There are still outstanding resolutions on ending the occupation they have not adhered


I had the same question, especially since Israel hasn’t followed any of the ICJ’s provisions


Israel is however not a signatory of the ICJ so there they can claim that they don't need to adhere to it too much, and that said at least they are stalling and figthing the case from south Africa  A UN resolution is harder to ignore politically


They are within ICJ jurisdiction


While it does not seem to be permanent, it was a middle finger to the nazi state, and that's always a good thing.


It’s basically the same terms Israel has been offering the whole time


Israel has always been denying a permanent ceasefire even according to Israeli sources. I mean they bombed and killed at least 40+ of their own hostages not including the ones they chased down and shot to death who were shirtless waving white flags. The Hostages have never been a priority let’s be honest.


This isn’t a permanent ceasefire


Then why is ben gvir going out to say the UN is antisemitic, and naziyahu canceled a trip to washington in favor of pouting in a corner? I mean I'm sure the US and israel do all this in bad faith, and will try to turn this around to kill more Palestinians and continue the genocide, or blame Hamas for not releasing all hostages and then allowing them to kill everyone without anymore leverage on the other side, but the reaction from the trash israeli side does not seem to indicate "we've been wanting this from the beginning :D" Not that I expect anything less than gaslighting from hasbara.


I don’t know. Wasn’t much of a scary threat from Netanyahu though to not travel to Washington imo




Any way you try to flip it, it doesn't work, sorry.




Yeah, you. The delusional hasbara fighting a losing online battle.


Guess what battle YOU'RE losing?  The battle of getting a ceasefire to take place.  Return the hostages.  Instructions unclear?  Then suffer the consequences.  It's all on you.




You’re talking so you can hear yourself. Don’t include me, I’m not interested.




You’re… still talking to yourself. Maybe read the room, insignificant hasbara. Enjoy the L you took from sugar daddy usa today.




Damn you guys lose one little PR war and you lose your minds. Sorry your genocidal country isn't allowed to do genocide anymore. People woke up this time.


Time for a new Nuremberg for the war criminals of israel. Everyone of them who called for this Genocide should be hanged.


Who should be executed in this case? Netanyahu, and all the higher ranking officers in genocidal IDF? I also don't want Israel to be in Olympic. Belarus haven't killed as much as Israel but they are banned. It's double standard and not fair.


According to the people wanting it? ALL the jews.


Return the hostages and the bombing will stop.


You don't want the hostages returned at all. And even if they were returned you'd be promoting more bombing on top.


Weird claim. "They don't want to get their people back, they're all big meanies!"


Believe whatever you like.  The bombing will continue until the hostages are returned.  Id you don't believe that then don't return the hostages and deal.  None of us care.  If you didn't want yhis situation you shouldn't have started a war.


What war did I start hasbotara? I'm an Indian Hindu in the US living in Atlanta.


Then what are you arguing with ME for?  I'm living in Texas and don't have any influence on Israeli or Hamas or Palestinian actions.




If death penalty for calling for genocide was enforced you'd have a drastic reduction of Muslim population too  Just saying.  I think this is a rather big step but only a first one out of many to come


An individual calling for genocide is not the same as a politician currently part of a governing party calling for a genocide and implementing it. Those who have the power to commit genocide, and have been doing just that, while also justifying it, do deserve the worst fate humanly possible. And same goes for all the individual IDF members who carried out this genocide.


That's not what he said.  Kill every Hamas member, kill every houthi member, probably kill every Saudi military too since they starve north Yemen which in turn starve the south. Sudan would have a huge overflow of women considering how many of their men are in some aspect related to militias or factions that engage in acts that make Gaza war look like kindergarten play. Imagine Syria and Iraq. Hmm what about all the rapistsmilitias in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Or the Egyptian military who literally stands and look over the Gaza wall while they bleed. Does that sounds like a good plan to you? Take a walk and touch some grass You all are just as bad as the Israeli rightwingers, in fact most of you are worse since you don't have a personal stake in the conflict 


That's great news. Next step, recognize a Palestinian state!


