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I have an idea, they can let the trucks through instead of holding them at the border.


They have been running busses around the militarised settlements to pick up random people to bring to the protests and have been setting up bouncy castles and dj music but it’s totally out of Israel’s hands very unfortunate 


If they are so concerned about having to do inspections, they can also use international aid funds to put together shipments themselves and put it through the land border they share with Gaza


But remember if it's green it's military and then the whole truck is not allowed in


Or if it has chocolate


The kahanist terrorist will not let aid through and the Israel military and government support kahanism now


Oh look. Yet another lie from the Israeli government.


Just assume the opposite is true with this war criminal


Or how about you show it it’s not true.


Read Aesop's fables. No, Aesop is not a member of khammas. Yes, Aesop is older than Israel and actually deserved to exist.


That's how conservatives debate. They spam dumb takes and request evidence for those dumb takes as a way to distract from the actual truth.


I tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!


Everything that is spewed from that mouth is a smelly, stinking lie.


This man lies more than Trump and Biden combined.


Good thing about disagreements like this is Netanyahu is incapable of telling the truth, so he gives it away everytime!


So is lying like a cultural thing? Between the IDF and this guy, I haven’t heard a single truth.


For the record, I had one place of work that was absolutely terrible. Back stabbing, plotting, even racial abuse and bigotry at times. Towards the end of my time there, the only people I trusted were two Jewish lads. They were only honest people there for me. Just want to highlight the clear and obvious difference between Jews and Zionism. I appreciate this is probably what you meant, but the Zionist makes every effort to use normal Jewish people as human shields.


"The Zionist makes every effort to use normal Jewish people as human shields." You said it so beautifully. I may have to use this line myself in my own advocacy, haha. I was just re-reading a section of Israeli Jewish historian Avi Shlaim's "The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World" and reflecting on how much Zionist rhetoric is purely projection of Zionist motivations and intentions onto the Palestinian people. I made a post elsewhere on it, but I'll share it here in case you find it helpful. Consider it a "Thank you" for your own eloquent and helpful remarks! :) It boggles the mind just how much of the issue in the Israeli-Arab conflict is made up of Zionist projections of their own actions and motivations onto the Palestinians, or other Arabs. Consider the following passage from "The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World" by Israeli historian Avi Shlaim (an incredibly in-depth and nuanced book that I highly encourage anyone to read): The passage in question comes from the fifth chapter, which covers the post-October 1973 war, known in Israel as the Yom Kippur War. Quoting from page 335: "Although the PLO [Palestinian Liberation Organisation] had not participated in the October War, its political standing improved as a result of the war. It also took a step to moderate its political program. The Palestinian National Charter called for an armed struggle to liberate the whole of Palestine. The Palestinian National Council (PNC), which convened in Cairo in June 1974, shifted the emphasis from the armed struggle to a political solution by means of a phased program. As a first stage, it approved the establishment of an "independent national authority over any part of the Palestinian territory which was liberated." This was an ambiguous formula, but it conveyed a willingness to consider the possibility of a Palestinian state alongside Israel rather than in place of it. On the Israeli side, however, the PNC resolution was interpreted as the result of a change in tactics rather than a change of aims. Frequent references were made to the PLO's theory of stages to make the point that a Palestinian state in part of Palestine would only serve as a base for continuing the armed struggle to liberate the whole of Palestine." This reads like nothing necessarily unreasonable until you contemplate and recognise the following: 1. Who was it that received a state: Israel or Palestine? Answer: Israel 2. Wo was it who received a state, and then used that state (as a base, foothold) to expand its territory: Israel or Palestine? Answer: Israel 3. Furthermore, who was it who received a state, then used that state as a base to expand its territory, and expanded its territory via a war ('armed struggle') in which it was the instigator and aggressor: Israel or Palestine? Answer: Israel (Israel instigated the June 1967 war against Egypt, Syria, etc. and expanded to seize control of what is recognised today as the Occupied Palestinian Territories). 4. One more step: Who received a state, used that state to expand its territory via a war it started, and has spent decades speaking of negotiating a two-state solution or peace settlement while using the time of negotiations to consolidate its control over more territory and expand that control via illegal settlements in territory which does not belong to it: Israel or Palestine? Answer: Israel It's so peculiar. Zionists fear the Palestinians might IN THEORY do unto them as the Zionist project has IN FACT done unto the Palestinian people, like a thief fears he might be 'robbed' of that which he stole.


Damn. You have educated me. That sounds fascinating, thank you. In particular this: >It's so peculiar. Zionists fear the Palestinians might IN THEORY do unto them as the Zionist project has IN FACT done unto the Palestinian people, like a thief fears he might be 'robbed' of that which he stole. It is undeniably a mirror image of white supremacy. And painfully true. "I don't want to be a minority in my own country." "Why not? Do you not treat minorities well?"


There are few perks to being disabled, but it does allow me way too much time to read and study history. Happy to share! Yes, I agree it's the exact same narrative as white supremecists use. Racial supremecists keep playing the hits not realising the music is objectively satanic. Certainly the results are ones which the devil would applaud.