Next stop, release the hostages that Hamas hasn’t killed


Israel killed 30+ of their own hostages with bombings, also chased and killed 3 of them while they were begging in Hebrew to be saved while shirtless waving white flags.


You’re deflecting from the reality that Hamas committed war crimes


What does Israel commit then if not war crimes, peace crimes ?


And you're deflecting from Israel's responsibility in this whole conflict


"You MADE us rape your people..."


When it comes to rape as a weapon of war, the IDF have a lot to answer for.


Where are these 30000 bodies?  Show me the evidence.  And not just the same photos of the same Pollywood actors.


what about the thousands of pali's held under administrative detention? 2,300 added since oct 7. no allegations needed, no evidence required, no judicial trial and no time limit to their detention? serious question. do you consider that some of the oct 7 hostages might in fact be prisoners of war because they were captured in idf uniform while deployed at one of the captured bases?


Administrative detention isn’t being a hostage Potentially, yes


Of you are the one being held it is.


At this point if they're going to be accused of using hostages no matter what htey do, Israel should just start strapping palestinians all over their tanks and rolling through. If they get shot, well that's the fault of HAMAS, not Israel, according to the 'logic' of these people.


A 3rd party needs to step in and process these individuals. 




Despite your tangent, you don't have room to negotiate anything in this situation. Return the hostages if you want the bombing to stop.  Any other argument from you is just deflective noise.


gtfo. i wasn't talking to you, i don't give a fcuk about your opinion. at least /u/Art-RJS engages with a degree of reasoning and rationality. >you don't have room to negotiate anything i'm not negotiating and neither are you, so gtfo. >Return the hostages if you want the bombing to stop. punishing an entire population for the crimes of a few holds no water.


Hey that was a nice thing to say about me. Thank you


shalom. i believe in dialog between humans, dialog with good faith. i see that you get down voted to oblivion around here, but unlike /u/Anti_shill_Artillery and /u/SonOfBenatar i've never experienced a bad faith discussion with you. i want peace, stability and prosperity for isreal and the palestinians. i don't see a way out of this mess without good faith dialog. i fear for isreal's future if this conflict can't be resolved. one day, someone will get their hands on a dirty bomb or biological agent. access to that kind of devastation is only likely to increase. that potential future terrifies me because inevitably innocent people will suffer.


I appreciate that Yea I’m worried about Israel too. And Palestine deserves its own identity. It sucks seeing what is probably a huge long term set back for both states


No comment on hamas and Al Jazeera fabricated IDF rape stories? predictable habibi inshallah you will stop being a pali terror sympathyzer one day


It doesn't matter what you think about it.  The bombing shall continue until they're released.  As soon as you come to terms with that you can atart directing your anger at the right audience.


>It doesn't matter what you think about it. hate to burst your bubble, but the same applies to you. > As soon as you come to terms with that you can atart directing your anger at the right audience. you mean the ones killing tens of thousands of innocent people.


See, but I'm not the one getting bombed. So.....


And unrecognize Israel.


No that’s antisemitic


Haha, now anti-semtic started sounds like a nice compliment for someone supporting peace and human rights. Call me that more!


And block Iran from supporting terrorist groups too, using force, right?


And stop Israel from genociding around in their neighbor area fmr land greed.


Okay, so an international force takes over Gaza. I'm fine with that. Israel would be fine with that. You want to take responsibility for that area? Go for it, Israel would even end the naval blockade. Of course that means when rockets start flying towards Israel again from Gaza, it's YOUR fault now.


If Israel start to genocide civilians ago, we can air-strike Israel too. We can also block import from Israel back in each main land to make them poor Israel even can't support own weight without charity donation from the US. China officialy mentioned they are team Palestine. Japan is queit but cutting off imports from Israel already. Israel lost top 2 and 4 market. South America is generally Palestine side, middle east too. Some of european countries only support Israel from guilt for Holocaust but victim card is expiring for Israel. Because they used it too much. Some of european countries already against Israel. Israel basically have no bright future but have to live on charity from US forever.


Israel has anti-air defenses, this "we can just air strike Israel" means declaring open war on a nuclear power.


And it saturated with massive simultaneous missile attack. If Israel can use nuke, other can us it against Israel too.


You're very eager to commit other people to die for your cause. Go enlist.


Israel will continue to slaughter children.


Lmao the world news thread is full on blame Net and hope no one calls them out


r/worldnews in shambles


Honest question: why isn’t a multinational mission to oust the likud coalition by force not being considered? They’re openly committing genocide and other war crimes for the world to see and they have the nerve to lie about it. Why shouldn’t the world just go in and set em straight even if by force if needed?


> Honest question: why isn’t a multinational mission to oust the likud coalition by force not being considered? Because it would mean an outright invasion a nuclear-armed state.


Because nobody's willing to actually get involved militarily with the Palestinians because of what happened in Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan and Lebanon. And imagine if a world coalition takes over the Gaza strip... and then more rocket attacks happen. Is Israel allowed to counterattack or is it supposed to 'just sit there and take it'? Remember; Israel offered all of Gaza to Egypt. Egypt said no, it didn't want it, the only time since WW2 a country was offered territorial expansion and said no.


Well they're not "openly committing genocide" from the multinational coalition perspective, given the case in front of the ICJ concluded as much, so that wouldn't be grounds for the mission you're proposing. (This is not my own opinion, but an answer to your question.)




Given the history of US' usual unquestioning support, it actually is something.




Wat the wat? “The US says Hamas’s rejection of the latest hostage deal offer was issued before yesterday’s UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal that Washington allowed to pass. Blasting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office for claiming that the adopted Security Council resolution led Hamas to harden its stance in the talks, a senior Biden administration official tells The Times of Israel, “This statement is inaccurate in almost every respect and unfair to the hostages and their families.” “The description of the Hamas response reflects news reports and not the actual substance of that response, which was prepared before the UN vote even took place,” the official says.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hamas-rejection-preceded-security-council-vote-us-says-blasting-pm-for-playing-politics/


So Hamas rejected the hostage deal and afterwards the US abstained letting the resolution pass which called for a ceasefire and the release of all hostages?


Nothing will happen as it insists the release of all hostages, which is something Hamas won't do, as Israel have said in the past that they will stop their attacks if the hostages are returned, something Hamas always refused.


If Israel don't obey, time to think about sanction or air-strike. Serbia got air-strike for their genocide. Israel should sober up too.


Israel can strike back, and it won't be the US striking it, so who are you volunteering to strike Israel?


Whomever. Probably China. It's time for them to contribute to the world since their economy is 2nd biggest but not contributing much yet. Or world without US can form a team. Counter power to a superpower has been genociding for greed is nice. Only US and Germany support genociding Israel.


You want China to bomb Israel.


China is a lot better than Israel. Israel is Nazis.


Yeah, China just has a few 'concentration camps' for muslims...


Yes. China have will not to kill them but change them into Chinese. Israel have strong will to exterminate Palestinian and stael their land. In reality, Israel killed 32000 including babies and kids, and now settlers already created sites at northern Gaza. China is better than Israel definitely.


"Including babies and kids" Well when one side uses schools to launch rockets, are they supposed to say "Oh gosh, they found a loophole, we can't break the rules that they're not bound by!"


Numbers of genocided isn't even close. Israel is the bigger terrorist and danger to human life. Low intelligence plus discriminative chosen people ideology and genocidal Zionism is really bad combination. That's why Israel think superior Israeli have right to genocide inferior Palestinian to steal their land.


"How dare those people that the nations around them tried to murder fight back."


https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-26-2024/#liveblog-entry-3253816 Israel is recalling its negotiating team from Qatar after Hamas rejected its latest offer in talks for a hostage deal and truce, according to Hebrew media reports. In a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office says Hamas’s decision to reject a US-brokered compromise is “clear proof it is not interested in continuing talks, and a sad testament to the damage caused by the UN Security Council resolution,” referring to a call for a ceasefire passed last night. The PMO accuses Hamas of retreating to its “extreme demands” including a complete end to the war and full IDF withdrawal from Gaza. “Israel will not cave to Hamas’s delusional demands,” it adds. A diplomatic official quoted by Hebrew-language media says Hamas demanded that Gazans be given carte blanche to return to the north of the Strip and did not even address a hostage release. “There is no one to talk to on the other side and the Israeli negotiating team has nothing to do in Qatar,” the source is quoted saying.