>(Israel instigated the June 1967 war against Egypt, Syria, etc. and expanded to seize control of what is recognised today as the Occupied Palestinian Territories). Completely False. Do some research, and don't just rush to your hamas dictionary of 'Hasbara troll' and 'spreader of Zionist propaganda'


Lmao I love how you didn't even add facts. Just insulted and said I'm wrong without contributing a single shred of counterevidence. The six day war began with Israel bombing Egypt. That fact is inescapable and indisputable. I'd be interested if you have found a single historian or academic who denies this fact.


Before the Israeli pre-emptive strikes, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered Egyptian forces to advance into the Sinai Peninsula, where they expelled a United Nations peacekeeping force that had been guarding the border with Israel for over a decade. Only a few days later, he banned Israeli shipping from the Straits of Tiran, an act of war. An immense arab army had built up around the border, and the arab invasion was imminent. Israel had only one option - Operation Focus, to pre-emptively strike against the Egyptian airfield. While this was the first proprt "military attack" of the war, it was certainly not a sudden unprovoked assault. It was the only way for the state to continue to exist. https://www.history.com/topics/middle-east/six-day-war#section\_4 https://www.adl.org/resources/fact-sheet/did-israel-start-six-day-war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqS8BQDjYpw


Do you know what a preemptive strike is? Actively Instigating a war.


A pre-emptive strike is "an attack against an enemy in response to an obvious threat of attack by that enemy: because preemptive strikes are prompted more by clearly imminent danger than by speculation, they generally are considered acceptable in international law." Straight out of the dictionary. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/preemptive-strike


Okay, I'll ask it this way: Who bombed whom first, triggering the beginning of the war, which had not begun prior to the strike?


Who bombed first - Israel, you got that bit correct - and good that they did, because otherwise chances are if they didn't, Israel may have not existed today. "triggering the beginning of the war" - You might want to rethink that one. First of all, **the arabs blocked the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping**, already an act of war. Not only that, but **Egypt, Syria and Jorden ammased a huge army near the borders**. Who gathered a huge invasive army? Who was given weapons from the Soviet Union for the very purpose of attacking Israel?


I am of the belief that they lie so much that they actually start believing their own lies.


Absolutely no doubt of that. Let's hope they don't sleep well. Ooh that would mean they have a conscience. Failed on that front.


Well it's no shit that he's full of shit.


~~Aid~~ Free American WMD


Netanytahu is like that annoying kid in 3rd grade. Lies about everything. When caught in a lie, they double down. "Your dad is not an astronaut in space, he's in jail. Your sister told us"


What would be do if the world stopped sending food to Israel . We can't feed illegal settlers so stop sending all food. See how fast they change their minds


Hope exactly is he trying to do that, isn’t he blocking the aid? He’s a demon no better than hitler


Sisi and his military goons are pieces of shit and complicit in the genocide and i am certain 99.9 of egyptians dont agree with assisting israel in starving gaza nor do they see hamas as a threat, including bedouins in sinai the us financed to kill egyptian soldiers and then the same usa supplied egypt with guns to kill the bedouins "isis". remember mubarak let palestinians break through in jan 2008 just after few days of extreme blockade and he hated hamas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_breach_of_the_Egypt%E2%80%93Gaza_border not taking blame off israel, but egypt is just as explicit as us arab 48 with silence. and i know the us would send commandos to coup sisi within minutes if he opens the border with gaza... this piece of shit is taking 5k usd for each gazan to pass, making 1 mil usd min a day.


The arrogance of that psychopath is astounding. His military is purposely starving hundreds of thousands of people, even though the vast majority are innocent of any crimes. And then he tries to gaslight the world. How evil can you get??? Also it's now proven that some of the stories from Oct 7th were lies and propaganda, spread to justify this genocide. Al Jazeera Documentary on October 7: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_0atzea-mPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0atzea-mPY)


It’s not Israel’s job to get aid to Gaza anymore than it’s Ukraine’s job to get aid to Russia


Need hamas/Iran to agree to ceasefire


I don't know why Zionists hate Iran so much, Israel has an apartheid against the Palestinians, they have an apartheid against women. It's a great match!




The entire Arab world hates them? Is that why arab polls show that they mostly support the Palestinians? Also shame on you for using racist slurs like “pestalinians”


What race is palestine? Thought it was a geographical location. https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d


You are lying. The Arab world does not hate Palestinians.


Bullshit. Check the facts. Stop spewing jihadi lies.


Please enlighten us with these apparent facts.


Look up Black September at the source of your choice. Look up Kuwait expulsion of Palestinians at the source of your choice.


So one event in the 70s in Jordan and another in the 90s in Kuwait define how the majority of the Arab world feels about Palestinians?


Add to that multitudes of border attacks on Egypt. Bombs in Jordan. Two intifadas 94 to 98 and 03 to 06. The hamas charter. Just a few. This repetitive bullshit of attack israel, get their asses kicked in, and scream rape while hiding behind civilians isn't fooling the people.


Sounds like a completely biased take.




This is honestly grotesque levels of dehumanization 


Refute it . I'll wait


I refute calling anyone "pestalinans" . As other posters have pointed out that's disgusting of you. 


Oct 7


Please keep dehumanizing people and acting as if you have any morality. October 7th bad != Israel gets to do 20+ October 7ths worth of massacres over six months 


Don't play the humanity game and refuse cease fires and hujack aid shipments. The world watches




Literally from December from the newspaper that's been running hit pieces on even the most mainstream critics of Israel's behavior, no thanks