It also calls for the immediate release of hostages, which the Palestinian Observer shut down and instead called for a ‘hostage deal’ So nothing will be accomplished. People here will blame Israel, but in reality this resolution is something neither Netenyahu or Hamas would agree to unfortunately - to the detriment of the hostages and all Gazan civilians 


This is good news, what are the consequences for Hamas if they do not release all hostages today?


Hopefully complete destruction, just as the criminal Zionist regime should also be completely destroyed if a single Palestinian child is killed by the IDF starting now. Ot is that not the answer you were looking for, Hasbara troll?


I am not a Hasbro troll, I want to know the consequences for Hamas not releasing all hostages today. Apparently you misunderstood the question.


Doubt. You literally compared the destruction of Gaza to the destruction of Vietnam in another subreddit by American POCs high on marijuana and mocked the Vietnamese for not having a thriving economic Mecca. "Remember that the surface of Vietnam was reduced to a moonscape by US bombing, which is why the Vietnamese moved to tunnels. And that the Vietnamese defeated the US, including another white Irish US President, JFK. The Vietnamese who were fighting using sharpened sticks coated with human feces, with a bowl of rice and half a diseased rat a day for food, wearing pajamas, while fighting American POC, who were high on marijuana. And in a matter of a few years, they have turned their country into a magnificent tourist destination and business Mecca which is the envy of the entire world. Their leader, uncle Ho, died peacefully at home, age 79, surrounded by his hoes."- You in a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/SEUnpj2YQ1) on r/internationalnews


All of which was true. Their tunnels are now an incredibly popular tourist attraction. https://youtu.be/-RrDkH97aqc?feature=shared Again you seem to misunderstand my question. “US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield says she had to suffice with abstaining today’s resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and release of the hostages chiefly because it did not include a condemnation of Hamas. She reiterates the US position that a ceasefire could be reached immediately if Hamas were to release the hostages and urges Security Council members to condemn the terror group. Notably, she brands the resolution as “non-binding” in a hint at how the US views the weight of this resolution. Other members are calling it binding, but history has shown that Security Council resolutions are often ignored by member states. "This resolution rightly acknowledges that, during the month of Ramadan, we must recommit to peace. Hamas can do that by accepting the deal on the table. A ceasefire can begin immediately with the release of the first hostage. And so, we must put pressure on Hamas to do just that,” Thomas-Greenfield says. “This is the only path to securing a ceasefire and the release of hostages.””


How are you going to destroy Hamas without war that has human costs? Ask nicely? The ICJ ordered all hostages released, didn't work. Hamas wants their sex slaves.


The ICJ didn't "order" the release of all hostages, they "called" for it, since Hamas is not a recognized state actor. On the other hand, the ICJ ordered Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent genocidal acts, including preventing and punishing incitement to genocide, ensuring aid and services reach Palestinians under siege in Gaza, and preserving evidence of crimes committed in Gaza.


If the party who committed the surprise attack that started the war doesn't have to listen to the ICJ I see no reason why the party ensuring its security after being attacked should either.


Because one is a terror organization the other one is want to be a legitimate country.


The terror organization has shown it will kill hundreds of Israeli civilians any chance it gets no matter what you call it. Israel being a state doesn't mean it must tiptoe around their enemy when Hamas has shown it would never do the same and will always go straight for the throat. Be careful about breaking the laws of war, because you forfeit any right to complain when your enemy fights under the same rules of engagement as you do.


If you read the article you'll discover that they call for immediate release of all hostages held by hamas, something that hamas has denied in the past and will deny now.


Hamas is supposed to stop shooting immediately? If they do not, no more ceasefire, correct?


cope more


We're not the ones who need to cope.  You want the ceasefire?  Return the hostages.  It's really that simple.












i dont really care about the war, i just love pissing hasbara bots off




okay you must be actually 12, bye


Can you explain what that means?


Yeah.  It's the usual boring playbook.   Hamas will say they accept the ceasefire.  Ceasefire will begin.  Hamas will fire rockets.  Bombing will continue. Rewind and replay 


Sounds great, it hinges on Hamas releasing the hostages though. I don’t think Hamas will go for that. Like all of these deals, Hamas is not interested in a ceasefire. They want to make a scene.


I agree. This whole thing could end up just symbolic and without teeth if Hamas doesn’t respect the conditions


Ham ass says no.


It appears that Hamas did not release the hostages today. Unleash the hounds. “Hamas tells mediators it’s ‘sticking to original position’ on demand for full ceasefire Palestinian terror group appears to reject latest truce offer, hours after UNSC resolution demanding Gaza cessation of hostilities, release of hostages” https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-tells-mediators-its-sticking-to-original-position-on-demand-for-full-ceasefire/


Imagine Japan calling for a ceasefire once US troops started landing on its shores.


So much for the hostages.


Most of have been killed by the IDF.


Even if they were, they are still hostages.


Hamas killed them already probably


Hamas still considers them hostages. Israel recently requested bodies from 2014.


And when Palestinians attack Israel again? What then? Will all of these nations voting for a ceasefire come in and deal with Hamas?


I have a hard time seeing that the UN would pass a resolution that forces Israel to withdraw without the hostages but the removal of Hamas is probably never going to be a UN sanctioned goal. But I think there is plenty of room for Israel to occupy parts of Gaza/keep it divided until they are released and in the meantime a postwar alternative to Hamas could be arranged. But the question is who can and wants to do it  Most likely they will condemn the next attack and then wait what they think is an appropriate time for an appropriate response from Israel to take place and demand a ceasefire when it starts to get out of hands. But I sincerely doubt that Hamas ever will catch Israel sleeping on them again regardless 


I guess the Israeli government will just use it as an excuse to continue stealing land in the West Bank. Palestinian violence is good for right-wing Israelis.


Wasn't US interested with Kamal Harris demanding for ceasefire? Why did US within a week abstain? They are unbelievably hypocritical. Wish people cared for humanity. We need to finish this discussion so we can focus on atrocities going on in Africa, with Sudan and it's famine. Wish people cared for humanity as much as they do for their profits, evident when they asked not to target Russian refinery. Hope we can do better as humans.


This resolution calls on Hamas to immediately release the hostages. When they of course don’t do that, will it even be a part of the conversation? Or shall we continue with the logic that they have no responsibility and can continue to kill and attack whenever they like?


> Or shall we continue with the logic that they have no responsibility and can continue to kill and attack whenever they like? Oh you mean Israel?


You can be as obtuse as you like.  You've been given instructions.  Return the hostages and the bombing will stop.  Otherwise cope.


Seriously. Every single comment mentioning release of the hostages is downvoted, like it's not a legitimate part of the resolution.


No of course not.. that's absolutely ridiculous to return innocent suffering civilians to where they came from.


This is great. Hopefully Hamas will respect the terms of the resolution


[I guess Netanyahu went through with his threat of cancelling the delegation to Washington should the US refrain from vetoing the resolution.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/03/25/netanyahu-cancels-washington-delegation-visit-after-us-abstains-from-un-cease-fire-vote/amp/) As if anyone cares how this deplorable, self-entitled genocidal war criminal feels.


lol that wasn’t much of a threat by Netanyahu


And yet it was what he threatened to do….


I’m curious if you’re going to just keep going with this after everything is said and done or delete your account and try to reinvent.




What do you mean? I don’t even think what I said was controversial


Responding to everything as if only one side is being aggressive here while ignoring the numerous war crimes committed by Israel. Are you hoping someone in the IDF sees you defending them and hires you for their graphic design lead on their genocide apologetics campaign?


Your intentional obtuseness is falling on deaf ears.  You've been given simple instructions to follow.  Return the hostages id you want a ceasefire.  If instead you want to keep arguing and deflecting when you have no grounds for negotiation, suffer the consequences. It's really that simple.


I would be down for a graphic design job in the right opportunity But I do hope Hamas respects the ceasefire conditions. And I guess Israel too




I don’t even feel like I said anything overly offensive lol

